The Robert Gordon University

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The Robert Gordon University


Minute of Meeting held on 20 January 2011. The meeting started at 7.30 and ended at 8.45

Present :Norman Grant (Chairman), Robbie Sheriffs (Secretary), Ron MacLean, Hamish Maclennan, Dorothy Ward, Eunice Ramsden, members of Community Council.Cllr's Carmichael and Hendry Apologies: Karen Ferguson, Cllr Davidson, Floris Greenlaw, Hector Douglas

In attendance: Val MacIver representing Druim Ba Sustainable Energy and 13 local residents (see appendix) concerned with the Druim Ba development.

1. Welcome Action

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting

2. MINUTE The minute of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed - Eunice Ramsden Seconded - Ron Maclean

Chairman/ Secretary

3. Druim Ba Windfarm Project

The Chairman fed back the results of the public vote. 119 replies received - 97% opposed 1 undecided but inclined to oppose 1 for and 1 potentially for 70% of people at open meeting completed surveys Chairman/ Secretary No further action will be done until an application is received. There is to be a public exhibition on the 8,9,10 February. A submission will be put into the Scottish Government after the public meetings. The Community Council is to be notified when the application goes in

Community Benefit - meeting with Ward Mgr - Mr Maclean requested who should be in attendance. It was decided that it was unsuitable for the chairman to be involved.

KCC to go to meeting to hear what is said and only to get information. 10 Community Councils invited to attend meeting - Glen Urquhart declined 4. Village play park refurbishment

Ian Reid from Tec Services informed Mrs Ward that the supplier has been elected. The equipment ordering will begin on the 25th January. Build will Mrs Ward begin at the end of March Mrs Ward reported that the KCC is getting a higher percent of discount now which will give more money for equipment.

Sheriffs Page 1 01/06/2018 2

5. Boblainy Forest

(i) Archaeological Project

Mr Maclean reported this that it was running well with good attendance. Next phase about to begin with local people imparting their knowledge. This is scheduled for 3 more nights. 6. Beauly Denny Power Line

See attached Report from Mrs Greenlaw sent in advance of the meeting.

Mr Maclean reported that there is a map on the website. Works have began in lay bye's - Fanellan road. Put in diversion not to go up Culburnie Secretary and Hughton.

Rosebridge - it was reported that the bridge is in disrepair. The council sent a representative to look at and agreed with points being made. No changes has been made. Mr Maclean has contacted Mr J Danby - he is sending out Mr Fraser again.

It was reported that not all local residents received the notice from Lisa Kelly (SSE) regarding the works being undertaken 7. Planning Applications

The Council did not wish to comment on any additional applications Secretary 8. Treasurer’s Report

£6968.00 - Closing Balance - this balance is all accounted for.

The KCC balance is £1100.00 Treasurer Mrs Ward requested that if anyone had expenses please could they forward to her as soon as possible. 9. John Fraser Memorial

Mr Maclean reported that Highland Liliums have got plants on order - 3 shrubs

The cost of the plants are to be paid for by KCC - the price for this is under £100 Mr Maclean

10. Christmas Party

Treasurer Mrs Ward reported that there had been a number of thank you cards received. It was reported that each year numbers are increasing. All performers got something for taking part. 3

11. A.O.B.

Roads Dept - Drains It was reported that a pipe gorge is not big enough to handle the volume of water and that it used to be cleaned twice yearly by Highland Council. Cllr Carmichael entered this onto the HC system to make them aware Cllr's

Longbuie Road - this was reported as having pot holes - no action for 2 years

State of Village paths - reported to Council due to ice. School Children had to walk on the road as pavements were full of ice.

Cllr Hendry reported that Gritting routes are published and they are prioritised. Cllr Hendry to arrange copies for KCC

School Path gritting - Cllrs to look into this

It was requested that we get some grit bins - KCC were informed that these are difficult to get hold of but grit piles are easier. Cllrs to ask

Any other issues to be given to Secretary to compile a list and hand to Secretary councillors.

Snow Shovels - Mrs Ward confirmed that there are three at the hotel and three at the Post Office. Two were donated by Lesley McColl

A letter of thanks to be sent to Mrs McColl Secretary

Post Office Brae- Letter to Mackinnon Joinery thanking them for donation Secretary

Royal Mail Boxes - it was reported that they cannot be moved. Royal Mail to be approached to see if the existing one can be relocated due to the current location being unsafe as it is on a corner - a potential new site could be at the hall

Calum Whyte - The Hall association has given money to sponsor this school pupil. Mr Maclennan proposed that the KCC send £50.00 and Mrs Ramsden seconded it. Treasurer

Dog Fouling - Post office and Shinty Pitch. The Dog Warden has been contacted for advice. A notice to be put in Kiltarlity News

Cycle Route - Inverness to Beauly - Hamish Wood to be contacted. Nothing appears to have happened in the last two years

12 Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be on Thursday 17th March 2011. Chairman 4

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