Revision of grammar points 1. Past Simple or Present Perfect? Using the verbs and any other words given in brackets, complete the following sentences with the most suitable form of either the past simple or the present perfect. 1) Maria ______(see) the doctor yesterday about that rash she ______(have) for ages now. 2) “How long ______you ______(live) in Spain?” “Two years altogether, before moving to Italy.” 3) Ok. Who ______(take) my best pen? It ______(be) on my desk thirty second ago. 4) In the Middle Ages people ______(not /live) so long as they do now. 5) Oh dear, what ______(happen) to you? You look as though you ______(see) a ghost! 6) Who ______(write) William Tell? I can never remember if it ______(be) Mozart or Rossini. 7) Where ______you ______(buy) those trousers? They are fantastic! 8) It’s definitely our favourite film, we ______(see) it six times. 9) ______you ever ______(steal) apples when you ______(be) a kid? 10) Thomas ______(be) late for every lesson so far. 11) I hear you ______(go) to St Petersburg on your honeymoon. What ______you ______(think) of the place? 12) Hello, Julia. When ______you ______(get) here? 13) Ah, madam. I believe you ______(witness) the accident. Could you tell me exactly what ______(happen)? 14) Hugo ______(break) his leg so he can’t go skiing next month. 15) Ella ______(smoke) forty cigarettes a day for over thirty years. Then she ______(give up) overnight and ______(not / touch) one since!

2. In the following sentences decide whether to use the present perfect simple, the present perfect continuous or the past simple tense of the verbs in brackets and fill in any other missing words. 1) How long ______you ______(run) the hotel ______now? 2) When ______you ______(see) the doctor? I ______(not / see) him yet. 3) I ______(learn) Japanese ______about six months now. It’s really interesting. 4) How long ______you ______(live) in Japan before coming back to England? 5) ______Rob ______(finish) his novel? – Oh, yes. It ______just ______(be) published. 6) They ______(live) in that same little house ______the day they ______(get) married 20 years ago. I don’t think they’ll move now! 7) What a fantastic old car! How long ______you ______(have) it? 8) ______you ______(suffer) from these pains in your chest ______a long time? 9) I see they still ______(not repair) that big hole in the road. 10) The team ______(not / win) a single match so far this season. 11) Don’t we need some groceries? Don’t worry, I ______(take) care of that. I ______(do) the shopping on the way home. 12) ______Maisy ______(phone) yet? – Yes, about 10 minutes ago. She ______(say) she can’t make it tonight. 13) How many of those chocolates ______you ______(eat) so far? 14) We ______(use) my father’s garage as a storeroom for our furniture ______the fire. We still ______(not / find) anywhere permanent to live. 15) Julie ______(eat) nothing but “paella” ______her trip to Spain.