Letter/Picture/Word Card Box Assignment
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RE 3030 SL Smiley
Please cut and sort the letter/picture/word cards (which can be found in your packet) according to the guide below. (I suggest using small paperclips to group them.) You will need to purchase a plastic box with dividers which will help you keep them sorted. These (tackle) boxes can be found at retail stores such as Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, and Dick’s Sporting Goods near the fishing gear. Please make sure you see mine BEFORE you go out and buy one!!! (Boxes need 24 even-size slots, 4 rows with 6 slots in each.)
Please do NOT throw away any of the cards, do NOT laminate the cards, and do NOT re-size the cards as you cut them! After we have assembled the Word Boxes in class together I will be checking them for a grade.
Alphabet Letter Cards
A packet for each beginning consonant
Word Families:
Short a Families:
at: cat, hat, bat, fat, rat, mat, flat
an: man, can, van, ran, fan, pan, tan, plan
ap: cap, lap, nap, tap, map, sap, clap, snap
ack: back, tack, rack, sack, pack, black, track, snack
1 RE 3030 SL Smiley
Short e Families:
et: pet, net, set, met, wet, let, jet, get
ed: red, led, bed, fed, shed, sled
ell: tell, sell, fell, well, bell, shell, smell, yell
en: hen, pen, men, ten, then, when
Short i Families:
it: hit, sit, fit, pit, kit, bit, spit, knit
ig: big, fig, wig, dig, pig, twig
in: win, tin, pin, kin, fin, thin, chin, spin, skin
ick: sick, kick, lick, pick, tick, trick, brick, stick, thick
Short o Families:
ot: hot, pot, lot, not, got, dot, spot
op: top, pop, mop, hop, stop, drop, chop, shop
ock: sock, rock, lock, block, clock, knock
ob: job, rob, cob, Bob, lob, knob
Short u Families:
ut: cut, nut, but, hut, shut
ug: bug, hug, dug, rug, jug, mug, plug
un: run, gun, fun, sun, bun, spun
uck: duck, luck, suck, buck, tuck, truck, stuck, cluck
Short Vowels:
Short a words: cat, can, dad, hat, man, back, had, nap, that, clap, glad, track
2 RE 3030 SL Smiley
Short e words: pet, bed, let, red, web, tell, hen, sell, then, when, sled, nest
Short i words: pig, win, hit, lip, kid, his, sick, this, ship, with, swim, slick
Short o words: top, hot, job, mom, hop, fox, doll, rock, chop, stop, drop, clock
Short u words: bug, cup, nut, fun, cut, bus, but, luck, shut, truck, must, jump
Vowel Patterns: *Note: In the patterns section, the letter C stands for a consonant letter.
A Patterns:
Short a: cat, ran, dad, hat, had, nap, jam, back, clap, flat, trap, that
aCe: name, make, gave, made, take tape, lake, same, page, trade, shake flame, space, chase
ar: car, park, hard, barn, jar, card, far, part, farm, harm dart, start, shark, sharp
aiC: rain, mail, wait, pain, tail, sail, paid, maid, train, paint, stain
ay: day, say, may, way, pay, clay, stay, play, tray, stray
all: fall, ball, tall, call, wall, hall, mall, small
?: was, have what, saw, want
E Patterns:
Short e: pet, red, beg, get, bell, ten, nest, left, sled, step
eeC: feet, deep, meet, feel, seed, need, jeep, tree, free, green, queen, sweet
3 RE 3030 SL Smiley
eaC (long): meat, team eat, mean, leaf, beat, lead, clean, dream, beach, wheat, speak
Ce: he, we, she, me, be
er: herd, germ, clerk, nerve, serve, learn, pearl
eaC (short): head, lead, dead, bread, deaf, breath, spread, sweat, thread
?: been, these, the, were, great
I Patterns:
Short i: hit, lip, win, big, kick, hid, pin, trip, swim, fit, chin, this
iCe: ride, nice, bike, five, mile, side, mine, dime, write, shine, drive, price, while
ight: right, night, light, might, high, fight, sight, bright
ir: girl, dirt, bird, sir, first, firm, shirt, birth, third
ild, ind, imb (long): wild, mind, find, child, climb, kind, mild, blind
Cy: by, my, fly, cry, try
Others: eye, bye, buy
O Patterns:
Short o: top, job, pot, mom, dot, drop, jog, lock, stop, bomb, shock
oCe: rope, note, hole, nose, coke, hope, bone, woke, stone, spoke, close
oaC: boat, road, soap, load, goat, loaf, soak, coach, toast, float, croak
or: for, corn, fork, born, fort, horn, pork, torn
ooC (short): book, good, foot, look, hook, wood, stood, brook
old, olt, olk, ost (long): told, cold, colt, gold, post, folk, sold, hold, ghost
Co: go, no, so
oiC: boil, coin, oil, soil, join, point, noise, spoil, voice, choice
4 RE 3030 SL Smiley
oy: boy, toy
ooC (long): moon, roof, pool, boot, tool, shoot, tooth, broom
U Patterns:
Short u: bug, cup, bus, fun, rug, club, sun, mud, drum
uCe: cute, rule, use, rude, tune, huge, June, fuse, flute
Cue: blue, true, glue, clue
ur: hurt, burn, curl, fur, turn, purr, nurse, curve
Cew: knew, grew, new, few, chew, screw, flew
uiC: fruit, suit, juice
?: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Blanks: Blank cards are for you to write on to make more cards as needed.