Monticello City Council s4

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Monticello City Council s4


Members Present – Mayor Glenn Newsome, Mayor Pro Tem Russell Gross, Councilmember Katherine Alexander, and Councilmember Bobby Jacobs. Councilmember Bryan Standifer arrived at 7:30 pm due to a work conflict and Councilmember Martha Pompey arrived at 8:20 pm after having been out of town at a family funeral.

Staff Present – Bob Schwartz, City Manager, Peggy Billerman, City Clerk, and Police Officer Rick Elkins.

Media Present – Ted Dunagan of the Monticello News.

Citizens Present –David Wease, Reverend William Gibson, Dorothy Tinsley and Bobby Sutton.

Regular Meeting - Mayor Newsome called the meeting to order. Reverend William Gibson offered the invocation and Mayor Newsome led the pledge of allegiance. City Clerk Peggy Billerman called the roll.

Agenda Approval – Councilmember Jacobs requested the addition of item 16A, to discuss water restrictions. Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to approve the agenda as amended. All in favor.

Honorary Councilmember – Mr. Terry Prather was nominated as Honorary Councilmember by Councilmember Jacobs. Mr. Newsome read a proclamation honoring his commitment to the City of Monticello.

Citizen Input –

David Wease of North Warren Street cautioned Council that it was not a time for more expenditures such as employee raises and asked that they lock in the PCA rate.

Reverend William Gibson of Sands Drive complimented city workers for their quick response to the ball team at the Washington Park field and welcomed Honorary Councilmember Prather.

Dorothy Tinsley of Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive questioned why there were not more workers hired in the Street Department. She also questioned the method of selecting applicants to fill open positions.

Bertha Montfort of Sands Drive commented on the bad economy. .

Page 1 of 5 Minutes – Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to table approval of the minutes of the May 10th and May 17th meetings until the July meeting. All in favor.


Police Chief’s Report – Officer Rick Elkins provided the May 2011 report, which included 37 citations, fines in the amount of $2,365, and 262 calls for service.

City Manager’s Report – Item 16A, water restrictions, was discussed instead of hearing a general report from Bob Schwartz. Water restrictions are mandated by the State. The City’s website has a link to the State website so that the most up-to-date information is available. Councilmember Jacobs asked that the City consider adopting more restrictions than the State to protect the City in the event of an expected drought. After more research, the City Manager will bring a recommendation to Council at the July meeting.

Consent Agenda

Payables – Motion by Councilmember Standifer, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs to approve payables in the amount of $492,257.63. All in favor.

Old Business

Memory Bricks – Sage Edwards offered an update on the Memory Brick program. The bricks will be installed around the planter in front of the memory bench on the Square. Forty-three bricks have been purchased at $40.00 per brick. Ms. Edwards encouraged Council to purchase bricks for themselves so that the order might total 50 bricks and receive a price discount. There was consensus among council members that this was a good idea.

Power Cost Adjustment Resolution – The Gas/Electric Committee, Councilmembers Jacobs and Standifer, asked for approval of this resolution to set the PCA for June 2011 at $0.017 per kWh, for July 2011 at $0.0191 per kWh, for August 2011 at $0.0211 per kWh, for September 2011 at $0.0231 per kWh, for October 2011 at $0.0252 per kWh, and for November 2011 at $0.0272 per kWh. Motion by Councilmember Standifer, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs, to authorize the City manager to adjust the PCA per the Resolution. Mayor Pro Tem Gross stated that he was against any increases. Councilmember Alexander stated that she would like to see the results of the cost of service study before making any adjustments. Councilmember Jacobs stated that the gap caused by the lower PCA must be filled. Councilmember Standifer stated that he did not want to raise rates, but that the city must be brought back into the black. Councilmembers Jacobs and Standifer voted in favor of the resolution, while Councilmember Alexander and Mayor Pro Tem voted against the resolution, creating a tie vote. The tie was broken by Mayor Newsome who cast his vote in favor adopting the PCA resolution.

Page 2 of 5 FY2012 Budget Adoption – The Finance and Budget Committee met May 24, 2011 and a public hearing was held on June 7, 2011.

Motion by Councilmember Alexander, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to approve the budget. Mayor Newsome read some budget highlights and began a page by page, line by line, opportunity for a motion and second to amend the figures as presented.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to reduce line 11 on page 7, Legislative travel from $1,600 to $800 and to reduce line 12 on page 7, Legislative education and training from $1,200 to $600. All in favor.

Motion by Councilmember Alexander, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to rename line 20, page 7, Legislative ‘contingencies’ to ‘reserve’. All in favor.

Motion by Councilmember Alexander, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs, to reduce line10, page 13, Police Department total personal services and employee benefits from $392,920 to $322,920. Mayor Pro Tem Gross and Councilmembers Jacobs and Alexander voted for the reduction. Councilmember Standifer voted against. Motion carried 3-1.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to reduce line 32 on page 13, Police Department uniforms from $5,000 to $4,500, All in favor.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, to eliminate line 37 on page 14, Police department vehicle, a reduction of $24,000. All in favor.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to increase line14, lawn care, Highways and Streets from $3,500 to $5,000. Motion withdrawn by Councilmember Jacobs.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to add line 14A, page 16, Christmas decorations, Highways and Streets in the amount of $9,100. Mayor Pro Tem Gross and Councilmembers Standifer, Alexander, and Jacobs voted to approve the increase. Councilmember Pompey voted against. Motion carried 4-1.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to change the name of line 12, page 20, Parks, from Improvements at Westview Park to ‘Parks’ and increase line 12, from $30,000 to $60,000. Mayor Pro Tem and Councilmembers Standifer, Alexander, and Jacobs voted to approve. Councilmember Pompey voted against. Motion carried 4-1.

Motion by Councilmember Alexander, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs, to reduce line 14, page 21, Get Ahead House, Total from $47.600 to $30,000. Motion to close debate by Mayor Pro Tem Gross passed unanimously. Motion by Councilmember Pompey, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to table action until June 28, 2011 failed as Councilmembers Standifer and Pompey voted to table and Mayor Pro Tem and

Page 3 of 5 Councilmembers Alexander and Jacobs voted to deny tabling. On the motion to reduce line 14, page 21 from $47,600 to $30,000 Mayor Pro Tem Gross, Councilmember Jacobs, and Councilmember Alexander voted to approve the reduction. Councilmembers Pompey and Standifer voted to deny the reduction. Motion carried 3-2.

Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, that the Get Ahead House funding be as a grant, that the board of the Get Ahead House become the responsible party, that the funds be dispersed at 1/12th per month, and that the City Attorney prepare the necessary paperwork to effect these changes for review at the June 28, 2011 meeting. Much discussion followed. Motion by Councilmember Alexander to close debate. All in favor. Mayor Pro Tem Gross, Councilmember Jacobs, and Councilmember Alexander voted to approve the motion, Councilmember Standifer voted against, and Councilmember Pompey abstained. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to reduce line 44, page 26, Water Treatment machinery and equipment from $25,000 to $0. All in favor.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to remove the 3% salary increases shown on page 42. Councilmembers Alexander and Jacobs voted to remove. Mayor Pro Tem Gross and Councilmembers Pompey and Standifer voted against the removal. Motion failed 3-2.

Motion by Councilmember Pompey to change insurance coverage for elected officials. Motion fails for lack of a second.

Motion by Councilmember Alexander, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to approve the FY2012 budget as amended. All in favor.

New Business

The SPLOST committee and Mayor Newsome presented a list of City of Monticello SPLOST projects for consideration. Projects included water supply and treatment, sewer system improvements, sidewalk improvements, and money for capital improvements at the hospital, totaling $950,000. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to accept the project list. All in favor.

CDBG Update – Specifications are being prepared for the slip lining portion of the repairs. Advertising should begin within a month.

Council Comments –

Honorary Councilmember Prather stated that local government is the most important layer of government. Councilmember Jacobs thanked fellow council members and was proud of the efforts to cut the City budget each year. Councilmember Standifer stated that he was excited about where the city is headed, but disappointed about personal attacks,

Page 4 of 5 encouraging Council to adopt guidelines for professional behavior and attitude. Councilmember Alexander stated that the citywide yard sale had been a success and could possibly be held twice a year. Mayor Newsome complimented the Council on its fiscal responsibility.

Adjournment –The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Newsome at 10:15 pm.

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