Kaikorai Valley College

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Kaikorai Valley College

Level: 4 Class: Yr 9 Date: 2010

Participation Respect Inquiry Diversity Environment Unit title: CLASSICAL MOVES Curriculum links – AOs UC Identify and describe the characteristics of music associated with a range of sound environments, in relation to historical, social, and cultural contexts. Explore ideas about how music serves a variety of purposes and functions in their lives and in their communities. PK Apply knowledge of the elements of music, structural devices, and technologies through integrating aural, practical, and theoretical skills. DI Express, develop, and refine musical ideas, using the elements of music, instruments, and technologies in response to sources of motivation. Represent sound and musical ideas in a variety of ways CI Prepare, rehearse, and present performance of music, using performance skills and techniques. Reflect on the expressive qualities of their own and others’ music, both live and recorded

Specific Learning Outcomes (SLO) - Indicators Key Competencies How students will be encouraged to develop the highlighted key competency /competencies The students will Managing Self and value / values  Rehearse and perform a short melody to the class Relating to others (glockenspiel or keyboard. Or student’s own instrument) Participating and MS - e.g. time management to complete (CI) Contributing individual tasks on time, such as short solo to  Compose and perform short melodies in simple time (CI Using language, class, and creating CD cover. DI) Symbols and text L/S/T – e.g. using appropriate language to describe  Investigate the historical context of one classical piece, Thinking music. Notating composition. and its composer (UC)  Identify, and compare the use of elements of music in Values classical pieces of music (rhythm, pitch/melody, Excellence; innovation, timbre/instruments, texture/layers, dynamics/volume) Inquiry and curiosity; R – (at all levels), respecting differing musical Diversity; Equity; tastes of others. (PK) Community and Participation; Respect; Ecological sustainability; Integrity. Assessment Resources Recordings of The Can-Can (Offenbach, and Minuet (from Handel’s Water Formative Music (needs to be a version with predominately wind and brass), Class discussion ( e.g., identifying time signatures, comparing dances) Teacher observation (e.g. daily beginning tasks, progress on Student work booklet which includes “Listen Up” (starter activity); “At the Start” composition and learning melody) (for routine listening at start of each period); Music Words (vocab explained); The Can-Can reading sheet (from Adventures in Music) and worksheet; Summative Instruments of the Orchestra (pictures); Music for the Can-Can both melody, and Composition task a classroom version in parts; Handel reading and worksheet; Classroom version Performance of Cancan. or student’s own music from tutor of Minuet – simplified (from In Tune with Music); CD Cover instructions and Completion of Handel CD cover template; Composing your own melody task sheet

Handel Minuet melody cards.

Collection of recordings of classical music in different time signatures. (Include The Elephant from Carnival of the Animals)

Simple piano music of the Can-Can (for extension work)

YouTube  performances the Can-Can (dance) e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=d5Zj0dowvKo  performances of Baroque dancing e.g. Minuet ehttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=iiGgip6q0n4  Fireworks music played on baroque instruments http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RDlkAGGieBA (Minuet at end )  Also some interesting alternative (e.g. Mario Brothers Christmas \;m Carol Version; Mystery Guitar man, brass band version..….. etc)

Catering for different levels Teacher Reflection  Students lacking in keyboard skills can use glockenspiel of xylophone What worked well?  Can-Can available in TAB  There are simple piano versions of the Cancan for piano. Also a piano duet.  Students can perform the Cancan melody on keyboard with single finger chord function How could I improve this unit for next time?  Composition task is very structured – and yet plenty of opportunities to create a longer piece.  Put composition on Sibelius  Investigate other music written by Handel and/or Next steps for students – Offenbach. Search through teacher’s CD collection and find other Classical Dances.

Learning Sequences Success criteria Learning Activities / Experiences Assessment (What the students will doe to achieve the learning outcomes)

Starter. “Listen UP!” Students listen to short excerpts of the 2 classical dances, choosing statements for each. Students are using appropriate (May need to give opportunity first to ask questions about unknown vocab in list) Discuss what they have in vocab to describe what they hear. common (dance music, orchestra) Begin each lesson with aural work, reinforcing 2/4, ¾, and 4/4 time signatures, OR short dictation, OR a range of classical dances. Write 3 short questions for a written response while listening. E.g., time signature, which is the main orchestral section playing, describe the dynamics. Refer to vocab page lots. Note – need to have listened to at least part of all the movements of the Handel Suite before they begin the CD cover task Theory – Ensure that Time Signatures has been covered

THE CANCAN (from Orpheus in the Underworld – Offenbach) The Cancan melody is performed reasonably Reading sheet – background to Orpheus and the Underworld, and to Offenbach. Listening to the Cancan with accurately listening sheet. Orchestra sheet, students identify sections of the orchestra, ruling lines, and colour and label. Students practise melody on glockenspiel (and /or keyboard), working towards short solo performance Group version in 4 parts, if time permits Show video of Cancan being performed (orchestra) with video clips of dance as well. Students put together “jigsaw” of MINUET (from Music for the Royal Fireworks – Handel) minuet successfully Listen to short section. Discuss differences to Can-can (All instruments change notes at same time, very stately, restrained, no solo instruments, all doubling others, All mostly same volume, no crescendos, simple rhythms Minuet melody aural task. Class activity – play first 16 bars several times, (breaking it up as necessary) draw Students perform percussion parts in time contour on w/board. Group activity: Students put a set of the Minuet melody cards in the correct order, with the recording. following the contour on the board. Individual: Students write in the missing notes in the melody in their books. Optional: Rehearse Percussion score to play with the Minuet And/or have a competition – in groups of four CD cover completed with all which group can perform the best with the recording? Extension students play the melodic parts. required information presented Read about Handel and context of composition. Student responds on worksheet page. Create a CD cover for Handel’s Fireworks Suite. To include info about the composer, a short story in own words about the reason for the composition, a description of the music, some illustrations Show video clips of baroque dances Students present completed notated melody to be compiled with the class COMPOSE OWN MELODY. videos of their performance Students use worksheet. Use simple rhythm. Plenty of extension work in booklet. of it Perform to class on keyboard or glock.

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