Table of Contents s207

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Table of Contents s207

Table of Contents

Arrival……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………

Page 1

The Mystery…………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………

Page 5

Clue # 1………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………

Page 7 Clue # 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………

Page 8

The Bad People ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Page 10

Seeking Explanations …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………

Page 11

Arrival Page1 Spies are hard to find where I live. My name is Rachel and I live in New York City. I bet your wondering why I started my story with spies. Well that

Is because I am one. My family works for the government. They “capture bad people” I guess. So really I am a spy in training or a S.I.T. My Mother’s Name is Star and my father’s name is Grover. My older brother’s name is Dorian, but since he is twenty-five he changed his name to Rex. To me Rex is a dumber name than Dorian, but he doesn’t care.

I heard the sound of a horn and I knew that my uncles have arrived. Since I was left home alone a lot I never had anyone to talk to. So when my Uncles were here I always had someone to tell my stories to. I had six uncles, Uncle Rob, Uncle Stanley, and Uncle Daniel, uncle Dorian, Uncle Kendal, and Uncle Titan. Just like Rex Uncle Titan changed his name. Before his name was Patrick and he used to live in Florida. One day he was nicknamed Titan by the surfers because he killed a ten foot shark by hand. He loved that name so much he legally changed his name.

I ran to the door hoping to see Uncle Titan, but instead I saw some old lady. This lady had bright pink eye shadow on her left eye and bright blue eye shadow on her right eye. On her lips was a disgusting shade of green lip stick. I started to wonder if she had the lights on when she put her make up on and got dressed, I mean she was wearing a red, silver, and green sundress with baggy jeans underneath it with some bright green Velcro shoes on.

“Hello” I said with a confused look on my face.

“Hello darling. How are you today?” the old lady said with a wicked smile.

Since it would be rude not to answer I said, “Fine thank you.”

“Hey where’s my little niece?” Uncle titan asked when he came out of the car.

“Uncle Titan I’ve missed you how are you?” I said “I’m great. Have you met your new Aunt Linda?” Asked uncle titan

“AUNT! She is my Aunt? How could this be? When did you get married?” I questioned him

“Just last month. You look a little surprised that a man like me could get a woman like this.”

“Actually I am a little surprised that you got a woman like her. Where’s the rest of my Lovely Uncles.” I asked.

“Oh. There in the truck.”

“All together that’s unusual. Don’t tell me they got married to.”

“Uncle Stanley and I are the only ones that are now married in fact they are right there.”

This time when I looked a beautiful woman was there she had curly red hair with natural make up on with a beautiful red sundress. To top it off she wore red flats and a white sun hat that made her look Spanish. “Hello. How are you? My name is Alana. I’m you’re new Aunt.”

Alana said very excitedly.

“Oh Hello. My name is Rachel, and I’m great thank you. You look very lovely. Your dress brings out your eyes, Alana.” I said politely.

“Why thank you Rachel and I do adore your dress.” Alana said while she examined me.

“Thank you, Alana, would you like some tea and cookies.” I asked her.

“Yes please.”

“Right this way Alana, the table is all set for everyone.” Uncle Stanley Said to Alana. Then he turned to me, “Thank you for your positive attitude I really appreciate it. Just try to get used to me having a wife. That just means that I won’t be able to listen to as many stories anymore and there won’t be as much Uncle Stanley and Rachel time. o.k.”

“Yes I understand but I have one question, is Alana Spanish I mean she just looks like she’s Spanish.” “Yes Alana is Spanish. She was born in Spain and when her mother and father got divorced she moved here with her father Ricardo Renaldo. I better go sit with Alana, Uncle Titan, and Rosemary.”

“Who is Rosemary?”

“Uncle Titan’s wife. I got to go Rachel.”

The next to come in was Uncle Rob. He was wearing a clown hat with a coat and tie. Then Uncle Kendal came in with another lady which I assumed was his girlfriend. Uncle Dorian and Uncle Daniel came together which was obvious because they always came together. After they all came in I saw someone I only knew in my head. It was my grandma Patty. I greeted her with a big hug and a kiss on her cheek. Grandma Patty was very old so she couldn’t see as well as everyone else in the family. After I greeted her I lead her to the kitchen and sat her down next to Alana and Uncle Rob.

After everyone was seated I called my mother and father down stairs. When they came I sat down on the other side of Alana and next to mother and we all said grace together, and then started to eat The Mystery Page 5

As I started to eat I noticed something. Everyone was eating with their left hand instead of the right, their writing hand. I know none of them eat with both hands. I was the only one eating with my right hand witch kind of scared me a little because everyone was staring at me for no reason. Another thing that was weird was that they all were stuttering. The part that really scared me was that they all chewed their food with their mouths open. No one said excuse me when they burped. They were being totally impolite and disgusting really disgusting. After every bite one of them would burp loudly. Alana was the only one with manners; she was the only polite one out of everyone except me. I really was scared and I could tell Alana was too. I was scared because I had a really polite family, a graceful family, a family with manners. I don’t know why Alana was scared I thought everyone in Mexico was rude, but I guess not.

Alana excused herself from the table and motioned me to follow her to the kitchen. I didn’t want to be rude so I got up forgetting to excuse myself and went into the kitchen with Alana.

“Does your family always eat so messy?” Alana asked me. I could tell that uncle Stanley never eats likes this at home.

“No they usually eat very gracefully. If I ever ate like that in front of my parents, they would surely bet me so hard that I could not walk for a month,” I joked. I could tell that Alana was not in a laughing matter. “Let’s be serious now why would they eat like such pigs at such a beautiful gathering?” Alana was trying to make sense of what was happening.

Clue #1 page 7

“Maybe the bad people switched our family with robots and they really have our family,” I said trying to help.

“Estas loco esto no es un tiempo Para estar bromeando?” Alana screamed at me.

“What did you say?” I asked Alana.

“Are you crazy!!!? This is not a time to be joking around.” Alana said slowly.

“I’m not joking, Alana, my mom told me that if anyone in the family was acting out of order that the bad people have taken them to their hide out somewhere in the woods. Before you get any ideas about going up there let me remind you that this place is up deep in the woods. If we get lost no one can hear us. And there is no cell phone reception. If you need another reason why we shouldn’t go up there your pretty red dress might get caught on a tree and it might rip. So let’s just not go up there please Alana don’t make me go up there. Want to save my family in all but I don’t want to risk being lost in the woods. Did I tell you that there was no cell phone reception?” I tried to beg her not to make me go but she said that if I didn’t want to go I didn’t have to but she was going to go save her husband. So of course that made me want to come to so I guess now I have to face my fears and go save my family.

Wish Me Luck!!!!

Clue #2 page 8

Me and Alana went to the closet and grabbed our coats then I packed some food for us to eat, grabbed my cell phone, and went to the car. When I came outside I saw Alana in the car with an expression that made her look scared and uncomfortable.

I went to the car door and opened it. I was in such a hurry that I almost sat on the person sitting in my seat. “Grandma Patty, what are you doing out of the house, in Alana’s car!?” I asked her.

“I overheard your conversation with Alana here and thought I would come help you,” she spoke with excitement as if she was still a little girl awaiting an adventure.

“Just let her come with us. Get in the back seat. She’ll fall asleep soon,” Alana whispered to me.

I got in the car and Alana entered the address of the bad people’s hide out into her navigation system. Alana couldn’t help but stare at my grandmother. I wouldn’t blame her. My grandmother had a beautiful heart but everything on the outside is not as beautiful. She looked like my aunt rosemary, or was it Linda? Uncle Titan called her Linda, but Uncle Stanley called her rosemary. Come to think of it she never did tell me her name. Maybe aunt whatever her name is works with the bad people. Maybe she had to come up with a fake name and then she forgot it and made up a different name thinking that nobody would notice. But I noticed. I decided to ask Alana, “Alana, what is Uncle Titan’s wife’s name?”

“Linda I think, why?” Alana asked

“When I met her Uncle Titan called her Linda, but Uncle Stanley called her rosemary. Isn’t that weird?”

“Maybe that’s her middle name. Lots of people go by their middle name. I used to. My full name is Alana Roselita Renaldo. In Spain I was called Roselita. When I moved here I went by my first name.” Alana went on and on about her life in Spain. I zoned out when she talked about her boyfriend Roger. The Bad People Page 10

I woke up about three hours after we left. I didn’t know where Alana was, but I saw Grandma Patty sleeping in the front seat. When I tried to get up I felt a big pain in my neck. Then I saw what happened. They had her. They had Alana. I watched them as they walked to the car. Alana was being pushed in front of three huge guys. They opened the back door and pushed Alana in to the seat next to me. They took my grandma out of her seat and dropped her on the ground next to the car. Two of the men got in the car, and the other one went into his small black car. The man in my car drove away leaving grandma patty sleeping on the ground in the middle of the road. I wanted to ask who they were and where they were taking us, but something told me that if I made even the slightest sound, my life would be over.

Seeking Explanations Page 11

I guess I must have dosed off, because when I woke up I was surrounded by the stench of rotten eggs and rancid milk. One of the men in the car opened my door and pulled me deeper and deeper into the horrid smell. The other man must have been more sensible because he politely asked Alana to get out of the car. Alana has to be one of the bravest people I know because all she did was ignore the man. I would never have been able to that mostly because I know I saw a gun sitting in the glove compartment. This time the man dragged Alana out of the car, and when she wouldn’t stand up he just let her fall on the ground. The man who had me pushed me in front of him. I started walking. When I passed Alana I motioned her to get up and walk with me. My motion was no use; she just sat there and watched everyone walk by her.

“Either get up or be dinner for the bears and raccoons,” one of the men yelled at her. I would rather be eaten than go with the men but Alana stood up and brushed the dirt off of her dress. The man who yelled at her tried to grab her hand to bring her along but Alana just turned away and followed me.

“Mitch I think we got a princess on our hands,” laughed the guy who screamed at Alana.

“Good one Miguel,” laughed Mitch. I found out two things since we left the car. First, the screamer was named Miguel and the semi-friendly man was named Mitch. Second, these were most definitely the bad people. My mother told me that the worse the smell the closer you were to the bad peoples hide out.

We walked for what seemed like hours when we came to a big titanium building. Mitch let go of me and opened the door. I thought of taking off running but there was many things wrong with that plan. First, Miguel was standing right behind Alana who was right behind me, so if I ran he would most likely catch me. Second, Mitch was staring at me from the corner of his eye the whole time he was opening the door, and even if I got away how Alana would get away? So I decided to stay put until they let us inside. When Mitch finally opened the door a breeze of cold air and the smell of nature after the rain blew in. This really surprised me. I thought the large titanium building would smell like death and sweat and wouldn’t be air conditioned, but I was defiantly wrong. Mitch let me go and I walked into the building. After I was about 3 steps in I stopped and realized that if I took another step everybody would be in the building and Miguel would be able to close the door and lock me and Alana in here and never let us out. After Miguel saw that I had stopped he pushed me and Alana in and asked us what we wanted to eat. I thought this was kind of weird but I told him what I wanted and Alana said she didn’t want anything. Miguel left and Mitch told us that we would be staying here for a few days. I asked him why and he didn’t answer. Mitch showed us to our rooms and said that we better get comfortable cause this is where we are going to be sleeping for the next few weeks.

The Truth

Page 13

After about an hour Miguel returned with our food. Even though Alana said she didn’t want anything Miguel picked her up a taco. She thanked him in Spanish and he said, “Aquí vas a perder. ¿Hay algo más que puedo hacer por ti para que te sientas cómodo? I had no idea what he said but Alana did . She replied, “¿Podría decirnos por qué estamos aquí y por qué no se puede simplemente vamos a ir? “

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