Professional Education Program Admissions/EDUC 200 Information

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Professional Education Program Admissions/EDUC 200 Information

Professional Education Program Admissions/EDUC 200 Information for Students

Portal I. Declaration of a Major A student who selects a teacher education program as a major, but has not yet enrolled in EDUC 200 has entered Portal One. First-time freshmen students are advised in the Division of Basic Studies for a maximum of one year. Upon declaring a major the student is assigned an advisor in the academic department. Assignment to a teacher educator advisor does not imply acceptance into a teacher education program.

Portal II. Admission to a Teacher Education Program A student MUST complete ALL of the following Portal II requirements to be admitted into the Teacher Education Program. Admission into the program affords students the privilege to enroll in 300/400 level education courses.

To be officially admitted into a teacher education program, the following prerequisites MUST be met:

 Declaration of major in education or a concentration in education for secondary majors  Completion of 30 semester hours with minimum 2.5 GPA on all work completed.  Grade of “C” or better in EDUC 204 and in all education courses that have been completed.  Grade of “C” or better in PSYC 211, PSYC 260, and/or PSYC 261 that have been completed.  Secondary education majors must earn a “C” in all content area courses that have been completed.  Grade of “C” or better in ENGL 101 and ENGL 102  Passing grade in MATH 113  Minimum passing score on the Core Academic Skills Praxis test, ACT or SAT  EDUC 200 Packet and course registration completed: o Admission application form o Professional Conduct I form o 1Autobiography/Rubric from EDUC 204 o 2Official verification of Praxis/ACT/SAT scores o EDUC 200 and Child Abuse Awareness Seminar Attendance Verification Email

1 The autobiography and rubric are requirements for EDUC 204. Please attach the autobiography and graded rubric FROM the course to the packet. If you do not have a copy of the rubric, then you will need to provide your advisor with a copy of your autobiography and the blank rubric (included at the end of this packet) and have your advisor grade your autobiography to include in your EDUC 200 packet.

2 Passing scores on Praxis I: Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam (min. required scores are subject to change): Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading 156 Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing 162 Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics 150

Before September 2014:: Before June 30, 2010: Pre-Professional Skills Test Pre-Professional Skills Test: PPST: Reading 176 PPST: Reading 174 PPST: Writing 175 PPST: Writing 173 PPST: Mathematics 175 PPST: Mathematics 172

Effective September 1, 2006: An ACT composite score of 22 or an SAT combined verbal and math score of 1030 may be used in lieu of Praxis I PPST Exams by prospective teachers in Louisiana. The ACT/SAT score MUST be sent to McNeese via electronic means by the test center. Acceptable NTE scores may be submitted in lieu of PRAXIS scores: Communication Skills ≥645 and General Knowledge ≥644.

Instructions for Completing the Admissions Application Process

Each student wishing to gain entrance into the teacher education program must complete a Professional Education Program Application Packet and submit all required documentation to his/her advisor.

1. Declaration of Major in Education or a Concentration in Education for Secondary Ed Majors a. The candidate should officially declare education as his/her major or the declaration of a concentration area in education for Secondary Education majors. b. If you were a first time freshman and had declared EDUCATION (Early Childhood/Elementary/Secondary Education) as your major but were officially being advised through Basic Studies, you should expect to receive an email from the Basic Studies department when all of the exit requirements for that department have been met. c. The Basic Studies department will change your major to the previously declared EDUCATION area and you will be directed to check with your “new” department (Education Professions) to find out who your new advisor will be. d. You should receive a letter indicating who your advisor will be in the Department of Education Professions. If you do not receive this information, then it is your responsibility to go to the Office of Education Professions (Farrar 240) to find out the name and location of your advisor. e. If you believe that you have met all of the exit requirements and have not received an email from Basic Studies, then you should contact your Basic Studies advisor. f. If you are changing from a curriculum other than Basic Studies, then you will need to obtain a form from the Office of the Registrar or the current department. Bring the completed form to your current department and then to the department in which you want to move. Both academic department heads involved must approve the change. The completed form should then be returned to the Office of the Registrar.

2. Complete the Professional Education Program Admission Application Packet a. Complete the Professional Education Program Application Form a.i. The form can be located by performing the following: a.i.1. Visit a.i.2. Click on Teacher Education Admissions a.i.3. In the application column, choose to open the PDF file that is next to the EDUC 200 course. Print this form.

b. Ensure that you have met all of the pre-requisites. c. Locate and make a copy of your official ACT or Praxis I scores to include in the packet. d. Print out your autobiography and graded rubric from EDUC 204 e. Print out the email you received indicating that you have completed the Child Abuse Awareness and EDUC 200 Seminar.

3. Submit the completed packet to your advisor a. Staple together the Admission Application form, the Professional Conduct Form I, your Praxis or ACT scores, the autobiography and scored rubric from EDUC 204, and the email certifying your attendance of the EDUC 200/Child Abuse Awareness seminar. b. Sign and date the Admission Application form c. Bring the packet to your advisor for approval

Once you have submitted the packet to your advisor, he/she will check to ensure that all information is complete and accurate.

1. If the information is incorrect/incomplete/inaccurate, then your advisor will contact you and address the incomplete items with you.

2. If the information is correct/complete/accurate, your advisor will then forward the packet or ask you to deliver the packet to the Department of Education Professions (Dr. Broussard, Farrar 240).

a. Dr. Broussard will recheck the information provided b. If the packet is approved, you will be issued a permit to register for EDUC 200 in the upcoming semester. c. You will receive an email from Dr. Broussard or EducProf stating that your packet has been approved. The email will also provide you with the CRN for the EDUC 200 course that you will need to register for. d. Please note: THE PERMIT DOES NOT ENROLL YOU IN THE COURSE. You will need to enroll in EDUC 200 just as you would any other course that you would like to take. e. You do not have to do anything else for the EDUC 200 course. The course has no class meetings and there is no additional work to do. EDUC 200 is a zero credit course, so it will not affect the number of hours you carry or tuition costs. You MUST register for the course in order for it to appear on your transcript as being completed.

At the end of the semester for which you are registered for EDUC 200, Dr. Broussard will input an “S” as your grade in EDUC 200. This will allow you certain privileges.

Once the grade of “S” appears on your transcript, you will be officially admitted into the Teacher Education Program and you will be able to enroll in 300 and 400 level Education courses without requiring additional permits. Students will still need to meet with their advisors for advising and ALT PIN information.

The earlier you get this done, the easier it will be for you to enroll in the courses you need to complete your degree in a timely manner. Keep a running list of what you have completed so that you know when it is time to submit your packet.

If you have any questions or concerns about completing your admissions packet, feel free to contact your advisor or Dr. Jan Broussard via phone (337.475.5545), email ([email protected]) or stop by the office of Education Professions (Farrar Hall 240). McNeese State University Professional Education Program ADMISSION APPLICATION/EDUC 200/ADVISOR VERIFICATION CHECKLIST Declaration of Candidacy Spring 2015 and Later

Student’s Name Banner ID

Permanent Address City State Zip Code

Telephone Email Address

Major Advisor Name and Email

Semester/Year Declared Education Other Universities Attended Major

Please enter your overall cumulative GPA (minimum 2.5 GPA required)

Please verify the grade received and the semester taken for the following courses via the student’s transcript: Course Grade Semester/Year ≥ C EDUC 204 ENGL 101 ENGL 102 ≥ D MATH 113 Please verify that the following requirements have been met by reviewing the student’s transcript: Minimum grade of “C” in ALL education courses completed Minimum grade of “C” in PSYC 211/260/261 if attempted Secondary Majors: Minimum grade of “C” in courses in primary and secondary teaching areas Please verify the student’s score(s) for the appropriate test(s): ACT ≥22 SAT (≥1030 on Math & Verbal combined

Core Academic After Skills- Reading ≥ Writing ≥ Mathematics 9/1/14 Praxis I: 156 162 ≥ 150 7/1/10- PPST- Reading ≥ Writing ≥ Mathematics 8/31/14 Praxis I: 176 175 ≥175

A hard copy of the above test scores are The above test scores are attached and the student has been reported on Banner notified that the scores should be sent electronically to McNeese Please verify that the following items are attached to this form: A completed Admission Application form A copy of the student’s autobiography and the graded rubric from EDUC 204 A copy of the email certifying attendance at the EDUC 200/Child Abuse Awareness Seminar A completed Professional Conduct Form I completed by the student (given to the student by the advisor at time of packet submission

Professional Conduct Form I

The student should complete this form and attach it to the Professional Education Admission Application/EDUC 200 Packet. This form will serve as a preliminary professional conduct survey prior to official entry into the Professional Education Program. The student will have to complete a second Professional Conduct Form prior to student teaching and will also be required to submit to a background check for a minimal fee.

ALL of the following questions MUST be answered truly, completely, and correctly.

First Name Middle Name Last Name

- - Date of Birth: Social Security Number Month Day Year

Address: Street or PO Box

City State Zip Code

Each Question MUST Be Answered Please Check YES NO 1. Have you ever had any professional license/certificate denied, suspended, revoked, or voluntarily surrendered? If YES, in which state? ______2. Are you currently being reviewed or investigated for purposes of such action as stated in #1 or is such action pending? If YES, in which state? ______3. Have you ever been convicted of any felony offense, been found guilty or entered a plea of nolo contendere (no contest), even if adjudication was withheld?

Date of Conviction: ______State of Conviction ______

Court Jurisdiction of Conviction: ______4. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor offense that involves any of the following: a. Sexual or physical abuse of a minor child or other illegal conduct with a minor child. b. The possession, use, or distribution of any illegal drug as defined by Louisiana or federal law.

5. Have you ever been granted a pardon for any offense as stated in #3 or #4? If you have answered “YES” to any questions, #1 through #5, you will be contacted by the Office of Student Teaching and Professional Education Services to discuss your options for continuation in the Professional Education Program.

I affirm and declare that all information given by me in the responses to items #1 through #5 above is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that misrepresentation of facts, by omission or addition, may result in criminal prosecution and/or the denial or revocation of my teacher certificate.

Student’s Signature Date

Date Submitted to Checked by Advisor Advisor (Initial):

Autobiography Rubric Candidate: Advisor:

Date: Score: /20 *Passing score: 16 (80%) Category 4 3 2 1 Introduction The introduction is inviting, The introduction states the The introduction states the There is no clear introduction states the main topic, and main topic and previews the main topic but does not of the main topic or structure previews the structure of the structure of the paper but is adequately preview the of the paper. paper. not particularly inviting to the structure of the paper nor is reader. particularly inviting to the reader. Details are placed in logical Details are placed in logical Some details are not in a Many details are not in a order and the way they are order, but the presentation logical or expected order, and logical or expected order. presented effectively keeps the style sometimes makes the this distracts the reader. Less There is little sense that the reader’s attention. All writing less interesting. Eighty than 80 percent of structural writing is organized. structural requirements are percent of structural requirements are met. Structural requirements are met. requirements are met. not met. Structure Each paragraph contains a Each paragraph contains a Topic sentence is somewhat The topic sentence is not clear. topic sentence, supporting topic sentence with some clear, but there is a need for There is a seemingly random sentences, and closing supporting sentences and more supporting information. collection of information. sentence that clearly makes a closing sentence. transition to the next paragraph. Word Choice Writer uses vivid words and Writer uses vivid words and Writer uses words that Writer uses limited vocabulary phrases that are descriptive, phrases that are descriptive, communicate ideas clearly, but that does not convey ideas or and the choice and placement but occasionally the words are the writing lacks variety of capture the reader’s interest. of the words seem accurate, used inaccurately or seem style and content. Slang or clichés detract natural, and not forced. overdone. meaning.

Technical The paper is typewritten, The paper is typewritten, Requirements double-spaced, 12 point font, double-spaced, 12 point font, white paper. No typing or white paper. One or more grammatical errors. typing or grammatical errors.

Dispositions Expresses the desire to be a Makes no reference or life-long learner, an advocate expresses a minor reference to for all learners. being a life-long learner, an advocate for change, or an advocate for all learners.

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