Care Section Council Meeting

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Care Section Council Meeting

Care and Access Faculty Care Section Council Meeting Held on 18 November 2010 at 12.15 pm

Present: Emma Ormiston (Chair) Jayne Gracie, Head of Faculty Jenny Phipps, Programme Leader Helen Chisholm, Student Liaison Officer Lucy Black, Higher Social Care Danni Turnbull, HNC Early Education and Childcare Sheryl McLaren, Access to Nursing Rachel Brown, Child, Health & Social Care Level 1B Lynsey Robertson, Child, Health & Social Care Level 1B

Apologies: David Killean, Vice Principal Quality and Innovation Lee Campbell, Child, Health & Social Care Level 2A Kayleigh Oliver, Higher Health A Gemma Caldwell, Higher Health A Fiona Munro, HNC Social Care Danielle Johnstone, HNC Social Care Gillian Thomson, Child, Health & Social Care Level 1A Ellie Lumsden, Child, Health & Social Care Level 1A Sasha Dalby, Child, Health & Social Care Level 2 Sammy Dyson, Child, Health & Social Care Level 2 Stephanie Robertson, HNC Early Education F/T Laura Cook, Higher Social Care

In Attendance: Karen McDonald

Item Minute Action

01/10 Introductions and Welcome by Head of Faculty

E Ormiston introduced herself as Chair for the meeting and J Gracie thanked everyone for coming along to the first Student Faculty Council meeting for Care and Access and introduced herself to the meeting.

Students introduced themselves and informed the meeting of which course they were studying.

02/10 Overview of the Purpose of the Department (Remit for Department Councils)

J Gracie talked through the Department Council booklet which students had received and explained that there would be 4 meetings held per year - November, January, March and May. Students were made aware that these meetings were for them and that they are encouraged to bring their views along to the meeting to be heard.

P Haddon and B Gracie’s class reps had not received the booklet.

D:\Docs\2018-04-05\080d532f417591462d28cb24b3fc3ddf.docx 1 H Chisholm explained that this meeting was designed to discuss problems with the learning experience. There is also a Student Association meeting which E Ormiston will feed back to on other issues such as canteen, transport etc.

03/10 Appointment of Deputy

Sheryl McLaren, Access to Nursing agreed to take on the role as Deputy.

J Gracie will meet with E Ormiston and S McLaren before JG the January meeting.

H Chisholm informed the meeting that training had already taken place for the Chair of the Faculty Council but this will also be rolled out to the Deputy.

04/10 Department Self Evaluation and Development Plan (HOF)

J Gracie talked through and explained the above paper.

Discussion took place over students on courses who are not entirely happy at being at college through their own choice and how this affects the learning experience for other students. This also upsets other students who work hard and are very rarely absent but the students who continually disrupt classes and miss classes etc are still in receipt of a bursary.

Further discussion took place on how this could be addressed at interview. J Gracie will raise these issues at a JG meeting due to take please soon on the Interviewing Process.

J Gracie will also ask Course Tutors to address the situation of some students disrupting classes and to adhere JG to class rules.

D:\Docs\2018-04-05\080d532f417591462d28cb24b3fc3ddf.docx 2 05/10 Curriculum and Quality of Learning Feedback (Student Reps)

As above except for two reports from the following -

Child, Health and Social Care Level 1A

Group still unhappy with the effects of the staff change to their learning. They feel strongly that it should be sorted at the beginning of the year and staff should not change roles at short notice.

They also felt that they should have had more warning as to when this change was to happen. The class is also unhappy at the level of disruption they have had for ICT and Communications, they worry that they will not be able to complete.

The students are also unhappy about the new placement booklet and that if they forget to bring it in they are marked as absent. They also feel it is unfair that they will not be allowed to bring it in the following week to get the register changed. They have suggested that they get a warning the first time they do this. If they forget another time then the register will be marked as an absent.

HNC Social Care Please be aware HNC Social care Students are only in college Tues/Wed to pick up E-mail so only had notification today. Would it be possible for 2/3 weeks notice for meetings to allow group discussion. Due to short notice we have also been unable to gather feedback for class members for issues/agenda items. we do have a team tutorial tomorrow and will ask Bryan to raise any urgent issues on our behalf. In addition Mondays and Thursdays are placement days so it is unlikely that they will ever be good days for meetings for us to attend and in fact could be argued we should not be missing placement time. HNC Health Care Students felt when they are out of college on placement, student services are not accessible enough, also the waiting list to see Iona Cranston is 4 weeks.

06/10 Presentation from Initial Learner Feedback Meeting

J Gracie talked through the above paper.

Discussion from this took place on student interviews and if they could be held in separate rooms. J Gracie will take to JG Interview Procedure meeting.

D:\Docs\2018-04-05\080d532f417591462d28cb24b3fc3ddf.docx 3 Bursary forms were also discussed, J Gracie had sent information that had been raised at the initial student feedback meetings to C Nairn.

J Phipps will check if SAAS information is included on HNC JP letters.

Students felt that late student starts was not working as they cannot catch up and then they leave, whilst other students suffer through allowances made for these late starts.

07/10 Focus Group Meetings Block I

J Gracie explained that she had done two Focus Group meetings, one with Higher Social Care and one with HNC Early Education P/T and is currently busy working on actions.

Students reported that they had found this beneficial as they could see changes happening on points raised through these meetings.

J Gracie asked students to raise issues as a group to lecturers if they are experiencing problems.

D Turnbull raised an issue with a student in her class who has dyslexia. The lecturer won’t allow the student to use a dictaphone in class, although other students are happy for her to do so. D Turnbull to ask the student to meet with DT L Sanderson to discuss this situation.

J Phipps reminded students that if they are experiencing problems they can contact either herself or J Baxter who are Programme Leaders, they can do so via email or by contacting reception.

It was raised that a lot of work is done on Moodle but not all students have access at home. J Gracie informed students that they can use the Hawick campus or any of the Libraries.

08/10 Equalities and Diversity

J Gracie explained that all students must have respect for fellow students and treat everyone the same.

09/10 AOB

H Chisholm asked students to please only put up A4

D:\Docs\2018-04-05\080d532f417591462d28cb24b3fc3ddf.docx 4 posters on the notice boards as A3 take up too much space.

10/10 Date and Time of Next Meeting

Wednesday 26 January 2011 at 12.15 pm in Room 0.041.

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