Chabot College Flex Day Walking Tour

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Chabot College Flex Day Walking Tour

Chabot College  Building 2700 under construction  Backstage storage for staging, lighting equipment, chairs, tables, props, sound  Building 2900 Facilities & Sustainability Committee equipment, tools, & other items required to serve the close to 200 events per year.  Building 4000 Building 1600 needs: Campus Tour  Building 2200  12 September 2013 New and expanded backstage rehearsal,  Building 2100  Serious remodeling of classrooms to better holding, bathroom, & makeup room areas. utilize the space, to provide current technology, and to provide functional  Expanded lobby space. Initially designed for furniture, including standard chairs about 800 attendees, but the facility seats Building 1400 needs: 1400, & no additional space was allocated.  Upgrade the network in Bldg. 1600 A comfort issue but at time presents a safety  Installation of a TV monitor to provide issue. program specific, college general, information to students.  Computer Desks that could be raised and lowered.  Door replacement. Almost all of the internal and some external doors are in need of  Replacement of sink installed in 1426. replacement.  Replace chairs /stools in lab classrooms 1602 and 1616 with adjustable-height stools  Tour Stops! Installation of additional material to reduce and 28 stools and 25 chairs in 1602 24 stools exposure to inclement weather to be able to and 9 chairs in 1616  Additional restroom area and stalls for  Building 1800 better utilize the outdoor lift. patrons. Currently 6 stalls in the women’s restroom must serve at times 600-1000  Building 3400's new BMW facilities  Add a study area to Building 1600, similar to users per event.  Paint the external building surfaces  Building 1400's remodeled spaces upgraded improvements in Building 1800. Also, add an additional state of the art  Building 1600's CNC machine lab computer lab in 1600 for online hybrid  New elevator from House to Balcony level.  Reduce the curb size at the base of the courses to use.  Building 1600's upstairs classroom perimeter walls to improve vehicle parking, driveway clearance, and reduce potential And also, at the end of 1600, near the CMC  Concession area to serve beverage and food  Chabot's PAC and its backstage areas vehicle damage. as allowed by policy. Revenue generator.  CMC equipment storage is outside of 1600  Building 700 South and currently has walls, but no ceiling, two  Building 700 North lobby, and staff room gates, an air conditioning unit cement pad,  LED lighting installed initially in the main and a partial floor. Remove the gates and house (108 current 300-500 watt lamps)  Hesperian Blvd. at the front of campus add a double door keyed access, enclose Measure B enabled Chabot College to with a ceiling, add electricity and lighting,  Building 400 add (3) new buildings: the Instructional finish the cement floor and remove the old  LED stage lighting to reduce carbon Office Building (IOB, building 400), the footprint and reduce cost to College  Building 100 upstairs, to see the Library air conditioning pad. Community and Student Services Center operations.

 Building 2300 upstairs Learning Connection (CSSC, building 700), and the PE Strength and Fitness Center (B 4000.  Building 2600 Performing Arts Center needs:  New electronic/LCD marquee display. The areas, and parking lot improvements  All weather javelin runway. current marquee is a 1965 style plastic letter type that has ceased being used. Also very unsightly and not in keeping with a 21st  Replace current bleachers (over fifty years Century Campus. old) and now a safety hazard. Building 2300 needs:

 Renovate the cafeteria, and create more Measure B enabled Chabot College to renovate  Lighting in the stadium is becoming a safety study space in 2300. Open Veterans 14 buildings: 300, 500, 800, 900, 1200, 1400, hazard. The lights need to be upgraded to a Resource Center in 2300 with study space 1700, 1800, 1900, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, and lower energy costs and increase visibility. for veterans. 2900;

 The track surface (over 10 years old) has Partial updates were provided for 1000, 1300,  Convert Previous Campus Safety Dispatch worn through and needs to be replaced. and 2200; Office in Building 2300 into the KCRH 89.9 A track surface, with high usage has a life FM Radio Station On-Air Studio. span of eight years.

Building 700 plans:  New Electronic signs, furnishings, décor,  Installation of an electronic information sound, projection, and paint required for Building 2200 needs: board at the west end of first floor lobby. 2300 cafeteria area. Building 100 needs:  Revision of room 2256 and 2254 into a computer lab that will accommodate 65  Keycard access to Staff Lounge students. Building 2900 needs:  Carpeting, furniture in the library, and improved ADA elevator access.  Add two roof training props with lighting for  Classroom are tired and dirty need new  Bulletin Boards for Student announcements students to place ladders against and climb furniture, paint etc upon so that the ladders do not cause damage to the roof surface. Currently,  The health center needs a more practical students perform roof access techniques  Workroom in 2200 cabinets not working. space that will accommodate the students onto PE Complex roofs with fire ladders. seeking services. Building 100 plans:  Faculty office furniture is falling apart in  Renovation of ¾ of first floor to provide  The TV Studio needs immediate help with 2200. student study spaces, ESL/WRAC/Learning Measure B enabled Chabot’s Athletic the wiring and equipment organization; long Connection tutoring, computer labs, faculty Program to make improvements term, relocation to a new facility with more & staff offices, group study rooms, including the new tennis courts, softball  Patio outside 3100 space. communications/video lab, opportunities for field, soccer field and football field faculty, staff, and students to work together

Building 2100 needs:  Renovation of ¼ of second floor (library) to Measure B enabled the district to create a larger computer lab, student study advance energy efficiency significantly, with sitework, infrastructure, a Central and meeting rooms, and faculty/staff spaces.  Cadaver room upgrade (Currently under Utility Plant with distribution system, Athletic Field needs: construction) photo-voltaic panels over parking  Classrooms Improved wiring of computer projection systems in all classrooms Measure B helped to enable Chabot’s Public Artwork project, too! “Spark,” “Soar,” “Swallow,” and the “Homecoming”  Replacement or repair of inoperable blinds installations grace our campus today! and lighting control for computer/microscopes/projectors

 Relocation of projector screens

 Eyewash and showers in 2130 & 2124

 Fume hood in 2124 (immediate requirement)

 Upgrade to plant growth facility off 2130

 Adequate restroom facilities for women in appropriate proportions to match enrollment within the programs served by the building.

 Larger lecture rooms

And although our tour won’t include time to visit every building and area on campus, we can’t forget:

Building 3500 needs

 Child Development Laboratory must be safe, such that only parents, teachers and enrolled students have access

 Room 3521 needs new chairs, tables and carpeting, sunscreen shade.

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