AP Biology Mrs. Morton CH. 41: Worksheet: Animal Nutrition


Complete the table Complete the following table by naming the organs described.

Organ Main Functions Mechanically breaks down food, mixes it with saliva

Moistens food; start polysaccharide breakdown; buffer acidic foods in mouth Stores, mixes, dissolves food; kills many microorganisms; starts protein breakdown; empties in a controlled way Digests and absorbs most nutrients

Produces enzymes that break down all major food molecules; produces buffers against hydrochloric acid from stomach; secretes bicarbonate Secretes bile for fat emulsification; plays role in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism Stores, concentrates bile

Stores, concentrates undigested matter by absorbing water and salts Controls expulsion of undigested and unabsorbed residues from end of gut

Fill – in –the- Blanks

Saliva contains an enzyme, ______that breaks down starch. Con-

Tractions force the larynx against a cartilaginous flap called the ______, which closes off the trachea. The ______is a muscular tube that propels food to the stomach. Any alter- nating progressions of contracting and relaxing muscle movements along the length of a tube is known as

______. ______is an enzyme that works in the stomach to begin to breakdown proteins.

Carbohydrates include sugars, and ______. If these foods are chewed thoroughly, ______in the mouth digests to the ______level. (double level)

Because no carbohydrate digestions occurs in the ______, if you gulped down your

Carbohydrates, digestion will begin in the ______, where

______produced by the pancreas would do what should have been done in the mouth.

Digestion of disaccharides to monosaccharides also occurs in the______.

The enzymes responsible are ______with names such as sucrase, lactase, and maltase.

Proteins digestions begins in the ______by ______secreted by the lining of the stomach. Protein digestion is completed in the ______by enzymes know as trypsin and chymotrypsin produced by the ______.

______, produced by the pancreas but acting in the ______brakes down fat. ______, which is secreted by the liver, stored in the ______, and does not contain digestive enzymes, emulsifies any fat globule it contacts (converts it into small droplets coated with bile salts), thereby increasing the surface area of the substrate upon which

______can act.

______are made in the pancreas, but convert DNA and RNA into nucleotides in the small intestine.

Nutrients are mostly digested and absorbed in the ______.