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Local Government Association of South Australia
Model Waste Management Contract
Section D Specification
Part 5 Recyclables Processing
Version 3 (January 2014) [Click here and type Council name and/or logo]
Section D Specification
Part 5 Recyclables Processing
CONTRACT NO: [Click here and type Contract number]
CONTRACT FOR: [Click here and type title] [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]
Part 5 - CONTENTS Recyclables Processing
Section D – Part 5: Recyclables Processing Page 3 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]
1. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE This Specification applies to the following services: . Receipt and Processing of kerbside collected Recyclables from Council’s area. The Contractor must ensure that Services provided under this Contract address the requirements of the Specification.
All Services provided under this Contract are to comply with relevant Australian Standards except where this Specification requires otherwise in which case this Specification takes precedence.
2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The Aims and Objectives of this Contract are as specified in Clause 1.1 of the Conditions of Contract.
3. DEFINITIONS In this Specification all terms will, unless inconsistent with the context, have the meanings indicated below or as specified in Clause 1.2.1 of the Conditions of Contract.
Contamination means all material that are not defined as Recyclables below
Contamination rate means the percentage of the contents of the Recyclables that comprises Contamination, measured by weight.
Contractor means processor of Council collected Recyclables
Contractor’s Facility means the location nominated by the Contractor for receipt of the Council’s Recyclables.
Gross Contamination means all materials which are not Recyclables, where it is evident upon visual inspection that excessive amounts of these materials are present within the material delivered to the Contractor.
Recovery rate – excluding means the percentage of the total weight of materials delivered contamination to the Contractors facility, minus the weight of contamination, that is separated for further use and not disposed of to landfill.
Plastic Durables Plastic durables include other plastic household items including plastic coat hangers, plastic utensils, plastic toys, and plastic containers.
Recyclables means the following containers, packaging and products:
Recyclable Paper and Cardboard as defined below;
Liquid paperboard cartons;
Glass bottles and jars (excluding crockery);
Aluminium rigid and semi-rigid packaging including foil, trays, aerosol cans;
Section D – Part 5: Recyclables Processing Page 4 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]
Plastics including
o Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (1), High- density polyethylene (HDPE) (2) and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (3) rigid plastic packaging, containers and plastic durables;
Other rigid plastic packaging, containers and plastic durables including low-density polyethylene (LDPE) (4), Polypropylene (PP) (5);Polystyrene (PS)(6) Steel rigid packaging, including tins and aerosol cans; and,
Household pots and pans
Lids and caps from containers/bottles including metals and plastics
Recyclable Paper and means: cardboard Newspapers;
Junk mail;
Office paper;
Telephone books;
Egg cartons;
Mixed paper
Any other items as nominated by the Council.
Working Days means Monday to Friday of every week of the year including public holidays and any other days required for the performance of the Services, but excluding Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
4.1 Ownership Ownership of the Recyclables and Contamination and responsibility for how they are processed passes to the Contractor upon receipt at the Contractor’s Facility. This includes handling Contamination and any associated costs.
Section D – Part 5: Recyclables Processing Page 5 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]
4.2 Days for Receipt
Services must be provided by the Contractor on Working Days or Saturday when required as indicated below unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Council.
Kerbside collection Services for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day will be provided on the next Working Day (as a result Collection Days for subsequent collections will also be delayed by one day and will require a Saturday collection) or, in the event that either of these fall on a Friday then the Services will be provided on the Saturday immediately following, and Recyclables must be received on that day.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any change to the Services Rates for any of the above changes in the provision of Services.
4.3 Times for Receipt Access to the Contractor’s Facility will be required between 6.00 am and 6.00 pm on Working Days unless otherwise agreed between the Contractor, the Council and the Council’s kerbside collection contractor.
4.4 Recyclable Details The Contractor must weigh all Recyclables when received and record the following:
(a)Vehicle registration number (b)Drivers name (c) Origin (d)Date and time of receipt (e)Weight. (f) Gross Contamination details if evident from visual inspection
And this information is to be sent electronically to the Council in a format and frequency as agreed with the Council.
5.1 Materials to be Recovered for Recycling
The Contractor must seek to recover all materials defined as “Recyclables” in Clause 3 of this Recyclables Processing specification.
During the term of the contract Council and Contractor may agree to vary the list of materials defined as “Recyclables” in Clause 3 in response to: technological innovations changes in consumer behaviour significant market changes
The Contractor shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the facility is operated in accordance with the Waste Management Hierarchy (http://www.zerowaste.sa.gov.au/About-Us/waste-management-hierarchy).
Its operation must seek to avoid generation of waste (such as glass breakage) and maximise recovery of recyclables. Energy recovery from residual material is allowable provided it can be demonstrated that maximum economically recoverable recyclables have been extracted.
Section D – Part 5: Recyclables Processing Page 6 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]
5.2 Overall Recovery of Recyclables A target for recovery for recycling for each Year shall be set by Council in consultation with the Contractor. The Contractor shall report performance against this target and explain any variations and what is being done to meet or exceed this target.
5.3 Recyclable Processing Reporting Reporting of Recyclables processing to the nominated Council representative will be required monthly, within 14 days of the end of the month. The report structure is to be agreed by both parties prior to commencement of the contract, but will include as a minimum the following items:
The total tonnes received at the facility for processing The total tonnes of material recovered (leaving the facility for further use) The total tonnes of material disposed of to landfill and/or waste to energy The material recovery rate - excluding Contamination versus the agreed target in Clause 5.2 Breakdown of recovered material by type and primary destination of each material type Contamination issues, if any Other information as determined by Council
6.1 Contamination The collection contractor will be responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing a Contamination management strategy and associated procedures in consultation with Council and the processing facility. It is expected that loads will be presented to the processing facility free of any significant Contamination. In the event that Gross Contamination is evident this should be reported to Council so that corrective action can be taken. The cost of managing contaminated loads is to be borne by the processing facility Contractor covered by this specification.
The Council will undertake at least three kerbside bin audits during the term of the contract and provide the result to the collection contractor. These will be undertaken in accordance with Zero Waste SA kerbside audit guidelines. The Contractor will apply the Contamination rate determined by the most recent kerbside audit for the purposes of determining the recovery rate – excluding Contamination.
6.2 Compaction Level The specification for Council’s new kerbside recycling collection services requires that all materials must be delivered to the Contractor with a maximum compaction level of 225 kg/m3, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Council and the Contractor.
6.3 Audits The Contractor will undertake an audit of the residual material generated by the facility in processing Council’s Recyclables at least every two years. The purpose of the audit is to review the recovery efficiency of the facility and to identify opportunities for improvement.
An initial audit must be conducted within sixty (60) days after the Services Commencement Date.
Section D – Part 5: Recyclables Processing Page 7 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]
The detailed audit methodology shall be agreed upon by the Council and the Contractor prior to the audit process. The audit methodology and design must consider relevant Zero Waste SA guidelines and the design and timing of the kerbside audit undertaken by Council.
The Council must be provided with the full audit results in an agreed electronic format within thirty (30) days after the audit has been completed.
6.4 Community Education The Contractor must provide access to a facility that allows groups of up to 30 people to safely view recycling processing operations for environmental education purposes. Viewing may occur via window, viewing platform or monitors. Visits must be notified in advance and supervised by a Council representative.
The Council will undertake and fund the development, implementation and evaluation of community education programs. The Contractor agrees to work with the Council to assist with and advise on improving recycling outcomes through any community education programs.
6.5 Performance Management Committee Pursuant to the terms of Clause 18 of the General Specification being part of the Contract between Council and its collection contractor, there is established a Performance Management Committee. The Contractor shall appoint a representative to that Committee.
Section D – Part 5: Recyclables Processing Page 8 Version 3: January 2014