Name: ______Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism Web Search

Directions: Use the internet to find the answers to the following questions. To speed up the research process, you do not need to answer the questions in order. For best results use a variety of search engines and websites.

Keywords to help you search: Salem trials, The Crucible, Red Scare, Communism, Joseph McCarthy, Arthur Miller, Hollywood Blacklist, House on Un-American Activities Committee, Hollywood Ten + McCarthyism, Salem Witch Trials

1. Using, find where Salem is and how far is it from Auburn Drive High School? How long would it take someone to drive there? ______2. Define the word Crucible. (Be sure to record all possible meanings of the word) ______3. What is hysteria? ______4. What is Puritanism? ______Name: ______5. How was the practice of witchcraft viewed in 17th century New England? ______6. Provide a list of all who were executed during the Salem Witch Trials. ______7. In relation to the witch trials, who were the two girls that initially began acting strangely and what supposedly caused the girls’ behaviour? ______8. Who was Tituba? What role did she play in the Salem Witch Trials? ______Name: ______9. During the Salem Witch Trials, what was the difference between being “afflicted” with witchcraft and being “accused” of witchcraft? ______10.What happened in Salem after the trials were over? ______11.What is Communism? ______12.What position in the US Government did Joseph McCarthy hold? ______13.Why were Americans scared of Communists in the 1950s? ______Name: ______14.What was the Hollywood Blacklist and who are some of the famous people that were blacklisted? ______15.What was the US Congress’s final response to Joseph McCarthy’s actions and how long after their response did he die? ______16.How are the events during the Salem Witch Trials comparable to what happened with McCarthyism in the 1950s? ______17.Who was Arthur Miller? What is the name of the play he wrote that was an “allegory” about McCarthyism? When was it written? ______18.Visit and follow the links to “experience the trials”. What would happen if you said you were innocent? What would happen if you confessed? ______