Test #5-Functions

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Test #5-Functions

Name ______Class ______Date ______

Test #5-Functions

1. Alicia’s mom wants to know how much Alicia 22. spent renting a tube at Splashtown. The cost was $3 23. Which relation is not a function? for each hour the tube was rented. What is the 24. independent variable? A. {(1,-5), (3,1), (-5,4), (4,-2)} 2. B. {(1,-5), (-1,6), (1,5), (6,-3)} A. The $3 dollar charge C. {(2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,8)} B. The total cost of renting the tube D. {(3,-2), (5,-6), (7,7), (8,8)} C. The number of hours the tube is rented 25. D. The size of the tube 26. 27. 3. 28. 4. 29. 5. 30. If f(x) = 2x2 + 3x – 1, then what is the value of 6. Give the domain and range of the relation. f(3)? 7. y 6 31. 8. 9. 4 A. 26 10. B. 11. 2 64 12. C. 44 –2 2 4 6 x D. 13. –2 20 32. 14. 33. A. D: –2 ≤ x ≤ 4; R: –3 ≤ y ≤ 2 34. 35. B. D: –3 ≤ x ≤ 2; R: –2 ≤ y ≤ 4 36. Give the domain and range of the relation. Tell whether the relation is a function. C. D: –3 ≤ x ≤ 2; R: –3 ≤ y ≤ 6 3 38. y D. D: –3 ≤ x ≤ 2; R: 0 ≤ y ≤ 4 7. x 15. 39. 40. 16. 0 –5 41. 42. 17. 1 –1 18. A relation exists between a toy store’s profit 43. 44. and the number of toys it sells. In this relation, what 1 3 is the dependent variable? 45. 46. 19. 1 6 47. A. The number of hours the store is open 48. B. The number of toys the store sells 49. C. The store’s profit 50. 51. D. The price of each toy 52. 20. 53. 21. 54. 55. C. An empty pool is being filled with A. D: {0, 1}; R: {–5, –1, 3, 6}. The relation is a water, and people are having fun swimming and function. jumping in and out of the pool. 56. 68. B. D: {–5, –1, 3, 6}; R: {0, 1}. The relation is a D. An empty pool is being filled with function. water. A little time after the pool is filled to its 57. capacity, the pool needs to be emptied because C. D: {0, 1}; R: {–5, –1, 3, 6}. The relation is not a of some problems. function. 69. 58. 70. D. D: {–5, –1, 3, 6}; R: {0, 1}. The relation is not a 71. function. 72. For the function w, w(3) = -7, and w(-7) = 9. If y 59. = w(x), what is the value of y when x = -7? 60. Describe the correlation illustrated by the 73. scatter plot. 74. Record your answer and fill in the bubbles on 61. your answer document. 75. 62. y 76. Temperature changes throughout the hours of 11 A. Positive 10 a day. Early in the morning, temperature increases 9 slowly. At noon, the temperature rises sharply. 8 7 During the afternoon, the temperature stays the B. Negative 6 same for several hours. As night falls, the 5 4 temperature decreases slightly. Choose the graph 3 that best represents this situation. C. Constant 2 1 77. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x A. C. D.

No Correlation e r e u r t u a e t r a r e r u e p

78. t p a m m r e e e T T p m e 63. 79. T 64. Select a possible situation for the graph. 80. Hours Hours

81. Hours l e v

e 82. l

r e t a 83. W

B. e D. r u e t r a u t r a e r p e e p m r e m e u T t 84. T a r e p m e 65. Time 85. T Hours Hours A. An empty pool is being filled with 86. water. Then, immediately after the pool is filled to its capacity, the pool needs to be emptied 87. Hours because of some problems. The pool is refilled 88. right after it is completely empty. 89. 90. 66. The late fee for overdue books at a library is $0.25 per day per book, with a maximum late fee of B. An empty pool is being filled with $5.00 per book. Which graph models the total late water. A little time after the pool is filled to its fee for 3 books that were checked out on the same capacity, the pool needs to be emptied because day and are overdue? of some problems. Then, the pool is refilled 91. immediately. 67. 92. 93. C. 0 ≤ y ≤ 6 94. D. 0 < y < 6 95. 128. 96. 129. 130. 97. 131. What is the range? 98. 132. A. 0 ≤ x ≤ 10 99. B. 0 < x < 10 100. C. 0 ≤ y ≤ 6 101. D. 0 < y < 6 102. 133. 103. 134. 104. 135. 136. 105. 137. 106. Use the graph below to answer questions 12-14. 138. 107. 139. 108. 140. Which of the following is not an 109. example of a function? 110. 141. 111. A. 112. 142. 113. 143. 114. 144. 115. 145. 116. 146. 117. 147. 118. 148. 119. 149. 120. Which explanation best represents if 150. the graph provided is discrete or continuous? 151. 121. 152. A. Discrete, because the CBR only A. documents time in 1 second intervals 153. B. Discrete, because the CBR documents 154. time in whole and partial seconds 155. C. Continuous, because the CBR only 156. documents time in 1 second intervals 157. D. Continuous, because, the CBR 158. documents time in whole and partial seconds 159. 122. 160. 123. A. {(5, -5.5), (-5, -10.75), (5, 10.75)} 124. 161. 125. 162. 126. What is the domain? 163. 127. 164. A. 0 ≤ x ≤ 10 A. 165. B. 0 < x < 10 166. 167. 193. 168. 169. 194. 170. 171. 195. A. 172. 3 C. 12 173. 174. A printer charges a fixed amount per photocopy and gives a 10% discount off the total B.

cost of the photocopies. The total cost is a function 9 D. 15 of the number of photocopies made. What is the independent quantity in this situation? 196. 175. 197. What is the range of the function A. The total cost of the photocopies shown below? B. The price per copy 198. 199. C. The amount of the discount 200. 201. D. The total number of copies 202. 176. 203. 177. 204. 178. 205. 179. 206. 180. The number of ferryboat trips, f(c), 207. needed to transport c cars in 1 day can be found A. {-7, -2, 0, 5} using the function f(c) = . If there are no more than B. 5,000 cars transported by ferryboat daily, what is {-9, -4, -1} the range of the function for this solution? C. {-9, -7, -4, -2, -1, 0 5} 181. 182. D. {-1} 183. 208. Melissa gave hours of her time on 184. Tuesday doing community service. The following 185. weekend she spent two less than 3 times the 186. amount of hours doing community service than she 187. did on the previous Tuesday. If Melissa needs 34 A. The set of all integers greater than or total hours of community service, how many hours equal to 5,000 did she complete over the weekend? 209. B. The set of all integers from 0 to 5,000 A. 3 hours C. The set of all integers greater than or 210. A. 9 hours equal to 250 211. D. The set of all integers from 0 to 250 A. 25 hours 212. 188. A. 27 hours 189. 213. 190. 214. 191. Find the x of the following right 215. triangle. 216. Which graph does not represent a function? 217. 192.

A. C. 256. 218. 257. 219. 258. 220. 259. Which region is not a function? 221. 260. 222. A. A 223. B. B A. D. 224. C. C 225. 226. D. D 227. 261. 228. 262. 229. 263. 230. 264. 231. 265. Which statement is true about the 232. Look at this graph of a function (y is a relation shown on the graph below? function of x.) 266. 233. 267. 234. 268. 235. 269. 236. 270. 237. 271. 238. 272. 239. 273. 240. 274. 241. 275. 242. What is the domain of the function? 276. 243. A. It is a function because there exists one A. All real numbers x-coordinate for each y-coordinate. B. All real numbers except -4 B. It is a function because there exists one C. All real numbers greater than or equal y-coordinate for each x-coordinate. C. It is not a function because there are to 0 multiple y-values for a given x-value. D. All real numbers greater than or equal D. It is not a function because there are to -4 multiple x-values for a given y-value. 277. 244. The accompanying graph shows the 278. curves of best fit for data points comparing 279. temperature to altitude in four different regions, 280. Look at the graph. represented by the relations A, B, C, and D. 281. 245. 282. 246. 283. 247. 284. 248. 285. 249. 286. 250. 287. 251. 288. 252. 253. 254. 255. 289. 337. 290. 338. 291. 339. 292. 340. 293. 341. 294. 342. 295. 343. 296. 344. 297. 345. 298. 346. 299. 347. 300. 348. 301. 349. 302. 350. 303. 351. 304. 352. 305. 353. 306. 354. 307. Which graph could represent the 355. situation below? 356. 308. 357. 309. 358. 310. Ryan skateboards down a ramp, skateboards up 359. the other side, and skateboards back down. 360. 311. 361. 312. 362. A hot air balloon lifted off the ground 313. and rose straight up at a constant speed. Which of 314. the following graphs best represents the height of 315. the hot air balloon above the ground over time? 316. 363. 317. 364. 318. 365. 319. 366. 320. 367. 321. 368. 322. 369. 323. 370. 324. 371. 325. 372. 326. 373. 327. 374. 328. 375. 329. 376. 330. 377. 331. 378. 332. 379. 333. 380. 334. 381. 335. Janelle’s cell phone company charges a 382. monthly fixed rate for the first 1,000 minutes then 383. charges for each additional minute. Which graph 384. Kendra is observing how the height of a best represents Janelle’s monthly cell phone plan? tall, thin cylidrical candle changes over time as it 336. burns. 385. 410. 386. 411. 387. 412. 388. 413. Which graph represents a function? 389. 414. 390. 415. 391. 416. 392. 417. 393. Which graph best represents the change 418. in the height of the candle over time? 419. 394. 420. 395. 421. 396. 422. 397. 423. 398. 424. 399. 425. 400. 426. 401. 427. 402. 403. 404. 428. 405. 429. 406. 430. 407. 431. 408. 432. 409. 433.

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