Sending of SAT Testing Results

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Sending of SAT Testing Results


Implementation Guide for the Sending of SAT Testing Results Using Transaction Set 138

Segment Layout and Detail for Segments and Data Elements Used When Sending SAT Testing Results from ETS to Educational Institutions

Appendix A: List of Countries and Their Codes

Appendix B: List of Subtests and Their Codes

Appendix C: List of College Majors (for questions 22 to 27 on the Student Descriptive Questionnaire)

Appendix D: List of Student Descriptive Questionnaire (Questions/Responses)

Appendix E: List of Statistical Category Codes

Appendix F: List of Student Activities and Their Codes

Appendix G: SAT Layout mapped to TS138 Format

Prepared by Patricia Salava for Educational Testing Service

July 2002 Updated by Irina Kovalchuk March 2005 138 Educational Testing Results Request and Report Functional Group = TT

Purpose: This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Testing Results Request and Report Transaction Set (138) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This standard can be used to request and receive the results of testing programs by educational institutions and employers. This information includes one test-taker's identification, test identification, testing conditions, scoring results, and test normalization analysis including national, regional, and local norms.

Although TS 138 can accommodate the request for and transmission of various testing results— SAT, GRE, and TOEFL, for example—this particular implementation guide can be used for sending SAT testing results only. The Segment Summary contains all the segments in the X12 transaction set, but only those segments marked with “*” are used in reporting SAT test results. The subset of segment and data element details contained in this implementation guide accommodate all requirements to report SAT testing results.

Segment Summary: Heading: Pos Id Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes 010 *ST Transaction Set Header M 1 020 *BGN Beginning Segment M 1 030 *ERP Educational Record Purpose M 1 040 REF Reference Identification M 1 N LOOP ID - N1 2 050 *N1 Name M 1 N 060 N3 Address Information O 1 070 N4 Geographic Location O 1 080 *PER Administrative Communications Contact O 1

Details: Pos Id Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes LOOP ID - IN1 10 010 *IN1 Individual Identification of the Test-Taker M 1 N 020 *IN2 Individual Name Structure Components M 10 030 *REF Reference Identification O 5 040 *DMG Demographic Information O 1 050 * IND Additional Individual Demographic Information O 1 060 LUI Language Use O 5 070 *N3 Address Information O 1

2 Pos Id Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes 080 *N4 Geographic Location O 1 090 *COM Communication Contact Information O 5 100 *RQS Request for Information O >1 N 110 SCA Statistical Category Analysis O >1 N LOOP ID - EMS 10 120 EMS Employment Position O 1 N 130 N1 Name O 1 140 DTP Date or Time or Period O 1 LOOP ID - TST >1 150 *TST Test Score Record M 1 N LOOP ID - SBT >1 160 *SBT Subtest O 1 170 *SRE Test Scores O 5 180 *MSG Essay text O >1 N LOOP ID - RAP >1 190 RAP Requirement, Attribute, and Proficiency O 1 N 200 EMS Employment Position O 1 N LOOP ID - SCA >1 210 *SCA Statistical Category Analysis O 1 N 220 FOS Field of Study O 1 N

LOOP ID - N1 1 230 N1 Testing Location O 1 N 240 N3 Address Information O 1 250 N4 Geographic Location O 1 260 PER Administrative Communications Contact O 1 LOOP ID - DEG 5 270 * DEG Degree Goal O 1 N 280 * FOS Field of Study O 5 LOOP ID – SST 10 290 *SST High School Status O 1 N 300 SSE Entry and Exit Information O 1 310 *SUM Academic Summary O 1 320 *FOS Field of Study O >1 N 323 *RQS Request for Information O >1 N LOOP ID - N1 1 330 *N1 Name of High School O 1 N 340 *N3 Address Information O 1 350 *N4 Geographic Location O 1 357 *COM Communication Contact Information O 5 LOOP ID – PCL 25 360 PCL Previous College O 1 N 370 N3 Address Information O 1 380 N4 Geographic Location O 1 390 SSE Entry and Exit Information O 1 400 FOS Field of Study O >1 N LOOP ID - DEG 10

3 Pos Id Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes 410 DEG Degree Record O 1 N 420 SUM Academic Summary O 1 430 FOS Field of Study O 30 LOOP ID - ATV >1 440 ATV Test-Taker Activities O 1 N 450 EMS Employment Position O 1 460 DTP Date or Time or Period O 1 N 470 *SE Transaction Set Trailer M 1

Notes: 1/040 The REF segment indicates the test-taker's identification number. 1/050 The N1 loop provides information about the sender and the intended receiver. 2/010 The IN1 loop provides information about the test-taker and related individuals who may have requested the testing or, if the test-taker is a minor, have approved the administration of the test. 2/100 The RQS segments contain responses to questions about such topics as family income, college preferences, and other supplemental information. The RQS segment identifies the question and the test-taker's response. 2/110 The SCA segment describes demographic norms for the test-taker or other related individuals. 2/120 The EMS loop provides employment information about the test-taker and related individuals. 2/150 The TST, DEG, SST, PCL and ATV loops provide information about the test-taker identified in the IN1 loop. The TST loop describes the test results being reported or requested. 2/180 The MSG segment contains the text of the essay component of a test. 2/190 The RAP segment identifies a specific proficiency, licensing requirement, etc. which the test or test component meets. 2/200 The EMS describes a position the requirements for which the test or test component meets. 2/210 The SCA loop provides statistical analysis and norms for the test or test components. 2/220 The FOS segment together with the SCA segment describe the predicted degree of success the test-taker might expect upon entering specific academic programs. 2/230 The N1 loop describes the testing center or the place where the test or test component was administered. 2/270 The DEG loop describes the test-taker's academic degree goals and field of study interests. 2/290 The SST loop provides information about the high schools the student has or is attending, along with self-reported course work, credit hours, GPA, etc. 2/320 The FOS segments provide information about high school course work or subjects the test-taker has taken. 2/323 The RQS segments contain responses to questions about the high school the test-taker attended. The RQS segment identifies the question and the test-taker's response. 2/330 The N1 segment identifies the high school. 2/360 The PCL loop provides information about the test-taker's current or previous experiences at post-secondary institutions. 2/400 The FOS segment provides information about the course work or subjects that the test-taker has taken at post-secondary institutions. 2/410 The DEG loop provides information about degrees, majors, minors, and fields of study which the test-taker has completed or pursued at post-secondary institutions. 2/440 The ATV loop describes the test-taker's activities, awards and accomplishments. 2/460 The DTP segment contains the date or range of dates that the test-taker participated in an activity.

4 Pos: 010 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory ST Transaction Set Header Loop: N/A Elems: 2

Purpose: To indicate the start of the transaction set and to assign a control number

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 143 Transaction Set Identifier Code M ID 3/3 Used Description: Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set Code Description 138 Educational Testing Results Request and Report 02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9 Used Description: Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the sender of the transaction set in the GS segment. This value must match that in data element SE02. It will also be returned in TS 997, the acknowledgment.

5 Pos: 020 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory BGN Beginning Segment Loop: N/A Elems: 5

Purpose: To indicate the beginning of the transaction set

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 353 Transaction Set Purpose Code M ID 2/2 Used Description: Code identifying purpose of the transaction set Code Description 00 Original transmission of testing results report 02 127 Reference Identification M AN 1/30 Used Description: This is a reference number assigned by the sender. Its purpose is to facilitate machine identification and processing of testing results. 03 373 Date M DT 8/8 Used Description: Date the transaction set was originated by the sender. It is expressed as CCYYMMDD. 04 337 Time C TM 4/8 Used Description: Indicates the time the transaction was originated by the sender. Time is expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00- 59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0- 9) and DD = hundredths (00-99) 05 623 Time Code O ID 2/2 Used Description: Code indicating the time zone or type of time in BGN04. If this data element is used, then BGN04 must be used. Code Description ED Eastern Daylight Time ES Eastern Standard Time

Syntax: 05 C0504 -- If 05 is present, then 04 is required

6 Pos: 030 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory ERP Educational Record Purpose Loop: N/A Elems: 1

Purpose: To indicate the type of educational information being sent

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 640 Transaction Type Code M ID 2/2 Used Description: Code specifying the type of data being sent Code Description TT Testing Service Report

7 Pos: 050 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory N1 Name Loop: N1 Elems: 4

Purpose: To identify the sender and receiver by name and, if possible, by code. One N1 loop identifies the sending testing service; the other iteration identifies the receiving institution.

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 98 Entity Identifier Code M ID 2/3 Used Description: Code describing the sender or receiver of the transaction set Code Description AT Postsecondary Education Recipient UE Testing Service Sender 02 93 Name of testing service or postsecondary institution C AN 1/60 Used Description: This free-form name must be used when a code identifier in N104 does not exist. The format for this data element when referring to a testing service is [Name of Test]-[Abbreviated Testing Service Name]. For example: SAT-ETS 03 66 Identification Code Qualifier C ID 1/2 Used Description: Code designating the code set used in N104. This data element is used if possible and is required if the sender or receiver in the N1 loop is identified by code in N104. Code Description 72 The College Board's Admission Testing Program (ATP) 04 67 Identification Code C AN 2/20 Used Description: Code uniquely identifying the sender or receiver. This data element is required if N103 is used.

Syntax: 02 R0203 -- At least one of 02 or 03 is required. 03 P0304 -- If either 03 or 04 are present, then the others are required.

8 Pos: 080 Max: 1 Heading - Optional PER Administrative Communications Contact Loop: N1 Elems: 1

Purpose: To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed. This segment is recommended for use in the sender loop and may also be used in the receiver loop.

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 366 Contact Function Code M ID 2/2 Used Description: Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group named. Use code SM when referring to the testing service. Code Description SM Submitting Contact UG Undergraduate Admissions Office

9 Pos: 010 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory IN1 Individual Identification of the Test-Taker Loop: IN1 Elems: 3

Purpose: To provide identification of the test-taker. If the sender wishes to give several names for the test-taker (i.e., a current legal name and a previous name)), the IN1 loop may be repeated using IN1 and IN2 only in the repeated loop. Each iteration of the IN1 loop, however, must relate to the student only for this implementation of the sending of educational testing results.

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1065 Entity Type Qualifier M ID 1/1 Used Description: Code to indicate if the entity is a person or non-person. Code Description 1 Person 02 1107 Name Type Code M ID 2/2 Used Description: Code identifying the type of name to be reported in IN2. Code 04 is preferred when a testing result is reported for the first time. Code Description 02 Current Legal 03 98 Entity Identifier Code O ID 2/3 Used Description: Code indicating that this transaction is reporting testing results for the test- taker. Code Description S2 Test-taker

10 Pos: 020 Max: 10 Detail - Mandatory IN2 Individual Name Structure Components Loop: IN1 Elems: 2

Purpose: To identify the test-taker by name and to sequence individual name components for maximum specificity. When possible, send last name, first name, and first middle initial. If it is unknown which is the last name, send the composite name.

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1104 Name Component Qualifier M ID 2/2 Used Description: Code identifying the type of name components. Code Description 16 Composite name (used if the name cannot be broken into separate parts) For SAT, Last Name = 15 characters First Name = 12 characters Middle Initial = 1 character 02 93 Name M AN 1/60 Used Description: Name component of the test-taker.

11 Pos: 030 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory REF Reference Identification Loop: N/A Elems: 2

Purpose: To identify the test-taker by code

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 128 Reference Identification Qualifier M ID 2/3 Used Description: Code qualifying the test-taker's identification number. Indicate Social Security Number when available. Code Description SY Social Security Number

02 127 Test-Taker Identification M AN 1/30 Used Description: The test-taker social security number.

Syntax: 02 R203 -- At least one of 02 or 03 is required.

Semantics: REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02.

12 Pos: 040 Max: 1 Detail - Optional DMG Demographic Information Loop: IN1 Elems: 5

Purpose: To supply demographic information about the test-taker.

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1250 Date Time Period Format Qualifier C ID 2/3 Used Description: Code indicating that the date format for the birthdate to follow is in CCYYMMDD format. This data element is used only when DMG02 is used. Code Description D8 Date Expressed in Format CCYYMMDD 02 1251 Birthdate C AN 1/35 Used Description: Expression of the test-taker's birthdate in format described in DMG01. This data element is used only when DMG01 is used. 03 1068 Gender Code O ID 1/1 Used Description: Code indicating the sex of the test-taker. Code Description A Not Provided F Female M Male 05 1109 Race or Ethnicity Code O ID 1/1 Used Description: Ethnic code as provided by ETS. Code Description A American Indian or Alaskan Native B 06 1066 Citizenship Status Code O ID 1/2 Used Description: Code indicating citizenship status. For SAT, code 8 indicates test taker is a citizen of a country other than the US. Code Description 1 U.S. Citizen 3 U.S. Resident Alien 8 Citizen

Syntax: 01 P0102 -- If either 01 or 02 are present, then the others are required.

13 Pos: 070 Max: 1 Detail - Optional N3 Address Information Loop: N/A Elems: 2

Purpose: To specify the location of the named party

Element Summary: Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 166 Address Information M AN 1/55 Used Description: Free-form street address information for test-taker 02 166 Address Information O AN 1/55 Used Description: Continuation of free-form street address information for test-taker

14 Pos: 080 Max: 1 Detail - Optional N4 Geographic Location Loop: IN1 Elems: 4

Purpose: To specify the city, state or province, postal code, and country in the mailing address of the test-taker

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 19 City Name O AN 2/30 Used Description: Free-form text for city name. Include the international postal zone code if address outside the U.S. 02 156 State or Province Code O ID 2/2 Used Description: Standard state/province code as defined the US Postal System. Use this data element only with a U.S. or Canadian address. 03 116 Postal Code O ID 3/15 Used Description: Code defining the zip code excluding punctuation and blanks. Use this data element only with a U.S. address. 04 26 Country Code O ID 2/3 Used Description: Code identifying the country. This data element is used only if the country is other than the US. The list of country codes can be found in Appendix A.

15 Pos: 090 Max: 5 Detail - Optional COM Communication Contact Information Loop: N/A Elems: 2


To specify a communication contact information for the test-taker

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max COM01 365 Communication Number Qualifier M ID 2/2 Description: Code indication type of communication info to follow. Code Description HP Home phone number EM Email COM02 364 Communication Number /Email M AN 1/80 Code Description HP Complete communication number including country or area code when applicable. For SAT, indicates the test taker’s telephone number. EM Email

16 Pos: 100 Max: >1 Detail - Optional RQS Request for Information Loop: IN1 Elems: 5

Purpose: To identify demographic and other questions asked of the test-taker and to indicate the test-taker replies

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1270 Code List Qualifier Code C ID 1/3 Used Description: Code identifying the list of questions asked of the test-taker Code Description RQ Testing Service Question Code List

02 1271 Industry Code C AN 1/30 Used Description: Code identifying a question asked of the test-taker. The expected form of the response--free-form or yes/no--is indicated in the code description. These industry codes are divided in D codes (for demographic questions); E codes (for enrollment questions); and codes (for questions about the test). A complete list of codes and corresponding question numbers are listed in Appendix B. Code Description E001 Plan to use EPS Market Service Free-form response in RQS05 is expected: 1=yes; 2=no; 3=no answer. A001 English course work or experience Free-form response in RQS05 is expected. The choices are: A = American Literature; B = British Literature; C = Composition; D = Grammar; E = Literature of a country other than US or Britain; F= Literature of different historical periods; G = Speaking and Listening skills D001 Type of Institution interested in attending Free-form response in RQS05 is expected. The choices are: A = 4-year college or university; B = 2-year community or junior college; C = Vocational/technical school; D = Undecided

05 352 Description O AN 1/80 Used Description: A free-form response to the question in RQS02 or RQS03 if a Yes/No response is not appropriate. This free-form response may be text supplied by the test-taker or a coded response such as 1=fulltime; 2=parttime. See question descriptions for each code in RQS02 for expected responses.

17 Pos: 150 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory TST Test Score Record Loop: TST Elems: 4

Purpose: To provide information about the test for which results are being reported

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1155 Educational Test Code M ID 1/3 Used Description: Indicates the specific test for which results are being reported. The full list of possible tests follows: Code Description 800 The College Board's Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) add to list 803 The College Board's Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT I) 805 The College Board's Achievement Tests (SAT II) 03 1250 Date Time Period Format Qualifier C ID 2/3 Used Description: Code indicating the format for the date the test was administered. This data element is used only if TST04 is used. Code YM Year and Month expressed in Format YYMM is used for SAT. Code Description YM Year and Month Expressed in Format YYMM 04 1251 Date Time Period C AN 1/35 Used Description: Expression of the date the test was administered. This data element is used only if TST03 is used. 05 127 Form, Version, or Edition of Test O AN 1/30 Used Description: Indicates the form, version, or edition of the test. 06 127 Reference Identification O AN 1/30 Used Description: For SAT, indicates if the test was revised or recentered. Look at this closely Code Description X Revised R Recentered Z Revised /Recentered 07 1131 Level of Individual, Test, or Course Code O ID 2/2 Used Description: Indicates the educational level of the test-taker. 14 1073 Yes/No Condition or Response Code O ID 1/1 Used Description: Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response . For SAT, code indicating unusual testing conditions that must be known to interpret properly a person's academic test score. Code Description Y Nonstandard Administration Procedure (Braille, Signing, Extended Time, etc.)


18 Pos: 160 Max: 1 Detail - Optional SBT Subtest Loop: SBT Elems: 2

Purpose: To provide information about each subtest

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1158 Subtest Code M ID 5/10 Used Description: Code indicating a subtest associated with a particular test. The first three digits correspond to the test code which appeared in TST01. For this data element, use the 5-digit code appearing after the hyphen to indicate the subtest. The full list of subtests for the tests identified as possibilities in TST01 appear in Appendix B. Old SAT 800.1 Reading 800.2 Vocabulary 800.3 Test of Standard Written English (TSWE)

SAT I 803-00001 Verbal 803-00002 Reading Comprehension 803-00003 Vocabulary 803-00004 Mathematical 803-00005 Total 803-00006 Test of Standard Written English (TSWE) 803-00007 Writing 803-00008 Essay 803-00009 MC

SAT II 805-00001 English Composition 805-00002 Literature 805-00003 American History and Social Studies 805-00004 European History and World Cultures 805-00005 Mathematics I 805-00006 Mathematics II 805-00007 Biology 805-00008 Chemistry 805-00009 Physics 805-00010 French 805-00011 German 805-00012 Hebrew 805-00013 Latin 805-00014 Spanish 805-00015 World History 805-00016 French with Listening 805-00017 Japanese with Listening 805-00018 German with Listening 805-00019 Spanish with Listening 805-00020 Chinese with Listening 805-00021 English Composition with Essay 805-00022 Italian 805-00023 Mathematics Level IC 805-00024 Mathematics Level IIC 805-00025 Modern Hebrew

19 Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 805-00026 Writing

20 Pos: 170 Max: 5 Detail - Optional SRE Test Scores Loop: SBT Elems: 2

Purpose: To provide scores on tests that a student has taken

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1160 Subtest Score Qualifier Code M ID 1/1 Used Description: Code indicating the manner in which the actual academic test score result is reported. SAT scores are reported as scaled scores Code Description 1 Scaled Score 02 352 Subtest Score M AN 1/80 Used Description: The subtest score

21 Pos: 180 Max: 6 Detail - Optional MSG Message Text Loop: SBT Elems: 1

Purpose: To provide new SAT Essay ID Information

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 933 SAT Essay ID Number M AN 1/264 Used Description: MSG segment contains the SAT Essay ID.

22 Pos: 110 Max: >1 Statistical Category Analysis Detail - Optional SCA Loop: N/A Elems: 7


To specify statistical norms and related information associated with testing programs

Element Summary: Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1270 Code List Qualifier Code C ID 1/3 Used Description: Code identifying the list of statistical categories reported for test results Code Description 108 Testing Statistical Category Code List 02 1271 Industry Code C AN 1/30 Used Description: Code indicating a code from specific industry code list. For SAT, indicates position of scores relative to other individuals who have taken the same test in the same time period. Code Description 01 Number of Critical Reading Questions 02 Critical Reading - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 03 Number of Analogy Questions 04 Analogy - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 05 Number of Sentence Completion Questions 06 Sentence Completion - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 07 Number of Arithmetic and Algebraic Questions 8 Arithmetic and Algebraic - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 9 Number of Geometric Reasoning Questions 10 Geometric Reasoning - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 11 National College-Bound Percentile 12 State College-Bound Percentile 13 Number of Identifying Sentence Errors Questions 14 Identifying Sentence Errors - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 15 Number of Improving Sentences Questions 16 Improving Sentences - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 17 Number of Improving Paragraphs Questions 18 Improving Paragraphs - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 19 Number of Writing Sample Questions 20 Writing Sample - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 03 950 Statistic Code O ID 2/2 Used Description: A code specifying the specific statistic being reported Code Description 40 Numeric 41 Percentile 04 380 Quantity C R 1/15 Used Description: Numeric value for the statistic being described. Note: For SAT, a percentile value of N/A in will not be transmitted.

23 Syntax: 1. SCA01 P0102 -- If either 01 or 02 are present, then the others are required. 2. SCA03 L030407 -- If 03 is present, then at least one of 04 or 07 is required.

Semantics: 1. SCA01 and SCA02 identify a particular statistical category. 2. SCA03 is the statistical measure being reported. 3. SCA04 is the primary quantity associated with the statistical measure.

24 Pos: 270 Max: 10 Detail – Optional DEG Degree Goal Loop: DEG Elems: 1

Purpose: To describe the test-taker's academic degree goal

Element Summary: Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 1126 Subtest Score Qualifier Code M ID 3/3 Used Description: Code indicating the level of postsecondary award being sought by the test taker. Code Description 2.2 Postsecondary certificate or diploma (one year or more but less than 4 years) 2.3 Associate Degree 2.4 Baccalaureate 4.2 Master’s Degree 4.3 Doctoral Degree 0.1 Undecided

25 Pos: 280 Max: >1 Detail - Optional FOS Field of Study Loop: N/A Elems: 7

Purpose: To provide the receiving institution or agency with information about a course or field of study associated with an academic program

Element Summary: Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max FOS01 1153 Academic Field of Study Level or Type Code M ID 1/1 Used Description: Code indicating the field of study described for a student in an academic institution by indicating how it was used in the academic program or indicating a course area in a field of study. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Questions 22, 24 thru 27 indicates major or area of study the test taker plans in college. Code Description M Major FOS04 352 Description C AN 1/80 Used Description: A free form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Questions 22, 24 thru 27 provides the test taker’s college major. The full list of College Majors by Academic Area of Study appears in Appendix C. FOS05 352 Description C AN 1/80 Used Description: A free form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Question 23 certainty of first choice major. Possible answers are: A = Very Certain B = Fairly Certain C = Not Certain

26 Pos: 290 Max: 1 Student Academic Status Detail - Optional SST Loop: SST Elems: 9

Purpose: To provide information concerning the student's eligibility to return to the reporting institution, enrollment status, residency for fee purposes, and date and type or status of high school graduation Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max SST01 641 Status Reason Code O ID 3/3 Description: Code indicating graduation status earned or sought by the test taker. Code Description B18 Standard High School Diploma SST02 1250 Date Time Period Format Qualifier C ID 2/3 Description: Code indicating the format for the date the test was administered. This data element is used only if SST03 is used. Code YM Year and Month expressed in Format YYMM is used for SAT. Code Description YM Year and Month Expressed in Format YYMM SST03 1251 Date Time Period C AN 1/35 Description: Expression of the date of high school graduation, past or anticipated This data element is used only if SST02 is used.

Syntax: 1. SST02 P0203 -- If either 02 or 03 are present, then the others are required.

Semantics: 1. SST01 refers to the type of high school diploma or certificate the student was awarded, if applicable. 2. SST03 is the date of high school graduation.

27 Pos: 310 Max: 1 Detail - Optional SUM Academic Summary Loop: N/A Elems: 18

Purpose: To provide summary information for an academic session, a postsecondary degree, or for the entire student academic record

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max SUM09 1144 Academic Grade Point Average O R 1/6 Description: The Grade Point Average of a student. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Question 7 indicates the cumulative GPA for all academic course work in high school. Code Description 1 A = A+ 2 B = A 3 C = A- 4 D = B+ 5 E = B 6 F = B- 7 G = C+ 8 H = C 9 I = C- 10 J = D+ 11 K = D 12 L = E or F

SUM11 1145 Class Rank O N0 1/4 Description: The student’s class rank. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Question 8 indicates high school class rank. The following codes are used by for SAT. Code Description 1 A = Highest tenth 2 B = Second tenth 3 C = Second fifth 4 D = Middle fifth 5 E = Forth fifth 6 F = Lowest fifth

28 Pos: 320 Max: >1 Detail - Optional FOS Field of Study Loop: N/A Elems: 7

Purpose: To provide the receiving institution or agency with information about a course or field of study associated with an academic program

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max FOS01 1153 Academic Field of Study Level or Type Code M ID 1/1 Description: Code indicating the field of study described for a student in an academic institution by indicating how it was used in the academic program or indicating a course area in a field of study. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Questions 1 thru 5 indicates high school courses the test taker has taken or plans to take. Code Description W Courses taken FOS04 352 Description C AN 1/80 Description: A free form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Questions 1 thru 5 provides high school course work / subject names the test taker has taken or plans to take. FOS05 352 Description O AN 1/80 Description: Numeric value of quantity. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Questions 1 thru 5 indicates if honors were received for course work reported in FOS04. FOS06 380 Quantity O R 1/15 Description: A free form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Questions 1 thru 5 indicates if the number of years the test taker studied course work reported in FOS04. FOS07 380 Quantity O R 1/15 Description: A free form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. For SAT, SDQ (Student Descriptive Questionnaire) Question 6 indicates the average grade received for course work reported in FOS04. Code Description 4 A = Excellent 3 B = Good 2 C = Fair 1 D = Passing 0 F= Fail

Syntax: 1. FOS02 P0203 -- If either 02 or 03 are present, then the others are required. 2. FOS02 R0204 -- At least one of 02 or 04 is required.

29 Semantics: 1. FOS02 and FOS03 are the student's program of study. 2. FOS06 indicates the number of years a course or field of study was studied. 3. FOS07 indicates GPA in the course or field of study.

30 Pos: 330 Max: 1 Name Detail - Optional N1 Loop: N1 Elems: 6

Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max N101 98 Entity Identifier Code M ID 2/3 Description: Code indicating this segment contains information about a high school. Code Description HS High School N102 93 Name C AN 1/60 Name of high school Description: This free-form name of a high school. N103 66 Identification Code Qualifier C ID 1/2 Description: Code designating the code set used in N104. This data element is used if possible and is required if the sender or receiver in the N1 loop is identified by code in N104. Code Description 78 The College Board and ACT 6 digit list of secondary educational institutions. N104 67 Identification Code C AN 2/80 Description: Code uniquely identifying the sender or receiver. This data element is required if N103 is used.

Syntax: 1. N102 R0203 -- At least one of 02 or 03 is required. 2. N103 P0304 -- If either 03 or 04 are present, then the others are required.

Comments: 1. This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party

31 Pos: 340 Max: 1 Detail - Optional N3 Address Information Loop: N/A Elems: 2

Purpose: To specify the location of the named party

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max N301 166 Address Information M AN 1/55 Used Description: Free-form street address information for high school N302 166 Address Information O AN 1/55 Used Description: Continuation of free-form street address information for high school

32 Pos: 350 Max: 1 Detail - Optional N4 Geographic Location Loop: N/A Elems: 6

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max N401 19 City Name O AN 2/30 Description: Free-form text for city name. Include the international postal zone code if address outside the U.S. N402 156 State or Province Code O ID 2/2 Description: Standard state/province code as defined the US Postal System. Use this data element only with a U.S. or Canadian address. N403 116 Postal Code O ID 3/15 Description: Code defining the zip code excluding punctuation and blanks. Use this data element only with a U.S. address. N405 309 Location Qualifier C ID 2/2 Description: For SAT, used for identifying student’s home phone number N406 310 Location Identifier O AN 1/30 Description: For SAT, used for student’s home phone number

Comments: 1. A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be adequate to specify a location. 2. N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the U.S. or Canada.

33 Purpose:

To specify a communication contact number for the reported high-school

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max COM01 365 Communication Number Qualifier M ID 2/2 Description: Code indication type of communication number to follow. Code Description TP phone number COM02 364 Communication Number M AN 1/80 Description: Complete communication number including country or area code when applicable. For SAT, indicates the reported high school telephone number.

34 Pos: 470 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory SE Transaction Set Trailer Loop: N/A Elems: 2

Purpose: To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning ST and ending SE segments)

Element Summary:

Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage 01 96 Number of Included Segments M N0 1/10 Used Description: Total number of segments included in the transaction set including ST and SE segments 02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9 Used Description: Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group (in the GS segment) assigned by the originator of the transaction set. This value must match that in data element ST02.

Appendix A

List of Countries and Their Codes

Code Description AD Andorra AE United Arab Emvirates AF Afghanistan AG Antigua & Barbuda AI Anguilla AL Albania AM Armenia AN Netherlands Antilles AO Angola AQ Antarctica AR Argentina AS American Samoa AT Austria AU Australia AW Aruba AZ Azerbaijan BA Bosnia & Herzegovina BB Barbados BD Bangladesh BE Belgium BF Burkina Faso BG Bulgaria BH Bahrain BI Burundi BJ Benin

35 BM Bermuda BN Brunei Darussalam BO Bolivia BR Brazil BS Bahamas BT Bhutan BU Burma BV Bouvet Island BW Botswana BY Belarus BZ Belize CA Canada CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands CF Central African Republic CG Congo CH Switzerland CI Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) CK Cool Islands CL Chile CM Cameroon CN China CO Colombia CR Costa Rica CS Czechoslovakia CU Cuba CV Cape Verde CX Christmas Island CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic DD German Democratic Republic DE Germany DJ Djibouti DK Denmark DM Dominica DO Dominican Republic DZ Algeria EC Ecuador EE Estonia EG Egypt EH Western Sahara ER Eritrea ES Spain ET Ethiopia FI Finland FJ Fiji FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FM Micronesia FO Faroe Islands FR France FX France, Metropolitan GA Gabon GB United Kingdom (Great Britain) GD Grenada GE Georgia GF French Guiana GH Ghana

36 GI Gibraltar GL Greenland GM Gambia GN Guinea GP Guadeloupe GQ Equatorial Guinea GR Greece GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GT Guatemala GU Guam GW Guinea-Bissau GY Guyana HK Hong Kong HM Heard Island & McDonald Islands HN Honduras HR Croatia HT Haiti HU Hungary ID Indonesia IE Ireland IL Israel IN India IO British Indian Ocean Territory IQ Iraq IR Islamic Republic of Iran IS Iceland IT Italy JM Jamaica JO Jordan JP Japan KE Kenya KG Kyrgyzstan KH Cambodia KI Kiribati KM Cormoros KN St. Kitts and Nevis KP Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of KR Korea, Republic of KW Kuwait KY Cayman Islands KZ Kazakhstan LA Lao People’s Democratic Republic LB Lebanon LC Saint Lucia LI Liechtenstein LK Sri Lanka LR Liberia LS Lesotho LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg LV Latvia LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya MA Morocco MC Monaco MD Moldova, Republic of MG Madagascar

37 MH Marshall Islands ML Mali MN Mongolia MM Myanmar MO Macau MP Northern Mariana Islands MQ Martinique MR Mauritania MS Montserrat MT Malta MU Mauritius MV Maldives MW Malawi MX Mexico MY Malaysia MZ Mozambique NA Namibia NC New Caledonia NE Niger NF Norfolk Island NG Nigeria NI Nicaragua NL Netherlands NO Norway NP Nepal NR Nauru NT Neutral Zone NU Niue NZ New Zealand OM Oman PA Panama PE Peru PF French Polynesia PG Papua New Guinea PH Philippines PK Pakistan PL Poland PM St. Pierre & Miquelon PN Pitcairn PR Puerto Rico PT Portugal PW Palau PY Paraguay QA Qatar RE Reunion RO Romania RU Russian Federation RW Rwanda SA Saudi Arabia SB Solomon Islands SC Seychelles SD Sudan SE Sweden SG Singapore SH St. Helena SI Slovenia

38 SJ Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands SK Slovakia SL Sierra Leone SM San Marino SN Senegal SO Somalia SR Suriname ST Sao tome & Principe SU Union of Soviet Socialist Republics SV El Salvador SY Syrian Arab Republic SZ Swaziland TC Turks & Caicos Islands TD Chad TF French Southern Territories TG Togo TH Thailand TJ Tajikistan TK Tokelau TM Turkmenistan TN Tunisia TO Tonga TP East Timor TR Turkey TT Trinidad & Tobago TV Tuvalu TW Taiwan, Province of China TZ Tanzania, United Republic of UA Ukraine UG Uganda UM United States Minor Outlying Islands US United States of America UY Uruguay UZ Uzbekistan VA Vatican City State (Holy See) VC St. Vincent & the Grenadines VE Venezuela VG British Virgin Islands VI United States Virgin Islands VN Viet Nam VU Vanuatu WF Wallis & Futuna Islands WS Samoa YD Democratic Yemen YE Yemen YT Mayotte YU Yugoslavia ZA South Africa ZM Zambia ZR Zaire ZW Zimbabwe ZZ Unknown or Unspecified Country

39 Appendix B

List of Subtests and Their Codes

This list identifies codes for subtests of the specific tests listed as possibilities in TST01. The first three digits of the codes below correspond to the test code. The subtest code is the 5-digit code appearing after the hyphen. For example, the code for Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is 809. The subtest codes for TOEFL are 00001 (Listening Comprehension); 00002 (Structure and Written Expression); 00003 (Reading Comprehension/Vocabulary); 00004 (Total).

Code Description 00000 Total Score 801-00001 English 801-00002 English: Usage/Mechanics 801-00003 English: Rhetorical Skills 801-00004 Mathematics 801-00005 Mathematics: Preliminary and Elementary Algebra 801-00006 Mathematics: Intermediate Algebra and Geometry 801-00007 Mathematics: Plane Geometry and Trigonometry 801-00008 Reading 801-00009 Reading: Social Studies and Science 801-00010 Reading: Arts and Literature 801-00011 Composite 802-00001 English 802-00002 English: Usage and Mechanics 802-00003 English: Rhetorical Skills 802-00004 Mathematics 802-00005 Mathematics: Preliminary Algebra and Algebra 802-00006 Mathematics: Geometry 802-00007 Reading 802-00008 Reading: Social Studies and Science 802-00009 Reading: Arts and Literature 802-00011 Composite 803-00001 Verbal 803-00002 Reading Comprehension 803-00003 Vocabulary 803-00004 Mathematical 803-00005 Total 803-00006 Test of Standard Written English (TSWE) 803-00007 Writing 803-00008 Essay 803-00009 MC 803-00010 Science Reasoning 804-00001 Verbal 804-00002 Mathematical 804-00003 Total 805-00001 English Composition 805-00002 Literature 805-00003 American History and Social Studies 805-00004 European History and World Cultures 805-00005 Mathematics I 805-00006 Mathematics II 805-00007 Biology 805-00008 Chemistry 805-00009 Physics 805-00010 French 805-00011 German

40 805-00012 Hebrew 805-00013 Latin 805-00014 Spanish 805-00015 World History 805-00016 French with Listening 805-00017 Japanese with Listening 805-00018 German with Listening 805-00019 Spanish with Listening 805-00020 Chinese with Listening 805-00021 English Composition with Essay 805-00022 Italian 805-00023 Mathematics Level IC 805-00024 Mathematics Level IIC 805-00025 Modern Hebrew 805-00026 Writing 809-00001 Paper-Based Listening Comprehension 809-00002 Paper-Based Structure and Written Expression 809-00003 Paper-Based Reading Comprehension 809-00004 Paper-Based Total 809-00005 Computer-Based Listening 809-00006 Computer-Based Structure/Written Expression 809-00008 Computer-Based Essay Rating 809-00009 Computer-Based Total 811-00001 Verbal 811-00002 Quantitative 812-00001 Reading Comprehension 812-00002 Analytical Reasoning 812-00003 Logical Reasoning 812-00004 Variable 814-00001 Biology 814-00002 Chemistry 814-00003 Physics 814-00004 Science 814-00005 Reading 814-00006 Quantitative 821-00001 Verbal 821-00002 Quantitative 821-00003 Analytical 822-00001 Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology (B22) 822-00002 Biology (B24) 822-00003 Chemistry (C27) 822-00004 Computer Science (C29) 822-00005 Economics (E31) 822-00006 Education (E34) 822-00007 Engineering (E37) 822-00008 Geology (G47) 822-00009 History (H57) 822-00010 Literature in English (L64) 822-00011 Mathematics (M67) 822-00012 Music (M72) 822-00013 Physics (P77) 822-00014 Political Science (P79) 822-00015 Psychology (P81) 822-00016 Sociology (S87) 822-00017 Revised Education(35) 822-00018 Revised Political Science(78) 822-00019 Subject Test Total

828-00004 TSE 829-00004 TWE

41 831-00001 U.S. History (7) 831-00002 Art History (13) 831-00003 Art - Drawing (14) 831-00004 Art - General (15) 831-00005 Biology (20) 831-00006 Chemistry 831-00007 Comp Sci - A (31) 831-00008 Comp Sci - B (33) 831-00009 Economics - Micro (34) 831-00010 Economics - Macro (35) 831-00011 English Language/Comp (36) 831-00012 English Literature/Comp (37) 831-00013 European History (43) 831-00014 French Language (48) 831-00015 French Literature (51) 831-00016 German Language (55) 831-00017 Govt & Pol - US (57) 831-00018 Govt & Pol - Comp (58) 831-00019 Latin - Vergil (60) 831-00020 Latin - Cat Hor (61) 831-00021 Calculus AB (66) 831-00022 Calculus BC (68) 831-00023 Music List & Lit (73) 831-00024 Music Theory (75) 831-00025 Physics (78) 831-00026 Physics C - Mech (80) 831-00027 Physics - E & M (82) 831-00028 Psychology (85) 831-00029 Spanish Language (87) 831-00030 Spanish Literature (89)

42 Appendix C SAT

College Majors by Academic Area of Study (for questions 22 to 27 on the Student Descriptive Questionnaire)

100 Agriculture and Natural Resources 101 Agriculture business 102 Agriculture economics 103 Agriculture and farm management (farming and ranching) 104 Agriculture, forestry, and wildlife technologies 105 Agronomy (field crops and crop management) 106 Animal sciences 107 Conservation 108 Dairy science 109 Equestrian science 110 Fishing and fisheries 111 Food science 112 Forestry 113 Horticulture 114 Natural resources management 115 Ornamental horticulture 117 Poultry science 116 Preveterinary or veterinary medicine 118 Soils sciences 119 Wildlife management 130 Architecture and Environmental Design 131 Architecture 132 Architectural technology 138 Building construction 139 Building science and technology 133 City, community, and regional planning and development (also see Public Affairs and Services) 134 Environmental design 135 Interior design 136 Landscape architecture 137 Urban design 140 Arts: Visual and Performing (also see Education) 141 Applied design (ceramics, weaving, textile design, fashion design, jewelry, metalsmithing, interior decoration, commercial art) 142 Art (painting, drawing, sculpture) 143 Art history and appreciation 144 Cinematography/Film 145 Dance 146 Dramatic arts 147 Graphic arts and industrial design 148 Instrumental music (performance) 149 Music (composition, theory) 150 Music history and appreciation 151 Photography 152 Vocal music (performance) 170 Biological (Life) Sciences (also see Science Education in Education) 171 Anatomy 172 Bacteriology 173 Biochemistry

43 174 Biology 175 Biometrics and biostatistics 176 Biophysics 177 Botany 178 Cell biology (cytology, cell physiology) 179 Ecology and environmental science (also see Agriculture and Natural Resources) 180 Embryology 181 Entomology 198 Environmental science 182 Genetics 183 Histology 184 Marine biology 185 Microbiology 186 Molecular biology 187 Neurosciences 188 Nutritional sciences (also see Home Economics) 189 Pathology, human and animal 190 Pharmacology, human and animal 191 Physiology, human and animal 192 Plant pathology (also see Agriculture and Natural Resources) 193 Plant pharmacology (also see Agriculture and Natural Resources) 194 Plant physiology (also see Agriculture and Natural Resources) 195 Radiobiology 196 Toxicology 197 Zoology 200 Business and Commerce (also see Education) 201 Accounting 202 Advertising (also see Communications) 203 Banking and finance 204 Business economics (also see Economics in Social Sciences and History) 205 Business management and administration 206 Business statistics 207 Fashion merchandising 208 Hotel/motel and restaurant management (also see Home Economics) 209 Insurance and risk management 210 International business 211 Investments and securities 212 Labor and industrial relations 213 Management information systems (also see Computer and Information Sciences and Technologies) 214 Marketing 215 Operations research 216 Personnel management 217 Real estate 218 Recreation, tourism, and travel 219 Transportation and commerce 250 Communications (also see Language and Literature and Business and Commerce) 251 Advertising 252 Business and technical writing 253 Film 254 Journalism (printed media) 255 Public relations 256 Radio and television (broadcasting) 257 Telecommunications 300 Computer and Information Sciences and Technologies (also see Engineering) 301 Computer programming 302 Computer science

44 303 Data processing 304 Data systems repair 305 Information systems and sciences 306 Microcomputer software 308 Robotics 307 Systems analysis 350 Education 351 Adult and continuing education 352 Agricultural education (also see Agriculture and Natural Resources) 353 Art education (also see Arts: Visual and Performing) 354 Bilingual and bicultural education 355 Business education (also see Business and Commerce) 356 Child development and nursery education (also see Home Economics and Social Sciences and History) 357 Curriculum and instruction 358 Driver and safety education 360 Education of the deaf and hearing impaired 361 Education of the emotionally handicapped 362 Education of exceptional children 363 Education of the gifted and talented 364 Education of the mentally handicapped 365 Education of the physically handicapped 366 Education of the visually handicapped 367 Educational administration 368 Educational statistics and research 369 Educational testing, evaluation, and measurement 370 Elementary education 371 English education (also see Language and Literature) 372 Health education (also see Health Professions and Allied Services) 373 Higher education 374 Home economics education (also see Home Economics) 391 Junior high education 377 Marketing and distributive education (also see Business and Commerce) 376 Mathematics education (also see Mathematics) 378 Music education (also see Arts: Visual and Performing) 380 Physical education 379 Pre-elementary education (kindergarten) (also see Social Sciences and History and Home Economics) 381 Reading education (methodology and theory) 382 School psychology (also see Social Sciences and History) 383 Science education (also see Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences) 384 Secondary education 385 Social science education (also see Social Sciences and History) 386 Special education 387 Specific learning disabilities 388 Speech and hearing education, therapy 389 Student counseling and personnel services 390 Teaching of English as a foreign language 375 Technology/Industrial arts education 400 Engineering and Engineering Technologies 401 Aerospace, aeronautical, and astronautical engineering 402 Agricultural engineering (also see Agriculture and Natural Resources) 403 Architectural engineering (also see Architecture and Environmental Design) 404 Bioengineering and biomedical engineering 405 Ceramic engineering 406 Chemical engineering 407 Civil and transportation engineering

45 408 Computer engineering (also see Computer and Information Sciences and Technologies) 432 Construction engineering 433 Construction management 409 Electrical, electronics, and communications engineering 410 Engineering and public policy 411 Engineering mechanics 412 Engineering physics 413 Engineering sciences 414 Environmental health engineering 415 Geological engineering 416 Geophysical engineering 417 Industrial engineering 418 Industrial laboratory technology 434 Industrial technology 419 Instrumentation technology 420 Materials engineering 421 Mechanical engineering 422 Mechanical engineering technologies 423 Metallurgical engineering 424 Mining and mineral engineering 425 Naval architecture and marine engineering 426 Nuclear engineering 427 Nuclear technology 428 Ocean engineering 429 Petroleum engineering 430 Plastics technology 431 Surveying and mapping sciences 450 Foreign Languages and Classical Languages 452 Arabic 454 Chinese 453 Classical languages, general 455 Foreign languages, multiple emphasis (includes concentration in more than one foreign language without major emphasis in any one language) 456 French 457 German 458 Greek, classical 459 Greek, modern 460 Hebrew 462 Italian 463 Japanese 465 Latin 466 Modern languages, general 468 Portuguese 469 Russian 470 Scandinavian languages 471 Slavic languages (other than Russian) 472 Spanish 480 General and Interdisciplinary Studies 483 Biological and physical sciences 484 Engineering and other disciplines 481 General liberal arts and sciences 482 General studies 485 Humanities and social sciences 486 Women's studies 500 Health Professions and Allied Services 501 Chiropractic (DC or DCM degree)

46 502 Dental hygiene or assistance 503 Dental laboratory technology 504 Emergency/disaster sciences or technology 505 Environmental health 531 Gerontology 506 Hospital and health care administration 507 Medical assistant or medical office assistant technologies 508 Medical laboratory technologies 509 Medical records technology and administration 510 Medical social work (medical and psychiatric and specialized rehabilitation services) (also see Public Affairs and Services) 533 Music therapy 511 Nuclear medicine and technologies 512 Nurse anesthetist 513 Nursing 514 Occupational therapy 515 Optometry 516 Osteopathic medicine (DO degree) 517 Pharmacy 518 Physical therapy 519 Physician's assistant 520 Podiatry or podiatric medicine (DPM degree) 521 Predentistry - Dentistry (DDS or DMD degree) 522 Premedical - Medical (MD) 523 Preveterinary medicine - Veterinary medicine (DVM degree) (also see Agriculture and Natural Resources) 524 Public health 525 Radiologic technologies 526 Radiology and X-ray technology 527 Recreation therapy 532 Respiratory therapy and technology 528 Speech pathology and audiology (also see Education) 529 Sports medicine 530 Surgical technology 600 Home Economics (also see Education and Business and Commerce) 601 Child development, care and guidance 602 Clothing and textiles 603 Consumer studies 604 Family relations 605 Foods and nutrition (includes dietetics) (also see Agriculture and Natural Resources) 606 Home decoration and home equipment (also see Architecture and Environmental Design) 607 Institutional management 620 Language and Literature (also see Education) 621 American literature 622 Classics 623 Comparative literature 624 Creative writing 625 English 626 English literature 627 Linguistics (includes phonetics, semantics, and philology) 628 Speech, debate, forensic science (includes rhetoric and public address) 640 Library and Archival Sciences 642 Library assistant 643 Library science 644 Museum studies

47 650 Mathematics (also see Education) 651 Actuarial sciences (also see Business and Commerce) 652 Applied mathematics 653 Mathematical and theoretical statistics 670 Military Sciences 671 Aerospace science (Air Force) 672 Coast Guard science 673 Merchant Marine science 674 Military science (Army) 675 Naval science (Navy, Marines) 690 Philosophy, Religion, and Theology 691 Philosophy 692 Religious education 693 Religious studies 694 Theology and theological professions 700 Physical Sciences 701 Analytical chemistry 702 Astronomy 703 Astrophysics 704 Atmospheric sciences and meteorology 705 Chemistry, general 706 Earth science 707 Geochemistry 708 Geology 709 Geophysics and seismology 710 Inorganic chemistry 711 Metallurgy 712 Molecular physics 713 Nuclear physics 714 Oceanography 715 Organic chemistry 716 Paleontology 718 Pharmaceutical chemistry 719 Physical chemistry 720 Physics, general 717 Planetary science 800 Public Affairs and Services 801 City, community, and regional planning and development (also see Architecture and Environmental Design) 802 Community services, general 803 Criminal justice 804 Fire science or protection 805 Funeral services 806 International public service (including foreign service) 807 Law enforcement and corrections 808 Parks and recreation management 809 Public administration 810 Safety administration 811 Social work 850 Social Sciences and History, General (also see Public Affairs and Services and Education) 851 American history 852 Anthropology 853 Archaeology 854 Child psychology 855 Clinical psychology

48 856 Criminology 857 Demography 858 Economics (also see Business and Commerce) 859 European history 860 Experimental psychology 861 Geography 862 History, general 863 Industrial psychology 864 International relations 885 Paralegal 865 Political science or government 866 Prelaw - Law (JD degree) 867 Psychology 868 Social psychology 869 Sociology 870 Area and ethnic studies 871 African studies 875 Africian American/Black studies 872 American studies 873 American Indian studies 874 Asian studies 876 Hispanic American studies 877 Islamic studies 878 Jewish studies 879 Latin American studies 880 Mexican American studies 881 Middle Eastern studies 882 Pacific area studies 883 Russian and Slavic studies 950 Technical and Vocational 966 Administrative & secretarial services 951 Air traffic control - professional pilot training 952 Flight attendant 953 Automotive mechanics 954 Aircraft mechanics 955 Construction trades 956 Carpentry and woodworking 957 Cosmetology 958 Culinary arts 959 Drafting/engineering graphics 960 Electronics 961 Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration 962 Machine tool technology 963 Masonry (brick, cement, stone, etc.) 964 Plumbing, pipefitting, steamfitting 965 Precision metalwork 999 Undecided

49 Appendix D

RQS questions as defined by the Testing Service Question Code List. Corresponding answers as defined by ETS. RQS02 contains the code for the question. RQS05 contains the free form answer as defined by ETS.

Testing Service Question Code List

These industry codes are divided into A codes (for academic profile questions); E codes (for enrollment questions); D codes (for demographic questions); H codes (for questions about a school); S codes (for questions about the student) and T codes (for questions about the test).

Code Description Q001 Date of SAT Student Data Questionnaire

SDQ 9 A001 Area of English course work or experience A = American Literature; B = British Literature; C = Composition; D = Grammar; E = Literature of a country other than the United States or Britain; F = Literature of different historical periods; G = Speaking and listening skills; H = English as a second language

SDQ10 A002 Art and music course work or experience A = No course work or experience in this area; B = Acting or the production of a play; C = Art history or art appreciation; D = Dance; E = Drama or theater for appreciation; F = Music history, theory, or appreciation; G = Music, instrumental or vocal performance; H = Photography or filmmaking; I = Studio art and design

SDQ11 A003 Computer course work or experience A = No course work or experience in this area; B = Computer Literacy, Awareness or Appreciation; C = Data Processing; D = Computer programming; E= Solve math problems by computer; F = Computer graphics; G = Internet activities

SDQ12 A004 Regular access to a calculator 1=yes; 2=no

SDQ30 A005 Expected/actual advanced placement, credit by examination, or exemption from courses A = Art; B = Biology; C = Chemistry; D = Computer Science; E = English; F = Foreign Languages; G = Humanities; H = Mathematics; I = Music; J = Physics; K = Social Studies L = No plans to apply

50 SDQ31 A006 Services requested by student A = Developing educational plans; B = Developing vocational/ career or placement plans; C = Developing better study skills; D = Improving mathematical skills; E = Improving reading skills; F = Improving writing skills G = No plans for help

SDQ6 A007 Student self-reported Grade Point Average. A = Excellent B = Good C = Fair D = Passing F = Failing

Arts and Music English Foreign and Classical Languages Mathematics Natural Sciences Social Sciences and History

SDQ21 A008 Student Degree Goal A = Certificate B = Associate C = Bachelor’s D = Master’s F = Doctoral or Related Degree G = Other H = Undecided

SDQ22 A009 Student First Choice Major

SDQ23 A010 Student Certainty of First Choice A = Certain B = Fairly Certain C = Not certain

SDQ24 A011 Student Second Choice Major

SDQ25 A012 Student Third Choice Major

SDQ26 A013 Student Second Choice Major

SDQ27 A014 Student Fifth Choice Major

POS. 131-134

51 E001 Use Enrollment Planning Service (EPS) market

SDQ33 E002 Financial Aid Intentions 1=yes; 2=no

E003 Plan to earn degree 1=yes; 2=no

E004 Intended graduate study 1=yes; 2=no

T001 Reason for taking test 1=Full Time; 2=Part Time; 3=Executive MBA; 4=Undecided

T002 Number of times test taken before 1=One; 2=Two; 3=Three; 4=Four or more

SDQ15 D001 Type(s) of institution interested in attending A = A four-year college or university; B = A two-year community or junior college; C = A vocational /technical school; D = Undecided

SDQ16 D002 Public or Private institution A = A public university, state college, or community college; B = A private university, college or junior college( not religiously affiliated); C = A private, religiously affiliated university, college or junior college; D = Undecided

SDQ20 D003 Desired college population A = All women or men; B = Coeducational; C = Undecided

SDQ17 D004 Desired college size A = Fewer than 1,000 students; B = About 1,000to 5,000 students; C = About 5,000 to 10,000 students; D = About 10,000 to 20,000 students; E = More than 20,000 students; F = Undecided

SDQ18 D005 Desired college setting A = Large city or metropolitan area; B = Medium-size city; C = Small city or town; D = Suburban community; E = Rural; F = Undecided

SDQ19 D006 Desired college location A = Close to home; B = In my home state; C = In a state bordering mine; D = Beyond states bordering mine; E = Outside the United States; F = Undecided

52 SDQ34 D007 Part-time job in college 1=yes; 2=no

SDQ35 D008 Housing during first year in college A = At home; B = On-campus housing; C = Off-campus housing; D = Undecided

POS 1104 H001 High school type A = Public; B = Independent nonreligious; C = Independent religious

POS 1105 H002 Senior class size A = Fewer than 100; B = 100-249; C = 250-499; D = 500-749; E = 750-999; F = 1000 or more

POS 1106 H003 Percentage of seniors going to college A = 90% or more; B = 80%-89%; C = 70%-79%; D = 60%-69%; E = 50%-59%; F = 40%-49%; G = 30%-39%; H = 20%-29%;I = 10%-19%; J = Less than 10%

POS 1107 H004 Location of high school A = Large City; B = Medium-size City; C = Small City or Town; D = Suburban; E = Rural

POS 1108-1109 H005 Number of advanced placement courses offered Free-form response in RQS05 is expected

POS 1110 H006 Honors courses offered Free-form response in RQS05 is expected

POS 1111-1114 H007 Units need to graduate Free-form response in RQS05 is expected

S001 Language first spoken A = English only; B = English and another language; C = Another language

S002 Best Language A = English; B = English and another language about the same; C = Another language

S003 Race/Ethnicity A = American Indian or Alaskan Native; B = Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander; C = African American or Black Hispanic or Latino background

53 D = Mexican or Mexican American; E = Puerto Rican; F = Latin American, South American, Central American, or other Hispanic; G = White; H = Other

SDQ 39 S004 Religious Preference or Affiliation 01 or blank = No response 39 = Judaism 03 = African Methodist Episcopal 41 = Lutheran Church America 05 = Angelica 43 = Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod 07 = Assembly of God 45 = Mennonite 08 = Baha’i 47 = Methodist 09 = Baptist 49 = United Methodist 11 = Southern Baptist Convention 51 = Eastern Orthodox Church 13 = Buddhism 53 = Pentecostal Bodies 15 = Christian Disciples 55 = Presbyterian Church USA 17 = Christian Reformed 56 = Reformed Church in America 19 = Church of the Brethren 57 = Roman Catholic 21 = Church of Christ 59 =Seventh-Day Adventists 23 = United Church of Christ 61 = Society of Friends 25 = Christian Science (Quakers) 27 = Church of God Association 63 = Unitarian Universalist 29 = Church of Jesus Christ of 65 = Wesleyvan Church the Latter-Day Saints 67 = Worldwide Church of God 30 = Church of the Nazarene 97 = Other 33 = Episcopal 99 = No preference or Affiliation 35 = Hinduism 37 = Islam

54 APPENDIX E Testing Statistical Category Code List

Code Description

01 Number of Critical Reading Questions 02 Critical Reading - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 03 Number of Analogy Questions 04 Analogy - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 05 Number of Sentence Completion Questions 06 Sentence Completion - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 07 Number of Arithmetic and Algebraic Questions 08 Arithmetic and Algebraic - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 09 Number of Geometric Reasoning Questions 10 Geometric Reasoning - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 11 National College-Bound Percentile 12 State College-Bound Percentile 17 3-Year comparative percentage rank--Verbal 18 3-Year comparative percentage rank--Quantitative 19 3-Year comparative percentage rank--Analytical 20 3-Year comparative percentage rank--Subject 21 Administration percentage rank--Verbal 22 Administration percentage rank--Quantitative 23 Administration percentage rank--Analytical 25 Number of Identifying Sentence Errors Questions 26 Identifying Sentence Errors - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 27 Number of Improving Sentences Questions 28 Improving Sentences - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 29 Number of Improving Paragraphs Questions 30 Improving Paragraphs - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors 31 Number of Writing Sample Questions 32 Writing Sample - Estimated Percentile College-Bound Seniors

55 APPENDIX F Activities Code List (Code SA)

This code list identifies and categorizes activities in which students are commonly involved. Note that some codes may require additional information to clarify or complete the description of the activity.

Sports: A01 Archery A02 Badminton A03 Baseball A04 Basketball A05 Bowling A06 Boxing A07 Crew A08 Cross Country A09 Diving A10 Field Hockey A11 Fencing A12 Football A13 Golf A14 Gymnastics A15 Ice Hockey A16 Lacrosse A17 Martial Arts A18 Polo A19 Racquetball A20 Rugby A21 Sailing A22 Skiing A23 Soccer A24 Softball A25 Squash A26 Swimming A27 Synchronized Swimming A28 Team Handball A29 Tennis A30 Track and Field A31 Volleyball A32 Water Polo A33 Wrestling A34 Rodeo A35 Scuba Diving A36 Horseback Riding A37 Riflery A38 Table Tennis AA1 Team Manager AA2 Cheerleading

56 AZZ Other Sport

Student Leadership and Government: B01 Student Body President B02 Student Body Officer B03 Class President B04 Class Officer BZZ Other Student Leadership and Government

Music, Art, Performing Arts: C01 Music -- Vocal C02 Music -- Instrumental C03 Music -- Theory and Composition C04 Band C05 Orchestra C06 Jazz Ensemble C07 Chorus C0Z Other Music CA1 Theater/Drama CB1 Art and Graphic Design CC1 Dance CC2 Dance Team CC3 Drill Team CZZ Other Performing Arts

Journalism, Broadcasting and Year Book: D01 Journalism D02 Broadcasting D03 Year Book D04 Literary Magazine DZZ Other

Clubs and Other Organizations E01 Speech/Debate E02 Drama Club E03 Spanish Club E04 Latin Club E05 German Club E06 Russian Club E07 Italian Club E08 French Club E09 Portuguese Club E10 Science Club E11 Art Club E12 Computer Club E13 Future Business Leaders of America

57 E14 Future Teachers of America E15 Future Farmers of America E16 Future Homemakers of America E17 Health Occupations Students of America E18 Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) E19 Peer Counseling E20 Tutoring E21 Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) E22 Key Club E23 Boy Scouts E24 Girl Scouts E25 4H E26 Chess Club EA1 Sorority EA2 Fraternity EA3 Environmental or ecology club EA4 Ethnic Club EA5 Career Club EZ1 Foreign Language Club (General) EZZ Other Club or Organization

Community Service and Volunteer Work: F01 Community Service F02 Volunteer Work F03 Church Service FZZ Other Community Service or Volunteer Work

Honor Society: G01 National Forensics League G02 National Honor Society G03 Academic Team/Brain Bowl G04 Beta Club G05 Mu Alpha Theta G06 Psi Eta (Science Honorary) G07 Thespian Society GZ1 Academic Honor Society (General) GZZ Other Honor Society

Employment: H01 Full Time Employment H02 Part Time Employment H03 Internship H04 Co-Curricular Experience H05 Teaching Assistantship H06 Research Assistantship HZZ Other Employment

58 Publications and Presentations: I01 Professional or Scholarly Article I02 Prose/Short Story I03 Poetry I04 Novel/Book I05 Professional Presentation I06 Thesis I07 Dissertation I08 Unpublished Manuscript I09 Textbook IZZ Other Publication

Military Service: J01 Air Force J02 Army J03 Coast Guard J04 Marine Corps J05 Navy J06 Air Force Reserve J07 Army Reserve J08 Marine Corps Reserve J09 Navy Reserve J10 Air National Guard J11 Army National Guard J12 Air Force ROTC J13 Army ROTC J14 Marine Corps ROTC J15 Navy ROTC JZ1 ROTC (General) JZZ Other Military

Professional Organization: K01 Member K02 Officer K03 Committee/Subcommittee/Task Force Chair K04 Committee/Subcommittee/Task Force Member KZZ Other Professional Organization

Inventions, Patents and Research: L01 Invention L02 Patent L03 Research LZZ Other

Other Activity

59 ZZZ Other Activity

Student Award Code List (Code SB)

Academics: M01 Scholar Award with Honor M02 Scholar Award with Distinction M03 State Scholar Award M04 National Scholar Award M05 National and State Scholar Award M06 Class Valedictorian M07 Class Salutatorian ZZZ Other Award



Position Description TS138 Representation 1-6 College Code Table 1 N1 7-21 Last Name Table 2 IN2 22-33 First Name 34 Middle Initial 35 Sex DMG A = Not provided M = Male F = Female 36-41 Date of Birth DMG 42-50 Social Security Number REF 51-75 Street Address N3 76-90 City N4 92-93 State N4 95-103 Zip Code + 4 or Postal Code N4 104-106 blank 107-111 State/County Residence Code IND03 112-116 blank or 92-116 Foreign Country N4 117-126 Telephone Number COM 127-130 High School Graduation Date SST 131-134 Enrollment Planning Service(EPS)Market RQS

Latest SAT I Scores 140-143 Test Date (MMYY) TST03 144 Educational Level TST07 1 = Not yet in 8th grade 2 = 8th grade 3 = 9th grade 4 = 10th grade 5 = 11th grade 6 = 12th grade 7 = No longer in high school 9 = No response 0 = Unknown 145 blank 146 Revised Score Indicator TST06 blank = Not Revised Z = Revised 147-149 Verbal Score (range is 200 to 800) SBT/SRE 150-152 Math Score (range is 200 to 800) SBT/SRE 153-155 Writing Score(range is 200 to 800) SBT/SRE 156.157 Essay Subscore(00-12 range) SBT/SRE 158.159 MC Subscore (20–80) SBT/SRE

Previous SAT Scores

160-179 SAT I Scores Admin. 2 SAME AS ABOVE 180-199 SAT I Scores Admin. 3 SAME AS ABOVE 200-219 SAT I Scores Admin. 4 SAME AS ABOVE 220-239 SAT I Scores Admin. 5 SAME AS ABOVE

61 240-259 SAT I Scores Admin. 6 SAME AS ABOVE

Latest Subject Test Scores

260-263 Test Date (MMYY) TST01 264 Educational Level TST07 1 = Not yet in 8th grade 2 = 8th grade 3 = 9th grade 4 = 10th grade 5 = 11th grade 6 = 12th grade 7 = No longer in high school 9 = No response 0 = Unknown 265 blank 266 Revised Score Indicator TST06 blank = Not Revised Z = Revised 267-268 Subject Test Code 1 SBT 269-271 Subject Test Score 1 SRE 272-273 Subject Subscore 1-Test 1 SRE 274-275 Subject Subscore 2-Test 1 SRE 276-277 Subject Subscore 3-Test 1 SRE 278-279 Subject Test Code 2 SBT 280-282 Subject Test Score 2 SRE 283-284 Subject Subscore 1-Test 2 SRE 285-286 Subject Subscore 2-Test 2 SRE 287-288 Subject Subscore 3-Test 2 SRE 289-290 Subject Test Code 3 SBT 291-293 Subject Test Score 3 SRE 294-295 Subject Subscore 1-Test 3 SRE 296-297 Subject Subscore 2-Test 3 SRE 298-299 Subject Subscore 3-Test 3 SRE

Previous SAT Subject Test Scores

300-339 SAT II Scores Admin. 2 SAME AS ABOVE 340.379 SAT II Scores Admin. 3 SAME AS ABOVE 340.380 SAT II Scores Admin. 4 SAME AS ABOVE 420-459 SAT II Scores Admin. 5 SAME AS ABOVE 460.499 SAT II Scores Admin. 6 SAME AS ABOVE

New SAT Subject Test Scores 500-509 SAT Essay ID Number-Latest Alphanumeric MSG 510-519 SAT Essay ID Number Admin 2 alphanumeric MSG 520-529 SAT Essay ID Number Admin 3 alphanumeric MSG 530-539 SAT Essay ID Number Admin 4 alphanumeric MSG 540-549 SAT Essay ID Number Admin 5 alphanumeric MSG 550-559 SAT Essay ID Number Admin 6 alphanumeric MSG 560-566 blank

Percentiles for the latest SAT scores only

567-568 Verbal National College-Bound Percentile SCA 569-570 Verbal State College-Bound Percentile SCA 571-572 Math National College-Bound Percentile SCA

62 573-574 Math State College-Bound Percentile SCA 575.576 Writing National College-Bound Percentile SCA Numeric 577-578 Writing State College-Bound Percentile SCA Numeric 579-628 E-mail Address Alphanumeric COM

Percentiles for the latest Subject SAT scores only. SCA if available (if percentiles are not available, the position will be blank or NA) 629-630 Subject Test 1 National College-Bound Percentile 631-632 Subject Subscore 1 - Test 1 National College-Bound % 633-634 Subject Subscore 2 - Test 1 National College-Bound % 635-636 Subject Subscore 3 - Test 1 National College-Bound % 637-638 Subject Test 2 National College-Bound Percentile SCA 639-640 Subject Subscore 1 - Test 2 National College-Bound % 641-642 Subject Subscore 2 - Test 2 National College-Bound % 643-644 Subject Subscore 3 - Test 2 National College-Bound % 645-646 Subject Test 3 National College-Bound Percentile SCA 647-648 Subject Subscore 1 - Test 3 National College-Bound % 649-650 Subject Subscore 2 - Test 3 National College-Bound % 651-652 Subject Subscore 3 - Test 3 National College-Bound %

Student Descriptive Questionnaire (SDQ) Information 663-666 Activity Date The number in parentheses following the data element identifies the corresponding question in the Registration Bulletin. For each subject listed, the first position is for the number of years studied. The second position is for honors.

FOS04 (subject) First position is for the number of years studied FOS06 (number of years studied) A = .5 B = 1 C = 2 D = 3 E = 4 F = more than 4 N = None Blank = No Response The second position is for honors. FOS05 (honors) Y = Yes Blank – No Response

667-678 Total Years Studied/Honors (1) FOS06/FOS05 667-668 Arts and Music FOS04 669-670 English FOS04 671-672 Foreign and Classical Languages FOS04 673-674 Mathematics FOS04 675-676 Natural Sciences FOS04 677-678 Social Sciences and History FOS04

63 679-702 Foreign/Classical Languages (2) SAME AS ABOVE 679-680 Chinese 681-682 French 683-684 German 685-686 Greek 687-688 Hebrew 689-690 Italian 691-692 Japanese 693-694 Korean 695-696 Latin 697-698 Russian 699-700 Spanish 701-702 Other Languages

703-716 Mathematics Years (3) SAME AS ABOVE 703-704 Algebra 705-706 Geometry 707-708 Trigonometry 709-710 Precalculus 711-712 Calculus 713-714 Computer Math 715-716 Other Math Courses 717-721 Natural Sciences Years (4) SAME AS ABOVE 717-718 Biology 719-720 Chemistry 721-722 Geology or Other Earth/Space Science 723-724 Physics 725-726 Other Science Courses 727-748 Social Sciences/History Years (5) SAME AS ABOVE 727-728 U.S. History 729-730 U.S. Gov’t/Civics 731-732 European History 733-734 World History 735-736 Ancient History 737-738 Anthropology 739-740 Economics 741-742 Geography 743-744 Psychology 745-746 Sociology 747-748 Other Social Science or History Courses 749-754 Average Grade for Each Subject (6) A007 RQS

4 = A excellent 3 = B good 2 = C fair 1 = D passing 0 = E failing

749 Arts and Music 750 English 751 Foreign and Classical Languages 752 Mathematics 753 Natural Sciences 754 Social Sciences and History

755 Grade Point Average (7) SUM09 1 = A A+

64 2 = B A 3 = C A- 4 = D B+ 5 = E B 6 = F B- 7 = G C+ 8 = H C 9 = I C- 10 = J D+ 11 = K D 12 = L E or F

756 High School Class Rank (8) SUM11 1 = A Highest Tenth 2 = B Second Tenth 3 = C Second Fifth 4 = D Middle Fifth 5 = E Fourth Fifth 6 = F Lowest Fifth

757-764 English (9) A001 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 757 A = American Literature 758 B = British Literature 759 C = Composition 760 D = Grammar 761 E = Literature (other than U.S. or British) 762 F =Literature from Different Historical Periods 763 G = Speaking/Listening Skills 764 H = English as a Second Language

765-773 Art and Music (10) A002 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 765 A = I have no experience 766 B = Acting/Production of a Play 767 C = Art History or Appreciation 768 D = Dance 769 E = Drama or Theater for Appreciation 770 F = Music History, Theory, or Appreciation 771 G = Music, Instrumental, or Vocal Performance 772 H = Photography or Filmmaking 773 I = Studio Art and Design

774-780 Computer (11) A003 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 774 A = No Experience 775 B = Basic Concepts 776 C = Word Processing 777 D = Computer Programming 778 E = Use spreadsheets/databases 779 F = Computer Graphics 780 G = Internet Activities

787-847 High School/Community Activities (13) S005 RQS

A = Academic Honor Society B = Art Activity C = Intramural/JV Sports D = Varsity Sports

65 E = Career-oriented Activity F = Community Activity G = Computer Activity H = Dance Activity I = Debating/Public Speaking J = Ethnic Organization K = Foreign Exchange Program L = Foreign Language Activity M = Gov’t/Political N = Journalism or Literary Activity O = Junior ROTC P = Music/Instrumental Q = Music/Vocal R = Religious Activity S = Science or Math Activity T = School Spirit U = Theater Activity V = Co-op Work Program W = Part-time Job X = Other Activity

848-854 Sports (14) S006 RQS Pos.1: Y=Did not participate in any sports Blank=No Response A =Archery B =Badminton C =Baseball D =Basketball E =Bowling F =Boxing G =Cross-country H =Diving I =Fencing J =Field Hockey K =Football L =Golf M =Gymnastics N =Handball O =Horseback Riding P =Ice Hockey Q =Lacrosse R =Martial Arts S =Racquetball T =Rifle U =Rowing/Crew V =Rugby W =Sailing X =Skiing Y =Skin Diving Z =Soccer 0 =Softball 1 =Squash 2 =Swimming/Synchronized Swimming 3 =Table Tennis 4 =Tennis

66 5 =Track and Field 6 =Volleyball 7 =Water Polo 8 =Wrestling 9 =Other

855-858 2 or 4 Year School (15) D001 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 855 A = 4-Year College or University 856 B = 2-Year Community or Junior College 857 C = Vocational/Technical School 858 D = Undecided 859-862 Public/Private Inst (16) D002 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 859 A = Public University or College 860 B = Private University or College (not religiously affiliated) 861 C = Private, Religiously Affiliated University or College 862 D = Undecided

863-868 Size of Inst (17) D004 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 863 A = Less than 1,000 Students 864 B = About 1,000-5,000 Students 865 C = About 5,000-10,000 Students 866 D = About 10,000-20,000 Students 867 E = More than 20,000 Students 868 F = Undecided ` 869-874 Setting (18) D005 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 869 A = Large City or Metropolitan Area 870 B = Medium-size City 871 C = Small City or Town 872 D = Suburban Community 873 E = Rural 874 F = Undecided 875-880 Location (19) DOO6 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 875 A = Close to Home 876 B = In My Home State 877 C = In States Bordering Mine 878 D = Beyond States Bordering Mine 879 E = Outside of the U.S. 880 F = Undecided 881-883 Coll Type(20) DOO3 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 881 A = All Women or All Men 882 B = Coeducational 883 C = Undecided 884 Degree Goal (21) DEG01

A = Certificate B = Associate C = Bachelor’s D = Master’s E = Doctoral or Related Degree F = Other G = Undecided

885-887 First-choice Major (22) A009 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 888 Certainty of First Chce (23) A010 RQS02 QUESTION/RQS05 ANSWER


A = Very Certain B = Fairly Certain C = Not Certain 889-891 Other Major (24) A011 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 892-894 Other Major (25) A012 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 895-897 Other Major (26) A013 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 898-900 Other Major (27) A014 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER

903.914 Advanced Placement or Exemption(30) A005 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 903 A = Art 904 B = Biology 905 C = Chemistry 906 D = Computer Science 907 E = English 908 F = Foreign Language 909 G = Humanities 910 H = Mathematics 911 I = Music 912 J = Physics 913 K = Social Studies 914 L = No Plans to Apply

915.921 Requested Services (31) A006 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER

915 A = Educational Plans 916 B = Career Plans 917 C = Study Skills 918 D = Math Skills 919 E = Reading Skills 920 F = Writing Skills 921 G = No Plans for Help

922-942 College Activities (32) S007 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 922 A = Art 923 B = Intramural Sports 924 C = Varsity Sports 925 D = Community or Service Organization 926 E = Cooperative Work or Internship Program 927 F = Dance 928 G = Debating or Public Speaking 929 H = Departmental Organization 930 I = Drama or Theater 931 J = Environmental or Ecology Activity 932 K = Ethnic Activity 933 L = Foreign Study or Study Abroad Program 934 M = Fraternity, Sorority, or Social Club 935 N = Honors Program or Independent Study 936 O = Journalism or Literary Activity 937 P = Instrumental Music Performance 938 Q = Vocal Music Performance 939 R = Religious Activity 940 S = ROTC 941 T = Student Government 942 U = None of the Above

68 943 Financial Aid (33) E002 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER Y = Yes N = No X = Don’t Know

944 Part-time Job (34) D007 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER Y = Yes N = No X = Don’t Know

945 Housing Plans (35) D008 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER A = At Home B = On Campus C = Off Campus D = Don’t Know

946 Ethnicity (36) DMG05 A = American Indian or Alaskan Native B = Asian, Asian American, or Pacific Islander C = African American or Black D = Mexican or Mexican American E = Puerto Rican F = Latin American, South American, Central American, or Other Hispanic or Latino G = White H = Other

947 First Language (37A) LUI03

A = English Only B = English and Another C = Another

948 Best Language (37B) LUI05

A = English B = English and Another C = Another 949 Citizenship (38) DMG06 A = U.S. B = Alien, Refugee, or Permanent Resident C = Citizen of Another Country D = Other or Unknown

950-951 Religion (39) S004 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 01 = I prefer not to answer 03 = African Methodist Episcopal 05 = Anglican 07 = Assembly of God 08 = Bahai 09 = Baptist 11 = Southern Baptist Convention 13 = Buddhism 15 = Christian Ð Disciples

69 17 = Christian Reformed Church in America 19 = Church of the Brethren 21 = Church of Christ 23 = United Church of Christ 25 = Christian Science 27 = Church of God 29 = Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints 31 = Church of the Nazarene 33 = Episcopal 35 = Hinduism 37 = Islam 39 = Judaism 41 = Lutheran Church in America 43 = Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 45 = Mennonite 47 = Methodist 49 = United Methodist 51 = Eastern Orthodox Churches 53 = Pentecostal Bodies 55 = Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 56 = Reformed Church in America 57 = Roman Catholic 59 = Seventh-Day Adventists 61 = Society of Friends (Quakers) 63 = Unitarian Universalist Association 65 = Wesleyan Church 67 = Worldwide Church of God 97 = Other 99 = None, no preference or affiliation 952-967 blank 968-973 High School Code N104 974-1003 High School Name N101 1004-1033 High School Address 1 N301 1034-1063 High School Address 2 N302 1064-1093 High School Address 3 N401 1094-1103 High School Telephone Number N406 1104 High School Type H001 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER A = Public B = Independent Nonreligious C = Independent Religious 1105 Senior Class Size H002 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER A = Fewer than 100 B = 100-249 C = 250-499 D = 500-749 E = 750-999 F = 1000 or more 1106 Percent of Seniors Going to College H003 RQS02 QUEST / RQS05 ANSWER A = 90% or more B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% E = 50%-59% F = 40%-49% G = 30%-39% H = 20%-29%

70 I = 10%-19% J = Less than 10% 1107 Location of High School H004 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER A = Large City B = Medium-size City C = Small City or Town D = Suburban E = Rural 1108.1109 Number of Advanced Placement Courses Offered H005 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER

1110 Honors Courses Offered H006 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER A = Yes B = No 1111-1114 Units to Graduate H007 RQS02 QUESTION / RQS05 ANSWER 1115-1120 Date of Report ST 1121.1125 blank(Fields are truncated for Internet score recipients)


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