Sauganash School PTA Regular Meeting Minutes

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Sauganash School PTA Regular Meeting Minutes

Sauganash School PTA – Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 7, 2016 – 6:30 p.m. Location: Cafeteria

I. Call to Order at 6:32 pm, 11 members were present

II. Approval of Agenda

A. Sara Creviston motioned to accept. and Caroline Frieswyk seconded the motion.

III. Introduction of Board Members

IV. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting – October 19, 2016

A. Minutes from October are online, copies were not brought by Caroline Frieswyk for review, minutes will be reviewed and approved next meeting.

V. Treasurer’s Reports – Kate Rettella.

A. Ending Banking Balance as of 10/31/16: $102,908.17

Total Including Pending Transactions: $102,908.17 Total Number of Pending Transactions: $3,874.43

B. Discussed counterfeit bills – voted and approved that we will not accept over $100 bills at school events. Motion to approve by Marsha Shapiro motion seconded by Deepak

VI. New Business:

A. Edgebrook library unable to come as planned.

B. Annual Drive – Sarah Creviston

1. Annual goal is $50,000 as well as to foster a sense of school community. Have reached halfway point. Has raised close to $30,000 so far.

2. Lifeway foods is donating tote bag and snack for Thursday PTA reach out day.

3. Awesome participation from 8th graders – reached 100% participation.

4. Whoever reaches 100% will receive a snack party. If another class gets it, they will get a snack party too. November 18, Cub themed party for 8th grade party. Former Cubs player will come to speak with kids and sign swag.

5. Business Support: Some are pledges still (Lifeway Foods, Physician’s Immediate Care, I- Nine Sports, Swedish Covenant). 4 tables at Fall Fest to promote. 6. Video went live today. Maureen helped to produce that. Share it with other people.

7. Sarah Creviston will be at PTA conference with fliers. Looking for volunteers to help with the table.

8. Promoting 100% participation.

C. Spring Benefit – Sarah Creviston

1. They have started to put together the committees.

2. As of right now, Holiday Inn is front runner for the venue because of cost. Still looking at options, but that is where we are headed. Holiday Inn has $10,000 minimum (roughly 200 people total). In 2012, the line item was $20,000. May need to amend the budget.

3. Targeting April 28th (a Friday) for event.

4. There will be a December 2nd kick off meeting.

5. If you know of anyone who can help with grade level projects, let Sarah Creviston know.

D. Membership Update – Marcia Shapiro or Tracy Mayer

1. 58 more members than last month.

2. Planning on doing 1 more Friday Folder in a few weeks, membership has tapered off.

E. Sign Up Parties – Kate Rettell

1. Wants to promote at Fall Fest.

2. Trying to push for more late December.

3. Friday, January 20th Self Defense by Titan Gym. Will 21/2 hour self defense class. Can have up to 50 people. Will charge around $35 per person. Perhaps Physician’s Assistants might want to donate on that night.

4. Wine and Painting (Chai Wolfman and Ramona) planned one last spring. Chai is working with North Branch to get a date. First weekend of Feb.

5. Holiday party in December – hosted by Carrie Frieswyk and Ally Voss

6. Sola Salon trying to come up with a spa package. That might be pushed to summer.

7. Mother Daughter Zumba

F. Chili’s Fundraiser - Marilyn Chapman

1. Chili’s Fundraiser – Week after Christmas or in February.

G. Fall Fest – Josette Soudag

1. Fall Fest will have airbrush tattoo artist.

2. Art project – paper plate owl project

3. Mr. G. and Mr. Lopez approached to do the music.

4. 7th and 8th graders can volunteer to help.

H. Schoola

1. Has already sent out 8 boxes. For whatever Schoola won’t take, has a back up. Will give to Savers. 2. Goes until Wednesday at Report Card Pick-Up.

I. School Pak – Marcia Shapiro

1. Currently this is not a fundraiser, this was a conscious decision to make it a service and convenience for parents. Kate Rettell brought up point that School Pak does not “give back” to the school. Perhaps we should be looking at other companies that might donate back.

2. Questions pertaining to this should be to directed to Marcia Shapiro.

J. PTA Budget Online?

1. PTA budget was online, as many other area PTA budgets. There was a discussion about whether or not it should be posted online? There are options. 1. Published as is. 2. Not published. 3. Put online in a Google with a password for members only.

2. Kate Rettell stated that the treasurer’s report should be online, this is separate from the budget. The budget report should be a “needed to know”. In addition, don’t need a bank reconciliation with the report.

3. Was agreed that parents should have the option to look at the budget

4. Motion to have all financial documents to be password protected for PTA Members. Motion by Mrs. Biesty, seconded by Kate Rettell.

K. Santa Shop – Marilyn Chapman

1. Ms. Munns will provide a secure room. All of the items will run from 50 cents to $5. Will take donations as well. 10% markup on items for PTA, mainly a community event – will not make a ton of money. Will look through materials and then will disseminate information K-8. December 12-13 is tentative date now.

2. “Jenny’s Penguin Patch” is the company being used.

L. Sauganash Cookbook – Marilyn Chapman

1. Collecting recipes in Jan. and Feb, and then will get printed.

2. Soft cover, if we order 100, will be $4.40 – will charge $9. Will make a 50% mark up. Can set up at small business fair but can also preorder some as well.

VII.Old Business

A. Barnes and Nobles Book Fair – Marcia Shapiro

Can still order until Friday. Great event, no report for numbers yet.

B. Principal’s Report – Ms. Raisch

Nothing to report, just thanks to all of volunteers.

VIII. Open Comment

A. Communications – Candace Sukalski

Please submit “Shout Outs” and “Thank You’s” for eNews to communications committee by Wednesday evenings of each week.

B. Upcoming Events: The LSC meeting will be held on Monday, November 14th at 6:30 p.m. State of School meeting. Babysitting will be provided.

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