Sacred Heart Parish s3

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Sacred Heart Parish s3

Sacred Heart Parish “A Tithing Parish” Dover, New Jersey

WELCOME………… Daily Scriptures & To all our visitors this weekend. Eucharists 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal October 4-11, 2015 “Serving Christ Among Us” TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN Our Catholic Charities agencies continue to serve tens of thousands of people ORDINARY TIME in profound need each year. These people could be your neighbors, co- Gn 2: 18-24; Heb. 2: 9-11; Mk. 10: 2-16 workers, friends or loved ones. As Catholics, we are committed to serving 5:00 pm (Saturday) Gerry & Bill Christ among us, especially those who are hurting and lost. The largest Wickham percentage of Appeal funds each year is used to help our Catholic Charities 8:00 am Joseph Pugliese agencies do their essential work. Please make a pledge to the 2015 Appeal 10:00 am For the People today. For your convenience, you can make an online gift at 11:30 am Sam, Lucy & Connie Moschella 7:00 pm Edmund J. Rumanowski

Bereavement Ministry: All Souls MONDAY Jon 1:1—2:2,11; Lk 10:25-37 7:00 pm Bill Barrett – Anniv. Mass The Bereavement Ministry will host a special Mass for all those who have lost a TUESDAY – St. Bruno, Priest; Blessed loved one, and especially those who lost someone this past year, on Saturday, Marie-Rose Durocher, Virgin November 7, 2015 at 10:00 am. Please come celebrate the life of that special Jon 3:1-10; Lk 10:38-42 person. All are welcome. Light refreshments will follow in the Rectory Basement. 8:30 am Elizabeth M. Barrett The Bereavement Ministry is a ministry of care. It is open to all parishioners. 10:30 am Nursing Home Mass – The primary function of the Bereavement Ministry is to help those who are suffering Diana Kaschak from the loss of a loved one. Members of this Ministry attend the wake and funeral, to WEDNESDAY– Our Lady of the be of assistance to the family. They help set up the Altar for our priests and prepare Rosary the readings if the family so wishes. Interested? Please attend their next meeting at Jon 4:1-11; Lk 11:1-4 9:00 am on October 14th. Call the office for more info at 973-366-0060. 8:30 am Mary DeSanto THURSDAY A New R.C.I. A. Year Mal 3:13-20b; Lk 11:5-13 The New R.C.I.A. Year has begun! Candidates have begun preparation to 8:30 am Rose DeGise enter into the Catholic Community. The RCIA program is open to all unbaptized FRIDAY – St. Denis, Bishop & inquirers, to members of other Christian denominations, and to baptized Catholics who Companions, Martyrs; St. John have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Please come to Leonardi, Priest the 10:00 am Mass followed by discussion in the Rectory All Purpose Room. Jl 1:13-15, 2:1-2; Lk 11:15-26 8:30 am Olympia Powitchko The Local Public Square Rosary SATURDAY Jl 4:12-21; Lk 11:27-28 Rally 8:30 am Special Intention of the Jack Please join us in praying for our nation on October 10, 2015, 12:00 noon – Toohey Family 1:00 pm. Rally, held by Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, will take place at Dangler, Lewis & TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN Carey Funeral Home parking lot at 312 W. Main St., Boonton. Please contact Hedy ORDINARY TIME Pfreundschuh at 973-334-1941 for more information. Wis 7:7-11; Heb 4:12-13; Mk 10:17-30 5:00 pm (Saturday) Lucia, Rosario & Holy Hour of Adoration Rudy Cardone & Josephine Donati Our next Holy Hour of Adoration, sponsored by our Youth Ministry , will be 8:00 am Joseph Pugliese held on Friday, November 6th at 6:00 pm. Please join us each month as we adore 10:00 am Carmen Pennella our Lord. 11:30 am For the People 7:00 pm Sadie Canonico Ministry toMemorial the CandlesHomebound for This Week If you or anyone in your family is homebound, for whatever reason, and would Sacred Heart Divinelike to receiveMercy CommunionCandle: Special at home Intention please of contact Walter Sr. Michalski Margaret rq. Charles Joe & Lydia (973-366- Flowers0060). on the Altar: Tina Peña rq. Marie Richards

“God’s Plan for Giving.....Tithing A Way of Life” School The Collection totals for Sunday, September 27, 2015 $6,201.88 Last Year’s total at this time For Rent $6,353.00 Call 973-366-0060 For information . This Week in Our Parish September Weekly Reflections “HIS WORD TODAY” by Rev. William J. Reilly WEDNESDAY – October 7 6:00 pm Children’s Choir – Church 7:00 pm Adult Choir – Church Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 pm Bible Study – Rectory Basement October 4, 2015 SATURDAY – October 10 “That is why a man leaves his father and 9:00 am CONFESSIONS – Church mother and clings to his wife, and the two become one 9:00 am Catholic Daughter Clothing Drive – Parking flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, no Lot human being must separate…people were bringing their children to him that he might touch them…he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them.” Filled with the spirit of the World Meeting of Families SUNDAY – October 11 in Philadelphia, and the presence of Pope Francis, the 8:30 am NO RELIGIOUS ED. THIS WEEKEND scriptures are reminding us of all that has transpired. It is God who joins together, it is Christ who is waiting for us to bring our children to Him. Parish & Community Bulletin Board: As we reflect on family and family life, we realize that Baptism Preparation we all belong to the family of God. We are blessed with others The great sacrament of Baptism makes us a child of around us, to support, guide, teach and understand us. Our God, welcomes us into the Kingdom of Heaven and enables us family might consist of widows and widowers, single parents, to avoid evil, among other things. What a great gift. In order newly married couples or blessed silver or golden anniversary to partake of this Sacrament a parent must be a parishioner couples. All lives created by God and enriched with His and attend a preparation class. Class is offered once a month blessings. and registration is required to take the class. Please call the As Jesus reached out to embrace, bless and touch the office at 973-366-0060 or Alice McKeever at 973-663-0201 or children, so He does with us. May we respond as we reach out e-mail [email protected] to register. to others, we bring Christ, His presence and peace to them. Pope Francis tells us ‘we are created in order to love, as a Galatians “Set Free to Live” (Bible Study) reflection of God and His love.’ Regardless of our current condition, remember, we are all part of a family, a mirror of 8 WEEK SERIES. DISCOVER HOW CHRIST FULFILLED THE and reflection of God’s love. LAW AND SET US FREE TO LIVE IN THE SPIRIT. For this we are grateful to God for His gift of love, His th embrace, His countless blessings. New Bible Study begins October 7 through November 25th. Held in the All Purpose Room Birth Parents Must Take Action to (Rectory Basement) from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. The cost is $35.00. Contact Genevieve Kowalski at 973-663- Preserve Their Privacy 8463 or EMAIL [email protected] For well over a century, the Catholic Church in New Jersey has provided adoption services. Throughout all those years, the Church promised to honor the privacy of birth parents and adoptees. That promise of privacy also was Altar Server Training/Meeting assured by law and affirmed by the State Superior Court. Those promises can no longer be kept. On May 27, 2014, a Join us Friday, October 16th at 6:00 new law took effect that will allow adoptees and certain th relatives to request and obtain the names of their biological pm & Saturday, October 17 at parents beginning January 1, 2017. 11:00 am in the Church. We invite altar servers and all those Any birth parents who wish to preserve their privacy must submit a Redaction Request Form to the New who would like to become one to bring Jersey Department of Health no later than December 31, your friends and siblings and come to 2016. By filing this form, birth parents will be able to keep the Church! their names off any documents provided by the State to CHRISTMAS DECORATIONSadoptees or anyone else. The State made the Redaction “ServeIt has been the the LORD custom with here atGladness!” Sacred Heart Parish to memorializeRequest Form loved public ones on Augustat Christmas 3, 2015. time The through form can a be donation toward the flowers(Ps 100, and 2) greenery that decorate our Churchdownloaded during this at holy season. A list of all intentions will be available at Christmas. We ask that your intention be printed below. If you know a person who placed a child in IN MEMORY ForOF/SPECIAL more information INTENTION please OF: contact adoption, please tell them that if they do not file a Redaction Request Form, their name and other information DONATED BY: Deacon Kris: could be given to the adoptee. Anyone needing assistance can call a HELPLINE AT 609-989-4809.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HAS BEGUN, BUT WE STILL NEED HELP: [email protected] or Volunteers Needed IT IS TIME! If you would like to become a 973-366-0060 Catechists for the 2015-2016 Religious Education program please contact DEACON KRIS LIWARSKI (our Director of Religious Education) to discuss times and grades available. 973-366-0060.

First Firefighters’ Memorial Mass TWENTY SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME On Thursday, October 8, 2015, Bishop First Reading: Genesis 2:18-24 Serratelli will celebrate a Firefighters' Memorial Mass at God created many different animals in an attempt to make a St. Gerard Majella Parish, Paterson at 10:00 am. Our suitable partner for the first man. Then he took a rib from the men and women serve selflessly to foster the safety of man as he slept and built it up into a woman. At last God had our communities. I encourage the the faithful of the created someone who equaled the man, as she was “bone of my Church of Paterson to take part in this celebration to bones and flesh of my flesh” and they proved to be suitable honor and recognize the sacrifice of our firefighters and partners for each other. to remember those from our diocese who have given Second Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11 their lives in service to their communities. This passage describes how Jesus will become perfect through his suffering. It also reminds us that Jesus’ Father is our Father as well, making him unashamed to call us his brothers and sisters. SILVER AND GOLD Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS The people began to ask Jesus if it was acceptable for a man to Couples, were you married in 1965 or 1990? You divorce his wife. Jesus tells them that two people who have been th th joined together by God should not be separated. People began are warmly invited to celebrate your 25 or 50 Wedding bringing their children to Jesus, but the disciples tried to send Anniversary with the Church of Paterson. Bishop them away. Jesus grew angry and told his disciples to allow the Serratelli will be the main celebrant at Mass at St. Mary children to come to him. Church, Denville on

Sunday, November 8, 2015 at 4:00pm. Helping Hands Ministry Arrangements can be made by contacting the parish Helping Hands are available to help! Please give Gale Colucci a call at 973-476-3906. All calls office. Registrations will be accepted through Monday, are confidential. October 26, 2015. Information will be sent from the Second Sunday of each month is Food Pantry Office of Family Life once your registration has been Sunday. Please bring your non-perishable items to Mass that processed. Congratulations on this joyous occasion. weekend and place on the altar steps.

At Saint Paul’s Inside the Walls: A Note from Our Bishop:

Finding Time for Family Builds the Future My dear friends in Christ, How does your family spend time together? Please save the date - I will be celebrating a Constantly on the run? Pope Francis says, “In the family we Respect Life Mass (was previously called Mass for the learn how to love, to forgive, to be generous and open…” Unborn). The Mass will be on Saturday, November 7, Come share dinner and a discussion about ways parents 2015 at Saint Ann Parish in Parsippany at 10:00 am. This Mass is sponsored by the Paterson Federation can keep the family close. For parents and children. Knights of Columbus Councils. Following the Mass, there $10 per person ages 6 and up (under 6 – free). Please visit will be light refreshments. for more information and to The Mass is a wonderful way for our faithful to register. come together in prayer and in mutual support for Madison, Wednesday, October 14 from 6-7:30pm. protecting all of our children - born and unborn. Welcome All Senior Citizens I hope to see everyone there. God bless.

ALL SENIORS 55 and over COME JOIN THE SACRED HEART LEISURE CLUB. We invite all senior citizens to be part of this enjoyable group of people to socialize and engage in a very vital part of our church. We have various informative speakers, we enjoy a Christmas and Spring Luncheon along with other entertaining events throughout the year. Our meetings are held the second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 11:30 am with coffee/cake in the Sacred Heart Rectory Meeting Room. Hoping to see you all our next meeting(10/13/15)! Yearly dues are $15.00(used for donations to our church at Christmas & Easter). Interested? Please call Rita Nadilo, Entertainment Director at 973-361-0598. How Can We Serve You? Cómo Podemos Servirles? Catholic Daughters Name/Nombre

Court Dover #881 Address/Direccion



Is hosting a  New Registration Nueva Registración  Address Change Cambio de Dirección  I want to receive collection envelopes Yo quiero recibir los sobres para la donación Saturday October 10, 2015  I am registered with the (Rain date Saturday October 17, 2015) parish but do not receive envelopes Estoy registrado en la Bring donation bags to Parish Center Parking lot Parroquia, pero no he (Across from the school) recibido mis sobres. Between 9:00 am & 3:00 pm  Other/Otro We can arrange for your donation to be picked up at your house if you’re unable to make the time or day. Please call Bonnie ahead of - Please cut out this form and place it time to make arrangements 973-366-8994. in the collection or Rectory mail slot. *GET YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO CLEAN OUT - Favor de cortar este formulario y ponerlo en la colecta o el buzón de la THEIR CLOSETS* Rectoria. AND HELP OUR COURT RAISE FUNDS For all those who have recently 100% OF ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED died:

TO SACRED HEART PARISH For those who are ill: Dominick Bella; Natalie Bruning; Maureen Coleman; John Dodge; ACCEPTABLE ITEMS: NOT ACCEPTED: Robert & Margaret Esposito; Peggy MEN-WOMEN-KIDS WEARABLE VCR TAPES Frazer; Marie Hoffman; Jerry & CLOTHING/SHOES (ALL SEASONS AND SIZES) Roseanne Jones; Kelly; Madeline Nicole Laba; Rusty McKenna; Kelly; HANDBAGS/TIES/HATS/SCARVES/GLOVES/ CD'S Joan Mills; Solange Menna; Lou BELTS/BACKPACKS/BRIEFCASE Mizzoni; Lucia Pintos; Sondra Poolas; Antoinette Porzilli; Betty Ruiz; BIKES/TOYS/DOLLS/ACTION BOOKS Catherine Ruiz; Samantha Saltarelli; FIGURES/TRUCKS/DOLLHOUSES/BEANIE Travis Savoy; Dr. Anthony Scillia; BABIES Denise Sloan; Margarita Suarez; Bill Wiggins; Jordan Yaros; Kathy Yermal; COMFORTER/QUILTS/SHEETS/LINENS/ OVERSIZED PLAYSETS Santiago Zapata; Deacon Dick Zeich & CURTAINS/PILLOWS/TOWELS/SMALL RUGS wife, Gerry.


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