Capital Health Management, Inc

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Capital Health Management, Inc



Table of Contents


1. ABC Permit------OP-005 2. Advertising Contract/Billing------OP-010 3. Audio Video Equipment Reservation------4. Alcohol Consumption------OP-015 5. Banner Request------OP-033 6. Broadcast E-mail------OP-045 7. Broadcast Fax------8. Building Access Card Policy------OP-052 9. Bulk Mailing------OP-058 10. Business Disruption Policy OP-062 11. Communications Requests------OP-078 12. Drop/Reinstate Policy------OP-118 13. Event Checklist------OP-147 14. Event Registration Process------OP-148 15. Fire Evacuation------OP-160 16. Flex Time OP-170 17. Graphic Design------OP-200 18. Graphic Standards------OP-201 19. Insurance Coverage Personal Auto Usage------OP-250 20. Insurance Requirements with Contractors\Vendors------OP-252 21. Mail Procedures------OP-362 22. Mainstreet Policy------OP-365 23. Media Contact------OP-375 24. Meeting Room Reservations – Outside Parties------OP-377 25. Member Relations ------OP-380 26. NonMember Attendance Policy------OP-415 27. Parking Policy------OP-452 28. Petty Cash------OP-460 29. Recyle------OP-520 30. Room Reservation------OP-528 31. Room Reservations After Hours Guidelines------OP-530 32. Room Setup Request------OP-532 33. Trade Agreement Procedures------OP-595 34. UPS Requirements------OP-625 Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-005 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/06

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

The Chamber has an ABC permit which applies to alcohol served on premises only. The Chamber is not in the business of selling alcohol. Alcohol for an event can be stored up to 48 hours before the event, or up to 48 hours after the event on premises. Alcohol on premises longer than the 48 hours before or after is in violation of the Chamber’s liquor license.

An employee must purchase a separate liquor license for events off premises. The ABC Commission needs a two week notice. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-010 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Contracts  Contracts are entered in Partner by the sales person who makes the sale or is responsible for the client relationship.  A contract should remain in Pending status until a signed copy is obtained from the advertiser.  Sales persons are responsible for providing signed copies of all their contracts to the accounting department.

Billing  The accounting department issues invoices:  Every Friday for Active contracts with amounts entered in the “Bill Now” field on the issue setup screen.  Every Friday for Active contracts with the “Bill Manually” box checked, if instructions in the Notes field so indicate.  At the time an issue is published.  Clear instructions for billing should be provided in the Notes section of any contract that doesn’t adhere to our standard terms (50% of the total contract is due when the contract is signed; and the remaining 50% is due with ad publication).

Payment and Collections  Detailed aging reports, grouped by sales person, are provided monthly by Accounting to all members of the Advertising team.  Sales persons should review aging reports to remain aware of uncollected revenue and contact non- paying advertisers when appropriate or co-ordinate collection efforts with the accounting department. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-015 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

All employees are subject to a two drink limit while attending Chamber functions. This applies to an employee whether or not he/she is working the event. Chamber employees have a two drink limit whenever he/she is representing the Chamber at a nonchamber function. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-033 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 2 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Banners for events can be requested from the Art Director at 704-378-1313. The attached request must be completed and turned in 48 hours before the banner is needed.

Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-045 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 2 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

In an effort to reduce printing and mailing costs, the Chamber is encouraging staff to utilize broadcast email in communicating with our members. The Communications department has drafted a policy with guidelines and procedures in order to streamline the broadcast email process and deliver more effective communications to our members and the community.

Guidelines and Procedures (all bolded phrases are defined in the Definitions section below)

 All broadcast emails must be sent through Membership Partner. For training, please contact Libby Lewallen, Director of Information Technology (x1335).  Each staff member that needs to communicate with a group of members will be assigned one or more list serve distribution lists, and may send emails only to those lists unless otherwise approved.  Staff members are permitted to send an email to their assigned list serve distribution list they are assigned on a weekly basis.  Requests to send an email to a broader list of members than the assigned lists must be sent to Erica Johnson, Director of Public Relations (x1354) at least a week in advance. Staff may be encouraged to use the Chamber Weekly Update email rather than sending an individual broadcast email.  All broadcasts emails must use an email template. Each list serve will have a separate email template, which incorporates the Chamber brand: Igniting Success. For help with templates, please contact Dave Waters, Director of Internet Services (x4107).  The staff member sending an email must use their own email address as the return address, and must forward all legitimate bounce-backs to [email protected].  Staff is encouraged to ask a member of the proofread squad to review the email before it is sent to members.  Printed event invitations are created separately for members that have requested not to receive emails. Printed invitations must be approved by a supervisor. Contact Gina Gaster, Art Director (x1313) to set up printed event announcement.  Any faxing needs to be approved by a supervisor, faxing costs the Chamber 18 cents per page.  Email invitations for online member surveys are created through a separate system. To set up a survey to send to your members, please contact Anna Lu Wilson (x1315) or Libby Lewallen (x1335) at least a week in advance. Survey responses and participation usually represent between 5 and 10% of the entire distribution list. Definitions

 A Broadcast Email is defined as an email communication to a group of members that have expressed interest in receiving our communications.  Membership Partner is the Chamber’s member database. It records contact information for our members and includes a broadcast email feature. o Why use Membership Partner for email broadcasts? This allows us to keep our contact lists in one central location - our member database. It also allows us to use templates that adhere to anti-spam laws and to manage unsubscribe requests.  A List Serve is essentially a distribution list, made up of a group of members based on a selection criteria or filter. The List Serve allows members to unsubscribe if they do not wish to receive communications about the specific topic. o Example: Center City Area Council List Serve is made up of all members designated in Membership Partner under the CCAC Committee, with the exception of anyone who wishes to unsubscribe.  Legitimate bounce-backs are emails that are not delivered due to incorrect email address. These emails are returned with messages such as “unknown user” or “recipient does not exist”. All legitimate bounce-backs should be forwarded to [email protected] so that they can be updated in our member database. 5-10% of broadcast emails typically bounce-back.  Email Templates are graphical HTML template emails that are stored in Membership Partner. They can be modified to incorporate text and links, including links that automatically log-in and register members for events. They also include unsubscribe links and the Chamber’s street address, so that we adhere to Anti-Spam laws  Anti-SPAM laws require us to: o Provide a way for recipients to unsubscribe from distribution lists, and prohibit sending emails to folks who have unsubscribed o List our physical street address in the email o Prohibit use of misleading subject lines  The Proofread Squad is a group of staff who can review your email before it is sent to members. Currently on the proofread squad are: Colleen, Erica, Blair, Susan, Reba, Beth, Anna Lu and Cheryl.  The Chamber Weekly Update is a weekly email publication sent to all members and non-members who wish to receive it. The one-page email is sent from Bob Morgan, Chamber President, and contains timely, relevant news from the Chamber. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-052 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Each employee is provided an access card for entering company premises. The employee is responsible for keeping up with the card during his/her employment. If an employee should lose his/her card, the employee is responsible for the $25.00 processing fee to obtain a new card. Please see the Director of Accounting if you lose your card. An employee will not receive a replacement access card until the $25.00 is paid. When an employee terminates employment at the Chamber, the employee is responsible for returning the access card to the Director of Accounting. At no time should access cards be loaned or given to persons not employed by the Charlotte Chamber. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-058 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Mail sent through the US postal service which number in 200 pieces or greater can be sent bulk mail (reduced rate). All bulk mailings must be approved by the CFO before mailing.

Upon approval, notify the Director of Print Services to schedule the mailing with a mail house. All mail pieces must be in zip code order. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-062 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed:

Effective Date: 08/31/2006 Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A Weather/Emergency/ Disaster

This policy with supporting documentation will be updated every June and hard copies given to all employees to keep at home in a safe place.

1. Office Closing Policy a. Main message for the Chamber will say if we are open or not b. COO is responsible for changing the message c. COO is responsible for deciding if the office is closed or delayed opening d. If office is open and you choose not to come in it is a vacation day e. If the chamber is closed or delayed employees are still responsible to work remotely as much as possible

2. Canceling events Policy a. Directors are responsible for canceling individual events b. Directors will contact the Director of IT, IS or the COO to coordinate the cancellation of events. One of the 3 people from above will decide on a coordinated effort to cancel events so that the membership is contacted efficiently.

3. Director of IS responsibilities a. Providing directions for remote access to systems b. Monitoring systems to make sure they are up c. Working with vendors to bring systems up that are down d. Providing telephone numbers of staff to staff e. Track events that may impact business f. Backups of systems are safe

4. Director of IT responsibilities a. Train director how to communicate with members using partner b. Support directors in communications during an event

5. Director of Internet responsibilities a. Update the website with current information during an event

6. Director of Public Relations responsibilities a. update media of event 7. paperwork to follow this document a. directions for remote access b. phone list c. conference Bridge information d. Special documents for COO, Director of IT and Director of IS with instructions on mass emailing, vendor contacts, diagrams of systems, instructions on how to change the main message.

 An event is anything that disturbs business as usual  All information is confidential and for emergency use only. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-078 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Special requests for assistance with communications (press releases, copy requests, etc.) should be submitted to the Director of Public Relations in writing at least seven working days in advance of the required distribution date.

Information for Chamber Publications must be submitted by the deadlines provided to the staff, or there are no guarantees that it will appear in the issue.

For “signature events” that are hosted by the Chamber, the project manager should work with the Director of PR on a strategic communications plan at least 2 months prior to the event to plan dates and methods for targeted communications.

Broadcast e-mails that are sent to the entire membership will be limited to one per week on a first come, first served basis and must be approved by the Director of PR prior to distribution by the Director of Information Technology. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-118 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Drop Policy

A member will be dropped 120 days after their due date if no “membdu” has been applied to the ledger card. A mass drop of these members will be done on a monthly basis, except during Campaign. Prior to the drop, the CFO, GVP of Sales/Marketing and Member Retention Directors will review the list to be dropped and pull members as needed. Permission not to drop members after 120 days must be received in writing from the President.

The member may not be resold for 60 days after being dropped, except in the case of a management change within the company. These situations require the approval of the Sales Manager and will be regarded a new sale for the existing rep. If the existing sales rep is no longer with the Chamber, this will be considered a reinstate and be applied to the renewal budget.

Thirty days after the member is dropped, and sales rep can put said business on Hold.*

Reinstate Policy

During the 30 day period after a member is dropped and prior to being available to be put on Hold*, if “membdu” payments come in, this will be considered a reinstate and be applied to the renewal budget. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-118 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 6 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

The Project Manager is responsible for overseeing implementation of all steps.

Step One: Confirm Date  Confirm date with EC’s  EC’s add to Chamber calendar  Email accountant with event details form in order to add event to Partner (*If non-members are able to attend you must have CFO sign form)  Add agenda and details including sponsor logos to partner  Verify event details in Partner (i.e. date, time, location, email reminder, registration deadline and calendar details)  Unclick “Do not export to web” box to make public  Contact Web Director to create a “pretty link”  Secure location and get contract in your name  Approve contract by CFO  Meet with PR Director to create a communication plan  Call “Events Team” meeting  Certificate of Insurance from caterer/vendor

Step Two: Invitations (usually one month out minimum)  Create invitation and registration form according to invitation policy  Approve invitation by EC’s  Contact Art Director to create paper invitations (if necessary)  Submit materials to be printed to Director of Printing (allow for a 7 day turn around)  Send invitations via email in accordance to communications policy  Handle communication with sponsors/ speakers  Go over budget w/ EC’s  Hand over trade paper work to EC’s  Request linens, AV needs, and food from EC’s

Step Three: Signs/ Banners  Request sponsor logos from participants  Complete sign/banner request form (banners only if necessary)  See sign/ printing policy

Step Four: Orders  EC’s order food, AV, and linens  Submit room set up form to Director of Printing office (deadline: 48 hours prior)

Step Five: Name Tags  Name tags created for events with 200 or less attendees  Email ECs or Director of Internal Services to request name tags (one week prior to event deadline)  Give EC’s RSVP list in Excel (First, Last, Company) if you are collecting RSVPs (24 hours prior to event deadline)

Step Six: Debrief  Call “Events Team” meeting to review event

Invitation Policy:  Include start and finish time  Include physical address  Include RSVP deadline  Always include link to on line registration  Include program director’s phone/ email for questions  If RSVP only: include RSVP line phone number (704) 378-1336 and ask ECs to set up line  Do NOT include EC’s phone or email

Communication Policy:  Contact Director of Information Technology prior to sending any broadcast emails

Sign/ Printing Policy:  New jobs are scheduled during the first and last hour of the day only  Complete a Banner form if ordering a banner or sign.  Please see Keno if you are in need of a special stock for your project. Do this in advance so he can have the stock ordered in time for printing.  Typically, the timeline is seven working days from day copy is delivered to designer until the day printing begins.  First layout is due to project director three days after copy is delivered.  Short run print jobs can be assigned one day on the in-house press; larger (3,000+) are assigned two or more days (Keno can help determine the time needed).  No jobs are typically scheduled to print on Fridays; that’s the print shop’s cushion.  This seven day schedule may be adjusted for projects where a committee or several people other than the project director must approve (build in more time) or in emergencies when a faster turnaround is necessary.  If a project director begins to abuse this scheduling push, it may not be possible to get the project done.  Jobs may be bumped from either the designer or printing calendars if deadlines are not being met by project directors.  If jobs are being sent out of house to print, allow 7 to 10 working days before the finished project is delivered.  All jobs are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.  If the designer is overloaded, work may be sent out to a freelance designer. (Make sure they are supplied with a copy of the graphic standards and fonts and understand that Communications MUST approve any work before it may be printed). Try to schedule print jobs in-house first.  If printing calendar is full, or if the job is too large or complex, jobs may be sent out to print. Keno will coordinate this. Event Details Form Return this completed form to Garnett Rodgers

Name of Event: ______

Staff Name: ______

Date of event: ______Start Time: ______End Time: ______

Name of Location: ______

Physical Address of Location: ______

Member Rate: $______Member Only: Yes No

Non-Member Rate: $______

*Non-Member Acceptance Mike Manning______Date_____

Allow Online Registration: Yes No

Online Registration Deadline: ______

Displayed on Calendar of Events : Yes No Would you like an email reminder sent to those already registered:Yes No Sign/ Banner Request Form Return this completed form to Gina Gaster

Date:______Name:______Ext:______Name of Event:______Date Needed: ______SIGN  8 ½ x 11 Quantity ______ 11 x 17 Quantity ______Mounting  Black board  Easel backed black board (8 ½ x 11 only)  Other ______BANNER Quantity: ______Size: ______ Vinyl  Paper Colors: ______


Logos/Art to include: ______

COMMUNICATIONS: Completed By______Date______Room Set Up Sheet Return this completed form to the “room set up sheet” box in Keno Ross’ office

Room Date Start / End Count Name / Ext.

Event Name ______

Note: Please complete this form and put it in the Room STYLE Set Up Sheet box located on the wall of the printing office. Please check one You must do this 48 hours before the meeting. There will be no verbal request for room set ups. A form must be ___ Conference filled out. ___ Classroom ___ Theater Please before booking rooms, make sure there is a one and a half hour difference after and/or before the next meeting. If your meeting goes past 5pm and there is a ___ See Diagram* meeting the next morning, you are responsible for setting the room up for the next morning. Please keep in mind to plan ahead and when booking have them to *If you need to do a diagram, confirm that someone is available to come back if you are not able to set the room please put it on the back yourself. The first person to book the room has priority.

Thank You! Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-148 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 2 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Design of registrations forms  Event sign-up forms should include spaces for the following information needed for payment processing: Name of registrant(s); name and address of company; and telephone number Credit card information: Cardholder’s name as shown on card; Account number; Expiration date; Billing address (if different); Credit card security code; Signature Amount enclosed – or – Amount authorized for charging to credit card “Office Use Only”: Date received; Amount received; Check number; Function code  Forms should state the payment methods accepted by the Chamber (check, cash, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover).  Forms should include the request that checks be made payable to the Charlotte Chamber – not to a council or committee.  Registration forms that are designed with stubs or sections to be returned separately should include the event name on the face of the separate section.

Routing of registrations forms  Registration information should be given as soon as possible to the event coordinators and then to the accounting department to ensure that the Chamber database contains accurate information and that the Chamber receives all revenue due.  Forms go first to the event coordinators (EC’s), who enter them in Partner as soon as possible and initial the forms to indicate they did the entry.  Forms then go to the accounting department with the attached payments. Forms without payments do not need to go to accounting.  Accounting deposits any checks and cash and charges the credit cards; records the payments in Partner; and marks the forms to verify amount received, date and payment method.  Accounting returns the paid registration forms to the event coordinators.

Requests for receipts  The accounting department and the event coordinators handle requests for payment receipts as circumstances warrant.

Invoices  In cases where a payment will be delayed, or a registrant wants to be billed, the program manager of the event in question must authorize the accounting department to issue an invoice.  It is preferred in all circumstances that requests for payment be issued by Accounting in the form of an invoice, recorded in Partner (rather than by program managers).  Program managers should review their aging reports at least monthly to remain aware of uncollected revenue.

Fees collected at events  The accounting department holds $35 in cash for event coordinators to use for making change when they collect payments at events. They get this “start up” cash from Accounting just before an event and are responsible for returning it in full immediately after.  After each event, all proceeds should be placed in an envelope and submitted to the accounting department immediately, with identification, in writing, of the source(s) of the revenue. If any payment is less than the expected amount, the reason and/or authorization should be indicated.

Online registration  Web registration normally ends two days prior to an event, to allow for event planning to be finalized.

Event setup in Partner  Program Managers are normally responsible for setting up their events in Partner. Detailed instructions are available from the I. T. director who maintains the database.  Anyone setting up an event in Partner should ALWAYS check to make sure it is not already there. The accounting department often creates events in Partner far in advance, for Campaign purposes or to record early sponsorship revenue, with only skeletal information. In these cases, the program managers should carefully review their events for missing information.  Only the accounting department can check the “Approved” box in Partner which allows an event to appear on the website – even for “no charge” events.  Sponsorships and “accessories” (such as tables of 8) are set up in Partner by Accounting. Program Managers should supply the following information: name of sponsorship; whether it is available to nonmembers; price (member and nonmember); quantity available; and how many people the sponsor may bring free to the event. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-160 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 3 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

When an emergency Alarm sounds, please exit the Building immediately, taking your coat, keys, and purses. Use the stairwells only. We go across the street and stand in the Wachovia Plaza to be accounted for. Any guests can leave the premises, however you are mandated to stay with the Chamber as a group for further instructions by the Charlotte Fire Department.

To help facilitate evacuations, we have staff volunteers that aid and assist in these emergencies.

Please find below the list of names from the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce to fill the evacuation plan for fire emergency. Lower Level

Fire Warden #1 Anne Williams Fire Warden #2 Colleen Cooke Deputy Fire Warden #1 Anthony Grillo Deputy Fire Warden #2 Beth Barnett Searcher #1 Kris Kellogg Searcher #2 Conley Lenkwicz Special Assistant #1 Dee Means Special Assistant #2 Keno Ross Street Level

Fire Warden #2 Linda Mee, CCVB Deputy Fire Warden #1 CCVB Part Timer Deputy Fire Warden #2 CCVB Part Timer Searcher #1 CCVB Full Timer Searcher #2 CCVB Full Timer Special Assistant #1 CCVB Part Timer Special Assistant #2 CCVB Part Timer Second Level

Fire Warden #1 Sylvia Tomlinson Fire Warden #2 Kati Hynes Deputy Fire Warden #1 Scott Epting Deputy Fire Warden #2 Mike Manning Searcher #1 Blair Stanford Searcher #2 Karen Runyon Special Assistant #1 Mike Montagna Special Assistant #2 Justin Hunt

Front Fire Warden- you will send a voice page throughout the building, announcing that everyone should exit the building. You will take with you the in/out sign out clipboard with you and go to the front fire exit door and observe that everyone uses this exit to evacuate. Do not allow anyone on the elevators. The searchers on your floor will direct evacuees in your direction. Instruct the people to go down (up) the stairwell, staying to their right and exit the building on the first floor. When your searchers, deputy fire wardens, special assistants and all staff have exited, you may leave as well.

Back Fire Warden- you will ensure that all back offices are emptied and that no one attempts to use the rear elevators. Do not allow staff to linger on the phones or ignore the fire alarm altogether. When the back is emptied, you may leave through the front exit as well.

Deputy Fire Wardens, Front and Back- you will ensure that restrooms are emptied, that common areas, such as fax/copy rooms, are emptied, and finally report to the Fire Warden that all have exited the floor. At this point, you may exit.

Searchers, Front and Back- you will observe that all meeting rooms, common areas, and offices have been emptied. Make sure no one is trapped or ignoring the fire alarm. Monitor the evacuation traffic and keep the flow moving.

Special Assistants, Front and Back- you will assist those needed extra time to evacuate such as the disabled, pregnant women, or anyone else needing special assistance, such as “civilians” who will not know what to do in an alarm state. You may exit through the fire exit door when all has been helped.

All Staff- you will take each and every fire alarm seriously, as though the situation warranted an actual emergency evacuation. You will hang up the phones immediately, take your keys, wallets, purses, coats, etc., as though you were not to be allowed access back into the building. You will help all “civilians” (i.e., members in the meeting rooms and Info Charlotte) evacuate. They will not know our fire plan and will be confused. You will listen to the instructions of the fire wardens and deputy fire wardens assigned to your floor, especially if an alternative exit is determined. You will not board the elevators and will exit through the front fire door, walk down/up the stairs to the first floor, staying to your right. You will stand outside the building on Tryon Street in the Wachovia Plaza, where you will be accounted for. Do not stand directly in front of our building by the front exit. Should a real fire occur, the glass will shatter and fall down on you. Do not leave until dismissed by Chamber President or the Charlotte Fire Department.

Remember, never smoke inside the building or allow “civilians” to light up inside. Our building is equipped with sensors to pick up smoke, gases, and heat. Report suspicious smoke, gases, etc., to the Charlotte Fire Department by dialing 911 or pull the red alarm boxes. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-200 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

POLICY: Scheduling Jobs, Deadlines, etc.

New jobs are scheduled during the first and last hour of the day only. Complete a Banner form if ordering a banner or sign.

Typically, the timeline is seven working days from day copy is delivered to designer until the day printing begins. First layout is due to project director three days after copy is delivered. Short run print jobs allow three days on the in-house press; larger (3,000+) are assigned five or more days (Director of Printing can help determine the time needed). No jobs are scheduled to print on Fridays.

This seven days design schedule may be adjusted for projects where a committee or several people other than the project director must approve (build in more time) or in emergencies when a faster turnaround is necessary. If a project director begins to abuse this scheduling push, it may not be possible to get the project done. Jobs may be bumped from either the designer or printing calendars if deadlines are not being met by project directors.

If jobs are being sent out of house to print, allow 14 working days before the finished project is delivered.

All jobs are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. If the designer is overloaded, work may be sent out to a freelance designer. (Make sure they are supplied with a copy of the graphic standards and fonts and understand the Communications MUST approve any work before it may be printed).

Try to schedule print jobs in-house first. If printing calendar is full, or if the job is too large or difficult, jobs may be sent out to print. The Director of Printing will coordinate this.

Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-201 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 2 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A


IDENTITY The Charlotte Chamber of Commerce is known simply as the Charlotte Chamber. Our logo reflects that simplicity – “of Commerce” is noticeably absent. Charlotte is larger, in script from, to illustrate our commitment to the city. IN WRITTEN FORM “CHARLOTTE CHAMBER” IS USED. LOGO ALL PRINTED MATERIALS FOR ALL PROJECTS AND ENTITIES SUPPORTED BY THE CHARLOTTE CHAMBER MUST PROMINENTLY DISPLAY THE CHAMBER LOGO.

The Chamber logo may not be altered in any form.  Colors: 1. (Low End) “Charlotte” is PMS 300 and “Chamber” is black. 2. (High End) “Charlotte” is PMS 300 and “Chamber” is metallic Silver (PMS877). These are the only tow-color combination allowed. If you are not using blue (PMS 300) in your piece, the logo must be printed in black (or the darkest of the colors is black is not used).  You may not add any elements to the logo or put the logo in a box or other shape.  You may not enlarge or reduce the word “Chamber.” It must stay in the specified proportion to “Charlotte.” You may not change the font of the word “Chamber.” To request a slick of the logo, call 378-1313.

Placement and size: The Chamber logo should be included on the front of any piece we (the Chamber) are producing, as well as on the return address. The chamber logo should be no smaller than any divisional logo also included. If the Chamber is sharing equal sponsorship with another entity, logos should be of similar size.

CORPORATE COLORS The only colors approved for use on all Chamber materials are:  Black  PMS 300 (Blue)  PMS 185 (Red)  PMS 485 (Dark Red)  PMS 348 (Green)  Pantone Hexachrome Yellow C  PMS 267 (Purple)  PMS 877 (Metallic silver high end printing only)

These may be used in any combination, with the exception of the logo. See logo section for specifics. ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER COLORS MAY BE USED ON ANY CHAMBER PUBLICATION. FONTS AvantGarde (plain; bold or italic when necessary) Palatino (plain; bold or italic when necessary) Frutiger (plain; bold or italic when necessary) Myriad (plain; bold or italic when necessary) Present Shelly Volante Script


PAPER The Chamber has specified paper for all of the Chamber’s printed materials with the exception of periodicals (i.e., Chamber directories, Ventures Monthly and Charlotte). All paper must be white. Please contact the Chamber’s Communications division for paper specification.

GUIDELINES FOR CHAMBER PARTNERED PROGRAMS  For products created specifically for Chamber members, these standards must be strictly obeyed.  For products which have been adapted for chamber members, i.e., AT&T’s Profit by Association program, only the rules for logo usage apply.  For projects in which the Chamber is equal partner with another entity and the audience is not restricted to Chamber membership, only the rules for logo usage apply. CHAMBER APPROVAL The Charlotte Chamber must approve any design of materials for any Chamber program/project. The Chamber’s Communications division must sign off an any art before it goes to print.

Contact the Chamber Communications staff or the Chamber’s graphic designer at (704-378-1313) if you have questions about these standards. Charlotte Chamber OPERATING POLICY


Manual Tracking Number: OP-250 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

If an employee uses his/her personal vehicle for company business, the Chamber requires these employees to submit a copy of the Declaration page of their auto liability insurance to the Accounts Payable Accountant . It is up to the employee to submit an updated Declaration page when coverage is renewed or changed to a different insurance carrier. Mileage reimbursements will not be provided if a current declaration page is not on file. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-252 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Employees of the Chamber will work with many outside venues and/or facilities. When the Chamber works with these vendors on/off Chamber premises, the employee is required to obtain insurance information from the vendor. In all cases the Chamber needs to be shown as additional insured. The Chamber is looking for the following insurance requirements from the vendor:

1. Workers Compensation The Contractor/Vendor shall maintain Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance affording: a. Protection under the Workers Compensation Law of all States in which the work is to be performed or where the employee resides or must travel. b. Employers Liability protection subject to a limit of not less than $500,000. 2. General Liability The Contractor shall maintain Comprehensive General Liability coverage in amounts not less than:

Bodily Injury & Property Damage of $1 Million Single Limit each accident

This Certificate must also include a clause obligating the insurer to give (30) days prior notice in the event of cancellation of or major change in the insurance and name The Greater Charlotte Chamber of Commerce Inc. as an addition insured.

3. Automobile Liability The Contractor shall maintain Comprehensive Auto Liability coverage in amounts not less than:

Bodily Injury & Property Damage of $1 Million Single Limit each accident.

4. Liquor Legal Liability

Bodily Injury & Property Damage of $1 Million Single Limit each accident.

Bartenders should have tips training before being eligible to serve alcohol.

A Certificate of Insurance shall be submitted to Karen Runyon. EACH TYPE OF COVERAGE REQUESTED HEREIN MUST BE SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO IN THE CERTIFICATE. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-362 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Mail is delivered each business morning to each department’s mail bin in the copier room of the floor where the employee is located.

Mail is processed daily in the mail room on the lower level. All mail must be placed in the mail room by 2:15pm each day in order to be processed the same day. Mail must be set on the counter next to the mail machine with a corresponding red & white coding card.

The Chamber is not responsible for personal mail sent through the Chamber mail room. There is a post office across the street in the bottom of II Wachovia. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-365 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

 The Duke Theatre Vault is storage for Visit Charlotte, Main Street and the Duke Theatre tables and chairs only.  Any items (brochures, posters, etc.) to be placed in Main Street must first be approved by the Director of Main Street.  If a client or member needs visitor information, they need to call Visit Charlotte.  The popcorn in the Duke Theatre is not a snack for staff. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-375 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

When a staff member speaks to the media, he or she holds the reputation of the Chamber in his/her hands. Only those pre-approved staff members who have participated in media training (usually VP level and above) should make comments to the media. Media inquiries that come to those staffers who are not approved should instead be directed to the Director of Public Relations.

The Director of Public Relations is responsible for maintaining a list of media contacts. When staff members establish new contacts, this information should be given to the Director of PR. The media list is updated regularly to keep it current and ensure timely and efficient dissemination of press releases.

It is the responsibility of the Director of PR to distribute Chamber communications from all divisions in a timely fashion. Chamber staff members should work through the Director of PR to request that information regarding their programs be released to ensure consistency and completeness of information.

It is the policy of the Chamber to give the most appropriate spokesperson, be it volunteer leaders or staff, the opportunity to be showcased for positive media opportunities. Volunteers should be given the opportunity to address positive media inquiries.

When approved staff members receive requests for information from the media, they need to respond in a timely fashion. If they are unable to do so, they should refer the call to the Director of PR.

If the question is routine it should be answered as soon as possible, and the Communications Division should be notified of the interaction with the media. If the question is of a sensitive nature, the request should be discussed with the Senior Vice President for that division, as well as the Director of PR, who will work with administration to determine the Chamber’s response. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-377 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

For Chamber Members only

To request a meeting space facility (first floor available only), contact the Director of Mainstreet with the following information:

Contact Name Company Name (please note if you are a non-profit) Requested date of room rental Length of meeting (including one hour for set up and one hour for clean up) Number of attendees Specific room requested, if known

If the requested date is available, the Director of Mainstreet will follow up to confirm the reservation and e- mail the contract, cost, directions and any other pertinent information. Included in the contract is information on room set up, security, parking, etc. The signed contract must be returned within 48 hours to confirm the reservation. An invoice will then be processed and payment is expected before the room reservation date. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-380 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 2 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

New membership sales- all levels – . Sales received by noon (12:00) each business day will be entered into Partner and application/payment submitted to accounting by end of business that same day.

. Sales received after noon (12:00) each business day will be entered into Partner and application/payment submitted to accounting by noon (12:00) the following business day.

. Guidelines apply to all normal business days except month end (last business day of the month) when sales will be entered throughout the day until deemed “closed” by accounting.

. Membership sales applications must include the following information: Company name, addresss, phone, main contact, business classification and sales rep name. Investor Level sales must also include board profiles. If any above info is missing, application will be entered, but placed on HOLD STATUS. Application & payment will be delivered to accounting for deposit and sales staff notified via email or phone regarding hold status and missing information. Member status remains at hold until missing information received.

. Sales staff are to note on application if member is “on hold” in Prospects area or not. New sales that are “on hold” in the Prospect area will be transferred to Business area and set to active (removing hold for sales staff report). A new record will be created in the Business area for those sales not found in Prospect area.

EDC/BOA upgrade sales – . Upgrade paperwork and payment is to be submitted to accounting first. Once processed by accounting and returned to member relations, Partner will be updated to reflect the upgrade.

Requests for data – . Staff requests for Partner data should be submitted in writing via either Internal Services Request form (intranet) or email. Requests must include the following: Date request submitted, date/time request needed, format needed (envelopes, excel, proof list, report) . Member relations have a standard 48-hour turnaround time allowance for all data production. Exceptions that are needed prior to standard turnaround time will need to be communicated directly and delivery time agreed upon between parties.

Updates to Partner – . Data edits to Partner (including, but not limited to, address changes, main representative changes, company name changes) should be submitted to the “changes” email box from the global email list. Member relations staff will maintain box with all requests processed no later than one (1) week of original date received.

List & label sales –(**This may change with new non-member policy) . Members may purchase either a hard copy “proof” list (printed on 8.5 X 11 paper) or pre-printed peel and stick labels (Avery 5162 format) for entire membership or a portion on membership listing. List may be segmented out by city, state, employee size or business classification.

. Cost for either labels or a list is .10 per name plus $30.00 processing fee. Payment and a signed copy of standard usage agreement must be received before list and or labels can be released. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-415 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Charlotte Chamber events are designed to provide great value to the participants, and are, therefore, a key benefit of membership. Non-members are not permitted to attend Chamber events unless accompanied by a Charlotte Chamber Sales Representative. Events will be considered for exemption only if they are a) designed to serve the community or broad educational opportunities or b) targeting a mass consumer market. The President will determine an event’s eligibility for exemption based on a written request submitted by the program manager. Once an event has received exempt status, approval need not be obtained again for the life of the event in its current form. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-452 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

The Charlotte Chamber provides 30-Leased Spots for certain, designated employees. These spots are marked as CHAMBER RESERVED and are monitored against violators by Preferred Parking. These spots are located on premises and are identified as such:

* The first six spots as you enter from Second Street, * The Next Twenty Spots Number 1-20, and signed as such, * And Spaces 66-69, and signed as such

Only those employees granted such privileges can park in these spots. You qualify for one of these spots if you were given a blue, static cling parking decal (please display on your front windshield, just above the State inspection). You agree to display this decal at all times while parked at the Chamber building. Should you drive an alternative vehicle, you will need to transfer that cling decal to the other vehicle while on premises.

Secondly, you will need to register all vehicles with Scott Epting by providing your vehicle license plate number.


Thirdly, on NFL home game dates, you will need to exit the 330 South Tryon parking deck PRIOR to 6:00pm on Game Day! If you want to stay in your same parking spot AND go to the Game, the fee is the current rate for NFL parking. You must see the attendant at the deck’s entrance to pay and avoid any parking violation. Any vehicle left in the deck AFTER 6:00pm on Home Game Day without PRIOR payment to the attendant will receive an automatic Parking Violation fee charge.

All other employees must make arrangements to find their own parking. It is suggested that you drive around the Chamber’s block and locate lots that seem suitable to your parking needs, contact that company, and make your own parking accommodations. The Chamber will not pay for your parking in these areas, nor is the Chamber responsible for you or your vehicle while you are parking there. So think SAFETY FIRST before price! All vendors or guests coming to the Chamber will need to find their own parking accommodations. THE CHAMBER DOES NOT VALIDATE ANY VENDOR OR GUEST PARKING. The Chamber, therefore, is not responsible for any damaged, towed, or cited vendor/guest vehicles. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-460 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Minor expenses in some cases can be taken out of petty cash and will be reimbursed by the Chamber. Minor expenses generally means no more than $100. To receive payment, bring a receipt to the Accounting Department. Petty cash is not used to make change or cash checks as these cause depletion of the cash and require frequent trips to the bank. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-520 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

A Recycle Program has been added to our quarters by First Colony, owners of 330 South Tryon. This program will complement the Recycle Program we currently are using in the COPY/Fax rooms via the large blue bins for PAPER.

You will notice starting tomorrow that the kitchens, meeting rooms, and rest rooms will have DARK trash can liners. DARK means to the recycle company that contents in the bag are soiled and not suitable for recycling, EXCEPT for CANS and BOTTLES. In your office trash can, the liners will e CLEAR. CLEAR means that contents in this can are recyclable as UNSOILED PAPER ONLY.

So your new mind-set must be: If paper and not soiled, throw away in the office trash can (CLEAR). If soiled, then go to the kitchens, EX. your lunch containers, soda cans, bottles, catered meals, banana peels etc. (DARK) You will continue to throw large unsoiled paper into the large blue bins, and day-to-day paper like envelopes, sticky notes, and letters can go into your office cans. Lunches and coffee cups and the like SHOULD NOW BE THROWN OUT IN THE KITCHENS, as to not contaminate the paper in the CLEAR bags.

The CLEAR & DARK bags will be picked up from Chamber quarters nightly and the Trash hauling company will begin sorting the liner bags based on DARK or CLEAR. DARK will go to have aluminum, glass, and plastic extracted from it. CLEAR will go to UNSOILED Paper recycling. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-528 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Below is a quick reference on reserving your events for all Conference Room Calendars. Each room is now included in Public Folders...All Public Folders...Conference Rooms.  The + button beside Belk Action Center denotes subfolders.

 The Belk Action Center is set up as *All Sections, A, B, C.

 If you need the entire room, simply add your entry into the "*All Sections" Calendar, otherwise go to Calendar A, B, or C to reserve part of that room. Remember you can only delete or edit your own entries. Outlook will not allow anyone to change or delete another's entry.

Also, please keep in mind to add sufficient time for room set up and any A/V needs when reserving your rooms. Recommended time 2 hours. Open a public folder 1. On the Go menu, click Folder List (Folder List: Displays the folders available in your mailbox. To view subfolders, click the plus sign (+) next to the folder. If the Folder List is not visible, on the Go menu, click Folder List.). OR At the bottom of the Folder List, in the Navigation Pane (Navigation Pane: The column on the left side of the Outlook window that includes panes such as Shortcuts or Mail and the shortcuts or folders within each pane. Click a folder to show the items in the folder.), click the (+) beside Public Folders, click the (+) beside All Public Folders, click the (+) beside ConferenceRooms and then double-click the room you want to open. 2. Enter the meeting on the date you want to reserve it. Be sure and include your name and the date you added to the Calendar. Make a meeting recurring 1. Open the appointment or meeting that you want to make recurring. 2. On the Actions menu, click Recurrence. 3. Click the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) with which you want the appointment to recur, and then select options for the frequency.

Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-530 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Reserve the room as you would any daytime meeting via the CALENDAR email

Remember that the Tryon Street front doors lock down automatically at 5:30 each evening. Therefore, if your meeting starts at 6:00, on the RESERVATION, state that you need the doors left open till 6:30. WE ALLOW ONLY 30-MINUTES for GUEST PUNCTUALITY, then the doors revert back to automatic Lock-Down for your safety . The Security Guard leaves at 7:00 each night. IT IS UP TO YOU TO "AFFORD" TO KEEP THEM HERE on an over-time rate. Otherwise, YOU become the Security Guard. Having the Tryon Street doors left open too long invites into quarters unwelcome "guests".

The building CAN NEVER lock anyone in; the exits are always accessible from inside quarters to the outside.

Remember to lock all doors that you unlocked with the Check-Out key (via Mainstreet Director or an EC). Turn off coffee pots and turn off lights.

You must be the last person to leave and verify that the building is secured. NO SECURITY GUARD WILL CHECK BEHIND YOU PAST 7:00.

Our Security Guards reserve the right to contact you PRIOR to your meeting and make specific arrangements to make your meeting accessible YET SECURE. Please understand that their primary function is YOUR SAFETY. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-532 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

Room Set Up Sheet

Room Date Start / End Count Name / Ext.

Event Name ______

Note: Please complete this form and put it in the Room STYLE Set Up Sheet box located on the wall of the printing office. Please check one You must do this 48 hours before the meeting. There will be no verbal request for room set ups. A form must be ___ Conference filled out. ___ Classroom ___ Theater Please before booking rooms, make sure there is a one and a half hour difference after and/or before the next meeting. If your meeting goes past 5pm and there is ___ See Diagram* a meeting the next morning, you are responsible for setting the room up for the next morning. Please keep in mind to plan ahead and when booking have them *If you need to do a diagram, to confirm that someone is available to come back if you are not able to set the please put it on the back room yourself. The first person to book the room has priority.

Thank You! Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-595 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 2 Reviewed:

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

 A TRADE must be a DIRECT BUDGET REDUCTION ITEM approved by the CFO at Budget- creation time

 Your department will initiate the TRADE Agreement paperwork, available on the INTRANET.

 Sign and have the TRADING Company sign and return to you.

 Submit this signed TRADE Agreement to the CFO for final approval.

 TRADE Accounting director will get the final copy from the CFO. The TRADE is then booked in Partner, MAS 90, copied to you and filed as an ORIGINAL in Accounting.

 Immediately call the TRADING company and thank them for this Agreement. Estimate time that the product/service will be needed.

 Make arrangements to use the services or merchandise ASAP. NOTE THAT THE EXPENSE and/or REVENUE are booked to your financials immediately.

 Provide Scott a $0 invoice to confirm use. OR Use a copy of the form below if no $0 invoice is available.

 Direct any questions via email or phone x1342, Scott SAMPLE: Charlotte Chamber Trade-out Usage Form

Amount:  All or  $______Date of Use:______

Company: Corinne Mann______

Project Use For or Account No:______

Details of partial usage: _Photography for MBLI Portraits: DeLisse Thomas______

Expected Completion Date:______


(Please return one copy per trade usage to Scott Epting)

Charlotte Chamber OPERATING POLICY


Manual Tracking Number: OP-625 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 06/16/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

There is one daily pick up for UPS.

Pick up is between 2:00pm and 3:00pm

 Packages must weigh 5lbs or more  Complete address NO Post Office Box  Provide a phone number for the receiver of the package  Bring package for pickup to the lower level receptionist at least 30 minutes prior to pick up time.

There is a log kept daily with tracking information. Charlotte Chamber



Manual Tracking Number: OP-650 Manual: Operating

Number of Pages: 1 Reviewed: 07/17/2006

Effective Date: Revised: Regulatory Reference Number: N/A

The Chamber has several Company vehicles which are assigned to specific employees. The Chamber bears the cost of the lease, maintenance and repairs to company vehicles. Company vehicles must stay in the Regional Charlotte Chamber service area. (This would include Raleigh) Employees should use another mode of transportation for personal usage for trips out of the area (Ex Personal trips to the Beach). The Chamber is required to show personal usage of the vehicle annually as earnings to the employee. These earnings are subject to taxes. The current auto leases have an annual mileage usage of 15,000 miles. At the end of the lease any accumulated miles greater than 45,000 will be charged at a rate of $.20 per mile by the leasing company. Non-Chamber employees are not allowed or insured when driving the company vehicles. Currently the reimbursement rate for gasoline is $.14 per business mile.

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