The Church of God of Prophecy s2

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The Church of God of Prophecy s2

THE GREAT SPECKLED BIRD 47 Pine Hill Centreville, AL 35042 MINISTER: Leonard Chance (205) 926-7706 (205) 717-1960 [email protected]


I have studied this Word, this Message and went into different parts of it to show and to find out what the Lord might want to speak to your heart with today. I want to tell you that if you think the Nations will not destroy the earth, they will. I’m here to help you understand the Glory and the Power of God and the work of the Lord that God has given unto the House of the Lord. One thing I want you to know about is the Ark of God. “What is the Ark of God and why is it here, and how it came to be?”

PSALM 132:7-8--We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool. Arise, O Lord, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength.

Think about that. Think about “Arise O Lord, into thy rest, thou, and the Ark of thy strength”. Praise the name of the Lord. God wanted a House of people He could rest in. Jesus came to build that House that God could rest in the House of God. It would be His House. It would be His people. They would have their God. God would have His House. That is where God wants to rest today, in the House of God. It is the Church of the Living God. Peter proclaimed it to be the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth. Praise the name of the Lord.

ISAIAH 13:1--The Burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see.

You will see and hear a lot about Babylon. This is Babylon the Great, not the Babylon over yonder called Iraq. This is Babylon the Great, this is the Catholic. The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. This is his burden that he saw, and then all of a sudden Isaiah stopped with Babylon and turned to The Church of God and said, for you in your day, had to be in your day because the Early Church didn’t have a Flag. The Babylon that he is talking about is not in that day but IN your day.

1 ISAIAH 13:2--Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.

This is the Church day, the last days that is the now times. This wasn’t the Early Church. This is the last days Church. Notice what Isaiah said.

ISAIAH 13:3--I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness.

I have commanded my Saints; here I have commanded The Church of God of Prophecy, the Nobles of the earth. The Sanctified, the Pure and the Holy, my People! Told my People lift ye up a Banner (the Flag) on the High Mountain exalt or Preach unto them. Why? Because the burden of Babylon and because it is a command. The Lord Commanded. He called His Mighty Ones. He called His Sanctified Ones, and even them that Worshiped Him. He came to bring all Saints into this wonderful World of Eternal Life. It is a wonderful world when you have Eternal Life. You may see disasters and you may see the fears coming upon this world but with Salvation and the True Fear of God you can escape the destruction.

What is the Ark of His strength? I want you to find this out. There are a lot of things you need to learn. There are a lot of things you need to grow with and grow in because there was a great tumble in the mountains.

ISAIAH 13:4--The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts mustereth the host of the battle.

There’s a time coming that the Kings of the earth are going to do battle. They want to do this and they want to do that. The Kingdom of Nations is going to come and gather them selves together for battle. They don’t realize or know that the King of Glory is going to be the man that they will meet one day. They are not prepared for Him or His Armies but they will surely meet the Lord one day because the ole Babylon Queen will bring these Kingdoms of Nations, a great tumble, a great noise in the mountains, a Great War talk. She is going to come to destroy all Holy People on the earth. She thinks she can do this. She will have the Beast and the false Prophet.

2 She is going to have all the power, she thinks, under her wing but the Lord will muster the Host of the Banner. This is talking about just before the time of the Rapture. The Church is going to be an exceedingly High Mountain. When these people get out of the Body of Christ, the Lord will rebuild Mount Zion (the Church) and He will rebuild it in a short time. She is going to grow and grow because the Bible is going to be fulfilled. The Preachers are going to go back to lifting up this Flag on top of The Church of God of Prophecy and nobody is going to be able to withstand Her because the Saints of God, on this earth, will be held by the hand of the Holy Ghost until the Redeemer comes to receive His own.

He will muster the host of the battle. I like that. I will call my Mighty Ones! My Sanctified Ones even them that Praise me, bringing these people into The Church of God of Prophecy. I can see the time is short now for these people to get out of the Body of Christ and then the Lord will bring His Sanctified Ones. He’s got people out there and when this old Church of God of Prophecy Flag is flown again with Glory, Honor, and Praises then you’re going to see them flow into The Church of God of Prophecy. Here is the way they’re going to come.

ISAIAH 1:18--Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow: though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Here is the way He will speak, this is the way He’s been speaking, and this is the way He will continue to speak. We are going to have this ole Landmark, and we’re going to walk this Landmark toe to toe, and we’re going to say the things that were said before us. The things that have been preached for a hundred years will not fade and die out. God is going to fill this earth with this Gospel. He is going to have His People and He’s going to see to it that The Church of God of Prophecy survives.

Nobody will destroy the Body of Christ! Nobody is going to put out the Light in the House of God! Nobody is going to dim this Doctrine and nobody is going to over rule it. God is going to rule and we are going to serve Him toe- to-toe and man-to-man. We’re going to worship God and we’re going to Magnify and Praise Him.

There is where God rest, in the Body of Christ, there is where He will come. Conviction! That’s how He will bring them. That’s how He brought you,

3 under Conviction and then He started feeding your Soul right out of this Pulpit. Then you began to see, hear and to know and to learn. The more you learned the stronger you get. I’ll tell you one thing, if the Devil could stop this Doctrine he would have done it many years ago but the enemy is not strong enough nor have the ability. God will not allow the Devil to trouble The Church of God of Prophecy or destroy it! God changes things! Prayers change things! Too many people are giving up or giving out and wearing out way before their time. Wait on the Lord. Wait on the Spirit of Truth.

Every wicked thing on the earth will fail and die. It will not be here. I have said many a time that the earth has a way to cleanse it self. There have been a lot of bad people upon the earth, but the earth swallowed them up. The earth will swallow up the True Saints but the earth can’t hold them. When that trumpet sounds and when the Master sits on that Cloud, there is no power in the grave to hold the Saints of God down, the earth has got to yield it. The earth has to give it up and they will rise victoriously because the Mouth of the Lord has spoken it!

I want to talk to you about the Mouth and I want to talk to you about the Ark. I want you to understand what the Ark of God is and I want you to understand the mouth. You have one. With it you bless God. With it you curse the Saints. With it you eat the good and with it you eat the bad. The mouth, with it you Repent and you’re Born Again. You become a vessel in the hand of the Lord one He will carry. God changes your mouth when He changes your mind. Which is the greatest, you’re mouth or your mind? Which is the greatest, you’re mouth or you’re heart? The mouth has been known to change the mind and it has also been known to change the heart. We want to know this Word. We want to know the blessings. I can tell you which one is the greatest. It is the mouth.

Did you know that Jesus once said Satan was a liar? Satan was the father of the lie. Satan is still the father of the lie. The Devil was the first liar. He has never changed his mouth. His tongue is still forked and he will always be a lying Devil. The Devil was in Mount Zion. He could go up and down in these Commandments with no problem until one day his mouth lied to him and it changed his mind. He once had a perfect heart. He was in The Church of God. Many people have been in The Church of God of Prophecy but their mouth changed their heart and mind.

4 I will ascend in the Heaven. The Devil lied to his self first then he lied to a third of the Angels. The Devil has never stopped lying. The Devil today is lying about the Body of Christ but that will not prevent The Church of God of Prophecy from fulfilling its Gospel or its works on this earth. The Holy Ghost is here to make known the words of the Devil and to show you the poison in the serpent’s mouth.

ISAIAH 1:19-21--If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. How is the faithful city become an harlot! It was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.

The Lord is the Light of the Church. He will always shine in Her and She will shine in Him. If you’re willing and obedient ye shall eat, that’s what you have a mouth for is to eat. Jesus said, what goes into the mouth does not defile the man but what comes out of it. Somebody said that the eyes were the windows of the Soul but the Lord said the mouth was. The eyes will deceive you. What you see is not always what you get.

If ye refuse and rebel ye shall be devoured with the sword, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. What did the mouth of the Lord speak concerning The Church Of God Of Prophecy? He said; “How is the faithful City become a harlot?” How did The Church of God of Prophecy become a harlot? How did it get all this whoredom in it? There is a lot of whoredom in The Church Of God Of Prophecy today. How has The Church of God of Prophecy become a harlot? Because of the mouth, that’s right, somebody’s mouth! Somebody started preaching the wrong thing. Somebody got his or her mouth opened wide. Somebody began to talk to the ear and the ear began to see in the mind and after awhile they got it down into their heart. How did the Faithful City become a harlot? They got there by the mouth. Somebody preaching! Somebody listening! Somebody changing!

PSALM 132:6--Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood.

This has been preached for over a hundred years. What happened to this Sermon? How come Mount Zion today is full of whoredom? Every kind of sinner and every table are full of vomit. The Faithful City one time was full of Judgment.

5 Not too long ago The Church of God of Prophecy was full of Judgment and Righteousness lodged in it and now murderers, people killing the Saints of God with their mouths. The Church is full of murderers, people trying to kill your Salvation, your Faith and Trust in the Lord and in The Church of God of Prophecy! They will tell you we’re all going to go over there and we will all be as one. We are going to have a million members. Let me tell you this, there will be no True Saints going over there with the enemy. There will be no real Church of God of Prophecy people leaving and going over there with those people! They’re enemies of God, they’re enemies of The Church of God of Prophecy, and they’re enemies to You!

ISAIAH 1:22--Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water.

Why is it that your silver has turned to dross and your wine into water? The Gospel today is watered down. There is no wealth in Salvation now. Your silver is rusted because of the mouth. There is no wealth in the Doctrine. Your wine is water. There’s no drunk of the Spirit as it was on the day the Holy Ghost came. Those people were accused of being drunk. The Saints of God shouted and rolled in the Altar. Where is that strong Wine today? This is happening now in your day.

What did God create the world for? What was His reason? He didn’t create it for the beast of the field or the fowl of the air or the creatures of the sea. God created this earth for man and God created the man first after He created the water of the seas and the dry land appeared. God raked up some dust and made Him a little dirt man called Adam. God breathed into his nostrils and ole Adam became a living Soul. Whether ole Adam went to Heaven or Hell he is still alive somewhere.

There are two deaths. You can chose which one you want. I want to get down to the truth of this because it is so easy if you don’t know what you are doing. You can get off of the truth or out of the truth and not realize what you have done. Ole Adam was the first Preacher on the earth and God told him what to preach. He had a mouth on him.

GENESIS 2:15--And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Adam wasn’t made in the garden he was made somewhere else and put into the garden. You weren’t born into The Church of God of Prophecy. You had

6 to be put into The Church of God of Prophecy. This old stuff about you being born in the Church is a lie. That is a lie out of someone’s mouth. You were put into The Church of God of Prophecy. Adam wasn’t made in the garden he was put in the garden to dress it and keep it. You were put into The Church of God of Prophecy to dress it and keep it!

GENESIS 2:16--And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.

And the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden to dress and keep it, and commanded him. He didn’t command them, there were no them. There was no woman, no wife, no beast of the field, and no fowl of the air, nothing but the Man. And commanded him. This Church of God of Prophecy Doctrine is not up to me whether I want to preach it or not. I’m under His command to guide his people, to preach this Gospel, to shine this Light and make known the mystery and the fellowship of God. To help you understand what is written here. To dress it and keep it, if ole Adam had used his mouth.

GENESIS 2:16-17--And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest there-of thou shalt surely die.

To dress it and to keep it, and commanded the man, saying, this is what God said to him. This was the message. God knew He was going to make him a wife. That’s why Eve wasn’t there. The man was alone. He was in that garden many days before Eve. How do you know that? I will tell you soon. Adam was in the garden many days but not one time did the ole Serpent come and talk to Adam, not at all. This is what God said to him. Listen very closely because there is a change coming. And commanded the man saying, of all the trees of the garden thou mayest freely eat but the tree, not trees but one tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is what you preach, Adam, thou shalt not eat of it but in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Adam did preach, he told his wife about the tree that God commanded they couldn’t eat of. If that one message was obeyed they could have stayed in the garden. The message changed. When somebody else started preaching it changed.

The reason Adam was there many days without a wife was because God created the beast of the field and every fowl of the air and then ole Adam had

7 to name them all. Then God created the creatures of the sea and flowers of the field. Whatever God created and whatever ole Adam called it that’s what it is to this very day. God didn’t name them, Adam did. Adam used his mouth. Everything he said was right. Everything in the Church was going alone fine until 1990 when things began to shake. There was a shaking in The Church of God of Prophecy. You could already feel the tremors but it wasn’t till ole Billy Murray hit the stage that the Foundation began to reel and rock a little more. Now you’re going to find that the Foundation in the garden is going to reel and rock.

GENESIS 3:1--Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made, And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Now the Serpent was more subtle which meant he was wiser, he was more crafty than all the beast the Lord God had made. He was wise enough not to talk to the man but it was plain that the man was there. When the man should have stayed with the Word he did not. That can happen to this very day. You must stay with this Word. It has to stay right, it has to stay the Word of God, and it’s a Commandment. Adam was under a Commandment. We’re under a Commandment.

Now the Serpent was wiser and craftier than any of the beast that the Lord God had made, and the Serpent said to the Woman, now listen to the lie of the Devil. The Devil lied big time. Because the Woman did not speak what she was taught, ole Adam had told her they couldn’t eat of that tree. She talked too much! She said things that should never have been said, just what the Serpent wanted to hear. And the Serpent said unto the Woman, ye shall not eat of all the trees of the garden? God won’t let you eat all of the trees of the garden.

GENESIS 3:2-4--And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die.

The Woman said, we may eat of the trees of the garden but of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God hath said thou shall not eat of it, for in the day thou eatest there of thou shall surely die. The Serpent said, you’re not

8 going to die. Eve said something the Devil knew he could win. Here is what she said: We may eat of the trees of the garden, but God said of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, ye shall not eat of it nor Touch it.

God didn’t say that. Eve said that. God didn’t say they couldn’t touch it. He said they could not eat of it. So Adam had told her but Eve added a little more. That’s what’s happening to a lot of good Souls today. They went a little beyond what the Doctrine and the Word is until it began to seep into the mind of Holy people and it began to turn them slowly, a little here and a little there.

Let me tell you something, these people today that are turning Saints away from God are very subtle, they’re very crafty, and they are very wise. They can out shout, out speak, and out talk everybody with just a little change at the time. If Eve had kept her mouth shut and not answered the Serpent because she put more of Eve in it than the Lord put and that is very easy to do.

God said that we could eat of the trees of the garden but the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil we shall not eat of that neither shall we touch it, that’s your lie. Ye shall not surely die but they died that day. They died that day as God promised Adam. They fell from the Grace of God. The breath didn’t stop in the body but the Salvation of their Souls certainly did. They broke the Commandment. They did opposite what God told them.

People will break the Commandments for you. They will teach you and get you over in their way of thinking. You have to be careful about this Word of God. You have to know that what you are saying is right. You must understand what the Truth of God is and stay steadfast, unmovable in the Praising, Worshiping, and Walking in this Spirit of Truth.

Ye surely will not die; the Devil did not tell them that they would die Spiritually. He hid that, and he lied to them. Jesus said the Devil is the Father of a lie and he is. He knows how to preach his lies to people who don’t know or understand the Word of God. It doesn’t take much to put a little wrong into it and make you feel it’s right. The Devil never talked to Adam. He knew he could get to the man through the woman.

He knew she’d talk too much. She got a little off of the message: just what the Serpent wanted. That little off of the message has drowned a lot of people in

9 the pool of Deceit in The Church of God of Prophecy to this very day and more will fall into it.

2 CORINTHIANS 6:11--O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged.

Here Paul is talking to the Church at Corinth, O ye Corinthians. I like the way he started this message, we open our mouth unto you and our heart is enlarged. Sometimes you can open your mouth wide and you say, as Jesus said, how long will I be with you? O ye Corinthians, we open our mouth unto you. Why? Because Paul knew what it was like in the days of Noah. Do you know what it was like in the days of Noah? It is like it is in our day. Violence filled the earth.

GENESIS 6:13-14--And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

Because violence filled the earth, God said to Noah, build an Ark. What was the Ark for? It was to house the living Saints and everything God wanted in that Ark. Lot of things He didn’t want in it. Paul was trying to get these people in the Ark of safety. God told Noah, build an Ark, don’t build it out of pine, oak or whatever, but build it out of Gopher Wood. He could only build it a certain way and a certain length and a certain height and put rooms in it.

We have that ole Flag, we have Water Baptism, and we have Baptism of the Holy Ghost. We have a lot of rooms in The Church of God of Prophecy. Now you pitch it within and you pitch it without. Seal it up; don’t want any water coming in. Ole Noah had to do it exactly the way God said.

That is the way The Church of God of Prophecy’s message is. You must pitch it within and without exactly the way God said it. The Church of God of Prophecy is the Ark of God! If you don’t stay in the Ark you will not be saved. Now Noah, you must preach Righteousness. But you are not going to save anybody, only your wife, sons and their wives. Only eight of you will be saved. Don’t get discouraged Noah if the Ark isn’t full of people.

God isn’t going to have anyone in The Church of God of Prophecy that doesn’t walk in Him; that He can rest in. Let me tell you the Ark of God

10 struck on top of the Mountain in Fields of the Wood. The mark of the Ark is there saying; THIS IS THE FIELDS OF THE WOOD, THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD. Then God did something. He went over and put His own mark on that great big old Pine Tree. This is The Church of God of Prophecy; this is my Ark, get in it and stay in it! To this very day the Ark is still at the top of the stairs and that ole pine is still there right where that Finger of God set it afire. If you can’t see the Ark of God in The Church of God of Prophecy now when will you ever see it? You are going to find out what the Ark is. God came down and proved this is The Church of God of Prophecy. Here is where I choose to bring the Light up. This is the Man I choose to bring it up through. He is only a man not a God but he is my man! Ole Noah was God’s Man. God didn’t tell Shem, Ham, or Japheth. He told Noah to build the Ark! That’s where my peace is, that’s where Life will be, and that’s where I’m going to be. There came a day that the Lord shut the door. Oh what a time that was when ole Noah looked around and that door shut by it self and that Seal was on the Ark.

Everything that was in the Ark was sealed in the Ark. Ole Noah knew that he had preached Righteousness. What was his Righteousness? His Righteousness was this, it is going to rain, people! It is going to rain! He heard them say, no it isn’t. It has never rained. But there has never been a Jesus Christ and anybody else on a cloud, that isn’t going to happen. Noah said, yes it is going to rain. You need to get right with God but people thought that he was crazy and drunk. Ole Noah drank the wine he made but I want you to drink the Wine that God made. The day came when the Ark was sealed and the flood took everyone away but those in the Ark.

Now here ole Paul is trying to tell these people we have opened our mouth unto you and our heart is enlarged. Paul wants their hearts enlarged. He wanted them to know more and understand more. He wanted them to feel and see the Glory of God that they had among them and to walk in the presence of the Lord and declare His Righteousness and stand strong, stand straight up and down in this Doctrine. That’s what Paul told them. Not all of them believe him and not all are going to believe among us. The Ark of God is in The Church of God of Prophecy and The Church of God of Prophecy is in the Ark of God! Let me show you the Ark and what it is and why.

The Temple of God is open in Heaven. We will see it but before we do I promised you that the Nations would destroy the earth and they will when the time comes.

11 REVELATION 11:18--And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

The Nations were angry. Why were they angry? For the time of the wrath of the Lord and time to judge the dead, them that served God. He would give rewards. The dead had to be judged but there is a difference here. Not all of the dead get a reward. All will go to the Judgment but the Righteous get a reward. The wicked get destruction. God is angry with these Nations for they have destroyed the earth. They brought the wrath of God. They didn’t make this earth! Ole Adam didn’t make it. He was brought up from the dirt and was made a man out of it.

God was to give the Prophets a reward and the Saints that Feared and called upon Him to get a reward. To get a reward is the why of the Judgment. We go to the Judgment we get a reward.

REVELATION 11:19--And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

The Temple of God was opened up in Heaven. Take a look at the Ark of God. “There was seen in His Temple the Ark of His Testament.” What is the Ark of His Testament? His Words, the Power of God is in the Words. You have to stand in the Words. That is what the Art is, Power. God’s Power is in His Words! That’s what struck in the Fields of the Wood. That’s what told Noah to build the Ark and how, God said it. That’s what The Church of God of Prophecy is built upon, the Foundation of the Word. Christ being the Chief Corner Stone! Line up with Him, that’s what’s the Ark is, Power. Power in the Church is in the Word! It is in the people. This is what came out of the Ark, Lightning’s, Thundering, Voices, an Earthquake, and great Hail, all in the Word of God. That great hail will come when the Babylonian Whore is over and the Kings of the earth come together to do battle. Hail and Lightning will be the weapons of the mouth of the Redeemer.

The Ark of God is the Word and Power of God. It was the Word and the Power of God that struck in Fields of the Wood on top of the Mountain! God

12 hallowed that Mountain and made it Holy. The Ark is still there, a reminder, here is where I will rise and proclaim my Last Days Church of God of Prophecy!


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