HMH Storytown 2009 Grade 1

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HMH Storytown 2009 Grade 1

HMH Storytown 2009Grade 1

Themes 1 and 2 /Lesson 2 Title of Read Aloud: “Effie” Suggested Time: 2- 3 days (30 minutes per day) Common Core ELA Standards: RL.1.1, RL.1.2, RL.1.3, RL.1.9, RF.1.1, SL.1.1, SL.1.2, SL.1.3, SL.1.4, SL.1.5, SL.1.6, L.1.1, L.1.2, L.1.4, W.1.3

Teacher Instructions

Refer to the Introduction for further details. Before Teaching 1. Read the Big Ideas and Key Understandings and the Synopsis. Please do not read this to the students. This is a description for teachers, about the big ideas and key understanding that students should take away after completing this task. Big Ideas and Key Understanding Our differences make us unique and special.

Synopsis The story we are listening to today is a fantasy. “Effie” is about an ant who is just like any other ant in the anthill except for one thing. She has a very loud, booming voice that scares all the other creatures in this story. Effie is unable to make friends until one day, using her booming voice she saves her colony from being stepped on by a large elephant who in turn becomes her best friend.

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2. Read entire main selection text, keeping in mind the Big Ideas and Key Understandings. 3. Re-read the main selection text while noting the stopping points for the Text Dependent Questions and teaching Vocabulary. During Teaching 1. Teacher reads the main selection text aloud. Note: Each time Effie speaks it is in bold caps. Call students’ attention to this. 2. As the teacher is reading, it is helpful to have students locate words/answers by using beginning and ending sounds. Also call students attention to where a sentence begins and ends by locating capital letters and end marks. 3. Teacher re-reads the selection aloud while stopping to engage students in responding to and discussing the questions and returning to the text. A variety of methods can be used to structure the reading and discussion (i.e.: whole class discussion, think-pair-share, group work, etc.)

Text Dependent Questions

Text Dependent Questions Answers Characters are people and animals in a story. Effie and the elephant are the main characters in this story. Who are the main characters in this story? There are other characters as well. The students may list these.

The setting is where the story takes place. According to the picture what is the setting of this story? The setting of this story is outside in the grass.

2 HMH Storytown 2009Grade 1

(P.8) Listen to this part. “Effie’s voice was like thunder.” Saying All the other ants had tiny voices and Effie’s voice was so loud it her voice was like thunder means her voice is very, very loud sounded like thunder. (Note to Teacher: Have Shoulder/face just like thunder is loud. According to the story, Effie was just partners act out a tiny voice and a loud voice.) like all the other ants except for one way. Turn to your shoulder partner and tell what was different (not the same) about Effie.

Listen as I read (P. 8), “Effie’s voice…noise.” How does the Whenever she spoke, the whole nest of ants ran to get away author let the reader know the ants didn’t like Effie’s voice? from the noise.

The story says Effie set out to find something. What was it that Effie set out to find someone who would listen to her. Effie set out to find?

Listen as I read. (P. 8) “One day…air.” At first, Effie was talking In the story, it says that Effie was “talking to thin air.” This to the caterpillar. What words did the author use to let the means she was talking and nobody was there listening to her reader know Effie is alone and the caterpillar is no longer anymore and the caterpillar almost split his skin in his hurry to there? escape.

Escape means to break free or get away from something Why “Effie’s booming voice scared the caterpillar away. did the caterpillar hurry to escape? The author says in the next sentence that the beetle flipped in fright.” This lets me know it was a beetle not a rock and rocks don’t have legs.

(P.9) “By and by…legs.” The author says Effie landed on something she thought was a rock. What did that “rock” turn out to be? How do you know?

3 HMH Storytown 2009Grade 1

If something gives you a fright it scares you. Listen as I read. (P.9) “Hello there! ...away.” How did the grasshopper and The rock she was lying on sprouted legs, the beetle flipped in beetle characters in the story escape from Effie because they fright and scurried away. The grasshopper shook his head and were frightened of her booming voice? zigzagged out of sight. (Teacher may need to demonstrate “zigzag” briefly to class with hand motion

Crushed means to be smashed, smushed, or squashed. Effie’s booming voice kept the elephant from stepping on the (P.10) Listen as I read. “STOP!” she roared, HOLD IT RIGHT insects and crushing them. Her voice was loud enough for the THERE…below.” What kept the elephant from crushing the elephant to hear her. It got her attention. creatures?

Listen as I read p10. “HERE…aside.” The author uses the word nimbly because it means quickly. The According to the text, the elephant stepped aside quickly. elephant heard Effie and did not want to step on the ants. What vocabulary word does the author use to mean the same as quickly? Why does the elephant move quickly aside?

4 HMH Storytown 2009Grade 1

How does Effie’s situation change from the beginning of the Effie wants someone to listen to her, a friend. At the beginning story to the end of the story? of the story, all the other creatures are running away from Effie’s booming voice but at the end of the story, she makes a friend with the elephant. She could not be friends with the elephant if Effie had a regular ant voice. The elephant would not hear Effie.

5 KEY WORDS ESSENTIAL TO UNDERSTANDING WORDS WORTH KNOWING BIG IDEAS OF TEXT Words to be part of systematic vocabulary instruction, Words addressed with a question or task not essential for understanding the big ideas of the text

N HMH Storytown 2009Grade 1 O I T I N I F E D

Vocabulary S E D I V O R P


n Page 10 - gasped, nearby, swish, puffed, glancing i d

e Page 8- “like thunder”, thunder, boomed, escape fearfully, antenna, staircase d i v Page 9- escape, fright Page 11 – enormously, treading o r p Page 10- crushed, nimbly, bellowed s e u l c l a u t x e t n o c h g u o n e t o n t x e t e h t G N I N A E M




S T N E D U T S e h t

n Page 9-parachuted, chat, scurried i

d 6 e Page 10 – crowded, fearfully, roared Page 8 - “thin air”, wriggled into sight, grass stalk d i v Page 10-echoed, faintly o r p Page 11-chatting e r a s e u l c t x e t n o c t n e i c i f f u s HMH Storytown 2009Grade 1

Culminating Task

Re-Read, Think, Discuss, and Write. Teacher will have a sentence frame filled out with a space provided for short answer.  In this story, it turned out that Effie’s booming voice was helpful. Effie having a different voice made her unique and special. Use this sentence frame to tell how Effie’s different voice turned out to be special at the end of the story. At the end of the story, Effie______.  Illustrate your answer.

Additional Tasks Note: Teacher will have pictures of the creatures Effie met in the story. Label pictures using temporal words such as first, next, then, after, last or number words. Students will place pictures of creatures in order using a flow chart.  Place pictures of the creatures Effie met in the story in order using the picture cards provided.  Draw a picture of Effie and choose one word to describe her. (Teacher Note: Students should have a word bank.) Higher students may write a sentence.  Illustrate essential message/big idea of the story. Write the essential message/big idea of the story. (Teacher gives story starter)  When we compare two things we tell how the two things are alike. Compare how Effie feels in this story to how Jamaica felt when Ossie, her brother, didn’t want his little sister tagging along. (Teacher Note: Jamaica is the character in the story “Jamaica Tag-Along” from last week.) Students turn to their shoulder partner to tell how Jamaica and Effie are alike. Students will draw a picture and write a sentence.  Illustrate what happened at the beginning of the story, “Effie.” Write a sentence to go with the illustration.

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 Discuss how each creature came back toward Effie: grasshopper leaped and zigzagged, beetle ran and scurried, spider spun, butterfly flapped, and caterpillar wiggled.

Note to Teacher

 Expect students to respond with complete sentences. Model and scaffold responses with sentence starters as needed. Also, expand on student responses (when responses are short and easily expanded) and have students repeat the expanded answer.

 Engagement strategies, such as partner talk, choral responses, and signaled responses will help keep students on task and improve time efficiency. For example, the teacher may direct students to identify a partner and then direct students to find and whisper the answer to a partner before eliciting a choral response from the whole group. Teachers could direct students to point to an answer on the Smartboard, thumbs up for yes and thumbs down for no, etc.


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