City of Riceville
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City of Riceville Council Proceedings October 13, 2014
The regular meeting for the Riceville City Council was held on Monday, October 13, 2014. Mayor Eastman called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Members present included Mayor Dean Eastman, Mark Patrick, Terry Byrnes, Jordan Oulman, Joe Keeling, and Harold Jensen.
There was an addition to the agenda within the posting requirement of storm sewer addition to a property on Hwy 9. Byrnes made the motion, seconded by Keeling to approve the amended agenda. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
There were two corrections to the minutes that were made to the minutes of the meeting held on September 8, 2014. Wilbur Kleckner had a couple of concerns with the minutes. Keeling made the motion, seconded by Jensen to approve the minutes as presented with amendments.
Keeling was to a landfill meeting and updated the Council on some equipment and solar power upgrades. Jensen was not able to attend the library board meeting; however, Director Betsy Morse was present with some updates for the Council, including grant applications, the programs offered, and a new grant application idea. Mayor Eastman also confirmed with Mrs. Morse about certification. Byrnes did not attend the last Mitchell County Economic Development meeting; however, Brenda Dryer will be present later in the meeting. Patrick updated on some project ideas for streets. Oulman stated the Howard County Economic Development meeting will be hosted in Riceville on October 22. Riceville Economic Development’s next meeting is scheduled in November. Pearce Park has been wired and will better accommodate Christmas decorations. He also commented on the possible changes for local option sales tax.
The Council reviewed the police report for the month of September. Deputies requested street be barricaded if the students are drawing on the street with chalk. The clerk will visit with the school.
Darlene Seidel asked about the installation and memory plaque for a donation of the water fountain at the city park. The Council agreed to installation of the memorial plaque. Jensen inquired on the possibility of a larger memorial plaque that acknowledges all private citizen donations. Mayor Eastman suggested this be discussed further prior to further investment. Wilbur Kleckner stated the Council is not thinking of the possibility of vandalism at the park. The Council responded by stating the increase of police presence the vandalism has decreased.
Mitchell County Economic Development, Brenda Dryer will be present later in the meeting. Howard County Economic Development representatives were not present.
Jan McGovern, Karen Damjonovic, and Shannon Paulus were present to speak to the Council regarding Upper Wapsipinicon Watershed Management Authority, and stressed the importance for Riceville to join the Authority. The hope is for every city and county affected by the Watershed to join. One of the major concerns with joining the Authority is expenses. Most expenses are covered within the grants that are obtained; however, if it is not covered by a grant, the expense would be allocated out according to the project. Oulman made the motion, seconded by Byrnes to approve signing the 28E Agreement to join the Authority. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
Welcome sign on the west side of Riceville on Hwy 9. Oulman prepared a model of the proposed sign. He also spoke of several of the planned participants that will make and install the sign. The wind turbines will not be operable. A resolution will need to be adopted to make it a corporate sign, in which the City will maintain. The estimated value of the sign is $15,000-20,000.
There were complaints received regarding trees in the alley. The Mayor stated the possibilities that could be considered: such as vacating the alley, trimming the trees, or removal of the trees. The Council agreed Mother Nature was the only blame to the trees; it was not planned for the trees to grow as they did. One suggestion was to require removal so the issue did not come back up. However, the majority of the Council agreed the trees need to be trimmed. The clerk is to notify the property owners to trim the trees prior to the next meeting. Keeling made the motion, seconded by Jensen to give the owners the option to trim the trees or remove the trees at their discretion with a 21 day notice to cure. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried. The Council discussed the attorney bill that was obtained from a residents’ call to the city attorney. Jensen made the motion, seconded by Oulman to void the check to Walk and Murphy and issue a check, less the amount incurred by the unauthorized expense. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
Patrick made the motion, seconded by Byrnes to open the public hearing for the annual financial report at 7:34 pm. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried. This time is allotted for the public to question or comment on the annual report publication. Oulman made the motion, seconded by Patrick to close the public hearing at 7:36 pm. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
Jensen made the motion, seconded by Keeling to open the public hearing for the adoption of the Code of Ordinances at 7:36 pm. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried. There were no written or oral questions or comments. Jensen made the motion, seconded by Patrick to close the public hearing at 7:38 pm. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
Patrick made the motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2014-5, AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE “CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RICEVILLE, IOWA.” Second to approve the first reading was Oulman. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
Oulman made the motion, seconded by Patrick to waive second and third readings of Ordinance 2014-5, AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE “CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RICEVILLE, IOWA.” Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Riceville, Iowa, that: SECTION 1. Pursuant to published notice and following public hearing on the 13th day of October, 2014, so required by Sections 362.3 and 380.8, Code of Iowa, there is hereby adopted by the City of Riceville, Iowa, the “CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RICEVILLE, IOWA.”
SECTION2. All of the provisions of the “CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RICEVILLE, IOWA,” shall be in force and effect on and after the effective date of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts thereof in force on the effective date of this ordinance are hereby repealed from and after the effective date of this ordinance, except as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 4. The repeal provided for in the preceding section of this ordinance shall not affect any offense or act committed or done or any penalty or forfeiture incurred or any contract or right established or accruing before the effective date of this ordinance; nor shall such repeal affect any ordinance or resolution promising or guaranteeing the payment of money by the City or authorizing the issuance of any bonds of said City or any evidence of said City’s indebtedness or any contract or obligation assumed by said City; nor shall said repeal affect the administrative ordinances or resolutions of the Council not in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of “THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RICEVILLE, IOWA”; nor shall it affect the following ordinances specifically saved from repeal:
ORDINANCE NO. ADOPTED NAME OF AREA 4-1994 December 5, 1994 Riceville Urban Renewal Area
ORDINANCE NO. ADOPTED NAME OF AREA 1-2000 April 10, 2000 Riceville Urban Revitalization Area 4-2000 May 8, 2000 Riceville Urban Revitalization Area 3-2013 May 13, 2013 Extended Time Frame of Riceville Urban Revitalization Area 2014-1 February 3, 2014 Riceville Urban Revitalization Area
The ordinances vacating the following described streets and/or alleys, not codified herein and specifically saved from repeal, have been adopted and remain in full force and effect. ADOPTE DESCRIPTION D Alley in Block 7 of Crum's Addition 10/6/64 Second Street between Blocks 11 and 12 4/12/71 Alley between West Sixth and Seventh Streets between Dunton and Crum's Addition 5/4/81 Alley between West Third and Fourth Streets, McIlravey Addition 12/3/84 Fourth Street between Blocks 4 and 5 in Woodland Addition (Ord. 3-1995 repealed by Ord. 1-2002) 5/1/95 Gooder Street lying east of High Street (formerly Oak Park Avenue), St. John's Addition (Ord. 1-2001) 2/12/01 Portion of Fourth Street lying between Block 4 and Block 5 (Ord. 2-2002) 5/13/02 Alley in Block 2, between Maple Street and Elm Street, McCook's Third Addition (Ord. 1- 2004) 2/9/04 Portion of Oak Street south of Second Street (Ord. 1-2012) 1/9/12
ORDNANCE NO. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. ADOPTED 102-A 9/5/1967 1-1984 Sep-84 1-1976 2/16/1976 1-1985 May-85 1-1977 5/23/1977 4-1995 7/3/1995 2-1978 1978 3-2000 5/1/2000 5-1978 12/12/1978 nor shall it affect any other right of franchise conferred by any ordinance or resolution of the Council or any other person or corporation; nor shall it affect any ordinance naming, establishing, relocating or vacating any street or public way, whether temporary or permanent; nor shall it affect any ordinance amending the official zoning map, establishing building line, establishing and changing grades, or dedicating property for public use; nor shall it affect any prosecution, suit or other proceeding pending or any judgment rendered on or prior to the effective date of this ordinance.
SECTION 5. The following ordinances, passed subsequent to the preparation of this code but prior to adoption of this code, are hereby adopted and made a part of this code. There are none. Said ordinances shall be codified and incorporated in published copies of this code as supplements thereto following adoption of this ordinance.
SECTION 6. An official copy of the “CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RICEVILLE, IOWA,” adopted by this ordinance, including a certificate of the City Clerk as to its adoption and the effective date, is on file in the office of the City Clerk, and shall be kept available for public inspection.
SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall furnish a copy of the “CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RICEVILLE, IOWA,” to the Judicial Magistrates serving the City of Riceville.
SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the publication of this ordinance, as required by law.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Riceville, Iowa, the 13th day of October, 2014.
First Reading: October 13, 2014 Second Reading: Waived October 13, 2014 Third Reading: Waived October 13, 2014
The Council discussed the barking dogs. It seems as the problem may have been cured.
The Council and clerk discussed the notices that were sent for junk and junk vehicles. One property appears to have neglected to make an attempt to cure. The Council directed the clerk to contact the Howard County Sheriff’s Department to cure the situation.
Mayor Eastman set trick or treat time for Friday, October 31, 2014 from 5 pm until 7:30 pm.
The Council discussed trapping at the city sewer lagoon. Jensen made the motion, seconded by Byrnes to notify the property owner that Craig Wolthoff will be trapping at the city sewer lagoons and will be acting on behalf of the City. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
Byrnes made the motion, seconded by Keeling to approve the clerk to attend the IMFOA meeting October 15-17, 2014. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
The update on the generator should be finished next week.
Keeling spoke to the rest of the Council regarding an allowance for clothing for employees. He would like to see the employees supplied with professional attire. The rest of the Council agreed for Keeling to work with the employees to obtain some pricing.
Terry Tetzner would like to take care of some of the water that originates from a newly purchased property on Hwy 9. He would like to install a water intake on the south west corner of that lot. He may also have another intake farther north. He is requesting permission to tap into the city storm sewer system. Patrick made the motion, seconded by Byrnes to approve the request to tap into the storm sewer. Roll call vote, 4-0, motion carried, Keeling temporarily absent.
Oulman would like to table the capital improvement plan topic until the public works director can be present.
Brenda Dryer with Mitchell County Economic Development was present. She spoke to the Council in regards to an incentive package for the new business building on Woodland Avenue. When the building was constructed, it was a goal to offer some type of incentive plan, most generally taking advantage of tax increment financing (TIF). However, the drawback at this time is that the deadline is December 1, 2014. Council would need to approve authorization to hire NIACOG and Dorsey Whitney to assist with urban renewal plan amendment and development. Mayor Eastman scheduled a special meeting for October 20, 2014 at 6:00 pm. Oulman made the motion, seconded by Keeling to approve hiring NIACOG for the Urban Renewal plan amendment and Dorsey Whitney for the Development Agreement. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
The Council discussed some real estate for sale, however, more information is needed.
The fire department would like to have the Council approve a new member to the department. Byrnes made the motion, seconded by Keeling to approve Patrick Bigley to the fire department. Roll call vote, 5- 0, motion carried.
The GMC fire pickup truck needs a new transmission, in which the department is requesting the City to pay for one-third of the estimated cost. Oulman made the motion, seconded by Keeling to approve one- third of the estimate obtained from Little Buckaroos. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
Byrnes made the motion, seconded by Oulman to approve the bills, less $69.70 of the bill to Walk and Murphy. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
September Disbursements
Check To Whom Amt Purpose Fund 22797 Alex Johnson 55.37 water deposit refund water 22798 Aflac 42.64 employee paid premiums gen/wat 22799 State of Iowa 411.26 withholdings gen/rut/wat/san 22801 Iowa Workforce Development 38.46 unemloyment gen/rut/wat/san 22802 Alliant Energy 2489.29 electric gen/rut/wat/sew 22803 Allied 480.00 street maint rut 22804 Avesis 56.55 vision plan wat/eb 22805 Bobcat 76.79 oil rut 22806 E & E Welding 364.21 dumpster repairs/generator gen/san 22807 EBS 15.00 psf plan eb 22808 EO Johnson 82.00 printer maint agreement gen 22809 Evans Printing & Publishing 286.86 publications gen 22810 Farm Plan 107.96 dumpster repairs san 22811 Farmer's Feed & Grain 1597.95 truck repairs san 22812 FMC Solid Waste 1014.34 landfill fees san 22813 FSBT 229.71 meeting hotel/postage meter gen 22814 Heiman 171.76 supplies water 22815 Jendro 266.00 recycling san 22816 Mehmert Tiling 1918.79 distribution repairs water 22817 MET 101.00 analysis sewer 22818 Midwest Pipe Supply 483.57 distribution repairs water 22819 Mitchell County Treasurer 14.00 tax bill on Setka street rut 22820 NAPA 258.03 generator maint/repairs gen 22821 Omnitel 405.23 telephone gen/rut/wat/sew 22822 Petty Cash 86.30 postage water/sewer 22823 Quality Pump & Control 483.30 flow meter sewer 22824 Riceville Library 4100.00 budget request transfer 22825 Riceville Market Place 21.25 supplies water 22826 Riceville Meats 2999.25 TIF rebate econ dev 22827 Sandry Fire Supply 231.43 equipment maint fd 22828 Superior Welding 6.20 shop supplies rut 22829 Terry's Autobody 545.00 4x4 supplies rut 22830 True Value 514.03 supplies/repairs/postage gen/wat/sew/san 22831 Underwood Tree Service 820.00 trees gen 22832 Utility Equipment Co 407.68 distribution supplies water 22833 Walk & Murphy 385.50 legal fees pd 22834 Wellmark 2753.49 health insurance water/eb 22835 Wex Bank 822.57 fuel rut/san 22836 Whitewater Wireless 50.25 equipment repairs fd 909141 IPERS 2399.61 withholdings gen/rut/wat/san/eb 909142 IRS 2372.68 withholdings gen/rut/wat/san/eb 911141 Wayne Bottolfson 24.01 1/2 Sept wages san 911142 Arnold Felper 345.70 1/2 Sept wages san 911143 David Felper 1207.85 1/2 Sept salary rut 911144 Crystal Reddel 1085.25 1/2 Sept salary gen 911145 Brian Sigler 976.87 1/2 Sept salary water 912141 TASC 187.49 flex plan rut/gen 926141 Wayne Bottolfson 62.43 1/2 Sept wages san 926142 Alta Faubert 184.20 Sept wages gen 926143 Arnold Felper 283.14 1/2 Sept wages san 926144 David Felper 1207.85 1/2 Sept salary rut 926145 Crystal Reddel 1085.25 1/2 Sept salary gen 926146 Brian Sigler 976.87 1/2 Sept salary water 926147 TASC 187.49 flex plan rut/gen 37779.7 1 Library Account 3647 Baker & Taylor 565.15 books, audios library 3648 Betty Morse 16.46 programs library 3649 Centerpoint Large Print 167.36 books library 3650 City of Riceville 1611.61 reimbursements library 3651 Follett Software 699.00 technology library 3652 GE Capital 175.41 lease payment library 3653 Globe Gazette 41.00 periodicals library 3654 Iowa Library Services 64.25 technology library 3655 Johnson Accounting 107.49 technology library 3656 Marco 63.04 maint contract library 3657 Mary Janes Farm 29.95 periodicals library 3658 Mastercard 578.09 supplies,postage,programs,books library 3659 Omnitel 74.28 telephone library 3660 Reader's Digest 15.98 periodicals library 3661 Riceville Market Place 4.11 programs library 3662 Riceville True Value 9.98 programs library 3663 Rebekah Flugge 175.39 1/2 Sept wages library 3664 Sarah Harken 55.23 1/2 Sept wages library 3665 Betty Morse 622.08 1/2 Sept wages library 3666 Hazel Smith 178.20 1/2 Sept wages library 3667 Rebekah Flugge 194.19 1/2 Sept wages library 3668 Sarah Harken 30.14 1/2 Sept wages library 3669 Betty Morse 609.08 1/2 Sept wages library 3670 Hazel Smith 132.84 1/2 Sept wages library
44000.0 Monthly Total 2
September Disbursements 12724.7 General 9 Road Use Taxes 6028.48 Water 7692.23 Sewer 856.29 Garbage 4552.64 Debt Service 0.00 Employee Benefits 2926.03 Economic Development 2999.25 Library 6220.31 44000.0 Total 2
SEPTEMBER RECEIPTS General 20141.33 Employee Benefits 4616.02 Option Tax 6173.89 Road Use Tax 6260.20 Water 16401.64 Sewer 13716.00 Garbage 15188.40 Debt Service 8452.25 Park 16.79 Economic Development 0.00 Library 5256.37 Total 96222.89
Patrick made the motion, seconded by Keeling to adjourn at 8:49 pm. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.
S/ Dean Eastman, Mayor
S/ Crystal Kobliska, City Clerk