Keystone College Hybrid Course Proposal Form (Fall proposals due by 1/15, Summer by 1/15, Spring by 5/15)

Faculty Name: Susan Johnson Course Title & Number: BUSN 251 Bridge Experience in Business

First Semester To Be Offered: Spring 2012 Will an on-campus lab be required for this course? __Yes _X_No Maximum Class Size_____

1. Need/Justification _X_ Weekender offering __Summer offering _X_Meets department Schedule Needs

What is the intent in offering the course as a Hybrid course? What student needs will this offering meet? Are there learning opportunities made possible in a Hybrid course that might not be available in a traditional course? Is this course part of a program or institutional priority?

Business 251, Bridge Experience in Business, is being proposed as a hybrid course for the Spring 2012 weekender trimester with the objective that we can increase enrollment while meeting the students' needs. The weekender program includes both traditional and non-traditional students whom are at a variety of stages in their lives and life circumstances. Our students bring to the course a variety of learning styles of which the hybrid courses allows for . By engaging student learning through a hybrid course, we facilitate a blended learning utilizing both on line and face to face group work as well as presentation of learned material. Learners are better served in an online format when busy lifestyles are accommodated and they can learn at their own best time. The face to face learning allows for discussion to reinforce learned material as well as the socialization of learning not available online. This combination of online and face to face learning increases student retention and frees up classroom space. Student learning is enhanced by using the best practices in both traditional and online learning that emphasize active learning techniques.

2. Course Content Delivery/Assignments/Methods of Evaluation

 Attach a completed syllabus:  We strongly recommend using the online syllabus template. If you choose to use your own design, the syllabus must include clear information about items detailed on the Hybrid Course Checklist.  The syllabus should describe both face- to -face and online portions of the course. Information should specify the requirements for participation in both the online and face-to-face portions.  The syllabus must clearly state when and where students should participate each week and includes a structured set of topics and schedule. (N.B. If this course is being developed for a Weekender offering, the face-to-face meeting dates are prearranged by Weekender Coordinators.)  Attach a completed course schedule with online components in bold type.  How do you plan to divide and schedule the percent of time between face-to-face and the online portion of your course?  What means will you use to assess students’ work in each of these components?  Note that the total number of online contact hours should approximate the equivalent number of hours required in an on-campus setting.  Attach a completed Hybrid Course Checklist.  Hybrid teaching is not just a transferring a portion of your traditional course to the web. Instructors should explain the purpose of both online and face-to-face portions of the course, and how they compliment and reinforce each.  List the learning activities you will use for the online portion of your course. N.B Homework is not an acceptable course component. (Choose activities that reinforce and feed back into the face- to-face components)

3. Technology

 What steps will you take to assist students to become familiar with Blackboard’s features?  Describe any special software or multimedia tools you plan to utilize in your course (PowerPoint, Captivate, Flash, pod casts or other audio, etc.). This is helpful to determine technology support needs.  If you plan to use any multimedia (video, pod casts, specialized software), will it be accessible to your students in terms of both software and internet availability (dial-up access) at home?

 Continued on the next page

4. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

 The Blackboard Course Management system is compliant software that accommodates students with disabilities. If you plan to use any other multimedia or any other software systems (video, podcasts, specialized software), how will you insure that they are accessible to your students in terms of both software availability at home and on campus and accessible for students with disabilities?

5. Submit your signed proposal to the Online Learning Committee. (The committee meets on the third Thursday of the month September to May.)

Instructor Acknowledgement

I understand that once this proposal is approved by the Online Learning Committee:

1. I will complete a Blackboard competency training provided by the College. Initial ___SJ Completed_____

2. I will enroll and complete the required Hybrid training course provided by the College. Initial _SJ Completed______

Susan L. Johnson Aug. 29, 2011 ______Faculty Developer Signature Date ______Division Chair Signature Date

Online Learning Committee Review ______Accept Provisional Reject


Academic Dean Signature Date