Single Journal Bibliometric Studies

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Single Journal Bibliometric Studies

Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol.2, no.2, December 1997: 93-114


Tiew, Wai Sin MLIS Programme, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ABSTRACT Reviews 102 papers on single journal bibliometric studies covered by LISA Plus and CRLIS database during 1969 to Spring 1997. Keywords: Bibliometrics; LISA Plus; CRLIS; Single journal bibliometric study.

INTRODUCTION items are published in several languages - English (86), Russian (6), Portuguese (3), This study aims to survey the bibliometric Spanish (2), French (1), Japanese (1), studies conducted with a single scholarly Chinese (1), Hungarian (1), and Afrikaans journal since 1969 till date. The body of (1). The literature found was categorised literature on the topic was obtained from in the following way: searching CD-ROM databases namely LI- SAPlus which comprises two databases:  Bibliometric study on single journals Library and Information Science (40 items) Abstracts (LISA) and Current Research in  Citation analysis of single journals (45 Library and Information Science (CRLIS). items) The databases were searched in the Main  Content analysis of single journals (11 Libra-ry of University Malaya through its items) CD-NET services. The following  Other aspects of bibliometric study on combined keyword search terms were single journals (6 items) used to retrieve the relevant items; bibliometric or biblio-metrics study and BIBLIOMETRIC STUDIES ON journal or journals, bibliometric or SINGLE JOURNAL bibliometrics study and pe-riodical or periodicals, citation analysis and journal or A total of 40 articles studying multiple journals, citation analysis and periodical or aspects of single journals was found rele- periodicals, content analysis and journal or vant for this study. Of these items, 33 are journals, content analysis and periodical or in English, 2 each in Russian and Spanish periodicals, authorship and journal or and 1 each in French, Japanese and Por- journals, and authorship and periodical or tuguese. Out of these 40 items, journal periodicals. Duplicate and irrelevant articles account for 37, and one each con- articles found were discarded. A thorough sists of a conference paper, summary of examination of the retrieved items study at a poster session, and a project pa- produced a total of 102 pertinent items, per from CRLIS. From the subject-wise 99 from LISA and 3 from CRLIS. These distribution of journals, 20 were on library Tiew, W.S.

and information science, 15 science, tech- disciplines in Quebec over the past 25 nology, and medicine and 5 arts, huma- years. nities, and social sciences. Gloria S. Cline (1982) examined the chan- Bibliometric Studies of Library ges that occurred in College & Research & Information Science Journals Libraries (CARL) during 1939-1979 in terms of publication and citation patterns. One of the earliest bibliometric study on She observed that there exists an overall single LIS journal is by Meadow (1979), trend towards greater adherence to the who analysed the Journal of the American norms of scholarly publication in other Society for Information Science (JASIS) in disciplines. Metz (1989) updated selected terms of author characteristics and citation aspects of Cline’s analysis through volume patterns, and authors in a core list of 10 49, 1988 and tried to determine whether other information science journals. He also the trends discerned in authorship and noted the processing time, production time refe-rencing practices had continued and and discussed about the need to cut down to assess the degree to which the journal those times for better dissemination of had published quantitative research information. Thirteen years later, Harter throughout its long history. Metz found a (1992) also conducted a bibliometric study dramatic increase in the use of quantitative on 9 volumes of JASIS 1972-1974, 1982- tech-niques in the research published in 1984 and 1988-1990 to study variables CARL. The latest bibliometric study on such as the year of publication, number of CARL was by J. L. Terry (1996) who citations, funding status of the work, continued the study of Cline and Metz funding agency, subject of the paper and with regard to the characteristics of institutional affiliation of the first author. authorship of articles. The study focused It was found that there was no relationship on gender, institutional affiliation, and between the funding and the quality or extent of collaboration. The study found utility of the article; and funding for infor- the representation by acade-mic librarians mation science research has declined over and authors affiliated with library schools the years especially at the federal levels. increased between 1989 and 1994, Apart from that, the emphasis on profes- collaboration became predominant, and sional issues and related fields has in- for the first time the number of primary creased compared to applied articles. More women authors equalled that of men. authors are coming from academic depart- Female co-authors also outnumbered men. ments in universities and fewer from Most of the contributing female au-thors information practitioners. were academic librarians who co-authored articles. Lajeunesse (1981) reported the results of an analytical study of the contents of the Alekseeva (1983) examined many topical French-language Canadian journal, Docu- problems of the Russian journal Sovet- mentation et Bibliotheques (formerly Bul- skaya Bibliografiya such as editors and letin de l’ACBLF), from its first appea- contributors over the past years of its rance, showing the major developments existence. It was shown that in the 1930s and changes within the profession and the Sovetskaya Bibliografiya was the leading

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exponent of Decimal Classification and content, changes and trends in Cataloging the development of Soviet Library and Classi-fication Quarterly (CCQ) Bibliogra-phical Classification. 1980-1990. By and large, the author provided statistical analy-sis of the Two years later, in 1985, Schrader de- content, contributors, editors and noticed scribed and evaluated key bibliometric changes in the emphasis on topics. Over pat-terns in the articles published in the the 10 years, CCQ had reflected current Jour-nal of Education for Librarianship needs and interests of both practitioners (JEL) from 1974-1984. The two objectives and theorists and that it is increasingly of the investigation are to find out the becoming international in scope. Anand’s population of articles published by JEL (1991) analytical study of the articles from 1974-1984 and the population of published in CLIS Observer 1984-1989 in bibliographic citations found in JEL from terms of sources, contri-butions, 1974-1984. authorship and citation patterns revealed collaborative authorship, leading In 1990, Mishra conducted a study with contributors, geographical location of con- the articles published in IASLIC Bulletin tributors, subjects discussed, referencing between 1984-1988. The objectives of the patterns and cited journals. He also com- study was to determine; the year-wise pared the findings of his study with the distribution of papers; the proportion of results of other similar studies. Indian and non-Indian contributions; the distribution of contributions among diffe- Subramaniam (1992) conducted a biblio- rent types of organisations, authorship pat- metric study on Library Science with a tern; subject distribution; number and na- Slant to Documentation and Information ture of references appended to articles; and Studies (1981-1990) to identify the the average length of papers. In the same variation in content analysis, author-affi- year, Anand (1990) attempted to highlight liations, single-authorship and member- India’s position among the library and ship of research centres. information science periodical producing countries in the world; described and eva- Stephenson (1993) conducted a bibliome- luated source of contributions, authorship tric and descriptive analysis of the Cana- and citation patterns of papers published in dian Library Journal 1981-1991 to inves- the Journal of Library and Information tigate the types of items, authorship cha- Science (India) 1976-1989. racteristics, subject coverage, extent of Herubel (1991a) examined the gender and research based articles and collaboration. institutional affiliation of authors of the Urbizagastegui (1993) studied the deve- scholarly journal Libraries and Culture to lopment and contents of the Bulletin of the find out the pattern and trends of Specialised University Libraries Associa- published research articles on library tion (ABUEN) by examining its editorial history publish-ed in the journal during 23 policy, the content of the papers, author’s years. It revealed that more men than occupation and nationalities and the extent women pu-blished in library history. to which these papers reflect the Nicara- Carter (1991) examined in depth the guan Library field. It also examined the

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problems encountered by the Bulletin and suggested how they could be avoided. One of the most recent studies on LIS jour-nals is by Alemna (1996) who In another study, Weinberg (1994) tried to analysed 69 papers of the first 5 volumes assess the quality and impact of Judaica of the African Journal of Library, Librarianship on the library profession Archives and Infor-mation Science 1990- with particular reference to standard indi- 1995. Some of aspects studied were status cators of quality. The study revealed that of the authors, gender, country of origin, JL meets all the standard criteria of perio- and types of research. It also explored the dical quality as indicated by its wide cove- type and ori-gin of cited documents. The rage by indexing services and citedness in study reveals an increase in the number of other periodicals and books. Scientome- publications from Africa, and also in the trics was examined by Wouters (1994) on number of female contributors. It is noted the occasion of the publication of its 25th that the major areas of interest are volume, using bibliometric and social net- information technology, rural libraries and work analysis. The journal displayed the the status and image of librarians. characteristics of a social science journal and the Price Index is remarkably stable Bibliometric Studies of Medical over time. Most of the items published Journals were single-authored. Nevertheless, the network of co-authorship is highly frag- One of the earlier bibliometric studies on a mented with most authors cooperating single medical journal is by Chen (1977) with no more than one or two colleagues. who reported a study on the subjects, A study of the citation networks and length of articles and citations appended to network of title words indicate that a 403 articles of Bulletin of the Medical specific iden-tity has developed. Library Association 1966-1975. It was found that the subjects covered in the Senapati (1995) presented a bibliometric journal could be divided into 12 broad study of articles appeared between 1988 groups, the most popular being “library and 1992 in Studies in Conservation (SIC), functions and services” (71 articles). Apart the official publication of the International from that, it was found that the Journal Institute for Conservation of Historic and itself has a self-citation rate of 25.3%. Artistic Works. He analysed the papers according to year, language, institution, Five years later, Vetlova (1982), studied au-thorship pattern, subject areas, 311 articles published in the Russian citations, length of articles and number of journal Ortopediya i Travmatologiya (Or- illus-trations. It was noted that most of the thopaedics and Accident Surgery) 1976/7 articles published in SIC are in English, found that 40% reported findings and were with USA contributing the majority of the not up-to-date, too narrow in scope, not papers. As of single authorship, it accoun- clearly structured and lacked clear con- ted for 32.47%. It was also found that the clusions and recommendations. The main average number of references was 13.88, reason behind this was that the authors illustrations 6.23 and the average length of were unaware of recent foreign work in papers was 8.47 pages.

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their field as shown through citation mation; types of publications cited; distri- analysis. bution of citations by area; self-citation; average number of citations per article and In 1989, Miyauchi analysed the contents obsolescence of literature”. Using the of vol. 76, 1987 of the Journal of Pharma- same journal, Gupta compared research ceutical Science (JPS), a core journal on efforts in the USSR and some English- pharmacy published by the American speaking countries. Pharmaceutical Association. He found that 65% of the authors were American and In the field of chemistry, Anand (1981) 60% were university-based. carried out an analysis of all the 1979 issues of Journal of the Indian Chemical Marias-Chapula (1992) through content Society to collect statistics on current In- and citation analysis of the journal Educa- dian chemical research for future planning tion Medica y Salud (EMS) attempted to and financing; to provide a guide to future study the medical subject headings used in publication of research contributions; to the medical education fields in Latin Ame- ascertain the cost efficiency of journals rica. It was found that Brazil, Mexico and subscribed to by Indian scientific institu- Colombia despite being strongly cited and tions; and determine the use of journals in citing countries, have not yet established languages other than English. The study significant information flow among them- showed that out of the 12,000 chemical selves. journals published throughout the world in the year concerned, only 408 were cited in Davis (1996) aimed at tracking the pro- the journal studied. It was further sugges- gress of Australian and New Zealand ted that control of importation of little Journal of Family Therapy (1990-1995) by cited journals would help to increase analysing the contents of articles, and cita- savings in foreign exchange. Another tion practice of authors. Through the study study on a chemistry journal was carried a picture of disciplinary influences opera- out by Calafi (1986) who traced the ting in the field and the indication of the development of analytical chemistry in field’s interdisciplinary reach were Spain as shown in the Spanish chemical provided. journal Quimica Analitica and compared articles published during two periods: Bibliometric Studies on Other Science 1974-1977 (202 arti-cles) and 1982-1984 & Technology Journals (85 articles). In the study, he looked at the Gupta (1977b) studied the journal Gelio- number of authors and their parent tekhnika (1965-1975) in the field of solar institutions, references and citations. The energy. He attempted to study the various study indicated that in the earlier period parameters of citation analysis having im- the field was dominated by a small plications for library and information number of researchers linked to par-ticular policy, and the growth and development of university departments predomi-nantly subjects in this field. “The main parame- influenced by American sources but in the ters studied are: rank list of journal titles; latter period, the number of pro-ductive trends of research; scattering of infor- researchers increased and diver-sified who were more open to European influence.

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citations, languages of articles, number of In geology, Journal of the Geological authors and collaborative pattern, number Society of India, vol. 21 1980 was studied and type of research institutions and by Raina (1983) to determine the research source of finance for the research. The trends and output of Indian geologists. He study indi-cated the tendency of scientists also analysed aspects of time lag, citation to work in small, isolated groups with little pattern and geographical distribution of or no communication between them. authors to ascertain the information needs and habits of Indian geologists. In the field In the field of agriculture, Majid (1995) of earth and soil sciences two studies were analyses two volumes of the Pakistan found relevant. Nag (1984) analysed the Journal of Agricultural Research to inves- Indian Journal of Earth Science from tigate the trends in the publication of agri- 1974-1983 (volumes 1-10) and attempted to cultural research literature, citation find out to what extent it represented the pattern, age of cited literature, frequently diffe-rent branches of earth sciences and cited journals and the subject coverage of whether there was any shortage or arti-cles. He found that the average length concentration of articles in any particular of articles was 5.1 pages with 13.2 field of interest. Patil (1985) studied the citations per paper. He added that 90% of Journal of the Indian Society of Soil the pa-pers were published with joint Science vol. 30, 1982 to determine authorship whereas the literature cited by communication patterns among Indian soil Pakistani authors was old. The half-life of scientists. Some aspects analysed were the cited agri-cultural literature was about nature of the commu-nication, geographic 11.5 years and the most preferred distribution, time lag, authorship pattern literature came from developed countries and frequency of journal citations. rather than the coun-tries of the region. He In the field of engineering and allied also gave a ranking list of 20 most scien-ces, Baburajan (1988) investigated frequently cited journals. biblio-metrically 4 volumes of the Karki (1995) on the other hand, examined Institute of Electrical and Electronic the bibliometric characteristics of indus- Engineers Tran-sactions on Computers on trial research activity in India by studying aspects such as nature and scope of papers, the journal Research & Industry. The distribution by subject, source of study revealed that public funded R & D is contribution by country and institution, the major contributor of research papers authorship pattern, curren-cy and length of while the contribution of in-house R & D papers. centres is lacking. It was also reported that In physics, Garcia (1994) conducted a much of the R & D activity had been in bibliometric study of the Colombian Jour- the field of chemical and allied industries nal of Physics 1984-1991in trying to throw as com-pared to a drop in R & D in light on the nature of the scientific com- engineering industries. The study munity and physics research in Colombia. concluded that the interface between R & D The issues were analysed in terms of num- and industry was inadequate. ber of articles in each issue, number of

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Bibliometric Studies of Journals in the Social Action publish-ed from India. He Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences attempted to find out the affiliation and geographical distribution of authors, In the field of history, three studies were authorship pattern and average number of found to be relevant. Herubel (1990b) per- references, the main bibliogra-phical formed a study on Journal of the Society forms cited, the ranking of cited of Architectural Historians (JASH) to map periodicals and the obsolescence rate of its contributors and their institutional affi- cited literature liations to provide valuable insight into the social nature of scholarly journal publica- CITATION ANALYSIS OF SINGLE tion to bibliographers. Stephenson (1992) JOURNALS analysed 390 articles published in Ame- rican Archivist 1971-1990 focusing his A total of 45 items were broadly grouped study on selected authorship and subject. into this category from the grand total of The primary subject area receiving the 102 items retrieved from LISA Plus Spring highest level of coverage was the “General 1997. Of these 45 items, 37 are in English, literature” category, followed by “Use of 4 in Russian, 2 in Portuguese and 1 each in archives and historical manuscripts” and Hungarian and Chinese. Also, of the 45 “Repositories” (History, Organisation and items, 41 are journal articles and 2 each are Activities). Single authorship (almost papers presented at conferences (published 90%) was the overwhelming pattern. Of a in book form) and research reports. All total of 433 authors, 124 (12.6%) were these 45 items present the results of women compared to 309 (71.4%) men. It citation analysis. As to subject-wise was also noted that academic archivists distribution of journals studied, 9 are on accounted for 22% of the authors while Library and Infor-mation Science, 16 on federal archi-vists for 16%. Herubel Science, Technology, and Medicine and (1993) studied the trend in historical 10 on Arts, Humanities, and Social scholarship and exa-mined The American Science. Historical Review for its content vis-à-vis periodisation, subject and geography to Citation Analysis Studies of Library facilitate research and pedagogy. and Information Science Journals In other fields in this category two studies One of the earliest citation analysis studies are relevant. Vaishnav (1992) investigated on a single LIS journal was carried out by the contents and objectives of the Journal Lehnus (1971),who studied the Journal of of Marketing published by the American Education for Librarianship 1960-1970. Marketing Association and determined the Kundu (1980) studied the citations appear- extent of its coverage, identified the emer- ing in 22 volumes of the Annals of Library ging and declining subjects treated, Science (later renamed Annals of Library evalua-ted the authoritativeness of the Science and Documentation) 1954-1975. authors and offered suggestions for The results show that out of the total 1,545 improvement. Pur-kayastha (1993) on the citations, 217 relate to Indian journal arti- other hand, car-ried out a study of 4 issues cles and 350 relate to foreign journal arti- of vol. 39, 1989 of the quarterly journal cles. Of the Indian periodicals Annals of

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Library Science was cited most accounting research front map has a close for 48.4% of the Indian journal citations correspondence with the map of the while American Documentation was the intellectual base. most cited foreign periodical accounting for 12% of the total foreign journal Gerasimov (1992) conducted a citation citations. analysis of 4,480 original articles published in Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya Montenegro de Lima (1984) reported a and found that the average citations per cito-analytical study of Scientometrics paper was 2.43, considerably higher than 1978-1982 using Bradford’s law. The 22 that quoted by E. Garfield for American issues covered produced 294 titles and publications. 1164 citations. The distribution showed 1% of titles produced 25% of citations, Haddad (1988) attempted a citation study with a nucleus of 20% of titles producing on the most well-known Arabic journal in 80% of citations. Data analysed showed the field of library and information USA accounted for 52% of the titles science, Alam Al-Kutb 1400-1410 AH country of origin. [1978-1988 AD]. A complete citation analysis of 79 studies published contained Vaishnav (1990) conducted a study of 1,745 citations of which 99% were in citations by articles appearing in Arabic and other European, Russian and Herald of Library Science describing Turkish languages including English special num-bers, special features, which accounted for only 1%! Subject indexing, abstracting and status of the scatter was also analysed. In another journal. related study on the same journal, Haddad Articles published in Journal of the investigated its textual significance Ameri-can Society for Information Science compared to other periodicals in the field. (JASIS) was the subject of two studies. The linguistic features and books cited in Hooten (1991) examined factors which the studies were recorded too. The study may explain the frequency and nature of brought to light the most cited authors and use of documents in citing documents the most cited periodicals in Alam Al- texts over time with articles published in Kutub. JASIS during 1972-1974 through a search Citation Analysis Study of Journals in on Sci-Search. Persson (1994) did a co- Medicine citation analysis of 209 articles published in the JASIS between 1986-1990 to find In 1978 Brennen analysed the citations in the in-tellectual base of these articles. A Tropical Diseases Bulletin (1972-1975) map of the most co-cited authors shows according to the journal in which they conside-rable resemblance to a map of were published and the language in which information science produced by other they appeared. The results conformed to methods. Cita-tion-based bibliographic Brad-ford’s law where the reference coupling was also applied to the same set scattering coefficient was determined to be of documents in order to define research 0.504 indicating a high concentration of fronts and the result shows that the articles in relatively few journal titles. The

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study also showed English to be the most of publication, country of publication, impor-tant language in terms of lang-uage, age and scatter of journal productivity and could be used to build up citations over journal titles were studied a collection on tropical medicine. using the Acta Medica Philippina (AMP) 1977-1981. The results show that journal Kovacs (1981) studied the Journal citations accounted for 81.5%, about 48% publish-ed by the Hungarian Association of the journals and over 63% of the non- of Gene-ral Practitioners, the Medicus journal materials cited came from USA, Universalis 1979 in terms of number, type and English language materials were the and lan-guage of references used by the most frequently cited. The age distribution authors. Of the 77 articles, 55 reports of journal citations ranged from 0-141 contained 1,115 citations of which 353 years, with a median age of 10 years while referred to reports published in Hungarian 90% of the total citations were 3-39 years and 762 to papers published in foreign old. It was found that the scatter of cita- languages. References to journal articles tions over journal titles conformed to predominated with 815 (73%) citations, and Bradford’s law. A comparison of the 66 was followed in decrea-sing order by frequently cited journals with the holdings books and other documents. The top three of the University of the Philippines Medi- countries in terms of produc-tivity are cal Library indicated that the latter served Hungary (353), USA (237) and UK (194); authoritative sources. whereas in terms of language distri-bution English tops with 475 citations fol-lowed Zhang (1987) investigated the theory of by German (225 citations). A negli-gible half-life using the Chinese Medical Jour- amount of citations goes to other nal as an example. Calculations based on languages. Bradford’s law and the proposed ‘once Rytvinskii, also in 1983 carried out a cita- citation’ analysis are applied as a means of tion analysis of articles published in a evaluating periodicals in libraries in medical journal to identify new trends in China. research concentrating on the years 1960, 1970, 1975 and 1980. A total of 1,225 articles Gupta (1991) tried to investigate the cha- having 9,043 references were analysed. He racteristics of citations as indication of concluded that the results pointed towards usage of information sources for medical fields where a development of new research in Ethiopia and to determine the research trends is to be expected. Lazarev half-life of medical literature in Ethiopia (1983) conducted a study using the journal in different periods. The study was based Pro-blems of Haematology and Blood on a citation analysis of articles appearing Transfu-sion to determine the core in the Ethiopian Medical Journal 1977- journals on haematology through citation 1987. It was found that the half-lives for analysis. 1977 and 1987 to be 5.9 years and 11.0 years respectively. It also established his Chievnanin (1984) examined the cha- hypo-thesis to be true that the use of racteristics of literature sources cited by information sources in developing Philippine biomedical researchers. Form countries varies from time to time

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depending upon the specific problems of differences of nearly 7 years indicating research, available facilities and that content typologies were an important researchers at a specific time or period. On factor affecting the ageing phenomena of the other hand, Sengupta (1991) attempted the literature. to find out the importance of all articles published in a particular year of a Yitzhaki (1991) checked a large sample of speciality journal, Cancer. Through biblio- papers published in the Journal of Bio- metric analysis, aspects such as time lag logical Chemistry (JBC) to study the refe- between publication and first citation of rencing pattern for the period 1910-1985. articles, average citation time, subject sca- The result shows a significant growth in ttering and identification of most the number of references per paper during important journals in the field have been most of the period but mainly from the studied. 1950’s on, refuting Meadows ‘upper limit’. A detailed comparison with a wide Citation Analysis of Journals in Science range of subject fields shows the JBC rates & Technology to be among the highest. In the field of chemistry 4 studies were In the field of engineering and its related found to be relevant. Ghosh (1974) studied fields two studies were retrieved. Gupta the uncitedness of articles in the Journal (1978) studied The Journal of the Struc- of the American Chemical Society to tural Division of the American Society of inves-tigate the extent to which Civil Engineers, New York 1974 to ascer- predictions on uncitedness hold true in the tain the active life of periodicals in struc- discipline. In another study (1975), he also tural engineering after taking into consi- studied Na-ture, a multi-disciplinary deration the ageing factor, obsolescence scientific journal on the same aspect of factor, half life, mean life and utility factor uncitedness. He pro-vided tables showing on the basis of citations in periodicals. The the distribution of 327 test papers paper concluded that periodicals in struc- according to types, distri-bution of uncited tural engineering lose their utility value test papers by year and type and after 8 years of their publication. Kumbar distribution of continuously un-cited test (1992) examined 302 articles containing papers by year and type. 6,370 citations published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics to explain citation analy- Bottle (1987) investigated biochemical sis methodology and its application. The periodical literature in the light of its age- citations were analysed in terms of distri- ing phenomena as reflected by the bution by form, scattering by country, citations in Cell 1983. He found that the distribution by language and chronology. citation frequency followed a negative He also ranked the most frequently cited exponential distribution for 1972-1982, periodicals. with the me-dian citation age of 3 years. He also tested the relationship between In the field of geology and allied sciences ageing and con-tent typologies and two studies were found to be relevant. established that the median citation age of Lifshin (1993) reported a citation analysis different typologies were uneven, with the of the Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

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1951-1960. It was found that 75% of the of three citation analysis techniques name- citations were journal articles followed by ly direct citation, co-citation and biblio- books and continuations. English language graphic coupling and used the co-citation citations dominated in 1960 with a corres- mode to study a sample of papers publish- ponding decrease in German language ed in the USSR periodical Gelioteknika. cita-tion. Citations to the geologic He established through the study that co- literature do-minated and increased with citation is indeed the most suitable tech- time from 40% to 58% while citations to nique to find the networking patterns of the journal itself grew from 2 to 357 scientific papers. On the other hand, Bur- within ten years. Lal in 1993 analysed 6273 bulya (1978) studied the citation rates on references contained in the Journal of the basis of 337 mathematical articles Indian Society of Soil Science 1985-1988 to published in 36 issues of Doklady Aka- generate a ranked list of journals. He demii Nauk SSSR 1975. In the study, wanted to find out the principal type of Burbulya investigated the distribution of documents used, com-pared the first 30 citations by number of authors per article ranked journals of the present list with that and distribution of articles according to of 3 previous listings in order to establish number of references to Soviet and foreign research trends, iden-tified the countries articles, self-citations and ageing of the journals of which were of interest, articles and books in the field of determined the chrono-logical scattering mathematics. of all cited literature and ascertained the degree of use made of fo-reign and Indian Nagappa (1982) analysed all the citations theses. On the other hand, Payne (1993) in appended to 161 articles published in the her paper presented at a con-ference, Journal of Plant Physiology 1976-1979 to conducted a citation analysis using the identify the periodicals most frequently journal Computers & Geosciences to cited by Indian plant physiologists. The determine whether articles published in study also provided a list of 39 periodicals specialist geoscience periodicals are well cited more than 10 times, types of publica- cited and well used. It was revealed that tion cited and their quantitative data, coun- the periodical was cited more than was try-wise distribution of cited periodicals, antici-pated and that more authors outside chronological scattering of citations and a the geoscience field cited the journal than selected list of areas. was expected. Deshmukh (1982) in a related study attempted to find out the Ali (1983) reported the results of a biblio- important Indian and foreign journals in metric study of the Journal of Food the field of soil conservation basing the Science and Technology to determine the citations ap-pended to the Indian Journal core list of significant periodicals in the of Soil Conservation (formerly Soil field. He also gave some recommendations Conservation Digest) 1973-1980. for selective acquisition of relevant jour- nals. In the same year Maheswarappa ana- Relevant studies belonging to other fields lysed the citations contained in Phyto- in this category are as follows. Gupta morphology 1975-1979. In the study, (1977a) discussed the comparative merits attempts were made to identify the princi-

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pal bibliographical forms, frequently cited In the field of psychology two studies periodicals, their productivity, geographi- were found to be relevant. The citations in cal distribution, obsolescence and scatter- psychology journal, Journal of Educa- ing of research literature used by phyto- tional Psychology 1960-1970 were studied morphologists. It was hoped that such ana- by Cronin (1980) to find out the citation lysis would prove useful to librarians in habits in psychology. The result showed the selection and acquisition of documents that the relationship between citation to meet the present day needs. habits and the volume of literature available for citing is not very close. On In the field of Geophysics, Gupta (1984) the other hand, Ijary (1990) analysed 3 analysed the citations of Geophysics 1980. volumes of Indian Journal of Child He found the distribution of citation fre- Psychology to identify the periodicals quencies was exponentially negative and cited by most Indian clinical the average half-life of the literature is 9.4 psychologists. He also prepared a list of 46 years. journals each having been cited at least 5 Alabi (1989) studied the pattern of com- times. munication amongst Nigerian scientists in relation to their counterparts from other In the field of history, McCain (1987) parts of the world, whether the ratio of studied the citations of a sample of 27 papers without references to papers with historical and historiographic articles from references should determine the scholar- Technology and Culture 1967-1977 in liness of the published articles devoted to order to study the distribution of different fields of knowledge against those secondary source citations across devoted to a single subject field and the disciplinary boun-daries. It was found that correlation between the journals cited by 47% of the cita-tions were to secondary Nigerian scientists with those cited by sources. She also compared the citation scientists elsewhere. The study was based patterns with studies of literature use in on the citation analysis of the Nigerian history of science, ge-neral history, Journal of Science. literature studies and musi-cology as well as with multidisciplinary cross-boundary Van der Heij (1990) studied the reader’s be- citation studies in the so-cial sciences. haviour towards full papers and synopses Hitchcock (1989) on the other hand published in the Netherlands Journal of examined the footnote appear-ing in the Agricultural Science (NJAS) 1984-1986. It 1986 issues of Tennessee Histo-rical was found, on an average citation yields Quarterly to determine materials of use to were significantly lower for synopses than library users searching for informa-tion on for full papers. The citation yields varied US state history. Herubel (1991b) through strongly between 3 years. a citation study of the 1989 vo-lume of the Journal of Garden History revealed Citation Analysis of Journals in the patterns of research materials which Arts, Humanities, and demonstrate garden history’s place in the Social Sciences bibliographic context of materials used in mainstream historical publication.

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Goedeken (1995) seeking to discover the the journal was analysed resulting in 20 role played by periodicals in the disse- titles which comprised a core collection of mination of historical scholarship examin- women’s studies journals, and 11 subjects ed the contents of article bibliographies areas which were used consistently. published in the Journal of American His- tory. In the process, the titles of the most Wheeler (1993) through citation analysis prominent periodicals and changes in his- charted the growth of Urban Geography torical scholarship were identified. and the recent flow of communication into and out of the journal. In the field of education, Sievert (1989) carried out an analysis of citation data of CONTENT ANALYSIS OF SINGLE Elementary School Journal to study the JOURNALS influence of an editor on citation patterns. Literature reviewed under this category The study examines the editorial goals of comprises studies devoted to content ana- each of the 3 editors in a 10-year period lysis of a single journal. In al1, 11 articles and found that while they agreed on seve- are devoted to content analysis of which ral positions, the current editor stressed 10 were published in English and 1 in research more and was interested in rapid Afri-kaans. All the 11 items are journal communication. The results showed chan- articles. As to subject-wise distribution of ges in number of citations the journal re- journals, 7 are on Library and Information ceived, the number of citations given, the Science, one on Science, Technology and immediacy index and the impact factor. Medicine and three on Arts, Humanities, There exists a positive impact between an and Social Science. editor and citation patterns of the journal studied. Another study by Fiuza (1995) Content analysis of Journals in Library who analysed citations of French and and Information Science (LIS) French-speaking authors in articles publish-ed in Revista Brasiliera de About six studies analysed the contents of Estudos Peda-gogicos 1944-1990 to single journals in LIS fields. Goldhor investigate the influence of French (1981) carried out content analysis on 85 educational theory on Brazil. The results articles obtained from a sample of 12 indicate that the French influence was issues of Library Journal 1958-1980 to strongest in the 1980s, chief-ly in the field determine the subject matter, type of of educational psychology of children library described, and characteristics of through the work of Piaget. authors. He noticed the trend towards few- er articles occupying a smaller fraction of Mack (1991) conducted a citation analysis the total number of pages and the subjects of women’s studies literature to determine are less concerned with library materials the most frequently used scholarly and administration and more concerned journals and to discover which subject with professional organisations. Another disciplines were consistent in contributing trend is towards a greater emphasis on to the pu-blished literature as indicated by advertisements and book reviews. the jour-nal Signs: Journal of Women in Schrader (1989) carried out content Culture and Society. 1,266 citations from analysis of articles published in Public

105 Tiew, W.S.

Library Quar-terly (PLQ) 1979-1984. The bibliographic citations. Each periodical study found PLQ to be a scholarly journal title was examined for disciplinary affilia- with two-third of its articles containing tion and categorised accordingly. The 20 bibliographic citations and the high most cited periodicals in the field of reliance of its authors on periodicals for library history was shown. On the other their citations. hand, Arp (1994) examined the topics covered by the regular Library literacy De Bruin (1990) reviewed the most impor- column in the periodical RQ focusing on tant trends in the development of the the range of topics related to library and South African Journal of Library and information science training. Informa-tion Science 1984-1988. The journal has changed from a medium which Parker (1995) studied the journal Informa- provided a platform for an exchange of tion Development 1985-1994 to describe views between professionals and served as the coverage of the periodical in terms of a mouth-piece of the South African developing country issues, regular features Institute for Libra-rianship and and special issues, geographical coverage, Information Science to a scientific journal. authorship and subject coverage. The study illuminates the nature of the Content Analysis of Journals in Science, content of the journal, sources of Technology and Medicine contributions, research methods, litera-ture references, subject coverage, balance Kryzhanovsky (1988) analysed the content between languages, authorship, technical of articles on or relating to electricity that aspects and time lapse before publication. appeared in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1665- Rice (1990) assessed the adequacy of the 1800). The views of eminent scientists of library news coverage and analysed the the 18th century of the scientific advance, contents of 661 library-related articles pu- state of the art and prospects in electricity blished in the Chronicle of Higher Edu- are given and commented. cation 1966-1988. The results showed that although coverage has increased dramati- Content Analysis of Journals in the cally over the past 25 years, the focus tends Arts, Humanities and Social to be elitist. Nevertheless, the journal re- Sciences mains a significant source of academic librarianship for the higher education Only three studies reported the content community. analysis of journal in the above mentioned fields. Obokoh (1989) analysed articles Herubel (1994) examined the published in the Nigerian Geographical bibliographic essays appearing in Journal Journal 1957-1978, and found out the of Library History (renamed Libraries and areas of research interest of Nigerian geo- Culture) 1986-1990 to study the graphers. It was found that generally Nige- disciplinary nature of periodicals rian geographers tend to follow world- containing articles devoted to American wide research patterns shifting from the library history. The essays yield-ed 203 tradi-tional geographic areas into the individual periodical titles and 1030 applied areas. Herubel (1990a) examined

106 Single Journal Bibliometric Studies

the socio-ogical structure of a disciplinary there was no evidence that funding has journal, Man and World and revealed anything to do with how often articles are features which permit a greater cited, funded research tends to be much appreciation of at-tributes of the journal’s more stable, consistent and predictable development. Cox (1994) analysed the than non-funded research; articles contents and coverage of the periodical reporting applied or theoretical research American Archivist 1970-1992, from the are much more likely to be cited than other viewpoint of its coverage of issues relating articles appearing in JA-SIS; library school to archival research to ascertain its role faculty members are more likely to be and function. cited than any other group pu-blishing in JASIS although they are less likely than OTHER ASPECTS OF BIBLIOME- any other group to have re-ceived funding. TRIC STUDY ON SINGLE JOURNAL Using the same journal Cronin in 1991 explored the social function and cognitive Under this category falls the body of significance of acknowledge-ments. She literature which studies other aspects of developed a 6 category citation analysis bibliometric analysis not covered by the typology and applied it to 444 previous three categories. This body of acknowledgements carried by research literature is considered special and interes- arti-cles in Journal of the American ting because they highlight other aspects Society for Information Science 1970- of bibliometric studies. On the whole, only 1990. She also proposed that 6 such items were retrieved, all of which acknowledgements and cita-tions be used are journal articles published in English. conjointly in the assessment of research From the subject-wise distribution of performance and disciplinary journals, five are on Library and interpretation. Information Science while one is of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science. Hernon (1993) on the other hand exa- Study of Journals in Library and mined the characteristics of authorship, Information Science editorial decisions and reviewer assess- ments for accepted and rejected papers for The five studies found to be relevant to College and Research Libraries (CRL) this section are as follows. Tate (1981) in based on over a decade of internal records. using the same criteria to study the charac- It was found that CRL editors and review- teristics of 5 library periodicals in an ers conducted their work without major earlier project, applied it to the authorship disagreement or rancour. Refereeing has study of Library Resources and Technical indeed served the periodical’s readership Services. Harter (1990) studied the rela- well. Nisonger (1996) analysed the au- tionship between funding, citation rates thorship pattern in Library Acquisitions: and other variables in a sample of Practice and Theory 1979-1995. The information science articles published in study found that 80.6% of authors con- Journal of the American Society for tributed a single article while 3.9% wrote Information Science (JASIS) 1972-1974. four or more; 15.6% of the articles were Among others, the findings showed that collaboratively written by 2 or more

107 Tiew, W.S.

authors, 65.4% of authors were academic are devoted to Science, Technology and librarians and 10.6% were vendors, 53.9% Medicine, 41 on Library and Information were male. The longitudinal analysis shows Science and 19 on of Arts, Humanities and an increasing portion of female authors, Social Sciences. Hence, it is quite clear and 15.3% of authors were from outside the that bibliometric studies on other fields US. especially in the field of the Arts, Huma- nities and Social Sciences are still not Study of Journals in the Arts, satisfactory Humanities and Social Science It is quite obvious that in this part of the Olleson (1996) drawing on evidence con- world, South East Asia, especially Malay- tained in his letters, showed that the com- sia, there is no evidence of any significant poser and organist Samuel Wesley (1766- bibliometric study on a single learned 1837) was the main, if not the sole author jour-nal. Studies from ASEAN region, if of the anonymous column, impartial and avai-lable, have often focused on other critical reviews of musical publications, aspects of bibliometrics, namely, which appeared in the European bibliometric analysis of agricultural Magazine ( Feb 1814-Dec 1816). He also literature in Malay-sia (Nasir, 1994), discussed the content and style of these bibliometric analysis of Islamic economics reviews and identified other signed and literature (Rehman, 1994), scientific out- unsigned con-tributions by Wesley to the put of the scientific communities of 4 European Ma-gazine and canvassed the Asian countries (Davis, 1989) and likelihood of his authorship of other scientific productivity in ASEAN countries anonymous articles. (Arunachalam, 1986). Therefore, in view of the non-existence of a com-prehensive CONCLUSIONS study dealing with Malaysian as well as ASEAN journals, single journal The above literature review covering the bibliometric study involving the journals years 1969-Spring 1997 showed that there of this region becomes worthwhile. are substantial bibliometric studies on ACKNOWLEDEMENT individual learned journals published in all parts of the world, especially in the US, I am grateful to Prof. Bimal Kanti Sen and Europe and India. The country-wise distri- Puan Zainab Awang Ngah, lecturers of bution of journals indicated that the US MLIS Program, Faculty of Computer topped the list with 50, followed by India Science and Information Technology, Uni- 20, Russia 8, Netherlands and United versity of Malaya, for their helpful criti- Kingdom 3 each, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia ques in the course of preparing this paper. and South Africa 2 each, and Australasia, Brazil, Canada, Chinese People’s Repu- REFERENCES blic, Columbia, Ethiopia, France, Hungary, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Philippines, and Alabi, G. A. 1989. The citation pattern of Nigerian scientists. International Library Spain one each. From the subject-wise Review, Vol.21 no.1: 129-137. distribution of journals, it is found that 42

108 Single Journal Bibliometric Studies

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111 Tiew, W.S.

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113 Tiew, W.S.

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