Minutes of the East Midlands CAN Forum Meeting Held at Corby Enterprise Centre on Thursday 6th June 2013

1. Attendees and Apologies These are attached separately.

2. Minutes of the last Meeting The minutes were subsequently accepted as a true record of the meeting.

3. Matters Arising No matters arising.

4. Chair’s Update

CAN Executive – 11/4/13

Paul Maplethorpe was elected Chair at the AGM on 11/4/13 (as Colin Anderson had stood down) and John Kolm Murray was elected as Deputy Chair.

There was a discussion about changing the name from Carbon Action Network back to its original name of UK HECA; around the table views were mixed it was decided to ask members in the summer their views, probably via the CAN members survey.

Brighton Conference was very successful with 120 delegates attending.

Amy Ingham from DECC attended the meeting and was asked about the expected DECC Fuel Poverty Strategy and whether DECC will be consulting on this; Amy was going to take this question back to DECC as she was unable to respond.


The region will need to nominate officers for the regional CAN awards which are to be presented in September at Coventry. Chair asked Rob Leeson if there was going to be a standard nomination form sent out from CAN Secretariat?

In light of the low turnout Memorandum of Understanding will be sent out to LA officers for comment, ahead of the next meeting. Fuel Poverty Statistics 2011

DECC have just published 2011 fuel poverty statistics; by English region East Midlands have the second highest percentage of fuel poor households by region.

Below are some of the graphs that I’ve pulled out from the statistics for our region.

Forthcoming regional and national events

National Carbon Action Network training-day conference To be held in central Newcastle on Friday, 5 July 2013 An interactive training-day conference with a focus on ECO and the Green Deal, and maximising opportunities within the new policy landscape of domestic energy efficiency and fuel poverty. The programme includes a morning plenary session followed by interactive workshop sessions. This was the ninth CAN one-day conference. The change from the two-day conference format of previous years is designed to provide an affordable and inclusive event in a challenging financial climate.

Future one-day conference events are planned* to take place as follows: 5 July 2013 Newcastle 3 September 2013 Coventry (including evening CAN Awards) January 2014 Location TBC March 2014 Location TBC June 2014 Location TBC September 2014 Region TBC * Please note that we reserve the right to change any of these dates and locations at any time. The Carbon Action Network would like to thank our sponsors E.ON for their support. Link to the main CAN website

East Midlands Fuel Poverty Forum Wednesday 26 June 2013 at The Nottingham Mechanics, 9.30am-1.00pm A standing agenda item at every Forum is the Policy Update which provides up to date information on relevant policy changes. If you would like to attend the next Fuel Poverty Forum in your area, please go to www.nea.org.uk/calendar and complete the online booking form or email »Tracy Norris. Please note that attendance at the Fuel Poverty Forum is free. Further details, including an agenda, will be emailed to delegates one week prior to the event.

5. Treasurer’s Report In the absence of the treasurer, the report was read out by the Chair, confirming monies spent to date and that sufficient funds remain to fulfil further meeting and travel expenses to the end of November 2013.

6. Memorandum of Understanding This will be circulated via email to LA officers.

7. ECO Funding Peter O’Neill, Insta Group The presentation is available on the website.

8. Community Energy Scheme and Zero Energy Bill Sara Earl, Corby BC and Nick Bolton, Electric Corby The presentation is available on the website. 9. EU Fuel Poverty Harriet Thomson, Research Fellow, York University The presentation is available on the website.

10. The impact of policy changes in Fuel Poverty and Welfare Reform on disabled people Dr Carolyn Snell, York University The presentation is available on the website.

11. Regional Updates

Pippa Reeve - Northants Warm Homes – WHHP project and DECC Fuel Poverty scheme completed with over 90 households receiving an installed measure. Over 100 households on a waiting list so continuing to explore options for ECO funding.

Richard Chubb – Rutland CC – DECC Fuel Poverty scheme nearing completion. Included boiler and solar installs together with 100 free GD assessments, fuel debt advice and emergency vouchers and 20K emergency oil/bottled gas provision. Used WHHP funding for a warm homes officer. Undertook 290 audits, saving £160-£200 per visit and upgraded 20 boilers.

11. Any other business No other business

12. Proposed dates for future meetings Thursday 3rd October 2013 (this is later than originally proposed due to CAN conference and awards ceremony in Coventry on 3rd September). If anyone is able to host this meeting could they please contact Pippa Reeve.

Thursday 5th December 2013