Pastors Initiative Prayers s1

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Pastors Initiative Prayers s1

Warfare Prayer Guide For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power: it is sharper than any two-edged sword Hebrews 4:12 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Worship Consecration Reconnaissance Know the Enemy Our Weapons Attack Victory King of Kings and Lord of We are consecrated to Give us Your wisdom, Reveal to us the strategies Teach us our Be with us as we Thank You, Lord Lords, All Power You-Prepare us to fight! knowledge and courage to and weapons of the enemy weapons of warfare run to the battle for the Victory! and Glory is Yours! overcome the enemy. Be still, all flesh, before The devil, our adversary, Whatever is born of God Jehosophat appointed those Our enemies will make war O clap your hands all you the Lord, for He is a- We thank you, Father,that enemy, and accuser, has overcomes the world: and who were to sing to the on the Lamb, and the Lamb peoples! Shout to God with roused and risen from you set a table before us in sinned from the beginning. this is the victory that over- Lord and praise Him in will conquer them for He is a voice of triumph and His holy habitation! the presence of our ene- The reason the son of God comes the world-Our Faith. holy array, as they went Lord of Lords and King of songs of joy! For the Lord Zech. 2:13 mies, and anoint our heads was made manifest was to I John 5:4 before the army. ...and Kings!! And we who are Most High excites terror, with oil. Ps. 23 destroy the works of the when they began to sing with Him are called, and awe and dread. He is a great Hark! An uproar of king- devil. 1 John 3 Christ declared: The gates and to praise, the Lord sent chosen, and faithful. King over all the earth! doms gathering together! For thus the Lord said to of hell shall not prevail ambushments, and the en- Rev.17:14 Psalm 47:2 The Lord of Hosts is me: Go, set yourself a Your Word warns us to be against My church. And I emy was self-slaughtered. mustering a host for watchman, let him declare well-balanced, temperate and will give you the keys of the We will sing, praise, and We will overcome by the Have you not known, have battle!!! Isaiah 13:4 what he sees. And the sober of mind, vigilant and kingdom of heaven, and worship You as we present blood of the Lamb, the you not heard-that God watchman cried like a lion, cautious at all times, for our whatever you bind on earth word of our testimony, and Blow the trumpet in ourselves for battle! marked off the heavens with O Lord, I stand continually enemy, the devil, roars about will be bound in heaven, 2 Chr. 20:21-22 loving not our lives unto the breadth of His hand, Zion! Sound the alarm on on the watchtower in the like a lion, seeking to kill, and whatever you loose on death. Rev. 12:11 makes the rulers of the earth His holy mountain! daytime, and I am set in steal and destroy us. I Pet.5:8 earth will be loosed in We will be strong in You, as nothing, created the Declare a fast, a solemn my station every night. heaven. Matt:16: 19 Lord, and in the power of Our last enemy is death – starry host, and calls them assembly! The Lord Is.21:6,8 Father, Your Word also Your might. We will put it is swallowed up in all by name, because of His utters His voice before warns us to see that no none Father, we commit to set on the whole victory! great power and mighty His army! Joel 2 O how we love Your law. carries us off as spoil or ourselves in unity (holy armour of God, that we Is 25:81, Cor. 15:54-57 It has made us wiser than makes us captive by follow- array) with the Body of strength?! Is. 40 Proclaim this among the may be able to stand our enemies, for Your ing philosophy, intellectual- Christ. We bind all divi- against the wiles of the Jesus Christ, our Lord, Lord, we praise You! You nations; Prepare for war! commandments are ever ism, vain deceit, or human sions and evil speaking con- will possess the gate of His Rouse the warriors! Let devil. For we wrestle not said that You would make with us! Ps. 119:97-98 traditions rather than the cerning one another. We enemies. Hallelujah! all the men of war draw against flesh and blood, but all our adversaries Your teachings of Christ the commit to deaden our evil against principalities, Gen 22:17 footstool! Matt 22:44 near! Beat your plow- Lord, we declare that we Messiah. The foundation of desires, sexual sins, greed shares into swords, and possess the mind of Christ against powers, against the Shouts of Joy and Victory our battle strategy is the and envy, for that is idol- rulers of the darkness of You O Lord, are the true beat your pruning hooks the Messiah and do hold treasure of wisdom and atry. We serve one God resound in the dwellings of God, the God of Truth. into spears! Let the weak the thoughts (feelings and this world, against spiritual the righteous. The right knowledge which is hidden only, one Commander-in- wickedness in high places. At Your wrath the earth say, “I am a strong purposes) of His heart. We in Christ Jesus. Col. 2:8 Chief, Jehovah! Col. 3: 5-9 hand of the Lord does quakes, and the nations are warrior!” Joel 3 will not be distracted by Again we say, we will valiantly, the right hand of not able to bear Your time-wasters and worthless You instruct us that satan is Father, cover the gates of boldly put on Your whole the Lord is exalted! indignation! Jer.10:10 Blessed be the Lord, who pursuits. I Cor. 2:16 the father of lies, and entices our eyes, ears, mouths and armour, that we may be Ps. 118:15 teaches my hands to war! us to make foolish decisions minds with the precious able to withstand in the evil Ps.144 Lord God, You are the Father, You encourage us through our opening the door blood of Jesus. Sanctify our day, and having done all, And when the Chief Head of all rule and auth- Lord, give us the eyes of and say, “Fear not, do not to his lies and deceit. Give us words that we may speak we will stand. We will Shepherd is revealed, we ority, of every angelic prin- the servant Gehazi to be- look around you in terror discernment and wisdom life, and not death. Guard stand with our coverings of will win the conqueror's cipality and power, and You hold Your angelic host and be dismayed, for I am over our choices, esp. re- our speech, so that strategic truth, righteousness and crown of glory! 1Peter 5:4 disarm the principalities and battling for us! 2 Kings: 8 your God. I will strengthen garding what our eyes see, plans do not reach the peace. powers that are against us- you and harden you to dif- And we will hear every what our ears hear, and those enemy's camp. Prov. 18:21 Above all, we will take the created thing in heaven and making a bold display of Let us war as Nehemiah, ficulties. Yes, I will help with whom we choose to shield of faith, so that we them, and triumphing over with tools to restore and you! Yes, I will hold you When the enemy comes in earth and under the earth in align. May the Holy Spirit will be able to quench all hell and on the sea and all them through the Cross of protect the families of up and retain you with My bear a quick and strong wit- like a flood, Your Spirit, O the fiery darts of the Jesus Christ. Col. 2:10, 15 our nation, and the Sword victorious right hand of Lord, will lift up a standard that is in it, crying out ness within us to reveal paths wicked. And we will fight together, “To Him who sits of the Word of God! rightness and justice.” of truth or deception. against him and put him to with the helmet of My soul yearns for You, O Neh.4 Is. 41:10 flight! Isaiah 59:19 b on the throne and to the Lord in the night. Yes, my Prov. 2:11 salvation, and the Sword of Lamb be ascribed blessing spirit within me seeks you And now Lord, observe the May Your army, O God, the Spirit, which is the and honor and glory and Lord, You have set the Let our enemies be clothed Word of God! Eph. 6 earnestly; for only when service of Your house in enemies' threats, and grant with shame and dishonor, walk in paths of right- might and splendor and Your judgments are in the order, and have prepared to Your bondservants full and let them cover them- eousness and complete You have made us a king- power and dominion earth will the inhabitants of Your people, since the freedom to declare your selves with their own dis- obedience, for You, the dom of priests, a holy forever and ever!” the world learn righteous- events will take place message fearlessly! grace and confusion as with God of Peace, will soon nation, and given us auth- Hallelujah to the LAMB! ness (uprightness and right suddenly! 2 Chron. 29 Acts 4:2 a robe. Psalm 109:29 crush satan underneath our ority to tread on all the Rev.5:13 standing) with God. Is. 26:9 feet! Romans 16:12 power of the enemy! Ex.19 N Nicholson


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