Band Syllabus

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Band Syllabus

Band Syllabus 2015-2016

Welcome to the SHS Music Department. Here are some basic guidelines you are to follow throughout the year.

Schedule-Band class meets every day. When the bell rings, you will have no more that 4 minutes to get ready for rehearsal. At the end of the period you will have sufficient time to put your instrument away. Percussionists must put all equipment used away, and re-cover all instruments. You are responsible for having your instrument and music with you everyday. This is part of your grade in Band. If your instrument is in for repair for a long period of time, you should rent a loaner from the repair shop, or use one from the school. Be sure to keep your own mouthpiece.

Instruments- You are responsible for the care and maintenance of your instrument. This includes reeds, oil, grease, cleaning supplies, mouthpiece, etc. You will be graded on the condition of your instrument. Please see me regarding repairs. You cannot perform at a high level with an instrument that is in need of repair.

Woodwind players(clarinets and saxophones) you should buy the reeds by the box. I will have some reeds on hand, but please have a supply of your own. Brass players, you should have valve oil and slide oil on hand at all times. Make sure your valves/slides are in good working order. Percussionists, you should have a stick bag with your name on it. In the bag you should have a pair of standard snare drum sticks, and a pair of yarn mallets. Timpani, gong, bass drum, and all other beaters will be provided.

Borrowing a School Instrument- If you do not own an instrument you may borrow one from the high school (please indicate this on the SHS Instrumental Contract). You will be held accountable for any repairs above and beyond normal wear.

Music- All Band related music is to be stored in your Band binder. Cabinet space will be provided for music binders. Students will be asked to initial all music, neatly, in pencil. You are responsible for any lost music. Please replace any lost music immediately.

Rehearsals- You must come prepared to work at every rehearsal. You will need your instrument, supplies, music and pencil at every rehearsal. This is part of your grade. You will receive a grade for your daily rehearsal. Items to be graded are your instrument, supplies, pencil, music, behavior, attitude, and general rehearsal technique.

Classroom rules-The band room is another classroom. Therefore the rules for this room remain the same as anywhere else in the school. Please be respectful of each other and the room itself. Please do not leave scraps of paper or garbage on the floor. There is ABSOLUTLY NO FOOD, NO DRINKS, AND NO GUM permitted in the room. You may have bottled water, but nothing else. This rule will be strictly enforced throughout the year. Detentions will be given out to repeat offenders. Classroom EXPECTATIONS

What I expect from you: 1. To work hard and try for yourself and your ensemble 2. To (positively) participate fully in the activities each class period 3. PRACTICE AND BE PREPARED!

What you can expect from me: 1. To give my best each day for you as individuals and as an ensemble. 2. To be prepared. 3. To be mindful of all individual talents, and to offer help where/when needed.

Additional Classroom Rules: 1. Do quality work the first time. 2. Be Respectful 3. Be Prepared

Grades: Percentage breakdowns. 30%- Daily participation 30%-In class assessments (playing test- individual/small group) 40%- Performances

Daily Grades- Each week you will receive a grade for classroom activities. This grade is out of 10 (2 points per day). If you show up ready to work with all the materials you need, a good attitude, and are paying attention/participating, you will receive a 10/10. Things that will negatively affect your grade include, but are not limited to:

-Talking in class -Being unprepared for class (no instrument, no music, etc…) -Having a poor attitude -Being musically unprepared -Being disruptive - Doing homework from other classes during rehearsal time

Performance Tests and Assessments- All students will audition in September. Performance tests will be given throughout the year, and will consist of various music excerpts. Auditions are required. There will also be scale quizzes and small group excerpt quizzes. You will be given ample time to prepare for each playing assessment. Sight Reading- upperclassmen will continue the sight-reading performance tasks at the level last achieved in the spring (I have all those records). Freshmen will begin at the starting level. Concerts- Attendance is required at all performances of this ensemble. You will be graded on the performance. Missing a performance for something other than illness or family emergency will result in a letter grade drop. For illness and/or emergency a parent phone call and note will be required. For an excused absence, there will be a make-up assignment assigned upon your return to school. You will be given a list of all concert dates. Please make note of this on your home calendar.

Uniform: Gentlemen-White Button down Shirt (unless told otherwise), Tie (can be solid or pattern), Black Pants, Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes. No variations to the uniform. Improper uniform means no performance. Ladies- White Blouse or Sweater (unless told otherwise), Long Black Pants, Black Dress Shoes. No variations to the uniform. Improper uniform means no performance.

Other Information:

Challenges- Challenges are a system in which a student may audition to move up within their section. Challenges will occur at various times during the school year. You are not required to challenge and you will not be graded on it. You must, however, play the audition if the student below signs up to challenge.

Lockers- You may store your instrument and music in a locker. Students with smaller instruments (flutes, clarinets, saxes) may use the smaller lockers. Students with larger instruments may use a larger size locker. Please share lockers if possible, we are limited in the space we have. No instruments or cases should be left on the floor EVER. If you choose not to use a locker please use the available shelving units. For those that do use a locker, there will be a master sign up list where you will write your name, locker number and combination. This will be kept in the band office throughout the year.

Materials for class- You will need to have a working instrument, anything you need for that instrument (reeds, valve oil, slide oil, cork grease, etc.), pencil, and a three ring binder and clear plastic sheets to hold your music.

If there are any additional questions, please contact Mrs. Ossias in the band office at 628-3229 ext 250. Or send me an email at [email protected].

Good Luck!!

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