City of Fernan Lake Village s1

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City of Fernan Lake Village s1


Mayor Jurvelin called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. There was a quorum present of Council members, Tierney, Myers and Job. Staff members Cindy Espe, Charyl Ragan, Jim Coleman and Bill Appleton were present.

Agenda – There was a motion made by Councilmember Tierney, seconded by Councilmember Myers to amend the agenda and add the sewer rate increase. Motion carried with Job, Myers and Tierney.

June Minutes -The minutes for the June 4th City Council meeting were reviewed. There was a motion made by Councilmember Myers, seconded by Councilmember Job to approve the June 4th, 2012 minutes. Motion carried with Job, Myers and Tierney.

Financials. The Council reviewed the Financials Report. There was a motion made by Councilmember Job, seconded by Councilmember Tierney to approve the financials. Motion carried with Job, Myers and Tierney.

Payables. The Council reviewed the payables report. There was a motion made by Councilmember Job, seconded by Councilmember Tierney to approve the payables. Motion carried with Job, Myers and Tierney.

Doug Miller. Doug Miller gave a presentation on the upcoming Hydroplane Races in Lake Cda on Labor Day Weekend. He discussed the traffic control and the possible impact to the City of Fernan Lake Village.

Fernando Jimenez. Fernando Jimenez and his wife from 108 East Theresa discussed with the council the sewer issues that caused flooding in their basement and significant damage. Bill explained they would need to actually file a claim with the documentation if they were asking that the city be held liable for the damage.

There was also discussion about whether there was a working check valve in place at the residence. The owners were unaware of a check valve or that one was required. The city will research for the documentation and the year that the city requested all residents install a check valve for their protection against sewer back up.

Budget Review. There was a review of the budget from last years usage to what will be needed for the 2012-2013 budget. The final budget will be decided at the public hearing August 6th, 2012. 1 Council Minutes July 2012 Sewer Rate Increase Public Meeting – There were several residents in attendance introduced as Horah & Judith Paniaqua 206 Fernan Lake Road, Fernando & Marcia Jimenez 108 East Theresa, Terry Peterson 204 Fernan Lake Road City Engineer, Jim Coleman gave a report on the proposed sewer improvement plan and explained why the 5.00 increase would be beneficial to all the Fernan residents. There was also a detailed breakdown of the rates and how they are disbursed between City of Cda and the City of Fernan.

There was some discussion on the renegotiations that will be needed for the sewer agreement with the City of Cda upon its expiration.

There was a motion made by Councilmember Tierney, seconded by Councilmember Myers to increase the sewer rate 5.00 per resident starting August 1st, 2012. Motion carried with Job, Myers and Tierney.

Council Reports – -Councilmember Tierney introduced Jack Riplinger as a possible replacement for Brian White as the Fernan maintenance man. The council will prepare a job description and check into insurance and meet again to discuss.

Comprehensive Plan Map – The council reviewed a revised draft of the map being prepared by Tate Engineering. There was some discussion regarding the common area owned by several Fernan residents not being included in the City limits. The final map should be ready for review at the August meeting.

P & Z Members – The Mayor appointed Rita Whiteford and Sabrina Goodsen to serve another term on the Fernan Planning and Zoning Commission. There is still an opening on the planning and zoning commission will addressed at the August meeting.

Planning & Zoning – Rita Whiteford from Planning and Zoning updated the council on the progress of review all of the existing ordinances to start the process of creating new ordinances to address the newly adopted Comprehensive Plan.

Clerk Report – 1.) Will get copy of the Time Warner Franchise agreement to Charyl 2.) Will look for copy of Brad Ziel contract 3.) Will verify number of sewer residents billed out 4.) Will get Resolution #171 to City of Cda for sewer rate increase 5.) Will invite Nick Snyder to the August 6th meeting 6.) Will complete ownership research for commercial lots 7.) Will bring storage unit keys and information to August meeting.

2 Council Minutes July 2012 Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:35p.m. Motion made by Councilmember Job, seconded by Councilmember Tierney to adjourn. Motion carried with Job, Myers and Tierney. Next meeting is August 6th, 2012.

Cindy Espe, Clerk

3 Council Minutes July 2012

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