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1 TIA-xxx
1 TIA TR-45.5
2 ______
3TITLE: CDMA Broadcast for Commercial Mobile Alert Service (CMAS) Specification over CDMA
4SOURCE: Zheng Zhao, Verizon Orlett W. Pearson [email protected] [email protected] +1.908.559.7338 +1.630.713.5736 Ke-chi Jang, Nortel Ravi Patwardhan, Qualcomm [email protected] [email protected] +1.972.684.0606 +1.858.658.3035
5ABSTRACT: This document contains update to 500-CMAS-08042803. This document contains proposed baseline
6text for the “E” Interface protocol for cdma broadcast support.
9Review and adopt.
14Contributors grant a free, irrevocable license to TIA to incorporate text or other copyrightable material
15contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of TIA publications; to copyright and
16sell in standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the sole
17discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the resulting standards
18publication. Contributors are also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on
19reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing a standard which incorporates
20this contribution. This document has been prepared by contributors to assist the development of specifications
21by TIA. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding
22proposal on contributors. Contributors specifically reserve the right to amend or modify the material contained
23herein and to any intellectual property of contributors other than provided in the copyright statement above.
3 i 1TIA-xxx
1FOREWORD...... v
2NOTES...... vii
3REFERENCES...... ix
41. GENERAL...... 1-1
5 1.1. Terms and Acronyms...... 1-1
6 1.1.1. Terms...... 1-1
7 1.2. Signaling Architecture...... 1-2
82. functional cmas reference architecture for cdma...... 2-2
93. Broadcast SMS message for cmas application...... 2-3
10 3.1 Mapping of CMAS Message Structure to Broadcast SMS Message...... 2-3
11 3.2 Mapping of CMAS Message Structure to Broadcast SMS Message...... 2-6
12 3.3 CMAS Message...... 2-82-82-7
134. requirements for mobile station cdma operation...... 2-152-152-10
14 4.2 CMAS Requirements...... 2-152-152-10
155. requirements for base station CMAS operation...... 2-162-162-11
166. Annex A. mapping the cmae elements to is-637...... 2-172-172-12
3 ii 1 TIA-XXX
1Figure 2 – CMAS Reference Architecture for CDMA...... 2-3
2Figure 3.2-1: CMAS Message Structure...... 2-72-72-6
3Figure 3.2-2. E-Interface Elements...... 2-72-72-6
3 iii 1TIA-xxx
1Table 1: Mapping Reference Point B Elements to Reference Point C and E Elements...... 2-3
3 iv 1 TIA-xxx
21. General. This section defines the terms and numeric indications used in this document. This section also
3describes the general signaling architecture.
42. Requirements for Mobile Station CDMA Operation. This section describes the requirements for CDMA-
5analog dual-mode mobile stations operating in the CDMA mode. A mobile station complying with these
6requirements will be able to operate with CDMA base stations complying with this document.
73. Requirements for Base Station CDMA Operation. This section describes the requirements for CDMA
8base stations. A base station complying with these requirements will be able to operate in the CDMA mode
9with mobile stations complying with this document.
10Annex A. CDMA Call Flow Examples. This informative annex provides examples of simple call flows in
11the CDMA system.
2 v 1TIA-xxx
1No text.
3 vi 1 TIA-xxx
2 1. Compatibility, as used in connection with cdma2000, is understood to mean: any cdma2000 mobile
3 station is able to place and receive calls in cdma2000 and IS-95 systems. Conversely, any cdma2000
4 system is able to place and receive calls for cdma2000 and IS-95 mobile stations.
5 2. The term “dual-mode mobile station” indicates a mobile station capable of both analog (FM) and
6 spread spectrum (CDMA) operation.
7 3. This compatibility specification is based upon spectrum allocations that have been defined by various
8 governmental administrations.
9 4. Each mobile station is assigned a single unique 32-bit binary serial number (ESN) or a single unique
10 56-bit binary serial number (MEID) that cannot be changed by the subscriber without rendering the
11 mobile station inoperative (see 2.3.2).
12 5. “Base station” refers to the functions performed in the fixed network. These functions typically
13 distributed among cells, sectors, and mobile switching centers.
14 6. This standard uses the following verbal forms: “Shall” and “shall not” identify requirements strictly to
15 be followed in order to conform with the standard and from which no deviation is permitted. “Should”
16 and “should not” indicate that one of several possibilities is recommended as particularly suitable,
17 without mentioning or excluding others; that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily
18 required; or that (in the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is discouraged but not
19 prohibited. “May” and “need not” indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the
20 standard. “Can” and “cannot” are used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material,
21 physical, or causal.
22 7. Footnotes appear at various points in this specification to elaborate and further clarify items discussed
23 in the body of the specification.
24 8. Unless indicated otherwise, this document presents numbers in decimal form. Binary numbers are
25 distinguished in the text by the use of single quotation marks.
26 9. The following operators define mathematical operations:
27 indicates multiplication.
28 x indicates the largest integer less than or equal to x: 1.1 = 1, 1.0 = 1.
29 x indicates the smallest integer greater or equal to x: 1.1 = 2, 2.0 = 2.
30 |x| indicates the absolute value of x: |-17| = 17, |17| = 17.
31 indicates exclusive OR (modulo-2 addition).
32 min (x, y) indicates the minimum of x and y.
33 max (x, y) indicates the maximum of x and y.
34 x mod y indicates the remainder after dividing x by y: x mod y = x - (y x/y).
35 10. While communication between Layer 3 and Layer 2 is specified, there is no requirement to implement
36 layering.
2 vii 1TIA-xxx
2The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
3Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision,
4and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
5most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
1. TIA-EIA-IS-2000.1, Introduction to cdma2000 Standard for Spread Spectrum Systems 2. TIA/EIA/IS-2000.2, Physical Layer Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems 3. TIA/EIA/IS-2000.3, Medium Access Control (MAC) Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems 4. TIA/EIA/IS-2000.4-C, Signaling Link Access Control (LAC) Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems 5. TIA-EIA-IS-2000.5, Upper Layer (Layer 3) Signaling Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems 6. TIA/EIA/IS-2000.6, Analog Signaling Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems 7. TIA/EIA-41-D, Cellular Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations, December 1997. 8. TIA/EIA-637, Short Message Services for Spread Spectrum Cellular Systems 9. Common Cryptographic Algorithms, Revision C, 1997. An EAR-controlled document subject to restricted distribution. Contact the Telecommunications Industry Association, Arlington, VA. 10. Interface Specification for Common Cryptographic Algorithms, Rev C, 1997. Contact the Telecommunications Industry Association, Arlington, VA. 11. TIA/EIA/TSB58-I, Administration of Parameter Value Assignments for TIA/EIA Wideband Spread Spectrum Standards. 12. Commercial Mobile Alert Service Architecture and Requirements Version 1.0, FCC Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee 13. TIA-41-E, Radio Telecommunications Intersystem Operations, Telecommunications Industry Association 14. TIA/EIA/IS-824, Generic Broadcast Teleservice Transport Capability - Network Perspective; Telecommunications Industry Association
4 viii 1 TIA-xxx
1No text.
3 ix 1 TIA-xxx
2This section defines the terms and numeric indications used in this document. This section also describes the
3general signaling architecture.
45.2 Terms and Acronyms
52.2.1 Terms
6Abbreviated Alert. An abbreviated alert is used to remind the mobile station user that previously selected
7alternative routing features are still active.
8AMBER. America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response
9Authentication. A procedure used by a base station to validate a mobile station’s identity.
10Authentication Center (AC). An entity that manages the authentication information related to the mobile
12Authentication Response (AUTHR). An 18-bit output of the authentication algorithm. It is used, for
13example, to validate mobile station registrations, originations and terminations.
14Broadcast. The bearer layer mechanism that is used to deliver SMS messages on the Paging Channel, Primary
15Broadcast Control Channel, or on the Forward Traffic Channel to all available mobile stations.
16Broadcast Messaging Service. A teleservice that allows an SMS message to be sent to all mobile stations.
17CAP. Common Alerting Protocol as defined in CAP version 1.1 Specification
18CDMA. Code Division Multiple Access
19CMA. Commercial Mobile Alert
20CMAM. Commercial Mobile Alert Message 21CMAS. Commercial Mobile Alert Service
22CMSAAC. Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Group
23CMSP. Commercial Mobile Service Provider
24CTIA. Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association
25EOC. Emergency Operations Center
26FIPS. Federal Information Processing Standards
27GNIS. Geographic Names Information System
28GSM. Global System for Mobile communications
29NOAA. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
30MVNO. Mobile Virtual Network Operator
31Network. A network is a subset of a wireless system, such as an area-wide cellular network, a private group of
32base stations, or a group of base stations set up to handle a special requirement. A network can be as small or as
33large as needed, as long as it is fully contained within a system. See also System.
3 1 1TIA-xxx
1NIST. National Institute of Standards and Technology
2NWS. National Weather Service
3SMS. Short Message Service
4UMTS. Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
5VPN. Virtual Private Network
6WARN. Warning, Alert, and Response Network
76.2 Signaling Architecture
8See [1 – 6] for the Signaling Architecture.
10Figure 2 presents the network entities and associated reference points that comprise the CMAS Reference
11Architecture for CDMA. The applicable network entities are represented by squares. The applicable reference
12points of the CDMA wireless network reference model are represented by circles and are defined in the TIA
13Wireless Network Reference Model1. The ‘C’ and ‘E’ reference points are defined in [12].
14The reference architecture, as defined herein, is intended to provide a level of abstraction that may facilitate the
15specification of messages and protocols within. As such, implementations may vary with respect to how the
16functional entities are distributed among various physical units. In cases where functional entities are combined
17in the same physical equipment the reference points become internal, and need not adhere to interface standards.
Alert Gateway
CMSP M MC Q MSC U MS Gateway 1 m
19 Figure 2 – CMAS Reference Architecture for CDMA
217.2 Mapping of CMAS Message Structure to Broadcast SMSSMS Broadcast Message
22Table 1 defines the mapping of the CMAM elements from the B interface (CAP) to the C (CMAC) and E
23(CMAE) interfaces. It also includes the mapping to parameters/subparameters/fields of SMS Broadcast
1 4 TIA-100- A-1[E], Wireless Reference Network Model; 2006.
5 2 1 TIA-xxx
1Message.Elements highlighted in bold are mandatory.
2The definitions of the CAP Elements and the CMAC Elements are contained in the joint ATIS/TIA standard.
3CMAE Elements are defined in technology specific standards (i.e., cdma).
4 Table 1: Mapping Reference Point B Elements to Reference Point C and E Elements
CAP CMAC Element CMAE Element IS-637 Broadcast Parameter of SMS Bro adcast Message N/A CMAC_protocol_version N/A N/A N/A CMAE_protocol_version See Section 3.3 N/A CMAC_sending_alert_gatew N/A ay_id Identifier CMAC_message_identifier CMAE_identifier MESSAGE_ID field of the "Message Identifier" subparameter References CMAC_referenced_message N/A _identifier
N/A CMAC_special_handling CMAE_alert_handling CATEGORY field of the "Service Category" parameter Sender CMAC_sender N/A Sent CMAC_sent_date_time N/A Status CMAC_status N/A msgType CMAC_message_type CMAE_alert_type See Section 3.3 Source N/A N/A Scope N/A N/A restriction N/A N/A code N/A N/A note CMAC_ note N/A incidents N/A N/A N/A CMAC_original_cap_alert_u N/A ri category CMAC_category CMAE_category See Section 3.3 event N/A N/A eventCode CMAC_event_code N/A responseType CMAC_response_type CMAE_response_type See Section 3.3 severity CMAC_severity CMAE_severity See Section 3.3 urgency CMAC_urgency CMAE_urgency See Section 3.3 certainty CMAC_certainty CMAE_certainty See Section 3.3
3 3 1TIA-xxx
3 audience N/A N/A effective N/A N/A onset N/A N/A expires CMAC_expires_date_time CMAE_expires See Section 3.3 senderName CMAC_sender_name N/A language CMAC_text_language CMAE_language LANGUAGE field of broadcast address (if included) LANGUAGE field of Language Indicator subparameter (if included) N/A CMAC_text_encoding CMAE_char_set MSG_ENCODING field of User Data subparameter N/A CMAC_text_alert_message_l CMAE_alert_text_length See Section 3.3 ength parameter (when value = CMAC_text_alert_message CMAE_alert_text See Section 3.3 “CMAMtext”) headline N/A N/A description N/A N/A instruction N/A N/A web CMAC_web_link N/A contact N/A N/A parameter (when value not N/A N/A = “CMAMtext”) areaDesc CMAC_area_description N/A polygon CMAC_polygon N/A circle CMAC_circle N/A geocode CMAC_cmas_geocode N/A geocode CMSC_gnis N/A altitude N/A N/A ceiling N/A N/A resourceDesc CMAC_resource_description N/A mimeType CMAC_mime_type N/A size CMAC_resource_size N/A uri CMAC_resource_uri N/A derefUri N/A N/A
4 4 1 TIA-xxx
2 digest CMAC_digest N/A N/A N/A CMAE_associated_multimedia_in See Section 3.3 dicator N/A N/A CMAE_CMSP_defined_parameter See Section 3.3 N/A N/A CMAE_reserved See Section 3.3
3 5 1TIA-xxx
18.2 Mapping of CMAS Message Structure to Broadcast SMSSMS Broadcast Message
2Refer to [8] for details of Broadcast SMS message.
3A nNew ‘Service Category’ and values will be defined for CMAS. The structure2 is defined to carry all E-
4Interface parameters in the CHARi field as part of the ‘User Data” sub-parameter. The “User Data” sub-
5parameter will contain all E-Interface parameters including Display text. Refer to [8] for details of Broadcast
6SMSSMS Broadcast message.
7Editor’s Note:Need to include base station requirement to include Langauge information in one of the 3 possible
8places: LANGUAGE field of broadcast address, LANGUAGE field of Language Indicator subparameter, or
11If Commercial Mobile Alert Message (CMAM) is to be sent using SMS Broadcast message, the base station
12shall conform to the following requirements:
13 If broadcast address is included, the base station shall set the PRIORITY field to ‘11’ (Emergency). If
14 Priority Indicator subparameter is included, the base station shall set the PRIORITY field to ‘11’
15 (Emergency).
16 The base station shall set various SMS Broadcast message fields using values of E-interface parameters as
17 indicated in table below:
18 SMS Broadcast Message Field E-interface parameter MESSAGE_ID field of the "Message Identifier" CMAE_identifier subparameter CATEGORY field of the "Service Category" parameter CMAE_alert_handling SERVICE field of broadcast address (if broadcast address is CMAE_alert_handling included) LANGUAGE field of broadcast address (if broadcast address CMAE_language is included) MSG_ENCODING field of User Data subparameter (see CMAE_char_set Note 1) CHARi fields of User Data subparameter CMAS Message as defined in section 3.3 LANGUAGE field of Language Indicator subparameter (if CMAE_language included)
19Note 1: MSG_ENCODING field of User Data subparameter indicates encoding of Type-specific fields of E-
20RECORD with E_RECORD_TYPE set to 0x00 (see section 3.3).
2 4 The structure will be modified.
5 6 1 TIA-xxx
2 The base station shall include E-RECORD with E_RECORD_TYPE set to 0x00 in CMAS Message. The
3 base station may optionally include E-RECORDs with E_RECORD_TYPE set to values other than 0x00.
7 CMAS Message 8
10 CHARi fields of “User Data” subparameter
12 Figure 3.2-1: CMAS Message Structure
Type-specific fields
Type-specific fields
19 Figure 3.2-2. E-Interface ElementsCMAS Message Structure
3 7 1TIA-xxx
19.2 CMAS Message
2 Field Length (bits) CMAE_protocol_version_P_VER 8 The CMAS message shall include occurrences of the following three- field record. E_RECORD_TYPE 8 E_RECORD_LEN 8 Type-specific fields 8 RECORD_LEN
4CMAE_protocol_version_P_VER - CMAE Protocol Version.
5 The base station shall set this field to ‘0’0x00.
6 E_RECORD_TYPE - E Interface Information record type.
7 The base station shall set this field as specified in Table x.
8 Table x. E_RECORD_TYPE Encoding E_RECORD_TYPE Meaning TYPE ‘00’0x00 Mandatory Type 0 Parameters (Alert Text)3 TYPE ‘01’0x01 Type 1 ParametersAlert Text – User Data TYPE ‘10’0x02 Optional Type 2 Parameters 0x03 Type 3 Parameters RESERVED All other values All other values are reservedRESERVED
9 E_RECORD_LEN - Information record length.
10 The base station shall set this field to the number of octets in the type- 11 specific fields included in this record.
12 Type-specific fields - Type-specific fields.
13 The base station shall include type-specific fields as specified in Table 3.4- 14 1below.
3 4 Editors Note: Think of a better name for mandatory and optional.
5 8 1 TIA-xxx
3The base station shall include the type-specific field as specified below.
4 If E_RECORD_TYPE is ‘00’ 0x0 1, the type-specific fields are set as follows:
Element Function Length
CMAE_identifier A number uniquely identifying this message. 16
CMAE_alert_handling Specifies if this alert message requires special handling. Code 8 Values: “Presidential”, “Imminent Threat to Life and Property”4, “Child Abduction - AMBER”
CMAE_alert_type Identifies if the alert message is new, update or cancel CMAS 4 alert
CMAE_category Identifies the category of the CMAS alert. 8 – Met (Severe Weather Warning) – Safety (Public Safety Warning) – Fire (Fire Warning) – Geo (Geologic Warning) – Security (Security Warning) – Rescue (Rescue Alert) – Health (Health Warning) – Env (Environmental Warning) Geo (Geologic Warning)
CMAE_response_type Identifies the response indicated for the CMAS alert 8
CMAE_severity Identifies the severity of the CMAS alert 4
CMAE_urgency Identifies the urgency of the CMAS alert 4
CMAE_certainty Identifies the certainty of the CMAS alert 4
CMAE_expires Identifies the expiration date and time of the CMAS alert 32
CMAE_language Identifies the language of the alert message in the 8 CMAE_Alert_Text parameter.
CMAE_char_set Identifies the character set for the alert message in the 5 CMAE_Alert_Text parameter (see [11]).
4 3 This may change to “No special handling”. Need to speak with C Interface.
4 9 1TIA-xxx
3 1
2 CMAE_alert_type - E Interface alert type parameter.
3 The base station shall set this field as specified in Table below.
4 CMAE_alert_type Encoding CMAE_alert_type Meaning 0x0 Alert (Initial information requiring attention by targeted recipients) 0x1 Update (Updates and supercedes the earlier message) 0x2 Cancel (Cancels the earlier message) All other values RESERVED
6 CMAE_category - E Interface category parameter.
7 The base station shall set this field as specified in Table below.
8Editor’s note: All CAP category values are not in table below. Also Geo is not repeated in CAP category. Need 9to review table below and correct if necessary.
10 CMAE_category Encoding CMAE_category Meaning 0x00 Met (Severe Weather Warning) 0x01 Safety (Public Safety Warning) 0x02 Fire (Fire Warning) 0x03 Geo (Geologic Warning) 0x04 Security (Security Warning) 0x05 Rescue (Rescue Alert) 0x06 Health (Health Warning) 0x07 Env (Environmental Warning) 0x08 Geo (Geologic Warning) All other values RESERVED
12 CMAE_response_type - E Interface response type parameter.
13 The base station shall set this field as specified in Table below.
4 10 1 TIA-xxx
2 1 CMAE_response_type Encoding CMAE_response_type Meaning 0x00 Shelter (Take shelter in place) 0x01 Evacuate (Relocate) 0x02 Prepare (Make preparations) 0x03 Execute (Execute a pre-planned activity) 0x04 Monitor (Attend to information sources) 0x05 Assess (Evaluate the information in this message. This value SHOULD NOT be used in public warning applications.) 0x06 None (No action recommended) All other values RESERVED
3 CMAE_severity - E Interface severity parameter.
4 The base station shall set this field as specified in Table below.
5 CMAE_severity Encoding CMAE_severity Meaning 0x0 Extreme (Extraordinary threat to life or property) 0x1 Severe (Significant threat to life or property) All other values RESERVED
7 CMAE_urgency - E Interface urgency parameter.
8 The base station shall set this field as specified in Table below.
9 CMAE_urgency Encoding CMAE_urgency Meaning 0x0 Immediate (responsive action should be taken immediately) 0x1 Expected (Responsive action should be taken soon - within the next hour) All other values RESERVED
11 CMAE_certainty - E Interface certainty parameter.
12 The base station shall set this field as specified in Table below.
3 11 1TIA-xxx
3 1 CMAE_certainty Encoding CMAE_certainty Meaning 0x0 Observed (Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing) 0x1 Likely (Likely. Probability > ~50%) All other values RESERVED
3 Editors: Each Parameter has to have the field description. This will be defined after each table.
4 If E_RECORD_TYPE is ‘01’ 0x0 0 , the type-specific fields are set as follows:
Element Function Length
CMAE_alert_text Contains the alert text in the language and character LENGTH = set encoding specified in the CMAE_language and E_RECORD_LENGTH CMAE_char_set elements.
6 CMAE_alert_text - E Interface alert text parameter.
7 The base station shall set this field to alert text in the language and character 8 set encoding specified in the CMAE_language and CMAE_char_set 9 elements.
11 If E_RECORD_TYPE is 0x 02 , the type-specific fields are set as follows:
Element Function Length
CMAE_identifier A number uniquely identifying this message. 16
CMAE_alert_handling Specifies if this alert message requires special handling. Code 8 Values: “Presidential”, “Imminent Threat to Life and Property” 5, “Child Abduction - AMBER”
CMAE_expires Identifies the expiration date and time of the CMAS alert 48
CMAE_language Identifies the language of the alert message in the 8 CMAE_Alert_Text parameter.
CMAE_char_set Identifies the character set for the alert text in the 5 CMAE_Alert_Text parameter (see Table 9.1-1 of [11]).
RESERVED Reserved bits 0-7
13 CMAE_identifier - E Interface identifier parameter.
5 4 This may change to “No special handling”. Need to speak with C Interface.
5 12 1 TIA-xxx
2 1 The base station shall set this field to a number uniquely identifying this 2 message.
4 CMAE_alert_handling - E Interface alert handling parameter.
5 The base station shall set this field to 8 LSBs of appropriate ‘Service 6 Category’ specified under ‘CMAS Broadcast Service Category 7 Assignments’ in [11].
9 CMAE_expires - E Interface expires parameter.
10 The base station shall set the time in this subparameter to UTC time. The 11 base station shall set this field as specified in Table below.
12 CMAE_expires Encoding Subfield Length Subfield Description (bits) YEAR 8 Year in range 00-99 (UTC) MONTH 8 Month in range 1-12 (UTC) DAY 8 Day in range 1 to 31 (UTC) HOURS 8 Hour in range 0-23 (UTC) MINUTES 8 Minutes in range 0-59 (UTC) SECONDS 8 Seconds in range 0-59 (UTC)
14 CMAE_language - E Interface language parameter.
15 The base station shall set this field to appropriate ‘Language’ specified 16 under ‘Language Indicator Value Assignments’ in [11].
18 CMAE_char_set - E Interface character set parameter.
19 The base station shall set this field to appropriate ‘MSG_ENCODING 20 Field’ specified under ‘Data Field Encoding Assignments’ in [11].
22 RESERVED - Reserved Bits.
23 The base station shall add reserved bits to make the length of this record an 24 integer number of octets. The base station shall set these bits to zero.
26If Type is ‘10’0x03, the type-specific fields are set as follows6:
Parameter Function Length CMAE_associated_multimedia_indicator An indicator that there is multimedia content available 8
6 3 Are these optional parameters needed? Hold as a place holder for now.
4 13 1TIA-xxx
3 for this CMAM CMAE_CMSP_defined_parameter 16 CMAE_reserved RESERVED X
4 14 1 TIA-xxx
2This section defines requirements that are specific to CDMA mobile station equipment and operation.
310.2 CMAS Requirements
44.2.1 Paging Channel
5The mobile station monitors the Paging Channel or Broadcast Control Channel to receive a Commercial Mobile
6Alert Message (CMAM) as specified in [5].
74.2.2 Security
8 The CMSAAC recommends that the security of the Reference points D and E be based upon CMSP
9 policies and upon the capabilities of the CMSP selected delivery technologies. Security is addressed in [5].
104.2.3 Duplicateion Detection
11For CMAS applications, iIf the mobile station detects determines that the received CMAM as is a duplicate of
12previously received CMAM based upon CMAE_identifier message identifier and other message attributions,
13the mobile station shall ignore and discard the CMAM.
144.2.4 Mobile Station CMAS Message Parsing Requirements
15This section defines the parsing requirement for the mobile station upon receiving the Commercial Mobile Alert
16System message.
17 • If the mobile station receives a CMAE_protocol_versionCMAE_P_VERSION that it does not
18 understandsupport, the mobile station shall ignore the recordmessage.
19 • If the mobile station receives the Commercial Mobile Alert System message with a known
20 CMAE_protocol_versionCMAE_P_VERSION but with an unknown record, the mobile station shall
21 ignore that record and process the remaining records.
22 • If the mobile station recognizes extra bits at the end of the a record, the mobile station shall ignore these
23 extra bits.
3 15 1TIA-xxx
2This section defines requirements that are specific to CMAS base station equipment and operation.
3The base station may use the message identifier field to distinguish different messages from the same broadcast
4service transmitted within the time period established for broadcast duplicate detection in the mobile station
5(see [4]).
6If the same message is re-transmitted, the base station may should use the same value for the CMAE_Identifier
7when the message is retransmitted.
4 16 1 TIA-xxx
CMAE Element IS-637 Broadcast Parameter
CMAE_identifier MESSAGE_ID
CMAE_alert_handling Service
CMAE_alert_type ALERT_OPTION (?)
CMAE_category Service Category
CMAE_expires Validity – Absolute
CMAE_char_set MSG_ENCODING (?)
CMAE_alert_text User Data
3 17