Assessment Guide: Forensic Science
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Year 9 Avatars Digital Portfolio ASSESSMENT: Avatars Name
Criteria Above the Standard Proficient Capable Developing Needs NS Improvement ICT for Visualising Thinking/ Thinking-Reflection, evaluation and metacognition/ ICT for Communicating
Creating your blog. You created, organised and maintained your own You created your own blog. You created your own blog. You created your own You attempted to blog. You were able to use posts to submit some You were able to use posts to submit blog on the Year 9 IT create a blog but You were able to use posts to submit all your work. work. Ning. not set up work in the best formats. You were able to organise your clog using You were able to organise your clog You were able to post properly yet. Your blog was well presented and original. themes, headings links and widgets using examples of themes, headings some work. making best use of all tools. You were able to use posts to submit all your links or widgets. You demonstrated evidence of new ways to set work in different formats. out your blog experimenting with new tools. Your blog was well presented and original. making good use of all tools. They making You made constructive comments outlining your You made constructive comments outlining You made comments outlining your You made comments You made constructive thoughts and ideas. your thoughts and ideas. thoughts and ideas. on your posts. comments on comments online. You were able to reflect on what you have You were able to reflect on what you have You were able to reflect on what you You attempted to your posts. They monitor their learned. learned. have learned. You discussed reflect on what you thinking and You gave reflective comments about the avatars You gave reflective comments about the problems encountered. have learned. evaluate their own and thoughts behind them clearly linking ideas to avatars and thoughts behind them linking them and other’s thinking identity and security. to online security. strategies You clearly discussed any problems encountered. You clearly discussed any problems You gave constructive comments to others about encountered. their avatars and suggested improvements
Dealing with issues Students created and used mainly original You are able to include mostly their own You are able to include mainly your Students were able to Little attempt to of copyright. graphics. material. own material. modify work modify work. Any other graphics used were clearly referenced Where other sources were used they were Where other sources were used an appropriately. Other peoples and used for a particular purpose. adequately referenced. attempt to reference was made. work used without referencing. Dealing with issues You demonstrated excellent understanding You clearly understood notions related to You understood notions related to You attempted to Avatars were of security. related to identity and privacy when working with identity and privacy related to online identity and privacy related to online construct avatars constructed online publications. publications. publications. hiding their identity. These were reflected in the construction of your These were reflected in the construction of your These were reflected in the avatars and how you participated online including avatars and ; construction of your avatars and/or ; comments and reflections made to others. how you participated online. how you participated online. ICT for Creating Students created a portfolio of their own avatrs
Use of You were able use graphic software (Photoshop You were able use graphic software You were able use graphic software You were able use You were able graphicsoftware or some alternative) to create your own (Photoshop or some alternative) to create your (Photoshop or some alternative) to graphic software use graphic individualised avatars. own individualised avatars. create avatars. (Fireworks) software You used many different techniques and You used at least 5 different techniques and You used at least 5 different You used different (Fireworks) annotated these in a diagram. annotated these in a diagram. techniques and annotated these in a techniques and You used several advanced techniques. You used some advanced techniques. diagram. annotated these in a Graphics were all well prepared for web use. Graphics were all well prepared for web use. They demonstrated an understanding diagram. of creating graphics for web use. Use of other web2.0 You investigated new web 2.0 tools and used web You used at least 3 different web 2.0 tools to You used at least 2 different web 2.0 You used at least one You attempted to tools 2.0 tools to create avatars. create avatars. tools to create avatars. web 2.0 tool well to use a web 2.0 Included animated avatars. Included animated avatars. create an avatar tool to create avatars. You used hardware such as microphone, digital You used hardware such as microphone, digital You used hardware such as You used hardware You made use of camera and scanner to create graphics. camera or scanner to create graphics. microphone, digital camera or scanner such as a digital the technology You modified and played with the digital You modified and played with the digital to create graphics. camera. but did not use equipment to construct the desired effects. equipment. any additional hardware. File structure .Files were named and conventions used. .Files were named and conventions used. Files were named and conventions Files were named but Files were named Very Appropriate and correct graphic formats were Appropriate graphic formats were used. used. did not make good but did not make disor always used. Made use of blog tools to display downloaded Appropriate graphic formats were use of conventions. good use of ganis Made use of blog tools to display downloaded files for easy identification. mostly used. Did not use conventions. ed. files for easy identification. appropriate graphic Few graphics You indicated the development of graphics in your formats. included naming convention.
St Columba’s College, Essendon March 2015