Of the Carlisle Public Library Board of Trustees

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Of the Carlisle Public Library Board of Trustees


Members present: Sherry Amos, Art Hill, Duane Johnson, Melody Kirk, Dave Kozak, Scott Mavin, Ann Mowery. Also in attendance: Stacy Goodhue, Kathy Spratt, Lisa Fleishman

Melody called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM.

Minutes of April 2015 meeting were read. Motion made by Art to approve the minutes. Seconded by Scott. Motion carried.

Director’s Financial Report

 Total money to City Hall from the library for April 2015: $143.14  for faxes: $107 earbuds: $ 4.00 replacements: $32.14

 Total Money to Friends of the Library for April 2015: $1149.30 printer/copier: 231.80 donation: $917.50 C. Action on Bills:

1. Amazon……………………………….….$ 367.26 (books, movies) 2. Baker & Taylor…………………………...$ 339.31(books) 3. Center Point Large Print………………….$ 88.68 (books) 4. Credit Card (for approval)……………..…$ 1144.39 (postage, Office Max, book fair, STEM Kit from grant, magazine renewals) 5. CST……………………………………….$ 330.00 (computer repair) 6. Des Moines Register……………………..$ 368.69 (newspaper renewal) 7. Dollar General...………………………..…$ 54.01 (program and cleaning supplies) 8. Etc Graphics………………………………$ 49.50 (library parking sign) 9. Indoff……………………………………..$ 161.41 (paper, computer accessories) 10. Library Store……………………………...$ 639.96 (DVD cases, covering supplies) 11. Recorded Books…………………………..$100.78 (audio books) 12. Stacy Goodhue……………………………$ 195.00 (conference reimbursement)

Total Bills………………………. $3,838.99

Motion made by Scott, seconded by Duane to approve bills. Motion passed.

Public Presentation to/or Discussion with Board Lisa Fleishman with Fleishman Construction and Fine Cabinetry presented her design concept to the Board for Phase 1 of a library redesign and expansion project. Phase 1 would consist of updating the electric in the current building as well as changing design elements of the current library in anticipation of an expansion of the building to the North sometime in the future (Phase 2). Fleishman Construction is offering to be the projects general contractor ‘at cost’. Progress and Service Reports Kathy- -gave stat report Stacy- - has been contacting City Council to get a feel for their level of commitment to holding the lot the Fire Department sits on for library parking in the future once the Public Safety building is complete. So far with 4 councilmen contacted the response has all been yes. She will speak with the Council on the record at the next Council meeting. - The art show for Darell Bowlin is going well. - Our new employee, Dee, is doing wonderfully. - Children’s computer purchased. Funds raised.

Committee Reports Design Committee- Motion made by Scott. Seconded by Art to accept Fleishman as general contractor and to move forward with the next step in the Phase 1 library project. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business Motion to present Rick Roghair to City Council for approval made by Duane. Seconded by Dave. Motion passed.

New Business None

Foundation None

Communications None

Upcoming Events Summer Reading Kickoff- 5/30 1-3 Rec Center Warren County Conservation Center- Bee A Hero- 6/8 1pm Family Life Center Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by Art at 8:48pm. Seconded by Scott. Motion carried.

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