MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 11th May 2015 in the School Hall, Abbey Woods Academy, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield, Wallingford, Oxon.

PRESENT : Councillor K. Hall Chairman Councillor E. Croft Councillor J. Eccles Councillor D. Eldridge Councillor Ms. J. Garvey Councillor S. Scott-Ely Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford Councillor F. Workman

The meeting was opened by Councillor K. Hall, Chairman of Berinsfield Parish Council. He informed the meeting that as there were only eight nominations for the twelve vacancies on Berinsfield Parish Council there was no election. The new Members of Berinsfield Parish Council signed their declaration of acceptance of office forms prior to the start of the meeting.

1. Items raised by Members of the Public

a) Employment Action Group. Taster Sessions and Community Cafe. Councillor Hall informed the meeting that he had met with Elizabeth Gillespie and Caroline Wade to receive information about the free taster sessions and community cafe scheme which will start on 2nd June, 2015. Councillor Hall read out the schedule of taster sessions on offer at various locations in Berinsfield. It was noted that volunteers would be welcome to assist with the catering.

b) Facebook page with link to Berinsfield Parish Council website. Councillor Ms. Garvey asked if she could set up a Facebook page to link with the Berinsfield Parish Council website. The Parish Council AGREED that a Facebook page could be set up.

c) Parking in disabled parking spaces outside Co-operative Store, Fane Drive, Berinsfield. Councillor Hall informed the meeting that two vehicles are parked overnight in the disabled parking spaces outside the Co-operative Store in Fane Drive. He emphasized that this inconsiderate act could prevent disabled people parking close to the shops and other facilities. Thames Valley Police will be asked to monitor this.

d) School buses parking in Fane Drive close to the junction of Lodden Avenue. Councillor Hall informed the meeting that the school buses are parking close to the junction of Lodden Avenue in Fane Drive prior to moving to the layby by the shops to pick up the school children. Residents have complained that the buses are causing an obstruction to drivers when they exit Lodden Avenue.

e) Grass Cutting. Councillor Hall reported that the grass in front of 53 – 63 Lodden Avenue is not being cut on a regular basis. It was AGREED to report this to the appropriate contractor.

f) Vehicles parked on grass verge Fane Drive/Colwell Road junction. It was reported that large vehicles are being parked on the grass verge close to the Colwell Road/Fane Drive junction. The vehicles parked on the grass verge cause an obstruction to other road users and damage to the verges. It was AGREED Oxfordshire County Council should be contacted to ask if they could take action to protect the verges and the matter will also be reported to Thames Valley Police in view of the vehicles causing an obstruction.

g) Shops at the junction of Fane Drive and Chiltern Close. It was reported that furniture etc. that had previously been left on the external stairway serving the flats above the shops has been deposited in the yard at the rear of the shops and that the black rubbish bins have not been 1 emptied. District Councillor John Cotton was present at the meeting and was informed that the District Council had recently informed the Parish Council that it had abandoned its action under S.215, (untidy site) in connection with the site. District Councillor Cotton informed the meeting that the District Council has limited responsibility with regard to properties in private ownership but that he would liaise with the Planning Enforcement team with regard to the rubbish and the graffiti on the shop fronts.

h) Hedges overhanging paths in the village. It was reported that the hedges either side of the path between Colwell Road and Lay Avenue were hanging over the path causing an obstruction for pedestrians. It was AGREED that the area would be inspected to assess whether the hedges were located within the boundaries of the properties either side of the path. If so the matter will be reported to Oxfordshire County Council Highways Department who will deal with the matter.

i) Russell Jackson Close. It was reported that rubbish is being deposited in the field at the rear of one of the properties. This will be reported to SOHA Housing.

2. Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.

3. Election of Chairman for the year 2015-16. It was proposed by Councillor Eccles seconded by Councillor Mrs. Stockford and AGREED that Councillor K. Hall should be Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2015-16.

4. Election of Vice-Chairman for the year 2015-16. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs. Stockford, seconded by Councillor Hall and AGREED that Councillor S. Scott-Ely should be Vice- Chairman for the year 2014-15.

Councillor S. Scott-Ely, on behalf of the Members of the Parish Council, thanked Councillor Croft for all the work he had carried out during the many years he has held the office of Vic-Chairman of Berinsfield Parish Council.

5. To approve and sign the Minutes and confidential Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th April, 2015 The Minutes and confidential Minutes of the meeting of Berinsfield Parish Council held on 13th April, 2015 were APPROVED by the Council.

6. To approve the Minutes of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group meeting held on 20th April, 2015 The Minutes of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group meeting held on 20th April, 2015 were APPROVED by the Council.

7. Neighbourhood Development Plan V.6. The Parish Council AGREED that the latest version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan V.6, should be sent to all the Statutory Consultees. The consultation period will last for six weeks.

8. To receive the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 27th April, 2015 Copies of the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 27th April, 2015 were circulated to Members and the contents noted by the Parish Council.

9. District Councillor’s Report. Councillor Hall welcomed District Councillor Cotton to the meeting and congratulated him on being elected as the District Councillor for the Berinsfield Ward.

District Councillor Cotton informed the meeting that the number of District Councillors had been reduced from 48 to 36, that the Conservative Members had a working majority and that it was likely that he will remain as Leader of the Council. He said that the District Council would be looking at their grant system to make it more accessible. The Green Belt Review will be available shortly and this will have an impact on Berinsfield. The District Council is currently preparing its Local Plan and does not yet know whether they will have to assist Oxford City by providing additional homes in South Oxfordshire and if this will have any impact on Berinsfield. Councillor S. Scott-Ely said he 2 believed the village was suffering from the lack of an overall plan. District Councillor Cotton indicated that the District Council will look at providing financial help to Parish Councils who wish to do Neighbourhood Development Plans and he hoped that all Parishes would prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan in the next ten years. Councillor S. Scott-Ely informed District Councillor Cotton that the village had been very supportive of the possibility of a solar farm being constructed on the former landfill site at Wally Corner, but would prefer this to be a community led project if possible.

District Councillor Cotton was informed that the Parish Council was still waiting to be able to take over the District Council’s open spaces in the village and that the delay in the transfers being implemented had incurred the Church of St. Mary and St. Berin in a considerable amount of expense. District Councillor Cotton agreed to speak to the relevant Officers at the District Council about this matter.

10. To consider planning decisions

a) Planning Application P15/S0552/HH Single storey wrap round extension. To extend living space in dining and kitchen area and incorporate garage/utility and w/c on the side. 22 Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield, OX10 7LZ The Parish Council AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that the application should be APPROVED.

11. To appoint Members to serve on Parish Council Committees/Sub-Committees for the year 2015/16 It was AGREED that the following Members should serve on Parish Council Committees for the year 2015/16 :-

Finance Committee Pavilion Committee Councillor K. Hall Councillor K. Hall Councillor S. Scott-Ely Councillor S. Scott-Ely Councillor E. Croft Councillor Mrs R. Stockford Councillor J. Eccles Councillor F. Workman Councillor F. Workman Allotments,Playing Planning, Highways & Fields,Open Spaces Burial Public Transport Committee Ground & Skateboard Park Councillor K. Hall Cttees Councillor S. Scott-Ely Councillor K. Hall Councillor D. Eldridge Councillor S. Scott-Ely Councillor Ms. J. Garvey Councillor E. Croft Councillor J. Eccles Councillor D. Eldridge Councillor F. Workman Appointments Committee Complaints/Freedom of Councillor K. Hall Information Committee Councillor S. Scott-Ely Councillor K. Hall Councillor E. Croft Councillor S. Scott-Ely Councillor Ms. J. Garvey Councillor Ms. J. Garvey Councillor F. Workman PAGE Neighbourhood Development Councillor S. Scott-Ely Plan Steering Group. Councillor K. Hall All Members of the Parish Council

3 Appointment of Members to serve on Outside Bodies for the year 2015-16. It was AGREED that the following Members should represent the Parish Council :-

i) Public Transport Representative Councillors K. Hall and D. Eldridge ii) Abbey Sports Centre Joint Committee Councillors K. Hall & Stuart Scott-Ely iii) OALC Executive Committee Councillor K. Hall until 2015

12. Casual Vacancies on Berinsfield Parish Council. The Parish Council noted that following the election on 7th May, 2015 there were still vacancies for four Parish Councillors. It was AGREED that the four vacancies should be advertised with a view to inviting applications from eligible people who wish to be considered to be co-opted Members of Berinsfield Parish Council

13. Correspondence and Items for information.

a) Request for a memorial comprising of two headstones and a plaque to be erected over two graves in Berinsfield Burial Ground. The Parish Council was asked to consider this application as it was not a standard memorial covered by the Berinsfield Parish Council Burial Ground, Regulations and Scale of Charges. The Clerk informed the Council of the details of the proposed memorial which comprises of two headstones, one plaque and kerbing around two separate graves and the space between them. The Parish Council noted that it originally allowed kerbing to be put around two adjoining graves when a family had one headstone in place and wished to add another inscription and move the memorial to the centre of both graves. In view of the fact that the Stonemason had already carved the memorials prior to applying for permission, the Parish Council AGREED that in this instance the memorial could be approved.

b) Berinsfield Parish Council Burial Ground Regulations and Scale of Charges. Following the discussion about the memorial detailed in Minute No. 13, the Parish Council AGREED to amend its Burial Ground Regulations and Scale of Charges with immediate effect. Under the heading “Permanent Memorials”, section 12(a) will be added as follows :-

“12(a) The Parish Council will not allow the addition of kerbs to adjoining graves where there is an individual memorial on each grave, or allow new applications to install memorials on adjoining graves with the addition of kerbs around both plots. Applications from families who wish to move an existing memorial to a central point to incorporate an additional inscription for the person in the adjoining grave will still be considered by the Parish Council.”

c) Application for Grant Aid 2015-16. The Parish Council considered an application from the Manager at Berinsfield Library for a grant towards the cost of purchasing fold-up tables for use in the Library. It was AGREED that the Parish Council should make a grant of £100.00 to Berinsfield Library towards the cost of purchasing the tables.

d) Public Transport Representatives’ Meeting. The Public Transport Representatives, Councillor Hall and Councillor Eldridge, noted that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 17th June, 2015.

e) Free Transport for children to attend Secondary Schools in Abingdon. Councillor Eldridge asked the Parish Council to consider contacting the County Council to ask to re-consider their decision not to provide free school transport for children attending Secondary Schools in Abingdon with effect from September, 2015. Councillor Hall informed the meeting that the Parish Council has no jurisdiction with regard to school transport, but would support the parents of children moving to Secondary Schools in September, 2015 in any way possible.

f) Traffic hazard at the junction of Fane Drive and Burcot Lane, Berinsfield. Councillor Eldridge asked if the long grass at the junction could be cut and if the weight limit sign installed in the verge on the Drayton St. Leonard side of the junction could be moved as the long grass and sign were causing obstructions to drivers when exiting from Fane Drive to Burcot Lane. It was 4 AGREED that arrangements would be made with the Parish Council’s and other grass cutting contractors in the village to keep the grass cut at the junction and that a request would be made to Oxfordshire County Council to ask if the sign could be sited in a better position.

g) Parish Council’s Insurance Policy. It was AGREED that the Parish Council should renew its insurance policy with Zurich Insurance at a cost of £6998.69.

14. Statement of Accounts for payment in May. It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for May in the sum of £6851.09 should be APPROVED. It was also AGREED that the Chairman’s allowance of £750.00 should be paid to the Chairman.

15. Items of Report to Chairman.

a) Councillor Ms. J. Garvey asked for the Parish Council’s permission to speak to people about the option of having a community led solar farm. The Parish Council AGREED with this request.

16. Date of next meeting – Monday 1st June, 2015.