Senior English Independent Reading Final Assessment (CP)

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Senior English Independent Reading Final Assessment (CP)

Senior English Independent Reading Final Assessment (CP)

Choose ONE of the following options. All projects must be submitted through Canvas.

OPTION 1: Book Trailer

Create a 1½ -3 minute “book trailer” for your book. The purpose of your trailer should be to attract your audience to read your book, and so it should draw excerpts from the most exciting, interesting, or otherwise noteworthy parts of the story, but in an abbreviated form and WITHOUT SPOILERS. The scenes are usually presented in the order in which they appear in the book. Keep the following guidelines in mind as you create your trailer:

 Trailers are presented in a highly condensed fashion with maximum appeal.

 They are typically presented in a 3-act structure: The beginning lays out the premise of the story, the middle drives the story forward, and the end contains the cliffhanger.

 Trailers always include 1 or more signature piece(s) of music that match the tone(s).

 Trailers may or may not include voiceovers in the background.

 Trailers should include clips or photos, interspersed with words/phrases throughout that represent main conflicts and themes presented in the work.

 The title is always included; a tagline is often included (both typically appear at the end of the trailer).

 Of the three argument strategies that we have discussed, trailers tend to rely the most heavily on pathos—appealing to the audience’s emotions through visual images and musical choices.

NOTE: If a film version of your book already exists, DO NOT simply use clips, music, pictures, etc. from the film. This should be completely original.

You will be graded on your use of visuals, text, music/sound quality, representation of the book, and creativity/editing. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR RUBRIC. Book Trailer Rubric

8 6 4 2 0-1 Visuals A variety of Appropriate visuals Some visuals (images Visuals (images Images may be appropriate visuals (images and/or and/or video clips) are and/or video clips) unclear, (images and/or video clips) are included, but may lack are limited or inappropriate, or video clips) are included to variety in representing repetitive. There is lacking in included to represent the various parts of the some connection to relevance to the represent the book. book. Most visuals book. Most visuals are the book, but more book. All visuals are clear, are clear, relevant clear and relevant. relevant images relevant, and and connected to needed. Some connected to events/characters/t images may lack events/characters/t hemes. clarity. hemes.

Text Includes key Includes some Includes some text to Text is limited Text is minimal or words/phrases that words/phrases that represent the book. and/or lacking in missing represent main represent the main Text is relevant. relevance to the altogether. There themes/conflicts of themes/conflicts of Some words/phrases book. There are is not a clear the book. Text is the book. Text is may be too long, typographical connection to the smoothly woven into smoothly include some errors. Text may book. Text does the trailer to enhance incorporated into typographical errors, not be effective in not attract pathos and attract the trailer, but may or not effective in attracting interest interest for the interest for the book. not include pathos attracting interest for for the book. book. to attract interest the book. for the book. Music/Sound Music appropriately Music mostly Music mostly matches Music is included, Music is missing, Quality matches the tone(s) matches the the tone(s) of the but does not match inappropriate, or of the book and the tone(s) of the book book and images the tone(s) of the opposite in tone images portrayed. and images portrayed. Music may book and images to the Music appeals to portrayed. Music not be effective at portrayed. Music book/images the viewer’s attracts interest for attracting interest for may not be effective presented. Does emotions and the book. Sound the book. There may in attracting interest not attract attracts interest for quality is mostly be some minor issues for the book. interest of viewer. the book. Sound clear. with sound quality. Sound quality is not Many sound quality is clear. clear. quality issues. Creativity/ Trailer clearly Some creativity Some creativity and Trailer may lack in No or little Originality/ demonstrates and originality are originality are evident, creativity and evidence of Editing creativity, evident. Most but more editing originality. More creativity and originality, and editing of visuals needed for a smoother editing needed originality. Little effort. Images and and text is smooth trailer. Trailer may throughout. Trailer to no editing has text are edited and seamless. seem choppy or is difficult to follow been done, appropriately for a disjointed at times. at times. making the trailer seamless trailer. confusing.

Knowledge of Trailer Trailer Trailer demonstrates Trailer Trailer does not Book demonstrates demonstrates some knowledge of demonstrates demonstrate knowledge of the some knowledge of the book, but limited knowledge knowledge of the book’s major the book’s major information may be of the book. More book. themes, settings, themes, settings, limited in representing representation Information is characters, and characters, and major themes, needed of themes, inaccurate. conflicts. All conflicts. settings, characters, settings, characters, Spoilers may be information Information is and conflicts. There and conflicts. included. portrayed is accurate but may may be some spoilers. Spoilers may be accurate. Trailer hint at spoilers. included. reveals substantial information without spoilers.

Total: _____ / 40

OPTION 2: Video Book Review

Create a 3-4 minute video book review for your book. The purpose of a review is to give your audience some background information about the book, provide your overall opinion of the book, and explain some specific, key reasons why you feel this way. Begin with the title, author, year of publication, genre, and why you chose to read the book. Then give a brief summary of the work. Provide enough information to give your audience an idea of what the book is about, but do not reveal any major spoilers or go into detail about the ending. After you have provided some background information, you will lead into your opinion of the book. Overall, would you recommend it? Why or why not? Or, would you recommend it but only to a certain audience? Establish your overall opinion early on in the review. Next, go into detail about your opinion. Consider the following topics (you will not be able to cover all of these, so choose the most relevant for your book and your opinion): Style: What were some main elements of the author’s writing style? (Sensory images, figurative language, dialogue, sentence structure, wording, etc.) Were these stylistic elements effective in keeping your attention? Did you like them? What types of audiences might the style work best for? What types of audiences may not like the author’s style?

Characterization: What techniques did the author use to give you a picture of each character, especially significant ones? Were these techniques effective in developing well-rounded, lifelike characters? Could you relate to the author and his/her experiences? Why or why not?

Plot/Theme: How was the plot sequenced? If not chronological, how did this impact the book as a whole? Did the pace of book hold your attention? When did the book slow down? Get more interesting? Really keep you hooked? How did you feel about the ending? (no spoilers!) Was reading this book a learning experience for you at all? What did you learn about the author’s culture, time period, etc.? Is this something you liked or disliked about the book?

Conclude your review with some final thoughts. Sum up your overall opinion of the book, whether you would recommend this book, and specifically, who would you recommend should (or should not) read it.

You will be graded on your focus, use of details and explanation, organization of review, and speaker qualities. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR RUBRIC. Video Book Review Rubric

8 6 4 2 0-1 Focus Expresses a distinct Expresses a Expresses a general Expresses a vague Simply says “I opinion about the general opinion opinion about the opinion about the did” or “I did not” book, and cites about the book and book, but does not text; or expresses like the book. specific cites some clearly explain reasons an opinion that is Does not support reasons/details that reasons/details that support why you minimally supported opinion of the reflect your opinion that reflect your have that particular with reasons and book with reasons throughout the opinion throughout opinion of the book. details about the and/or details review. the review. book. about the book.

Content- Provides essential Provides most of Attempts to provide May lack enough No summary or Background background the essential background detail about the background information about background information about the background of the information the book. Clearly information about book. Summarizes book. Summary provided, and/or summarizes relevant the book. some information but may be too brief, incorrect information without Summarizes most may be missing some missing some information including any relevant important points. May information, and/or conveyed about spoilers. information hint at spoilers. include spoilers. the book. without spoilers.

Content- Includes substantive Includes details Includes some details Includes limited Includes few to Support details that that demonstrate about the book but support and details no specific details demonstrate knowledge of the could use more depth. from the book. from the book. knowledge of the book; covers a Could have covered Does not cover a Does not cover book; covers a wide variety of topics. more topics in review. variety of topics in any of the topics variety of topics in May be lacking in review. May be presented. review. In-depth specificity and/or repetitive or short. Speaker repeats analysis of the text. thoroughness. information/does not elaborate on opinions. Organization Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a basic Demonstrates a Demonstrates no coherent logical organization organization with confused or evidence of organization with with mostly smooth minimal or weak inconsistent organization or effective use of transitions. Some transitions. Some organization that pre-planning. transitions. Clearly planning is evident. planning is evident, makes the review Review jumps planned in advance. Audience can but audience may hard to follow. around and leaves Audience can follow follow your train of struggle at times to Transitions are audience your train of thought most of follow some of your lacking. More pre- confused. thought. the time. ideas. planning needed.

Speaker Speaker is Speaker engages Speaker attempts to Speaker shows Speaker is Qualities/ enthusiastic and the viewer and engage the speaker, limited enthusiasm monotone/shows Audio Quality engages the viewer. shows some but may show limited and may appear to no engagement Speaker uses varied enthusiasm. enthusiasm. There be reading. There with the content. vocal inflection, Speaker mostly may be issues with are issues with Major weaknesses clear articulation, uses varied vocal vocal inflection, vocal inflection, are present in and a steady rate of inflection, clear articulation, and/or articulation, and/or vocal inflection, speech. There are articulation, and a rate. There may be rate. Verbal fillers articulation, no verbal fillers. steady rate of some verbal fillers. may distract the and/or rate. Sound quality is speech. There There may be some viewer. Sound Distracting use of clear. may be a few minor issues with quality is not clear. verbal fillers. verbal fillers. sound quality. Many sound Sound quality is quality issues mostly clear.

Total: _____ / 40 OPTION 3: Written Book Review

Write a comprehensive, detailed review of your book using textual evidence (quotes).

Book Review Specifications (5 paragraph format): Your review must include substantive details that demonstrate knowledge of the entire book. However, this is NOT simply a plot summary; you should use the following outline to guide your multi-paragraph critical review.


 Book title, author

 Why did you choose this book? Are you happy you did?

 Brief summary (Without the ending or any significant spoilers)

 Thesis: Establish whether or not you would recommend this book (Remember, this establishes your overall focus, so make sure you are clearly laying out your overall opinion)

Body Paragraph: Style

 What were some main elements of the author’s writing style? (Sensory images, figurative language, dialogue, showing vs. telling, sentence structure, wording, etc.) Give specific examples (cited quotes)

 Were these stylistic elements effective in keeping your attention? Did you like them?

 What types of audiences might the style work best for? What types of audiences may not like the author’s style?

Body Paragraph: Characterization

 Could you relate to the author and/or his/her experiences? Why or why not?

 What techniques did the author use to give you a picture of each character, especially significant ones? Give specific examples (cited quotes). Were these techniques effective in developing well-rounded, lifelike characters? Why or why not?

Body Paragraph: Plot/Theme

 How was the plot sequenced? If not chronological, how did this impact the book as a whole?

 Did the pace of book hold your attention? When did the book slow down? Get more interesting? Really keep you hooked? Give examples (cited quotes; try not to give away the ending or specifics around any major twists)

 Was reading this book a learning experience for you at all? What did you learn about the author’s culture, time period, etc.? Is this something you liked or disliked about the book?


 Final thoughts

 Would you recommend this book?  Specifically, who would you recommend should (or should not) read this book?

You will be graded on focus, content, organization, style, and conventions. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR RUBRIC.

Rubric-Written Book Review

8 6 4 2 0-1 Focus Expresses a Expresses a Expresses a general Expresses a vague Simply says “I distinct opinion general opinion opinion about the opinion about the did” or “I did about the book, about the book book, but does not text; or expresses not” like the and cites specific and cites some clearly explain an opinion that is book. Does not reasons/details reasons/details reasons that support minimally support opinion that reflect your that reflect your why you have that supported with of the book with interest or interest or particular opinion of reasons and details reasons and/or disinterest disinterest the book. about the book. details about the throughout the throughout the book. piece. piece.

Content Includes Includes many Includes some details Includes few Includes few to substantive details details that that demonstrate details that no details from that demonstrate demonstrate knowledge of the demonstrate the text and/or knowledge of the knowledge of the book, but lacking in knowledge of the inaccurate info; entire book; cites book; cites some specificity and/or book; minimal does not include and analyzes a specific examples thoroughness; cites examples and/or specific examples variety of specific and quotes from some examples and quotations from and/or examples and the text. More quotes from the text, the text provided. quotations from quotes from textual evidence, but needed to include the text. various parts of examples, and/or more evidence. the text. analysis could have been included.

Organization Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a basic Demonstrates a Demonstrates coherent, logical organization with confused or little to no controlled organization with minimal or weak inconsistent evidence of organization with mostly smooth transitions. organization that organization. effective use of transitions. makes the piece transitions. hard to follow.

Style Employs an The sentences The sentences are A better variety of Few sentences interesting tone show some somewhat varied, but sentences is are written well. that keeps the variety and are some should flow needed. Weak word reader’s attention easy to more smoothly. Sentences are at choice. Help is through varied and understand. Word choice is times choppy, needed. precise word Some strong sometimes awkward, awkward, and/or choice and strong words are used. imprecise, repetitive, incomplete. sentences. or weak. Stronger word Quotations are Quotations need to choice needed smoothly be embedded more throughout. embedded. smoothly.

Conventions No significant Contains a few Has some mechanical Numerous errors Book review is mechanical errors. mechanical errors errors that may make the book unreadable due Clear evidence of that do not distract the reader. review at times to frequent and proofreading. interfere with More proofreading hard to read and confusing overall needed. confusing. Little to mechanical understanding. no evidence of errors. No Evidence of proofreading. evidence of proofreading. proofreading.

Total: _____ / 40

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