Sunday, February 21, 2016

TODAY: NEXT SUNDAY: NURSERY: AM Audrey Broek, Tessa Schoonhoven Kayla Dekkers, Treyton Bonnema PM Service at Hawarden CRC Service at Ireton Reformed Church USHERS: Lyle De Wit, Les Dorhout, Kevin Eisma Doug Faber, Eric Faber, Keaven Faber GREETERS & COFFEE SERVERS: Bryan & Mandy Bonnema (4 doz cookies) Tim & Lori Bonnema Dick & Harriet Bonnema (4 doz cookies) Calvin & Patsy Bootsma ORGANIST / PIANIST: AM Donna Koopmans Celia Ten Napel PM Service at Hawarden CRC Service at Ireton Reformed Church LIBRARIAN: AM Jan Fedders OFFERING: AM Christian Education Building Fund PM Service at Hawarden CRC Service at Ireton Reformed Church

PRAYER FOR:  Gilbert, Jason, Tim and Sylvia, Kory, Megan, Deb and all the elderly.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Bob and Mary Eisma who celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary on Friday, February 19.

OUR SYMPATHY to Curtis De Vries and family in the passing of Sadie De Vries on Monday, February 15. May the Holy Spirit grant you an extra measure of His comfort and strength at this time.


--FROM THE HAWARDEN CRC: We are glad to host Unity's Instruments of Praise and we look forward to seeing whomever can make it from Ireton CRC! Fellowship is always sweet at these combined services. From what I understand, this service is also Unity's effort to encourage supporters from Lebabon CRC. Looking forward to Feb 21st, 6:00 PM--worshipping Christ together, and enjoying one another. Pastor Mark Klompien

--THE KIDS OF THE KINGDOM PRESCHOOL is currently selling Little Caesar's Pizza Kits as a fundraiser until February 22. If you would like to place an order, please contact a KOK parent or fill out the order form on the table by the church mailboxes. Payments can be made out to "KOK" and can be put in Mary Hooyer's mailbox. Thank you for your support!

--GEMS OUTING - We are planning a GEMS tubing outing (snow permitting) for Wednesday, February 24. We plan to go to Inspiration Hills, returning to church for pizza. Please be at church at 3:45pm with your signed permission/release forms, and appropriate clothing for sledding. We plan to leave by 4:00. The girls may be picked up at church between 8:15-8:30pm.

--UNITY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL’S 2016 ANNUAL POPS CONCERT will be held on on Thursday, February 25 at 7 P.M. Performing some of your favorite tunes from the past, the music department will take you on a musical journey through the decades. So, come on out and enjoy an evening of entertainment and get ready to rock around the clock and enjoy a blast from the past.

--UCHS SCIENCE FAIR OPEN HOUSE will be held on Thursday, February 25 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the science rooms. Come and see the interesting exhibits and displays our science students have prepared. --DAFFODILS are the first flower of spring and the bright symbol of hope. To the American Cancer Society, the daffodil symbolizes the hope we all share for a cure where cancer no longer threatens those we love. Daffodil Days has empowered people to make a difference in the fight against cancer by raising funds and awareness to help beat the disease. Cancer has touched us all in some way. TOGETHER, we are fighting cancer on all fronts. TOGETHER, we can make a difference! Order you daffodils today for $10 a bunch. Contact Susan Ten Napel at 278-2520 by March 1 or a sign up sheet is on the back table. They will be delivered mid-March for you or a loved one to enjoy. Thank You for your support to the American Cancer Society.

-- BAKELESS BAKE SALE: The UCHS Auxiliary Bakeless Bake Sale is being held during the month of February. Your donation helps keep tuition costs down, purchase items such as books, lab equipment, music play scripts, tables, chairs etc. At this point the Auxiliary has already donated $17,690 to the school from the proceeds of the Hostess Supper. We appreciate any contribution you can give to help UCHS. Please send your gift to LouAnn Franken, Treasurer, 3009 420th Street, Sioux Center, IA 51250 or drop your gift at Unity marked for the Bakeless Bake Sale.

--BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please put any bulletin announcements in Pam De Wit’s Church mailbox or via email ([email protected]) by NOON on Thursday, February 25. Thank You.

--2015 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS ARE NEEDED: Who: anyone you think that should be the 2015 citizen of the year. When nominating someone please tell us your reason(s) why you are nominating them. How: you can make/drop off nominations at Iowa state bank, Ireton Vet services, Super stop, local churches, or mail them in. Send your nomination to: Ireton Booster Club, P.O. Box 284, Ireton, IA 51027

--SUNDAY MORNING DRIVERS WANTED - Check the back table –If you signup—please call Chris on Saturday night. THANKS! To everyone who has helped already!!


--THE NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) SUPPORT GROUP will meet in the Fireside Room of Central Reformed Church in Sioux Center from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1. Elizabeth Addink Scholten will share her life story with mental illness. Individuals and family members coping with mental illness are invited to join us. For information call Shirley Matheis 722-4462.

--SIOUXLAND HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - Are you or someone you know in need of a safe, decent and affordable place to live? Siouxland Habitat for Humanity is accepting partner family applications for our homeownership program for a home to be rehabbed in Ireton. Application forms are available at the Ireton City Office or our Rock Valley office. Completed applications are to be returned by March 1 to Siouxland Habitat for Humanity, 1335 Valley Drive, Rock Valley, IA 51247. If you have questions, please contact Kurt Franje, 712-476-2804 or email [email protected].

--IRETON YPS ARE HAVING A SPUD NIGHT on Thursday, March 10 serving from 5-7:00 pm at church! We will be serving baked potatoes with all the toppings, salad, and dessert. Free will donation will go toward our summer trip to Guatemala. We will also be having a "silent service auction" where you can bid on the kids for various amounts of time to do various jobs. Take a night off from cooking and join us for some food and fellowship while supporting these kids! Thanks and we hope to see you there!! --CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SERVICE AUCTION is being held Friday, March 18 at 7 pm at the school. Come join us for an evening of fun and fellowship! Come a little early and browse through the donations and enjoy supper! Donation sheets were placed in mailboxes today. Please turn those in by Sunday, March 6 or you can email your donation to [email protected]. Let's make this a great fundraiser for Christian Education!

WORSHIP SERVICES CALENDAR Feb 21 AM Jason Lief PM Combined Service at Hawarden CRC / Unity’s Instruments of Praise Feb 28 AM Pastor Duane Tinklenberg PM Prayer Day for Crops & Industry at Ireton Reformed Church – Pastor Doug Van Aartsen March 6 AM Pastor Al Kuiper PM Pastor John Klompien March 13 AM Troy Van Beek PM Gale Tien March 20 AM Gale Tien PM Gale Tien March 24 PM Pastor Al Kuiper - Maundy Thursday (Communion) March 27 AM Gale Tien (Easter Sunrise Service) AM Gale Tien PM No Worship Service

2016 COMMUNION SCHEDULE March 24 (Maundy Thursday), May 15 (Pentecost), July 10, Sept 11 & Nov 27 (1st Sunday of Advent).


Sunday, Feb. 21 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:45 AM Sunday School / Catechism 6:00 PM Worship Service at Hawarden CRC – Instruments of Praise

Wed., Feb. 24 3:45 PM GEMS Tubing Outing