Control of Access to Hazardous and Restricted Locations Purpose

1. This procedure is designed to eliminate the potential for injury and disease or risk to the University’s business operations that could otherwise occur from uncontrolled access to such locations. These procedures apply at all hours. Procedure

Definitions Hazardous location. 2. A hazardous location is any location where safety and health hazards potentially exist and may include:  laboratories  animal houses  workshops  stores  plant rooms, switch rooms, valve rooms, lift plant rooms  service ducts  roofs  pits  confined spaces  commercial kitchens  commercial laundries  areas under construction or refurbishment  cleaners cupboards  other locations recommended by the Area occupational health and safety committee and designated by Area management,  other locations designated by Facilities and Services. 2.2 Restricted location. 3. A restricted location is any location where access is limited because of risks to business function or security and could include,  computer rooms  management offices  records area  stores

Control of Access to Hazardous and Restricted Locations .1. 8 April 2018  other locations designated by Area management. Responsibility for Controlling Access to Hazardous or Restricted Locations Director Facilities & Services responsibilities 4. Facilities & Services in conjunction with the local facilities building management have:  to control access to hazardous locations or restricted locations associated with building services, such as plant rooms, service ducts, switch rooms, valve rooms and roofs  to control the access of Facilities & Services staff to hazardous locations or restricted locations within a Budget Unit  to control access to hazardous locations or restricted locations on the grounds of the University  to ensure that restricted access to hazardous and restricted locations is maintained at all times. Director, General/Faculty Manager, Research Group Leader/Manager responsibilities 5. It is an important element of the University’s occupational health and safety control program that all persons, other than approved persons with appropriate information, training and supervision, be excluded from hazardous or restricted locations. 6. Building management/custodian is responsible for identifying hazardous locations or restricted locations within its domains and controlling access of persons to such locations. 7. Maintain restricted access to hazardous and restricted locations. 8. Children are not allowed in University buildings where hazardous locations or restricted locations exist, unless special arrangements are made by area management to ensure children will not enter hazardous locations or restricted locations within the building or be exposed to hazardous agents. See: Children on campus procedure 9. The general public are not allowed in University buildings where hazardous locations or restricted locations exist, unless special arrangements are made by area management to ensure the public will not enter hazardous locations or restricted locations within the building or be exposed to hazardous agents (e.g. University Open day). Workers, students, contractors and visitors responsibilities 10. University employees must observe all restrictions on the entry to or work practices within hazardous or restricted locations, whether in their own or other area. 11. Further, it is important that an employee does not inadvertently invite an individual, who is not a University employee or approved visitor, into a location that is hazardous or otherwise restricted. 12. Where access is required for maintenance and repairs (e.g. contractors) appropriate authorisation must be first granted. 13. Emergency access to fire wardens is allowed as long as appropriate training has been undertaken and access requirements have been fulfilled. 14. Ensure that access to hazardous or restricted locations is maintained at all times.