Total Time: 3 Hours Max: Marks: 65
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Model Paper
Chemistry (10 th )
Total Time: 3 Hours Max: Marks: 65 Note: There are THREE Sections of this Paper i.e. A.B and C, attempt each according to the given instructions. Time: 20 Minutes SECTION-A Marks: 12 Note: Attempt all parts of Section – A. Section –A must be return to the superintendent after 20 minutes even if you have not attempted any question. Overwriting/ defacing/Cutting etc is prohibited in Section-A and no credit will be given to such answer.
I. Write the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D in the empty boxes.
i. Molecule of chlorine do not decompose into atomic chlorine because Kc for this
reaction Cl2 2Cl is (A) Very large (B) Very Small (C) Zero (D) 1
ii. NH3 is ______.
(A) Acid (B) Base (C) Salt (D) Buffer Solution
iii. The Sum of PH and POH for neutral Solution is ______.
(A) 7 (B) 14 (C) 5.6 (D) 9
iv. Dehydration of ethyl alcohol with Conc. H2SO4 results in the formation of ______. (A) Ethane (B) Methane (C) Acetylene (D) Ethene
v. The general formula for Alkenes is ______.
(A) CnH2nOn (B) CnH2n-1 (C) CnH2n-2 (D) CnH2n
vi. ______is a factor related to blood clothing. (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin K
vii. The major component of Stratosphere is ______.
(A) Ozone (B) Nitrogen (C) Oxygen (D) Carbon
viii. The chemical formula of magnetic oxide is ______.
(A) Fe3O4 (B) Fe2O3 (C) FeO (D) Fe2O3 .
ix. Chorine acts as bleaching agent in the presence of ______.
(A) HCl (B) H2 O (C) NaOH (D) HNO3
x. Raw material used for manufacturing urea are ______.
(A) CO2 and NH3 (B) H2 and NH3 (C) HCl and NH3 (D) Non of these
xi. The homologous have the same ______. (A) State (B) Color (C) Density (D) Chemical properties
xii. Fats and oils are called ______. (A) Carbohydrates (B) Lipids (C) proteins (D) Vitamins
Model Paper
Chemistry (10 th )
Note: Time allowed for section B and C is 2 hours and 40 minutes.
SECTION “B” Marks: 32 II. Attempt any EIGHT Parts out of the following. Each Part carries equal marks.
i. What is meant by equilibrium constant? Give its unit.
ii. What are strong acids and strong bases? Give examples.
iii. Describe neutralization reaction with examples.
iv. How alkenes are prepared?
v. Write briefly the composition of Nucleic acids.
vi. What are the physical properties of Ozone.
vii. Water is a universal Solvent. Briefly explain.
viii. How sodium carbonate is commercially prepared.
ix. Describe briefly bonding in protein molecule.
x. What is meant by Global warming?
xi. What are the physical properties of Alkanes.
SECTION “C” Marks: 21
Note: Attempt any THREE questions of the following. Each question carries equal Marks.
III. (a) What are Salts? Give its types. (b) What are the various concepts about acids and bases?
IV. (a) Give general characteristics of organic compounds? (b) Write any two methods for preparation of Alkynes?
V. (a) Write balanced chemical equations for the chemical reaction of water with:
i. Cl2 ii. Fe iii. C iv. NO2 (b) What do you mean by hard water? How hardness of water is removed?
VI. (a) Describe classification of carbohydrates? (b) Write short note on the importance of Atmosphere?