Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics

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Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics

CHEMISTRY 4531 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics Spring 2009

Instructor: Dr. Renée Cole Office: W. C. Morris Room 415 Phone: 660-543-8704 Email: [email protected]

Course: CHEM 4532, 4 Credit Hours Lecture: MWF 11:00 – 11:50 am, Wood 19 Lab: R 11:00 – 1:45 pm, WCM 416 Office Hours: Office Hours: MF 9:00-9:50 am, W 1:00-2:00 pm, R 10:00-11:00 am (and by appointment)

Required Texts: Ball, David W. Physical Chemistry; Thomson Brooks Cole: California, 2003.

Spencer, James; Richard Moog & John Farrell. Physical Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry – Thermodynamics; Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 2004.

Optional Text: Francl, Michelle. Survival Guide for Physical Chemistry; Physics Curriculum & Instruction, Inc.: Lakeville, MN, 2001.

Lab: You will be given handouts for the laboratory portion of the course. You should obtain a bound notebook with numbered pages (this can be done by hand) and a non-erasable ink pen for lab. You will be required to bring your lab notebook to lab and record all procedural notes, observations, and data in the notebook. Lab reports will be typed and presented in a journal article format. A lab notebook grading rubric and lab report rubric have been posted on blackboard.

*SAFETY NOTE* Goggles and closed toe shoes must be worn in the laboratory at all times. Violation of this policy without the express permission of the instructor will result in dismissal from the lab and a grade of zero for that lab period.

Course Description: This course is designed to explore and develop concepts in the areas of the kinetic molecular theory of gases, thermodynamics, thermochemistry, free energy, chemical equilibria, phase relationships, and kinetics.

Course Organization: This course has been designed and organized to help you learn physical chemistry, but no course or instructor can learn for you. Learning is something only you can do. Lectures will be conducted in a guided inquiry format. Virtually all of the activities in class will involve group work. Part of your responsibility for this course is to assist the other members of your group (and the entire class) in understanding the material.

The laboratory will give you the opportunity to explore the chemical principles and relationships discussed in lecture. Laboratory experiments provide for the development of technical skills as well as critical thinking and analytical skills.

Homework problems and problem solving are a very important aspect of this course. They provide an opportunity for you to practice applying your knowledge and help you determine which material you do not understand well. Homework problems to be turned in and graded will be assigned regularly throughout the semester.

There will be three hourly exams and a cumulative final for this course. Exams provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the material and let me know what students have mastered and where the problem areas are.

Evaluation: Hour exams 30% Homework problems 30% Lab 30% Final Exam 10%

Grading Scale: 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C 60 – 69 D < 60 F

Attendance Policy: Attendance at all lecture and laboratory sessions is expected and attendance records are maintained. Legitimate reasons for absences are accepted and when possible prior notice of expected absences is requested. Attendance is not used directly in grade determination; however, you cannot participate in class activities if you are not present. Late lab reports will be assessed a penalty of four points per day. Homework will not be accepted late. There will be no makeup labs or exams.

Health or Disability Problems: If you have a condition that might result in a seizure or other problems, please notify the instructor. Such problems can become magnified in a laboratory and I should be aware of what to do if something happens unexpectedly. If you have a learning disability and need to make special arrangements to accommodate it, please contact Dr. Barbara Mayfield in the Office of Accessibility Services (660-543-4421).

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