President John Edwards

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President John Edwards

Food for thought. RESTRICTED to specifically authorized individuals.

President Bill Bradley (D) -- Vice President Nancy Collins (R) [Switching Places For 16 Years Total] DVP National Security (Defense, Justice, State): Colin Powell (R). DVP Commonwealth (All Else): Gary Hart (D) Counselors to the President: Michael Bloomberg (Commonwealth), Howard Dean (Electoral Reform), Al Sharpton (Poverty & Equality)

Cabinet Position Party First Choice Deputy/Alt Key Intellect Comment Agriculture Dem Jim Hightower Anthony Lovens Paul Hawkin Protect family farms, fight racism, food security/safety Commerce FC Clyde Prestowitz1 Ralph Nader William Greider Multilateral treaty adherence, global win-win, BoP2 Defense FC3 Sam Nunn Tony Zinni JCS Chuck Spinney 450-ship Navy, close foreign bases, peace operations Education Ind Derek Bok Brian Ray Paul Ray Equal across the land, end rote learning, value-oriented Energy Grn Paul Hawkin Amory Lovins Herman Daly Wind & solar, independent in five years, two-way grid Health & HS Rfm4 Tom Cochran Donald Burke5 Laurie Garrett Focus on global public health, global mental health Homeland Security Rep Rudy Giuliani6 Cass Sunstein H. Rheingold Bottom-up 114, 119, all languages, phase out, FEMA freed Interior Grn7 Robert Costanza Sandra Costel8 Water author Cut water consumption per capita in half Justice Ind Philip Heymann Elliot Spitzer Lawrence Lessig Civil liberties, moral capitalism, protect info. commons Labor Ind Robert Huttner AFL-CIO boss Anti-WTO lady Goal of 60% union membership in four years State Rep Colin Powell The Terminator Joe Nye Redirect $100B from NS to Peace & Earth Program Transportation Dem John Claybook Mary Schiavo9 Herman Daly Railroads, general aviation, neighborhoods, work nodes Treasury Dem Felix Royatyn P. Krugman10 Jeffrey Sachs End deficit, end WTO and IMF, start over Veterans’ Affairs Dem Max Cleland11 Tell truth about Gulf War disabilities, eliminate backlog Key Non-Cabinet Party First Choice Deputy/Alt Key Intellect Comment Amb to Israel Henry Seigman12 Hon. Brezezinski Mike Bloomberg Two-state solution, $25B reconstruction & water plan Chairman, NIC Ind Jonathan Schell13 M. Lowenthal14 Jim Fallows15 Elevate NIC, create OSINT agency, revitalize all Chief of Staff WH Rep David Gergen16 John Podesta Matthew Miller Traffic cop, not policy maker Defense Rv Bd Ind Mike Hayden Bill Lind Max Manwaring17 Balance big war, small war, waging peace, homeland defense Dir. Classified Intel. Dem Jim Clapper Robert Herman18 Joe Markowitz Cut secret budget in half, focus on multinational ops/sharing Drug Czar MxLn Alex Cockburn19 Mike Levine Empty the prisons, spend on prevention & reform Environmental PA Rep Gordon Durnil20 Robert Bullard21 Joe Thorton Focus on nuclear waste, chlorine, smog Immigration Ind Pat Buchanan22 Bill Richardson Clean house, secure borders, living wage for citizens IRS Ref Gary Nolan23 End indiviaul taxes, tougher on corporate tax avoidance. OMB Rep Sean O’Keefe24 B. Heineman25 John Kucinich26 Restore management, transparent budget, end all earmarks Patent Office Ind Jim Turner Cass Sunstein Richard Stallman27 Use it within 5 years or lose it, community rights restored Policy DG28 Grn? John Anderson? Integrate security, competiveness policy & balanced budget. Intelligence DG29 Rep Brent Scowcroft David Boren Robert Steele30 Implement the reforms in the 15 books on IC refom. Research DG Grn? Vint Cerf31 NJ Green Focus on standards, interoperability, human productivity. Strategy DG Rep David Abshire32 Bert Lance33 Steve Metz Establish long-term planning, inter-agency focus. Surgeon General D. Himmelfarb Natural cure guy Jim Turner Go after obesity, alcohol, drugs, smoking, & preservatives. Trade Rep. Rep Alfred Eckes34 Lou Dobbs Fair trade with labor rights as a fundamental UN Ambassador35 Dem Carol Mosley B. D. Kucinich Mark Palmer Dramatically improve US role and relations

DOI: 31 Dec 07. Prepared by Robert Steele, with assistance from Richard Bell, Jock Gill, and others. Direct 703.266.6393, cell 703.242.1701. RESTRICTED to specifically authorized individuals.

DOI: 31 Dec 07. Prepared by Robert Steele, with assistance from Richard Bell, Jock Gill, and others. Direct 703.266.6393, cell 703.242.1701. 1 Served under Reagan, author of ROGUE NATION: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions 2 BoP refers to C. K. Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, which posits that capitalism must refocus from the one billion at the top with a one trillion income, to the five billion at the bottom with four trillion in income. Empowering the poor and unleashing their entrepreneurial spirit will create infinite wealth and ameliorate most of the top ten threats identified by the High-Level Threat Panel of the United Nations (LtGen Scowcroft as US rrpresentative). 3 Nurture a new party, the Fiscal Conservatives, combining moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats—take the middle away from the extreme Right. 4 Although the Cabinet officer need not be (but ideally would be) someone with Reformist credentials, sufficient subordinate positions could be assigned to Reform-approved individuals so as to cause Reform Party to feel they have been given stakre-holder status in this Department. 5 Resident expert on international health at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. 6 Former Mayor of NYC, widely-admired Republican, keep him fully engaged and on the hook for Homeland Security. 7 Although the Cabinet officer need not be (but ideally would be) someone with Green credentials, sufficient subordinate positions could be assigned to Reform-approved individuals so as to cause Reform Party to feel they have been given stake-holder status in this Department. 8 Director of the Global Water Policy Program and author of The Last Oasis 9 Specializes in airline safety and security. 10 Princeton economist and NYT journalist, author of The Great Unraveling. 11 He’s done it before, we haveover 250,000 new disabled veterans from two Gulf Wars, make it a much more important job with lasting benefits to all veterans. 12 Director of Middle East Affairs at the Council on Foreign Relations, strong believer in the two-state solution, give him a 10 year appointment and the money to make it work. 13 At Yale Law, author of Unconquerable World, knows what questions to ask and what values to weigh. 14 Close to Porter Goss, provides a Republican balance, strong experience across Congressional Research Service, Department of State, in open source intelligence world, and as de facto Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis & Production. 15 Very strong Atlantic Monthly journalist, several others, such as Robert Kaplan, Tom Friedman, could comprise a virtual oversight board. 16 Honest broker, serves as traffic cop and omsbudsman, not policy driver. 17 Colonel (Retired) and PhD, author and editor of Search for Security, Environmental Security and many other seminal works in defense strategy. 18 Senior man at United Technologies, understands both the technology process and the intelligence process. Recent president of American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and force entire intelligence community to get with the standards program and rapidly migrate the good from intelligence into the larger information society. 19 Non-sectarian Marxist-Leninist. 20 Served in Bush I, author of _Making of a Conservative Environmentalist. 21 Leading expert on environmental racism and justice. 22 Strong on a flat tax and dumping of tax code, could lead a revolution in simplification of taxes—IRS gives citizens wrong information close to 75% of the time. Tax reform is a huge issue, major draw for all but the most wealthy Americans. 23 Libertarian candidate for President, has strong views that could help to shake up IRS (needs to be combined with very robust enforcement on corporate tax collection and reduction or elimination of all corporate and special interest loopholes—probably warrants a joint conference committee on the Hill. 24 Deputy OMB under Bush, moved to NASA, respected by OMB professionals. 25 United Technologies executive, recent past president of American National Standards Institute (ANSI), can get standards back into play such that America experiences both a major revitalization of economic productivity, and increased foreign sales from better inter-operability. Focus on global information society. 26 Republican, nine-term Congressman, Budget Committee, committed to balanced budget. 27 Independent in every sense. Will liberate the knowledge that is locked up for the wrong reason, while revitalizing intellectual property rights in cyber-era. 28 Policy PG supervises a deputy for national security, a deputy for national (economic) competitiveness, and a deputy for “ends and means” or national resources of all kinds—water, energy, demographics, land, money. This is an effective”demotion” of the national security advisor position, and an elevation of a more holistic form of policy- making. 29 DG: Director General, one of four new positions in the EOP, one each for Policy (senior position), Intelligence, Strategy, and Research (coordinating government and private sector research & development for optimal advances in economic productivity and sustainable environment). 30 Top intelligence reformer, can cut secret intelligence budget in half and help rationalize rest of government, finding $500B in new revenue, $500B in savings from waste across all Cabinet departments that can be re-directed. “Intelligence” should apply to all Cabinet jurisdictions, help President manage without falling victim to “cooking the books” by the Cabinet stake-holders. 31 True father of the Internet and of the Internet standards process. Hugely respected world-wide, could eventually orchestrate global R&D investments. Can also create Center for Computational Mathemeatics and oversee the urgently needed oversight and regulation of Google, which has become a swupranational predator that could overnight crash stock prices in banking, communications, computing, entertainment, and publishing. 32 Former defense aide to Senator Gary Hart, first proponent for maneuver warfare, leader of the Cultural Conservatives, big-picture and long-term view. 33 Regardless of the baggage, very capable. Use as a lightning rod as Sherman Adams was for Ike? 34 Former trade representative for Reagan, author of Opening America’s Markets. 35 Consider as long-term appointment with intent to promote them as a future Secretary-General of the United Nations, or to key Undersecretary General slots.

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