Syllabus For Cfa 9Th Grade Civics

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Syllabus For Cfa 9Th Grade Civics


Teacher: Ms. Sujata Vadher

Room: 323A

Voicemail: 612/692-1499

Email: [email protected]

Course description:

Welcome to 9 th Grade Civics. This course offers a colorful and exciting mix of social studies subjects. By the end of the year, you will have a solid foundation for entering 10 th grade.

Course Objectives Quarter One:

0ur primary objective is to prepare you to have skills for 10 th grade. To do so, we focus heavily on academic skills, writing, time management and interpersonal communication skills. Small and large group discussions occur regularly. All students are expected to participate. Additionally, we prepare you for the Minnesota Basic Skills Writing Test, administered in the 10 th grade. This course is writing intensive. You regularly practice your writing skills. In-class essays and exams make up the majority of your quarter grade

What is needed for class daily:

Our class in Civics moves very quickly and covers a lot of material. Therefore, it is imperative not only that students keep pace with the course but also ask questions or seek out additional help when needed. Ms. Vadher is willing to meet with students after school with requested appointments.

By the end of this quarter, you will:

4 Demonstrate and strengthen your ability to write formal essays.

4 Strengthen your note-taking skills.

4 Compare/contrast/synthesize and analyze information.

4 Exercise critical thinking and communication skills in formal and informal discussions. What you should have in class each day: v Blue or Black Ink pens and pencils. v An organized three ring notebook for notes, readings and projects.

v Student Planner and ID

What you should have for regular use in class: v A dictionary and/or thesaurus v A copy of The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers v Knowledge of local, state, national and international news.


Ninth grade Civics COURSE POLICIES

Course policies are the rules and guidelines our class follows, in addition to those established by Patrick Henry High School . (All Patrick Henry rules and expectations are enforced in Ms. Vadher’s classroom.) These policies remain consistent throughout the school year and are reviewed at the beginning of each quarter. Each student is expected to know, understand and follow these policies. If you feel class or school policies need clarification speak with Ms. Vadher directly.


Prompt daily attendance is expected. All students must be in the classroom and ready to begin class when the bell rings. Each tardy costs you one point and negatively influences your grade . According to Patrick Henry policy, you fail the course if you have more than seven absences during an academic quarter. Approved school activities do not count against attendance, provided the student attends the activities and is doing satisfactory work in class. Additionally, if a student is aware of up-coming absences, it is her/his responsibility to inform Ms. Vadher before the absences and arrange make-up or alternative work.


You are a member of a community of learners. For any community to thrive, certain concepts must be embraced. In our community, I expect the following general behavior of all students.

RESPECT: All students will respect themselves, their community members and their learning environment.

READINESS: All students must attend class everyday and ready to actively participate in the day’s activities.

RESPONSIBILITY: All students must accept responsibility for themselves and their actions.

Active participation and preparedness is expected at all times!

No distracting items are allowed in the classroom (I.e. headwear, coats, backpacks, food, beverages, chains, purses, electronic devices, pictures, notes, yearbooks, catalogs)

Appropriate language will be used in the classroom—no swearing or otherwise offensive remarks will be allowed.

You are responsible for your progress ; therefore, communication with Ms. Vadher about problems or struggles is expected.


Cheating, copying and plagiarism are serious acts of academic dishonesty and are not tolerated. All team teachers, family members of students involved and the program coordinator will be informed of such behavior.

Students who cheat receive a zero for the assignment or exam. Students involved in copying of work receive a zero for the assignment or exam, including any student allowing the copying to take place. Students who plagiarize receive a failing grade for the quarter.

Plagiarism is the use of another’s ideas or expression without appropriate acknowledgement of the source.

Examples of plagiarism include failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when repeating another’s phrase, sentence or paragraph; failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when paraphrasing another’s thesis or argument; failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when presenting another’s line of thinking; or, turning in a paper for a current course that was written for another course.

Plagiarism, like cheating and copying, results in serious consequences. If students or family members have questions about this, please talk to Ms. Vadher. Ignorance is no excuse for plagiarism.

All students are expected to achieve at the level of 70% or better in this class without factoring in extra credit, which is rarely given in Civics. As a general rule, students should not expect extra credit.

Attendance at after-school tutorials or at the PHHS Political Forums may result in extra credit points being awarded. This is based on student use of such opportunities. Opportunities for extra credit related to course content may arise throughout the quarter. Students will not be awarded extra credit points exceeding 10% of the quarter grade. Additionally, students choosing to drop their lowest score of the quarter are not allowed any extra credit points.


The amount of homework varies throughout the year. Homework is tied to major course projects. Studying your notes 20-30 minutes daily helps comprehension and retention of course content. Additionally, students are expected to bring questions related to course content to class. All students are expected to review and study the course notes daily.

All homework assignments must be completed on the scheduled due date. Unless otherwise noted, a ssignments are collected at the beginning of the class period. Assignments turned in on the same day will lose 25% of the earned score. Assignments turned in the school day following the due date lose 50% of the earned score. NO ASSIGNMENTS ARE ACCEPTED AFTER TWO OR MORE SCHOOLS DAYS FOLLOWING THE DUE DATE!

All major papers and projects ,including bibliographies, should be double-spaced and typed (12 point font and one-inch margins). If you do not have regular access to a computer, please talk to me. All other assignments must be written in blue or black ink or pencil and must be double-spaced. This includes in -class essays and exams NO ASSIGNMENTS ARE ACCEPTED IF WRITTEN OR TYPED IN A COLOR OTHER THAN BLUE OR BLACK!

PATRICK HENRY POLITICAL FORUMS: All students at Patrick Henry High School are invited to participate in the after-school Patrick Henry Political Forums. During these forums, local public officials speak informally with students about politics, government and student concerns. Past speakers include Mayor R.T. Rybak, Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Carol Johnson, Senator Linda Higgins, Councilmember Barbara Johnson, Representative Joe Mullery and many others. Attending and reflecting on such forums meet some of the components for the U.S. Citizenship standard and may as well as potentially qualify for extra credit. Schedules for the PHHS Political Forums are available from Ms. Vadher and are posted in Ms. Vadher’s room.

Sources Used in Civics:

Students receive reading packets with excerpts from a variety of sources as well as primary source documents. Course content has been put together through a variety of sources and is regularly updated as new and reliable information is made available.

Reading packets made available to students may be done so in class-sets. Therefore, it is necessary that students use the reading time given in class effectively. Upon request, reading packets may be checked out overnight. Reading packets checked out overnight must be returned before first hour the next school day. Students failing to do so may lose the privilege of checking out the reading packets. It is recommended that all students get their own personal copy of the United States Constitution.

Teaming in CFA 9th grade Civics:

All students in the 9th and 10th grades have a team of teachers working with them. (Teams are cohorts of students who share the same classes and teachers in their school day.) The 9th grade team consists of Ms. Vadher (Social Studies), Ms. Mr. Strand. (English), Ms. Aram (Math), Ms. Tenhoff (Art) and Mr. Piccott (Science). Teams support achievement and success, strengthen positive relationships between students, their peers and their teachers, offer increased interdisciplinary connections and provide opportunities for early intervention with struggling students.Team teachers meet daily to discuss ways to better support students, enhance cross-curriculum understanding and synthesis and meet with students and family members. We encourage family members to use our meeting time as an opportunity to meet with all team teachers at once. Teaming has proven to be beneficial to students and families in a number of ways. This is just one example of the commitment Patrick Henry High School and your team teachers have to student success in the ninth grade. Check out the PHHS website at GRADING SCALE IN PERCENTAGES: 93-100%=A










59% or below=F

Parents and Guardians:

I am excited to have your child in my class and look forward to our upcoming school year together. I hope that together we can make your child’s school year a successful one. Please review the course syllabus with your child to further understand my classroom policies, behavior expectations, and curriculum outline. Expect to hear from me via your child’s student planner, phone calls, and notes home. I also hope to see you at Parent-Teacher conferences throughout the school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the above phone number or e-mail address. Please fill out and return the following information sheet to help me keep in touch. Thanks!

Ms Vadher

Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Name/s:

Address: Work phone:

Home phone:

Best time to reach you:

Email address (if available):

Questions you might have:

Suggestions you are willing to share:

Specific information you feel I should know about your student:

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