Final Student Teaching Evaluation (ELE)

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Final Student Teaching Evaluation (ELE)

Final Student Teaching Evaluation (ELE) Standards

IL-ISBE-TECH.1 STANDARD: Basic Computer/Technology Operations and Concepts - The competent teacher will use computer systems to run software; to access, generate, and manipulate data; and to publish results. He or she will also evaluate performance of hardware and software components of computer systems and apply basic trouble-shooting strategies as needed. IL-ISBE-TECH.2 STANDARD: Personal and Professional Use of Technology - The competent teacher will apply tools for enhancing personal professional growth and productivity; will use technology in communicating, collaborating, conducting research, and solving problems and will promote equitable, ethical, and legal use of computer/technology resources. IL-ISBE-TECH.3 STANDARD: Application of Technology in Instruction - The competent teacher will apply learning technologies that support instruction in his or her grade level and subject areas. He or she must plan and deliver instructional units that integrate a variety of software, applications, and learning tools. Lessons developed must reflect effective grouping and assessment strategies for diverse populations. IL-ISBE-TECH.4 STANDARD: Social, Ethical, and Human Issues - The competent teacher will apply concepts and skills in making decisions concerning the social, ethical, and human issues related to computing and technology. The competent teacher will understand the changes in information technologies, their effects on workplace and society, their potential to address life-long learning and workplace needs, and the consequences of misuse. IL-ISBE-TECH.5 STANDARD: Productivity Tools - The competent teacher will integrate advanced features of technology-based productivity tools to support instruction, extend communication outside the classroom, enhance classroom management, perform administrative routines more effectively, and become more productive in daily tasks. IL-ISBE-TECH.6 STANDARD: Telecommunications and Information Access - The competent teacher will use telecommunications and information-access resources to support instruction. IL-ISBE-TECH.7 STANDARD: Research, Problem Solving, and Product Development - The competent teacher will use computers and other technologies in research, problem solving, and product development. The competent teacher will appropriately use a variety of media, presentation, and authoring packages; plan and participate in team and collaborative projects that require critical analysis and evaluation; and present products developed. IL-ISBE-TECH.8 STANDARD: Information Literacy Skills - The competent teacher will develop information literacy skills to be able to access, evaluate, and use information to improve teaching and learning. IL-PTS.1 STANDARD: Content Knowledge: The competent teacher understands the central concepts, methods of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make the content meaningful to all students. IL-PTS.2 STANDARD: Human Development and Learning: The competent teacher understands how individuals grow, develop and learn and provides learning opportunities that support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students. IL-PTS.3 STANDARD: Diversity: The competent teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners. IL-PTS.4 STANDARD: Planning for Instruction: The competent teacher understands instructional planning and designs instruction based upon knowledge of the discipline, students, the community, and curriculum goals. IL-PTS.5 STANDARD: Learning Environment: The competent teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. IL-PTS.6 STANDARD: Instructional Delivery: The competent teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. IL-PTS.7 STANDARD: Communication: The competent teacher uses knowledge of effective written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. IL-PTS.8 STANDARD: Assessment: The competent teacher understands various formal and informal assessment strategies and uses them to support the continuous development of all students. IL-PTS.9 STANDARD: Collaborative Relationships: The competent teacher understands the role of the community in education and develops and maintains collaborative relationships with colleagues, parents/guardians, and the community to support student learning and well-being. IL-PTS.10 STANDARD: Reflection and Professional Growth: The competent teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates how choices and actions affect students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community and actively seeks opportunities to grow professionally. IL-PTS.11 STANDARD: Professional Conduct and Leadership: The competent teacher understands education as a profession, maintains standards of professional conduct, and provides leadership to improve student learning and well-being. Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011 (ELE)

Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

Diverse Students - 1) Displays minimal 0% Displays generally accurate 23% Displays understanding of 4.62 Knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of developmental typical developmental characteristics of age developmental characteristics of age characteristics of age groups characteristics of age group/grade level. Instruction group/grade level as well group/grade level. designed/modified to meet as exceptions to general Instruction not student needs may not patterns. Instruction designed/modified to meet always be consistent. designed/modified to meet student needs. their current needs. 6% 0% 69%

Diverse Students - 2) Unfamiliar with, displays 0% Displays general 30% Displays understanding of 4.52 Knowledge of students' little knowledge of understanding of students’ students’ skills, skills, knowledge, and students’ skills, skills, knowledge, disabilities knowledge, disabilities and learning modes knowledge, disabilities and and learning preferences. learning preferences. ST learning preferences. No Makes appropriate uses this knowledge of provisions through varied provisions through varied each individual, as well as instruction made to meet instructional strategies for the class as a whole, to the needs of individuals, the class as a whole, and make appropriate nor the class as a whole. some individual students. provisions through varied instructional strategies to 0% 8% meet the needs of all students. 61%

Diverse Students -3) Displays little knowledge 0% Recognizes the importance 28% Displays students’ interests 4.62 Knowledge of students' of students’ interests or of understanding students’ and/or cultural heritage interests or culture cultural heritage and fails interest or cultural heritage, and makes use of this to indicate that such but displays this knowledge knowledge with groups of knowledge is valuable. only for the class as a whole. students as well as individuals. Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

4% 67% 0%

Diverse Students - 4) ST – student interactions 0% ST – student interactions are 9% Demonstrates ability to 4.84 Teacher interaction are inappropriate generally appropriate, but interact in a positive and with students concerning individual may be inconsistent appropriate manner with cultural, religious, concerning individual varied personalities, socioeconomic status, cultural, religious, without regard to gender, or sexual socioeconomic status, individual cultural, orientation. Interaction gender, or sexual orientation. religious, socioeconomic may be negative, sarcastic, status, gender, or sexual 3% or demeaning. orientation. 87% 0%

Diverse Students -5) ST allows inappropriate, 0% ST's classroom atmosphere 20% Works consistently to 4.68 Student interaction negative student behaviors and expectations of student create a classroom toward one another, behavior may be inconsistent atmosphere in which all teacher(s), or toward one another, students display polite and administration. teacher(s), or administration. respectful behaviors when interacting with one 5% another, as well as 0% teacher(s) and administration. 73%

Diverse Students - 6) ST conveys modest or low 0% ST conveys moderate 27% ST’s goals, activities, 4.59 Student pride and expectations for students’ expectations of goals, interactions, and classroom expectations for achievement. Students activities, interactions, and environment convey a high learning and given no responsibility to environment. Students expectation for each achievement reach goals, nor show occasionally accept student to achieve. Student pride in their work, often responsibility to do good sets individual goals that choosing to merely work. are achieved by his/her Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

complete tasks, rather than 6% work being of the highest do quality work. possible quality. 0% 65%

Diverse Students - 7) ST does not create an 0% Classroom atmosphere is 20% ST establishes a positive 4.69 Accommodations to atmosphere that reflects inconsistent toward some classroom atmosphere that enhance student acceptance of learner learners. Analyzes classroom reflects general acceptance behavior/learning abilities, or behavior. environment and creates of all learners, regardless Physical arrangement is seating/activity arrangements of ability/disability. disruptive or that enhance the entire Analyzes classroom nonconductive to learning. teaching/learning process the environment and creates majority of the time. seating/activity 0% arrangements that enhance 4% the entire teaching/learning process. 74%

Diverse Students 8) ST is unaware of student 0% ST is generally aware of 34% ST is consistently aware of 4.41 Monitoring student behavior and interaction. student behavior and student behavior and behavior Monitoring is limited or interactions, using classroom makes effective use of inconsistent. Effective management skills with classroom management classroom management moderate success. skills to promote positive skills lacking or interaction amongst all 11% inconsistent. learners, regardless of ability or disability. 0% 53%

Diverse Students - 9) ST does not encourage 2% ST usually encourages 32% ST encourages appropriate 4.40 Response to student appropriate behavior and appropriate behavior, behavior and responds to misbehavior often fails to respond to responds to misbehavior in misbehavior in an misbehavior, or response is an appropriate and timely appropriate and timely inconsistent. Frequent fashion. Disruptive behavior fashion. Seldom a disruptions to lesson. occurs infrequently, lesson disruption to lesson. Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

disruption infrequent. 54% 0% 10%

Diverse Students - 10) ST inconsistently responds 0% ST attempts to respond to 21% ST successfully models 4.63 Response to students' to students’ questions and student questions and accurate and effective questions and interests interests. Communication interests. Communication communication of ideas methods ineffective when methods usually effective to and information when trying to stimulate lesson stimulate lesson interest and answering students’ interest and discussion. discussion. questions. Displays effective use of 7% questioning techniques to 0% stimulate interest and discussion within lessons and activities. 70%

Diverse Students -11) ST does not make an effort 0% ST accepts responsibility for 29% ST displays effective use 4.56 Response to diverse to accommodate, or take the success of students, but is of communication students' learning responsibility, for student inconsistent or uses a limited modes/teaching strategies styles learning styles. Places repertoire of instructional that provide opportunities blame on the student and/ strategies. for students who may have or environment. difficulty employing 6% traditional learning strategies. 0% 63%

Diverse Strategies-1) Goals and objectives are 0% Goals and objectives are 26% Goals and objectives are 4.58 Clarity and suitability not clear, represent low moderately clear in their clear in their level of of goals and objectives expectations, no expectations, conceptual expectation, important to conceptual understanding understanding, and relevance conceptual understanding, nor relevance for students. for students. Some are stated and relevant to the Objectives do not reflect as activities, rather than students. Viable methods important learning or learning objectives. Methods of assessment are suitable Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

methods of assessment. of assessment are suitable for for students in the class, Goals and objectives are most students. including those with not suitable for the disabilities. 7% majority of the students. 65%


Diverse Strategies-2) Goals and objectives 0% Goals and objectives reflect 29% Goals and objectives 4.55 Integration of goals reflect only one type of some diversity of learning reflect diverse learning and objectives learning and one content styles, but little effort at styles and provide area. integrating content areas. opportunities for integrating various content 6% areas. 0% 63%

Diverse Strategies-3) ST is unaware of school or 0% ST displays limited 26% ST is aware of resources 4.63 Resources for teaching community resources, or awareness and use of school available through the and students chooses not to pursue and/or community resources. school and/or community, resources beyond those and has made attempts to 4% given by the cooperating use as many as possible. teacher. 68%


Diverse Strategies-4) Learning activities are 0% Learning activities are 20% ST incorporates learning 4.72 Learning activities often not suitable to suitable for some learning activities that are suitable students’ learning styles or styles and instructional goals. to students’ learning styles instructional goals. They Progression of activities is as well as to instructional do not follow an organized inconsistent. goals. Scope and sequence progression. (progression) of these 2% activities is usually even/constant. Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

0% 75%

Diverse Strategies-5) Materials and resources do 0% Some materials and 19% Additional materials and 4.67 Instructional materials not generally support the resources support resources that are brought and resouces instructional goals, nor do instructional goals and most in by the ST support they engage students in engage students in instructional goals and meaningful learning. meaningful learning. continue to engage students, contributing to 6% meaningful learning. 0% 73%

Diverse Strategies-6) Instructional groups do not 0% Instructional groups are 24% Instructional groups are 4.58 Instructional groups support the instructional generally suitable to the varied, as appropriate to goals and objectives and instructional goals and offer the different instructional offer little variety. some variety. goals. 7% 67% 0%

Diverse Strategies-7) The lesson or unit has no 0% The lesson or unit has a 23% The lesson or unit has a 4.68 Lesson and unit clearly defined structure or recognizable structure, clearly defined structure structure the structure is chaotic. although the structure is not that activities are Time allocations are uniformly maintained organized around. Time unreasonable. throughout. Most time allocations are reasonable. allocations are reasonable. 72% 0% 3%

Diverse Strategies-8) Content and methods of 0% Instructional goals and 23% The instructional goals and 4.67 Congruence of assessment lack objectives inconsistently objectives are adequately assessment with congruence with assessed through proposed assessed through the instructional goals and instructional objectives. plan. Appropriate level of proposed plan to meet the objectives Inappropriate to development not consistently learners needs at an developmental level of met. appropriate level of learners. Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

3% development. 0% 71%

Diverse Strategies-9) Proposed assessment 0% Accurate and/or current 26% Keeps accurate and current 4.64 Criteria and standards criteria and standards are record keeping and records of assessment not developed, communication of criteria and standards and communication with assessment criteria and has communicated them to students, parents, and standards are inconsistent. students, parents, and colleagues lacking. Record when necessary, 3% keeping minimal or non- colleagues. existent. 69%


Diverse Strategies-10) Student 0% Lesson plans and instruction 22% Adjusts lesson plans, 4.65 Used student needs in response/assessment is not are modified to meet the modifies instruction and planning taken into account when needs of some students. teaching style to meet the planning. Neither Formal and informal needs of the class as a instructional modifications assessment not always used whole, based upon nor teaching style is for teaching or lesson students responses through adjusted to meet student modification. formal and informal needs. assessment.

5% 71% 0%

Diverse Strategies-11) Directions and procedures 1% Directions and procedures 24% Communicates verbal and 4.62 Directions and are confusing to students. require clarification or are written directions and procedures Verbal and written excessively detailed. procedures clearly to communication unclear or Appropriate level of verbal students. Instruction incomplete. and written communication contains appropriate level inconsistent. of detail. 0% 4% 69% Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

Diverse Strategies-12) Questions are virtually all 0% Use of low and high level 29% Uses questions that require 4.54 Levels of questions and low level with little questions is developing. a combination of low and response time response time allowed. Restatement of questions high order thinking. The frequently needed for questions are clearly stated clarification. Inadequate and adequate time is 0% response time allocated. allowed for students to think about their response. 7% 62%

Diverse Strategies-13) Uses teacher guided 0% Relies more on teacher 24% Participates in appropriate 4.60 Discussion techniques discussion only, mediating guided discussion, than on classroom discussion that all questions and answers. student guided discussion. is balanced between Little opportunity provided Students are provided teacher and student guided. for input, practice effective opportunities for input, Students are encouraged to listening, conflict practice effective listening, provide input, practice resolution, and group conflict resolution, and group effective listening, conflict facilitation. facilitation skills with resolution, and group inconsistent results. facilitation skills. 0% 6% 67%

Diverse Strategies-14) Does not facilitate 0% Attempts to employ 27% Successfully employs 4.59 Student participation meaningful techniques to facilitate techniques to facilitate a communication. Self- meaningful communication variety of meaningful assessment not opportunities for most communication encouraged, nor pursued. students. Self-assessment opportunities for all encouraged. students. Encourages self- assessment in classroom 0% 5% activities. 66%

Diverse Strategies-15) Supportive feedback is 0% Some supportive, 18% Feedback to students is 4.69 Feedback to students either not provided, not constructive, and challenging constructive and constructive, or not feedback is given; may not challenges the students in a Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

challenging. Students are be consistent or timely. supportive and timely not encouraged to develop Student learning goals manner. Student goals for goals for learning. generally encouraged. learning are encouraged. 5% 75% 0%

Diverse Strategies-16) Time is lost due to 0% Transitions are sporadically 31% Transitions occur 4.44 Management of inefficient transitions. efficient, resulting in some efficiently, with little loss transitions loss of time. of time. 0% 10% 56%

Diverse Strategies-17) Materials area handled 0% Systems for preparing and 18% Develops an efficient 4.71 Management of inefficiently or not handling materials function system for preparing and materials prepared. moderately well. handling materials. 3% 76% 0%

Diverse Strategies-18) Furniture arrangements are 0% Furniture is often adjusted 16% Furniture arrangement is 4.73 Classroom often not suited to lesson for lessons or lesson adjusted usually a resource for arrangement and activities and/or physical to room arrangements with learning activities; accessibility resources are poorly used moderate effectiveness; physical resources used and often not accessible to resources are adequate and skillfully with learning some students. accessible. opportunities accessible to most students. 4% 0% 78%

Diverse Subjects - 1) Displays basic content 0% Displays content knowledge, 30% Displays solid content 4.57 Knowledge of content knowledge, however, yet may fail to make knowledge and makes makes errors with details connections with other parts connections between the of content and may fail to of the discipline, other content and other parts of correct student errors. disciplines, or to life and the discipline, other Connections within career experiences. disciplines, and to life and content area, other career experiences. Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

disciplines, or to life and 5% 63% career experiences not made, nor pursued.


Diverse Subjects - 2) Conveys negative attitude 0% Communicates importance of 24% Conveys genuine 4.66 Importance of content toward the importance of subject/content area(s), but enthusiasm for subjects subject/content area(s), its with limited understanding to and content area(s) and value, nor application to its value and application to displays consistent life resulting in a negative “the real world”. commitment to its value response from students. and application to “the real 4% world”. 0% 71%

Diverse Subjects - 3) Plans and strategies do not 0% Plans and strategies display a 25% Plans and strategies 4.59 Knowledge of display/reflect limited understanding of how display an understanding relationship of content understanding of content content area relates to other of how content area relates areas to other subjects area(s) and subject matter subject matter. Connections to other subject matter and relationships. No between subjects are makes a connection connections between attempted. between them. subjects made, nor 7% 67% pursued.


Diverse Subjects - 4) Does not understand 0% Varies the style of 31% Makes an effort to vary the 4.54 Knowledge of content- varying instruction/pedagogy to meet style of related instruction/pedagogy to the needs of the majority of instruction/pedagogy to instruction/pedagogy better meet the needs of the class. better relate to the needs of the class as a whole, nor the individual students. 6% the individual students. No 61% effort made to remedy. Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean


Diverse Subjects - 5) Verbal communication 0% Usually models effective 21% Models effective verbal 4.69 Verbal language skills are ineffective when grammar and pronunciation skills, using correct presenting information, when presenting ideas and grammar and contains many grammar information. Uses casual pronunciation, when and semantic errors and language (slang) at times. presenting ideas and casual language (slang). Vocabulary is generally age information to students. Vocabulary is and instructional level Avoids use of casual inappropriate for age appropriate. language (slang). and/or grade level. Vocabulary is age and 5% instructional level appropriate. 0% 73%

Diverse Subjects - 6) Written language is often 1% Usually models effective and 23% Models effective and 4.68 Written language illegible, with frequent concise written skills when concise written skills when errors resulting in presenting ideas and presenting ideas and inaccurate instructions and information. Grammar and information to the information. semantic errors may occur, students, parents, and but instructional information colleagues. Great care is is usually clear to students. taken to prevent casual 0% grammatic and semantic 2% errors.


Diverse Societies - 1) Does not display 1% Displays moderate 18% Committed to accurate 4.67 Accurate assessing and commitment to accurate commitment to accurate assessment of lesson reflecting for assessment of lesson assessment of lesson effectiveness and the responsible teaching effectiveness or effectiveness, the extent to extent to which goals were achievement of goals. which goals were achieved, achieved, makes changes Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

Changes made to lesson makes changes when made when necessary, and can only if told and given aware. Utilizes suggestions justify those decisions. detailed procedures to and constructive feedback Appreciates suggestions follow. Does not take most of the time. Usually and constructive feedback suggestions or constructive takes responsibility for for future teaching from feedback well. Does not decisions. cooperating teacher and/or take responsibility for coordinator, taking 5% lesson failure. responsibility for decisions. 0% 74%

Diverse Societies - 2) System for maintaining 0% System for maintaining and 13% System for maintaining 4.75 Responsible record and organizing paperwork organizing paperwork and and organizing paperwork keeping and and grades is ineffective. grades is moderately and grades is effective. organizational skills Does not recognize the effective. Organizational Student recognizes the importance of good skills continue to improve. value of good organization. organization. 4% 81% 0%

Diverse Societies - 3) Chooses not to provide, or 0% Provides accurate 21% Committed to providing 4.61 Articulation of the cannot provide, accurate information about the accurate and timely instructional program and timely information instructional program and information about and student progress about instructional student progress when instructional program and program or student requested. Takes student progress. Takes progress. Does not take responsibility, as needed, to responsibility to initiate responsibility to initiate or initiate and respond to and respond to respond to parent/guardian parent/guardian concerns. parent/guardian concerns. concerns. 7% 69%


Diverse Societies - 4) Does not seek, nor values, 1% Occasionally seeks out the 19% Actively seeks and values 4.68 Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

Values collaborative the cooperation of other cooperation of other the cooperation of other and cooperative teachers, staff, and teachers, staff, and teachers, staff, and relationships administrators to enhance administrators to enhance administrators to enhance student learning, as well as student learning, as well as student learning, as well as personal teaching skills. personal teaching skills. personal teaching skills. 4% 74% 0%

Diverse Societies - 5) Avoids becoming involved 0% Participates in programs and 21% Volunteers to participate in 4.67 Participation in service in school and district events for the school and/or school and/or district to school and/or events and programs. district programs or events programs or events. district Systems for performing when asked. Systems for Efficient systems for non-instructional duties are performing non-instructional performing non- inefficient or absent. duties are moderately instructional duties are in efficient. place. 0% 5% 73%

Diverse Societies - 6) Chooses not to attend or 0% Occasionally attends or seeks 21% Eagerly attends or seeks 4.67 Commitment to seek out opportunities to out opportunities to out opportunities to professional dialogue participate in professional participate in professional participate in professional dialogues committed to dialogue committed to dialogue committed to enhancing content enhancing content enhancing content knowledge and knowledge and pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical skills. skills. pedagogical skills. 5% 72% 0%

Diverse Societies - 7) Does not model 0% Usually models appropriate 12% Models appropriate 4.77 Commitment to appropriate professional professional practice and professional practice and professional practice practice and behavior, behavior, including behavior, including and behavior including punctuality, punctuality, professional punctuality, professional professional standards in standards in dress and standards in dress and dress and appearance, nor appearance, and commitment appearance, and strong Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

commitment to the to the profession. commitment and profession. enthusiasm to the 3% profession. 0% 82%

Diverse Societies - 8) Is irresponsible in one or 0% Performs at moderate levels 11% Consistently performs with 4.82 Ethical and more areas: ethically, of ethical, moral, personal high levels of ethical, responsible behavior morally, personally, or behaviors. Usually moral, and personal professionally in understands professional behaviors. Understands relationship to school responsibilities in professional policy as well as local, relationship to school policy responsibilities in state, and federal laws as well as local, state, and relationship to school governing students with federal laws governing policy as well as local, disabilities. students with disabilities. state, and federal laws governing students with 2% disabilities. 0% 85%

Diverse Societies - 9) Disregards and is 0% Respects and values student 6% Respects and values the 4.89 Respect for disrespectful of student and family/guardian privacy privacy and confidentiality confidentiality and family/guardian and confidentiality most of of information in support privacy and the time. of students and their confidentiality. family/guardian. 2% 90% 0%

Diverse Technology - Displays little 0% Displays basic understanding 20% Displays excellent 4.68 1) Knowledge of understanding of available of available instructional command of available technology-related use instructional technology technology and/or adaptive instructional technology and practices and/or adaptive devices, devices for teaching and/or adaptive devices for shows little or no interest assessment. Sometimes the teaching, learning, and in helping students, and/or encourages students to use assessment process to meet fails to use technology in technology in the learning instructional objectives. Student Teaching Evaluation - August 2011

Does Not Meet Standard Occasionally Occasionally Meets Standard (3 pts) Exceeds Standard (5 pts) (1 pt) Meets (2 pts) Exceeds (4 pts) Mean

planning, teaching, or process. Technological Technological support of assessment. Technological support of teaching teaching includes design, support of teaching did not inconsistently includes delivery, and assessment include design, delivery, design, delivery, and of instruction. and assessment of assessment of instruction. 73% instruction. 4%


Diverse Technology- 2) Use of technology is not 0% Use of technology is 17% Use of technology is 4.76 Responsible use responsible and did not responsible involving the consistently responsible technology reflect consideration of consideration of ethical, involving the active and ethical, social and human social, and human issues. obvious consideration of issues. ethical, social, and human 2% issues with those considerations clearly 0% communicated to the students. 79%

Diverse Technology-3) Does not use technology as 0% Demonstrates the skills for 18% Demonstrates effective 4.71 Use of technology for a tool for educational technology as a tool for uses of technology as a professional research, a vehicle for educational research, a tool for educational development and life- personal and professional vehicle for personal and research, a vehicle of long learning productivity, or in the professional productivity, personal and professional pursuit of life-long and in the pursuit of life-long productivity, and in the learning. learning but does so pursuit of life-long infrequently or inconsistently learning. in the teaching environment. 0% 76% 3%

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