Minutes of the Planning and Environmental Committee Held on 5 January 2004

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Minutes of the Planning and Environmental Committee Held on 5 January 2004


* Cllr K Barnes * Cllr R Taylor * Cllr P Demonti * Cllr K Warnell * Cllr P Gray * Cllr Miss C Woodman * Cllr L Pinnell (Chairman) Cllr J Wyllie * Cllr Mrs N Symonds (Vice-Chairman) Cllr K Armstrong (ex-officio)

* Denotes present


Apologies were received from Cllr Armstrong.


3/06/2374/FP/SCD All members declared a personal and prejudicial interest as members of the Town Council in whose ownership the land was vested.

Cllr Gray Personal Application number 3/06/2394


RESOLVED: that the Minutes be received as a correct record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman


i) No objections were raised on the following applications:

3/06/2372/LB/SCD The demolition of the existing footbridge (Millers Bridge) which crosses the River Stort Goods Yard Development Site Applicant: East Herts District Council Note: No objection was raised on the understanding that the proposed demolition did not take place until the erection of a replacement bridge had been confirmed. It was also imperative that the loss of this vital amenity link for the general public was not lost during the replacement period and that any disruption be minimised.

3/06/2438/FP/MP Single storey utility room extension 10 Thorn Grove Applicant: Mr and Mrs Jack

3/06/2440/FP/NB Rear conservatory 85A Parsonage Lane Applicant: Mr Colin Thompson

186 3/06/2483/FP/SE Two storey rear and single storey side extension 27 Zambesi Road Applicant: Mr P J Knight

3/06/2488/FP/LH Single storey front extension 2b Alpha Place Applicant: Mr M Downing

3/06/2496/FP/MP 2 storey rear extension, single storey front extensions and internal alterations The Stables, Avenue Road Applicant: Mr and Mrs Pate

3/06/2499/FP/LH Single storey rear extension 20 Windhill Applicant: Mr and Mrs Hodgen

3/06/2503/FP/SE 2 storey front extension 23A Half Acres Applicant: Mr D Holmes

3/06/2516/FP/SE Single storey rear extension 1 Ploughmans Close Applicant: Mr and Mrs Craig

3/07/0021/AD/MP 4 internally illuminated signs and non illuminated poster frames Empire Cinemas, Anchor Street Applicant: Empire Cinemas Ltd

3/07/0023/FP/SE Erection of boundary fence and entrance gate 4 Thornfield Road Applicant: Mr Robin Nunn Note: Subject to the overall structure being no more than 108m in height from footway level.

3/07/0038/FP/MP Single storey rear extension and link to garage 4 Grove Park Applicant: Dr Robinson

3/07/0041/FP/MP White UPVC Georgian style conservatory at the rear of property 8 Lincoln Close Applicant: Mr S Garrod

3/07/0045/FP/LH Single storey front extension, new roof with dormers 30 Chantry Road Applicant: Mr and Mrs M Baldock

3/07/0059/FP/MP Double storey side extension and single storey porch 22 Pine Grove Applicant: Elaine Cogdell

187 CD/DT/JR Application for extensions and courtyard infill Birchwood High School Applicant: Herts County Council Note: Whilst no objection was raised on the proposed development, members expressed their concern regarding the increased risk to pupils from the visiting coaches. The proposal would, it was felt, exacerbate the already severe traffic problem in the area. ii) Objections were made on the following applications:-

3/06/2122/FP/LH Additional 2 units to existing development and additional conservatory R/O 23 Potter Street Applicant: Lee Clark Reason: i Totally out of keeping with the aspects of the street scene ii Over development of the site

3/06/2394/FP/MHT Erection of 21no self contained 2 and 3 bed flats Oxford House, London Road Applicant: G Q Properties Reason: i. Over development of the site ii Dangerous access onto London Road iii Totally out of keeping iv Loss of a local amenity and reduction of the infrastructure of the Town

3/06/2506/FP/MHT Erection of 9no one and two bedroom ipad flats, provision of off street parking and all associated ancillary works Former Herts and Essex Hospital Applicant: Barratt, North London Reason: i. The development was considered to be of poor design and visually unattractive ii Over development of the site iii This area had been designated as being reserved for the building of a nursery and play area in the planning brief, and members were aware that Saplings Nursery, based at Birchwood School was looking for new accommodation

3/06/2508/FP/SE Conversion of existing garage

188 65 Thornbera Road Applicant: Miss Cutmore Reason: The proposal would be contrary to the Town Council’s Policy BS002. The garage should be used for the housing of private vehicles and not as additional living accommodation or for any commercial activity. This would ensure the continued provision of off street parking facilities in the interests of highway safety to safeguard the amenities of adjoining occupiers. The proposal was also contrary to East Herts Local Plan Policy ENV14.

In addition, the problem of parking in the area would be severely compromised as Thornbera Road was considered to suffer greatly from the lack of on street parking.

3/06/2514/AD/NB 2 internally illuminated shop fascia signs and 1 projecting sign 5 South Street Applicant: T Mobile Reason: The proposal would be contrary to the Town Council Planning Policy BS001. The provision of illuminated signage was deemed to be detrimental to the street scene and would detract from the overall ambiance of the Town.

3/06/2518/FP/MHT Alterations to access onto the Causeway with demolition of 2no brick piers and replacement with metal posts and infill fencing to match existing Castle Cottage, The Causeway Applicant: Wilson Bowden Developments Reason: The proposed development was considered to be of poor design and aesthetically unpleasant. The replacement was not in keeping with the ambiance of the Town Park.

3/06/2519/LC/MHT Demolition of 2no brick piers at junction with The Causeway Castle Cottage, The Causeway Applicant: Forest Business Park Reason: No demolition should take place until a suitable structure had been approved.

3/07/0007/FP/MP Garage Conversion 16 Irving Close Applicant: Graeme Walker Reason: The proposal would be contrary to the Town Council’s Policy BS002 and East Herts Local Plan Policy ENV14. The garage should be used for the housing of private vehicles and not as additional living accommodation or for any commercial activity. This would ensure the continued provision of off street parking facilities in the interests of highway safety to safeguard the amenities of adjoining occupiers

3/07/0033/FP/LH Vehicle access and dropped kerb 223 London Road

189 Applicant: Abdul Hamid Reason: Dangerous ingress and egress onto a busy road

3/07/0037/FP/LH First floor extension above a converted garage 29 Hayley Bell Gardens Applicant: Evelyn Oaki Reason: Two storey extension onto a boundary contrary to Planning Policy BE5 of the East Herts Local Plan

iii No comments were made on the following application:

3/06/2374/FP/SCD New church hall for St Michael’s Church Old Monastery Gardens, Windhill Applicant: St Michael’s PCC


RESOLVED: that the attached list of planning decisions issued by East Herts Council be noted.


i To note the following public inquiry:

3/05/1859/OP Erection of a garden centre with associated access, parking and landscaping Land at London Road/Pig Lane Applicant: The Fairfield Partnership

Date and Time: 6 March 2007 at 10am Venue: The Waytemore Room East Herts Council, The Causeway

ii To note the following appeal to be determined by the written representation procedure:

3/06/0550/FP/SE Two storey front, side and rear extensions, single storey pool and hot tub extension 4 Thornfield Road Appellant: Mr Robin Nunn

3/06/1369/FP/SE Two storey front, side and rear extensions, single storey pool and hot tub extension/amended application 4 Thornfield Road Appellant: Mr Robin Nunn

iii To note the following appeal against enforcement action:

E/05/0451/A Erection of an unauthorized building in the front garden 15 Maze Green Road Appellant: Mr Alan Mariutto

iv To note the following appeal notification from Uttlesford District Council to be determined by Public Inquiry Procedure:

190 UTT/0717/06/FUL Extension to the Passenger Terminal; provision of additional aircraft stands and taxiways, aircraft maintenance facilities, offices, cargo handling facilities, aviation fuel storage, passenger and staff car parking and other operational and industrial support accommodation; alterations to airport roads, terminal forecourt and the Stansted rail, coach and bus station; together with associated landscaping and infrastructure as permitted under application UTT/1000/OP but without complying with condition MPPA1 and varying condition ATM1 to 264,000 ATMS Stansted Airport Appellant: BAA PLC and Stansted Airport Ltd Date and Venue of Inquiry to be determined.

RESOLVED: that the above be noted




Members had been circulated with details of proposals emanating from Hertfordshire Highways with regard to various parking controls to be introduced in Hertford, Ware, Sawbridgeworth and Bishop’s Stortford. Members considered the various proposals for Bishop’s Stortford and they raised no objection. It was noted that a number of Councillors had made representations to Hertfordshire Highways on a personal basis.


A letter had been received from Essex County Council giving formal notification that the County Council would shortly be consulting with local authorities on a new planning document to deliver sustainable waste management. Members noted the contents of the letter and would await further correspondence.


A letter had been received from East Herts Council drawing attention to the current practice of indiscriminate advertising displays which the District Council sought to address by approving designated sites. The Town Council’s suggestions were being sought as to the most appropriate sites in the Town for consideration.

Members welcomed the District Council’s initiative. However a difficulty arose whereby many sites which could be considered appropriate were in private ownership, and over which the Town Council had no jurisdiction. Members felt that the most obvious sites for the display of advertising would be outside the District Council offices in The Causeway and they cited numerous examples of similar advertising sites throughout the Country. An approach could also be made to the retail outlets. With regard to banner advertising,

191 members took exception to the current banner in South Street which they felt to be inappropriate.


In response to the Town Council’s request for its planning policies to be adopted by the District Council, a formal and detailed response had been received from John Careford, Planning Officer, setting out how the various Town Council policies sat within the framework of the current East Herts Local Plan.

Members were grateful for the information contained in the letter and, although the general gist of the response did not convey any ready acceptance of the policies by the District Council, nevertheless, members were adamant in their desire to pursue their adoption through the forthcoming Town Plan procedure.


Members’ attention was drawn to the consultation documents in respect of the proposed changes to the draft revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy for the East of England Plan, and the need for any comments to be formalised to meet the deadline of 9 March 2007.

A general reference was made to the Government’s response to the published Plan, which favoured the development of Harlow North, which members felt would have serious ramifications for Bishop’s Stortford. Other matters were contained within the Consultation Document upon which comments should be made.

Members were asked to submit any comments to the Clerk in order for him to compile a draft response for consideration at a future meeting of the Planning and Environmental Committee, bearing in mind the strict deadline.


Members’ attention was drawn to the letter received from Mr Eric Marshall concerning the use of Sworder’s Field. This letter had been raised at the Town Council meeting held on 15 January 2007 and had been referred back to the Planning and Environmental Committee for consideration. The Clerk submitted photographic evidence of the condition of the field depicting the various ruts, none of which were serious. It was felt that in the course of time and after better weather the field would recover. Members could not support the content of the letter. The field was neither dangerous, nor was it being used contrary to the intention of the donor. It was, after all, a recreation field and was being used as such for the benefit of the inhabitants of Bishop’s Stortford.

RESOLVED: the Clerk was asked to respond to Mr Marshall in the terms outlined in the aforementioned.


i Station Road Bridge – Loose Masonry (First raised 25 July 2006) Letter received from Hertfordshire Highways. Bridge bearing found to be sub- standard. Interim measures to be investigated to mitigate the risk. Agreed that the above be noted and this item be removed from future agenda.

ii Market Stalls – Demarcation of Pitches (First raised 4 September 2006) No response had been received from the earlier letter sent to Steve Knight, Market 192 Beadle. Clerk to write to the Chief Executive to secure a response.

iii Unit 5, Thorley Centre (First raised 27 November 2006) To note letter from East Herts Council dated 11 December 2006. It was agreed to remove this item from future agenda.

iv. A Boards (first raised 11 December 2006 Cllr Warnell drew attention to a number of A boards secured to street furniture in Church Street. No action had been taken to remove the structures. Clerk to write to Cllr David Beatty, Leader, HCC


Proposed Town Council Planning Policy regarding estate agent boards on new developments (Cllr Warnell) Town Council Planning Policy regarding Security Shutters (Cllr Warnell) Building Design Future Development of the Town Planned development on amenity land (Cllr Miss Woodman) East of England Plan


Closure of Bishop’s Stortford Police Station Cllr Barnes referred to the closure of the building on Saturday 19 January 2007 and he sought an explanation from the Police as to the reason.

Proliferation of abandoned supermarket trolleys Cllr Mrs Symonds expressed concern regarding the number of trolleys abandoned in the Town and she requested that an appropriate letter be forwarded to all the Supermarkets with a view to addressing this problem. The Clerk was also asked to draw the matter to the attention of the Town Centre Manager.

Inappropriate Banner – South Street Cllr Barnes referred to the recently erected banner in South Street and felt that such advertising was totally inappropriate and a misuse of the facility. There was, said Cllr Barnes, more suitable ways of drawing the public’s attention to the penalties incurred in depositing litter.

Waytemore Green Cllr Mrs Symonds referred to the provision of play equipment and the landscaping work undertaken on part of the land in the ownership of the Town Council. The Clerk responded that no response had been received from the District Council with regard to a site meeting to be arranged. The Clerk was asked to pursue the matter.


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