Supplementary Table 1. Species on the Store Survey Lists and Found During Store Visits

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Supplementary Table 1. Species on the Store Survey Lists and Found During Store Visits

Supplementary Table 1. Species on the store survey lists and found during store visits. Bold font indicates a regulated species. Scientific name Common name For Sale Butomus umbellatus Flowering rush X Cabomba caroliniana & hybrids Fanwort X Cirsium palustre European marsh thistle Conium maculatum Poison hemlock Crassula helmsii Australian swamp crop, New Zealand pygmyweed Egeria densa Anacharis, Brazillian waterweed X Epilobium hirsutum Hairy willow herb Glyceria maxima Tall or reed manna grass, sweet grass X Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla Hydrocharis morsus-ranae European Frogbit Lagarosiphon major Oxygen-weed, African elodea, African waterweed Lythrum salicaria Purple loosestrife Myriophyllum aquaticum & Parrotfeather X varieties Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian watermilfoil Najas minor Brittle, lesser, bushy, slender, spiny, or minor naiad/waternymph Nymphoides peltata Yellow floating heart X Phragmites australis Phragmites, common reed X Potamogeton crispus Curly-leaf pondweed Trapa natans Water chestnut Typha angustifolia Narrow-leaf cattail X Typha X glauca Hybrid cattail Arundo donax Giant reed, giant cane X Azolla pinnata Mosquito fern, water velvet Callitriche stagnalis Pond water-starwort Eichhornia azurea Anchored water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes Water hyacinth X Glossostigma cleistanthum Mudmat Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Floating marsh pennywort X Hygrophila polysperma East Indian hygrophila Ipomoea aquatica Swamp morning-glory Iris pseudacorus Yellow Iris X Landoltia punctata Dotted duckweed Limnobium spongia Frog’s bit, American spongeplant Limnophila sessiliflora Limnophila, Asian marshweed X Ludwigia grandiflora (incl subsp. Water primrose, primrose willow hexapetala) Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny, moneywort X Lythrum virgatum European wand loosestrife Marsilea minuta Dwarf water clover, pepperwort X Marsilea mutica Nardoo, Australian water-clover X Marsilea quadrifolia Water shamrock or European waterclover X Myosotis scorpiodes Forget-me-not X Myriophyllum pinnatum Cut-leaf watermilfoil Nasturtium officinale Watercress X Nelumbo nucifera & hybrids Sacred lotus X Nymphaea spp. Hardy waterlilies X Nymphoides cristata Crested floating heart, white water snowflake Nymphoides indica Water snowflake Oenanthe aquatica Vietnamese water-celery, Japanese parsley, Chinese celery Oenanthe javanica Vietnamese water-celery, Japanese parsley, X Chinese celery Ottelia alismoides Duck lettuce Peltandra virginica Green arrow arum, tuckahoe X Phalaris arundinacea Reed canary grass X Pistia stratiotes Water lettuce X Rorippa amphibia Great yellow cress, great water cress Sagittaria sagittifolia Hawaii arrowhead, Japanese arrowhead Salvinia spp. Water velvet, cat's tongue Stratiotes aloides Water soldiers Typha laxmannii Graceful cattail X

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