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English Lacrosse Association

English Lacrosse Association Ltd. – Board Meeting Minutes 29th March 2012



Minutes of a Board Committee meeting held on Thursday 29th March 2012 at the ELA Office, National Cycling Centre, Stuart Street, Manchester, M11 4DQ commencing at 2pm.

Present: Chair - Sue Redfern (SR) Ron Balls (RB) Clare Stoot (CS) Tom Plant (TP) Alan Holdsworth (AH)) Hamish McInnes (HM) Mark Coups (MC) David Shuttleworth (DS) David Marsden (DM) Eddie Owens (EO) Alan Dyer (AD)

Sallie Barker attended for part of the meeting by audio

Apologies for absence had been received from Lynne Potts and Adam Sherlock (AS)

Condolences were expressed to Lynne Potts in respect of the recent family bereavement.

1. Conflict of Interests declaration HM indicated a previous involvement with DKC (referred to in the CEO report) but not for 18 months and on matters not related to lacrosse. SB did not consider there to be any conflict of interest related to the Elite Performance working group and WPC implications.

2. Confirm Agenda Changes to published Agenda agreed in order to prioritise items for discussion.

3. Minutes of last meeting (23rd February 2012) Minutes approved

4. Matters arising not covered by agenda items Women’s disciplinary matter – cover under AOB Web site – will be covered in CEO report / AOB

5. National Schools DS reflecting on the recent event offered the view that this should now be a staff function.

MC views: - Events Management (Sportworks) successful - Need to run the competition as well as organising the event

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- Staff actively engaged and form a bridge between the volunteers and the Event Management company

If staff time charged then the 2012 event would incur a loss.

CS - personal contact need to engage (and value) volunteers

Clear line of decision making needed. Possible headline sponsorship opportunity being progressed which would take the event to a higher level.

DS – Third year the staff have had to intervene to provide support.

TP – Events should be revenue generators and need central control. Possible internee / work experience to provide central resource.

HM - revenue and reputational considerations – accountable lead person needed.

SB – OK with Head Office taking control now noting that the capability could be found. Concerned about revenue implications on the women’s game and need to consider this further.

Principle of move to the centre agreed noting the need to consider further the overall finance position related to women’s events to ensure no residual issues.

6. Membership Review Leave until the April meeting to enable appropriate details to be presented.

7. 25th April 2012 Event Invitations sent to all MPs. The room to be used in Portcullis House is quite small. Intent is to raise the profile and feature the 2017 World Cup bid. Clare Balding set up for a photo shot. 20 people expected. Confirm that elite women can bring lacrosse sticks.

“Team England” to be launched. Common kit designs, colouring and sourcing for men’s and women’s teams. Give away packs to include reference to sponsorship / financing.

8. Elite Performance Report from Phil Collier had been distributed. Generally felt to be good paper. HM - Need to understand how Coaches would be appointed to ensure “raising the bar”. Talent Pathway Manager should be considered. Salaries low by other sports performance standards. RB – Would like to see the Job Description for the Performance Director, the greater level of detail would aid the presentation to the wider lacrosse community. RB / AH reported on positive discussion at the MPC meeting on 20th March regarding the draft of PC’s paper.

PC to attend the Board meeting on 19th April.

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Some concerns raised with SB by WPC representatives and a meeting of relevant people with SR /SB / CS would be beneficial.

Centex implications noted and evident that changes need to be made.

With this proposed system it is expected that the whole performance environment would improve.

9. Committee Structure (for AGM Presentation) Articles: WPC views considered related to the Vice-President position. RB proposal for President / Vice President rejected and agreed direction is to maintain two Co- Presidents. Current Co-Presidents Terms of Reference to be copied out. (Done 30/3/12)

The proposal to modify article 20.2.6 related to elected Board members having the majority in a voting situation was agreed.

After discussion on the committee structure the proposals were modified and agreed as per the document appended.

In the discussions it was confirmed that Meeting Schedules, Agendas and Minutes of all Board Committees should be sent to all Board members.

10. AGM Arrangements RB advised of the need to have documents out early given the significance of the proposed changes. Annual Report in the proposed new format was under preparation by staff.

11. CEO Report DS referred to the distributed report and replied to points raised.

Staff: Erin Bevington would be taking maternity leave later this year. DS in discussion with Cycling over possible service arrangement related to HR and Finance support. Wider position being considered by SR and DS.

New web site on track. Contingency arrangements in hand in the event of difficulties with Sportsworks when their contract is not renewed.

CS raised the point that the results of the recent junior Home Internationals event had not featured on the ELA web site. Evident that the agreed procedure of Caroline Royle calling the England Elite on a regular basis, and vice-versa, had not been followed. DS to ensure that actions are taken to ensure results are available promptly for future events including the forthcoming senior Home Internationals.

12. Finance

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Current position reviewed noting that the Actuals against Budget with supporting narrative had been sent out. Noted that the major mis-posting, which had now been corrected, was not the responsibility of our staff. SR asked if the format / level of details of the report and narrative was acceptable and any observation on this to be provided with the next few days.

Budget 2012/13 Draft had been sent to Board members with full discussion scheduled for the April meeting. Two specific Finance Review Committee recommendations were considered:

a) Salaries from 1st April 2012 : no increase – this was agreed b) Subscriptions 2012 /13: noting the delays with the Membership Review and the major changes being proposed in respect of the Articles the proposal was no increase – this was agreed.

13. Relevant Committee Matters

MPC- EO commented on proposed changes in the structure of North league. At the most recent meeting the view was expressed that the men’s game should progress in an evolutionary manner towards having 5 regions, these being North Midland, North East, North West, South East and South West in advance of full men’s / women’s alignment. CS expressed some concerns about the anomaly this created with WPC ceasing having a Midland region. It was noted that whilst this might be an area of reducing activity within the women’s game in was increasing within the men’s and the growth aspects needed to be considered. Also noted that the league competitive structure was not directly related to the regional structure apart from geographic representative games.

WPC – relevant points covered elsewhere

Marketing – web site progress (referred to elsewhere)

Technical – consultant led WSP workshop held. MC requested guidance on the level of documentation Board members would like sight of related to WSP. In general Executive summaries and plans needed, other documents could be requested as needed.

14. Matters Arising Women’s disciplinary matter – DS in contact with the Dunn family regarding a statement and waiting for a response from Mellor LC

Women’s Age limit for senior lacrosse: WPC do not wish to see an age limit except for national competitions where the lower age limit would be 14. View expressed that a limit should be introduced and consider this should be gender independent. Concerns expressed about the impact on senior teams relying on younger players.

Women’s Disciplinary (general) – to be considered within the setup of the new Regions.

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Procedure for National Schools needed. Consider the procedures in place for the Elite and see if these could be adapted for National Schools.

Unruly Crowd Behaviour – WPC to deal by instruction to Umpires.

14. AOB

Eye Protection: DS advised on the report from Naresh Joshi relating to the survey on protective eyewear in the women’s game- Survey covered 85 Coaches and 648 players (U15, U19 and University) 54% of coaches reported witnessing 2-5 injuries 46% of players and 24% of coaches reported ocular injuries requiring doctor based care and in some instances specialist units. Agreed that an initial presentation should be made to WPC at the May meeting. DS to arrange.

Women’s sticks: DS/MC expressed concern about possible FIL rulings related to sticks and declaring that the Debeer stick with the “gripper pocket” would not be classed as legal for use as from 1st January 2013. There would also be implications on general stringing of all sticks in use in England. It was noted that: -the FIL documentation was not to hand - the FIL rulings apply to international play (including the home internationals) - WPC to consider what actions are appropriate

Meeting closed at 6.45pm with a vote of thanks to the Chair

Future Meeting Dates:

Board 19th April 2012- London Board 17th May 2012 – Manchester AGM 10th June 2012 – Manchester

Distribution: Sue Redfern - Chair Eddie Owen - MPC Adam Sherlock - Marketing Tom Plant - Deputy Chair Alan Dyer - Director Ron Balls - Secretary Lynne Potts - Treasurer David Marsden - Co-President Alan Holdsworth - Director Sallie Barker - WPC Clare Stoot - Co-Pres / Tech Mark Coups - D D&C David Shuttleworth - CEO Hamish McInnes - Co-opted

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Committee Structure agreed as follows:

1. The Finance Review Committee has its remit extended and will be the Finance and Governance. Noted that, as is the situation currently, budget approval and overall salary considerations rest with the Board.

2. The Marketing Committee is extended to cover specifically:

Commercial activity, Income generation and Membership Services

3. The Technical Committee remit is extended to cover education and courses and is renamed Strategy Implementation and Development. The key focus is the delivery of the Whole Sport Plan.

A separate sub-committee to be formed to take responsibility for all Education and Training.

Agreed that the Chair should be a Board appointee noting the WSP delivery significance.

4. The Interim Elite Performance Working Party becomes the Elite Performance Committee with the Chair, and the membership in the interim, being Board appointments. The Chair of WPC / Elite and Chair of MPC / National Squads to also remain as members of WPC and MPC respectively to maintain communication links until such time as a single Playing Committee is formed.

5. The establishment of a single Playing Committee (from MPC and WPC) remains an aspirational intent to be considered in further detail for the future with the intent of this being no later than 2015.

6. A National Events Committee is not established but is controlled by staff from Head Office co-ordinating and working with specific event sub-committees.

7. A specific Joint sub Committee, of Strategy Implementation and Development, is established to concentrate on all matters related to Youth lacrosse.

RB / 30-03-2012

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