Indonesia Power Transmition Development 2 (Iptd-2)

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Indonesia Power Transmition Development 2 (Iptd-2)

PT PLN (Persero)




Draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

2 Januari 2012

Consultation version Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Project Description 2 3 Potential Environmental and Social Impacts 3 4 Environmental Management and Monitoring Program 5 5 Reporting 13 6 Consultation and Disclosure 13 7 Institutional Responsibilities 14 8 Budget and Program 14 9 EMP Updates, Review and Version Control 15 Annex 1 East Indonesia Project Office (Kalimantan) - Subproject Details 18 Annex 2 East Indonesia Project Office (Sulawesi) – Subproject Details 19 Annex 3 Java Bali Project Office - Subproject Details 20 Annex 4 Sumatra I Project Office – Subproject Details 24 Annex 5 Sumatra II Project Office – Subproject Details 26 Annex 6 PLN Standard Operating Procedures for Environmental Management, Emergency Preparedness and Response and Health and Safety 28 Annex 7 Environmental Codes of Practice for Construction 30 Annex 8 Consultation and Disclosure Results 32 Annex 9 Chance Find Procedures 33 1 Introduction One of the main objectives of the Second Indonesia Power Transmission Development Project (IPTD2) is to strengthen and expand the capacity of the power transmission networks in Java-Bali and other large islands in East and West Indonesia. It involves upgrades and extensions to existing substations and, in some areas, new substations. IPTD2 is a follow-up operation of the on-going Indonesia Power Transmission Development Project (IPTD).

This EMP for Upgrades covers all subprojects under the IPTD2 that consist of an upgrade and / or extension to an existing substation. The EMP meets the requirements of the World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguards Frameworks for Category B projects.

1.1 EMP Approach This EMP for Upgrades covers a large number of small, discrete substation upgrade and / or extension subprojects, across five PLN Project Offices. This approach replaces a large number of repetitive and identical EMPs.

These projects have very small footprints, mostly within the boundaries of existing substations, and the severity and risk environmental and social impacts are low. The potential environmental and social issues of most of these subprojects are very similar (with few exceptions which will be separately addressed in the EMP). Furthermore, since all subcomponents will be owned by PLN, the EMP aspects of: institutional arrangements, occupational health and safety, and emergency preparedness and response systems are established by PLN corporate policy and will be the same for all of the subprojects.

The EMP contains standard mitigation and monitoring plans to cover typical impacts from upgrading equipment and installing new equipment at substations, including worker health and safety, earthworks and solid and hazardous waste management. The EMP also contains standard EMP monitoring, reporting and review processes to streamline processes across the Project Offices and the subprojects.

However, each subcomponent is unique in the sense that: (a) it is situated at its’ own unique location, (b) public consultations would involve different affected groups, and (c) the outcome of the public consultation may present special environmental or social issues. Therefore there is a screening process for each site to determine whether there are social and / or environmental risks beyond those covered in the standard mitigation and monitoring plans. Additional specific mitigation plans and monitoring plans have been developed for those sites with unique situations.

1.2 EMP Structure Project descriptions are located in the relevant Annex, along with any site specific mitigation and monitoring plans, as follows:

Annex 1 East Indonesia (Kalimantan) Project Office

Annex 2 East Indonesia (Sulawesi) Project Office

Annex 3 Java Bali Project Office

1 Annex 4 Sumatra I Project Office

Annex 5 Sumatra II Project Office

Standard mitigation and management plans, and standard approaches to consultation, EMP monitoring, supervision, reporting and review are included in the main document and Annexes.

PLN Project Offices can refer to their separate Annex to manage their specific work program, and refer to the main document for the standard implementation processes.

Section 9 explains the review process for adding new projects into the EMP.

1.3 Contact Details The contact details of the person responsible for the EMP are:

Name : Djoko Prasetyo Email : [email protected] Address : PT PLN Persero, Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M I/135 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, 12160 Phone : (021) 7251234, 7261122 Fax : (021) 722 1330

1.4 Version This is version ‘Draft for Consultation’.

2 Project Description

2.1 Overview of IPTD2 Three components of the IPTD2 involve infrastructure investment and require safeguards instruments: 1) extension of 150kV substations in the Java-Bali system, 2) extension of 150kVand 70kV substations in East Indonesia, and 3) extension of 150kV substations in West Indonesia.

Component 1: Extension of 150kV Substations in the Java-Bali System

Under this component, selected existing 150/20 kV substations in Java-Bali will be expanded by adding one or more new transformers and associated equipment at each substation; replacing one or two existing transformers with new transformers and associated equipment with higher capacity; and constructing selected new 150/20kV substations. These substations will be located across the islands of Java and Bali mostly in Jakarta, West Java & Banten, Central Java and Bali.

Component 2: Extension of 150kV and 70kV Substations in East Indonesia ($60M)

Under this component, selected 150/20 kV and 70/20 kV substations in East Indonesia1 will be expanded by adding one or more new transformers and associated equipment at each substation or replacing one or two existing transformers with new transformers and associated equipment with

1 For the subproject, East Indonesia consists of South Kalimantan, Central, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and South East Sulawesi Provinces

2 higher capacity. In addition, selected new 150/20kV substations will be constructed. These substations will be located in Kalimantan (except West Kalimantan province) and Sulawesi.

Component 3: Extension of 150kV substations in West Indonesia ($102M)

Under this component, selected existing 150/20kV substations in West Indonesia2 will be expanded by adding one or more new transformers and associated equipment at each substation or replacing one or two existing transformers with new transformers and associated equipment with higher capacity. In addition, selected new 150/20kV substations will be constructed. These substations will be located in Sumatra and West Kalimantan province.

2.2 Upgrade and Expansion Subprojects For upgrade and expansion subprojects, the key activities are to install new transformers and associated equipment or replace existing transformers and associated equipment with new ones with higher capacity in the existing 150/20 kV and 70/20kV substations. Upgrades do not require land acquisition and will be implemented within the premises of these substations. While most of expansion subprojects do not require land acquisition, some subprojects will require limited additional pieces of land, which is normally adjacent to the existing substations.

3 Potential Environmental and Social Impacts The following is a summary of the key environmental and social impacts that may arise from any subproject. A full list of the standard potential environmental and social impacts is included in the Mitigation Plans. Site specific environmental and social impacts that are not included in the standard lists are included in Annexes 1 – 5 for the relevant subprojects.

Table 1 Summary of Potential Environmental and Social Impacts from Substation Upgrades or Extensions Activity TYPE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT OF REMARKS IMPACT IMPACT

Construction Stage

Storage, handling, use Soil and water Minor and can be and disposal of contamination mitigated hazardous materials such as transformer Risk of PCB oils Health and safety risk

Solid waste Soil and water Minor, can be contamination mitigated

Operational Stage

Operation and Storage, handling, use Minor, can be maintenance and disposal of

2 For the subproject, West Indonesia consists of West Kalimantan Province and Sumatra


hazardous materials mitigated such as transformer oils

Exposure to workers Minor, can be and community to EMF mitigated

Solid waste Minor, can be mitigated

4 4 Environmental Management and Monitoring Program This section includes the following standard mitigation plans:

Pre-Construction Mitigation Plan

Construction Mitigation Plan

Operation Mitigation Plan

And the following standard monitoring plans:

Construction Monitoring Plan

Operation Monitoring Plan

PLN will incorporate the standard plans into each subproject.

5 4.1 Pre-Construction Mitigation Plan Environmental Pre-Construction Mitigation Actions Costs Responsible Start End or social impact

Soil and water Include in tender documentation, if any contamination from leak Moderate, included PLN Design Award of contamination as transformer, the contractor should rehabilitate into normal condition. in Construction Engineering phase constructi a result of Cost (PLN E) on transformer leak tender.

PCB Tender documents will prohibit procurement of equipment containing No cost, Included in PLN Tender Award of (polychlorinated PCB construction Engineering preparati constructi biphenyls) contract (PLN E) on on tender.

Noise Tender documents for equipment (such as the transformer and the Minor, Included in PLN Tender Selection cooling fan) procurement will specify to meet noise level regulation. tendering costs Engineering preparati of (PLN E) on preferred supplier

General / all The Environmental Codes of Practice for Construction (COP) will be Minor, included in PLN Tender Award of impacts included in the Contractors specification. tendering costs Engineering preparati constructi (PLN E) on on tender.

General / all All Indonesian laws and regulations relating to the environment will be Minor, included in Constructio Tender End of impacts followed during the construction phase. construction n contractor preparati constructi contract on on

6 4.2 Construction Mitigation Plan Environment or Construction Mitigation Actions Costs Responsible Start End social impact

Dust The construction site will be sprinkled with water, especially during dry Minor, Included Construction In the After and windy conditions. in construction Contractor beginning of completion contract construction of construction

Noise Construction activities will be performed only during normal working No cost Construction In the After hours (from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m.). If construction activities have to be Contractor beginning of completion performed before or after the specified time limits, the local community construction of must be notified about it at least one week in advance. construction

On arrival at site, and prior to installation, the contractor will confirm Minor, Included Contractor Prior to Prior to that the equipment meets the standard for noise emissions as stated in in Operation Cost equipment equipment the tender documents. installation installation

Toxic, hazardous Hazardous material will be manage by contractor through Indonesia Minor, Included Construction In the After wastes (B3) hazardous regulation. in construction Contractor beginning of completion contract construction of The history data will be recorded and saved. construction

PCB On arrival at site, and prior to installation, the contractor shall confirm No cost, included Construction During Prior to that the equipment does not contain PCB. in construction contractor procurement installation (polychlorinated contract. biphenyls)

7 Environment or Construction Mitigation Actions Costs Responsible Start End social impact

Waste oil Waste oil will be handled, stored and disposed of according to Minor, included Construction In the After Indonesian regulations. in construction contractor beginning of completion contract. construction of construction

Oil spill or leaks Vehicles working on site shall be in good working order and not have Included in Construction In the After from construction leaks. construction Contractor beginning of completion equipment contract construction of construction

Oil sorbents will be kept on-site to contain any spills, and staff shall be Minor, included Construction In the After trained in spill procedures. in construction Contractor beginning of completion contract construction of construction

Any contaminated soils as a result of construction activities will be Moderate (if Construction In the After removed and rehabilitate by the contractor. required), Contractor beginning of completion included in construction of construction construction contract

Soil and water Oil containment devices will be constructed as per the tender Moderate, Construction Prior to the After contamination documents. included in Contractor beginning of completion from transformer construction construction of oil contract construction

8 Environment or Construction Mitigation Actions Costs Responsible Start End social impact

The transfer or filtering of transformer oil will be carried out according Moderate, Construction In the After to Indonesian Regulations. included in Contractor beginning of completion construction construction of contract construction

Construction Worker hours will be limited in accordance with PLN Policy: Included in Construction In the After worker safety construction Contractor beginning of completion from existing EMF Intensity (kV/M) Admissible exposure time (min) contract construction of electromagnetic Up to 5 No limits construction fields 5-10 Up to 180

10-20 Up to 30

20-25 Up to 25

>25 Prohibited

Warning signs to be placed at areas of high electric/magnetic field strength.

Construction All construction workers will have site inductions by PLN on health and Included in PLN PLN In the After worker health and safety in an EMF environment. operational substation beginning of completion safety procedures construction of construction

9 Environment or Construction Mitigation Actions Costs Responsible Start End social impact

All workers will be provided with hard hats and covered boots. Included in Contractor In the After construction beginning of completion contract construction of construction

10 4.3 Operation Mitigation Plan Environmental or Operation Mitigation Actions Costs Responsible Start End social impact

Electro Magnetic All high voltage equipment will be wire-fenced or placed in enclosures. Minor, Included in PLN P3B During Continuous Field (EMF) Construction and Sumatra operation For security reasons the following stationary protection will be used: Operation Cost

shielding-sheds over the disconnector operating mechanisms, circuit breaker control cubicles, terminal boxes;shielding-sheds over walkways of routine inspection.

Warning signs in areas of high electric/magnetic field strength

Max EMF intensity allowed outside the protected area is 5 kV/m. Minor, Included in PLN P3B During Continuous Operation Cost Sumatra operation

Maximum magnetic field outside the protected area is 5 microtesla Minor, Included in PLN P3B During Continuous Operation Cost Sumatra operation

Fire prevention See Annex 1 (PLN SOP). Minor, included in PLN P3B During Continuous Operation Cost Sumatra operation

Vegetable Grass and plants around substations will be trimmed; trees and grass Minor, included in PLN P3B During Continuous removal, tree cut will be removed from the area substation to a disposal place Operation Cost Sumatra operation cutting approved by local government authorities.

The use of pesticides for vegetation removal is prohibited.

11 Environmental or Operation Mitigation Actions Costs Responsible Start End social impact

Solid wastes Solid wastes shall be transported by a licensed waste operator to Minor, included in PLN P3B During Continuous recycling facilities where available, and otherwise to special disposal Operation Cost Sumatra operation places, approved by local government authorities.

PCB’s No PCBs will be used in any replacement of transformer oil. None PLN P3B During Continuous Sumatra operation

Waste oil All waste oil will be stored in leak proof containers under cover / inside Minor, included in PLN P3B During Continuous a building, and be collected. Operation Cost Sumatra operation

Hazardous wastes All hazardous wastes will be stored in leak proof containers under cover Minor, included in PLN P3B During Continuous / inside a building and be transported for disposal at special disposal Operation Cost Sumatra operation places.

Emergency See Annex 1 (PLN SOP). Included in PLN P3B During Continuous Preparedness and Operation Cost Sumatra operation Response

Worker Health and See Annex 1 (PLN SOP). Included in PLN P3B During Continuous Safety Operation Cost Sumatra operation

Complaints from Complaints shall be recorded and followed up through a complaints Minor, Included in PLN P3B During Continuous the neighbours process. Operation Cost Sumatra operation and local community

12 4.4 Construction Monitoring Plan Environment Monitoring Place of Monitoring Monitoring schedule Cost Responsible Start End impact parameter monitoring method

Dust Daily Construction Visual Daily Included in Construction The The end of inspection site and inspection construction Contractor beginning of construction access road contract construction Project supervisor (at respective UPK)

Noise dBA At the Measuremen Within 2 weeks following Minor to Construction The The end of location of ts to be a complaint moderate, Contractor beginning of construction the made, Included in construction complaint consistent construction Project with contract supervisor (at Indonesian respective UPK) regulations for noise monitoring.

Toxic, Indonesian construction Visual Prior to granting access to Included in Construction The The end of hazardous regulations for site inspection construction site construction Contractor beginning of construction wastes hazardous contract construction monitoring Project supervisor (at respective UPK)

13 Environment Monitoring Place of Monitoring Monitoring schedule Cost Responsible Start End impact parameter monitoring method

PCB Invoice for At delivery Visual When equipment has Included in Construction Arrival of Arrival of (polychlorinate equipment site inspection been delivered construction Contractor equipment equipment d biphenyl) contract Project supervisor (at respective UPK)

Oil spill or Vehicles On-Site Visual Weekly and following a Included in Construction The The end of leaks from inspected for complaint construction Contractor beginning of construction construction leaks contract construction equipment Project supervisor (at respective UPK)

Worker safety Worker On-Site Employee Weekly Included in Construction The The end of from existing exposure limits timesheets construction Contractor beginning of construction electromagneti followed contract construction c fields Project supervisor (at respective UPK)

14 Operation Monitoring Plan Environment Monitoring Place of Monitoring method Monitoring Cost Responsible Start End impact parameter monitoring schedule

Noise dBA At the Fence Measurements to be Six monthly Minor, included PLN P3B Start of Continuous of substation made consistent with in Operation Cost Sumatra operation Indonesian regulations for noise monitoring.

EMF Electric and In the area of Electro meter and Gauss Six monthly Included in PLN P3B Start of Continuous Magnetic Field operation meter Operation Cost Sumatra operation intensity and at the fence

Fire prevention Requirements At substation Requirements of SOP Requirements Included in PLN P3B During Continuous of SOP site of SOP Operation Cost Sumatra operation

Emergency Requirements At substation Requirements of SOP Requirements Included in PLN P3B During Continuous Preparedness of SOP site of SOP Operation Cost Sumatra operation and Response

Worker Health Requirements At substation Requirements of SOP Requirements Included in PLN P3B During Continuous and Safety of SOP site of SOP Operation Cost Sumatra operation

Slolid Waste Evidence of At substation Visual Daily Included in PLN P3B During Continuous solid wastes site Operation Cost Sumatra operation

15 5 Reporting The type of reports, frequency and responsibilities for reporting are summarized in the reporting program below.

Table 2 Reporting Program Type of report, and purpose Frequency and Who is Who is What are the timing of reporting responsible responsible actions / for preparing for outcomes from the report? receiving reporting? the report? Construction Environmental Six monthly Contractor PLN Project Improvements to Management Report monthly until the Office mitigation end of construction measures if Details of implementation of necessary. the EMP. Incident report Construction Contractor PLN Project PLN and / or phase: Office contractor to Incident may include (but Within 1 week of remedy incident. not limited to) = oil spills, the incident PLN to notify serious accidents, chance occurring authorities if discovery of physical cultural relevant. resource, public complaint. PLN to review EMP if relevant. Environmental Performance Six monthly, and at PLN Project PLN Head Improvements to Monitoring Report least once during Office Office environmental the project. mitigation and A record of all activities and management if outcomes from the necessary.

16 implementation of all EMP for all subprojects in the Institutional Responsibility andReview Subproject andPhase region in the Action update of the preconstruction and Pre- ConstructionEMP if necessary.Operational construction phase including Construction Phase Phase incidents, monitoring data, Rewards to staff PLN Project Office Contractor PLN Operation photos,Implementing contractor’s EMPs or contractors for Unit monitoring records and full compliance. records of PLN site visits. PLN Project Office PLN Project PLN Operation Consultations Office Unit

6 PLN Project Office Contractor PLN Operation Consultation and Disclosure Supervision of EMP Unit Public consultation and disclosure will be undertaken each time new projects are added Monitoring Data Collection and Analysis PLN Project Office Contractor PLN Operation Unit to the EMP. Consultation and disclosure will be undertaken in accordance with the guidelines in 3 monthly Construction Environmental PLN Project Office PLN Project PLN Operation the IPTD2 Environmental and Social Office Unit Management Report Management Framework (ESMF), and results Six Monthly Environmental Performance PLN Project Offices will be recorded in Annex 8. Monitoring Report

Review and Update of EMP PLN Project Offices, PLN Head Office

7 Oversight of EMP implementation PLN Head Office, World Bank Institutional Responsibilities Table 3 Summary of Responsibilities

17 8 Budget and Program The following is an approximate budget for implementing the EMP:

Item Cost estimate

Consultation Minor , borne by PLN

EMP Updates Minor , borne by PLN

EMP monitoring and reporting (staff or Minor , borne by PLN consultant costs)

Staff training World Bank budget

9 EMP Updates, Review and Version Control

9.1 Updates The EMP will be updated when one or more upgrade or extension subprojects come up for funding and implementation. The process is shown below:

18 9.2 Review In addition to updates, the EMP will be reviewed when:

A non-compliance with the EMP occurs

A serious environmental or health and safety incident occurs

The IPTD2 project changes significantly (i.e. subprojects are added or removed)

19 A review requires the relevant Environmental Officer and / or Head Office representatives to re-read the EMP to see if it can be improved to prevent the incident / non-compliance from happening again, or to prevent or minimise a new risk.

9.3 Version Control Each version of the document will have a new version number. Each version of the document will be distributed to the PLN Head Office, PLN Project Offices and relevant stakeholders. Previous versions will become obsolete at that point.

20 Annex 1 East Indonesia: Kalimantan Project Office - Subproject Details

Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Mantuil Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by rice fields. Gambut Sub-District, Banjar kV substation Flat topography. District, Kalimantan Selatan (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The closest settlement area is about 500 m. Province No watercourses nearby. Batulicin Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by plantation and coarse-grass fields. Tanah Bumbu District, Kalimantan kV substation Flat topography. Selatan Province (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The closest settlement area is about 2 km. No watercourses nearby. Trisakti Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV The substation site is located within an industrial area. Banjarmasin City (Pasir Mas), substation The closest settlement area is about 300 m. Kalimantan Selatan Province Upgrading the capacity of 1 The substation is located about 400 m from Barito River. transformer

Pangkalan Bun Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by swamp area. Kumai, Kalimantan Tengah kV substation The closest settlement area is about 200 m. Province (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The closest watercourse is about 500 m.

21 Annex 2 East Indonesia: Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua (Sulmapa) Project Office– Subproject Details Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Panakkukang Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by offices and business (ruko) area. Kelurahan Tidung, Panakukkang kV substation Flat topography. Sub-District, Makassar City, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The closest settlement area is about 100 m. Sulawesi Selatan Province No watercourses nearby. GIS Gaddong Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by housing area belongs to PLN. Kelurahan Bontoala, Bontoala kV substation Flat topography. Sub-District, Makassar City, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) No watercourses nearby. Sulawesi Selatan Province Sungguminasa Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by settlement area and rice fields. Kelurahan Tetebatu, Palangga kV substation Flat topography. Sub-District, Gowa District, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The closest watercourse is Jeneberang River, about 500 m from the Sulawesi Selatan Province substation site. Tanjung Bunga Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by settlement area, Somba Opu Kelurahan Tanjung Merdeka; kV substation Fortress (a cultural site), and Waterboom amusement park. Tamalate Sub-District, Makassar (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) Flat topography. City, Sulawesi Selatan Province The closest settlement area is about 50 m. The substation site is about 20 m from the mouth of Jeneberang River.

22 Annex 3 Java Bali Project Office - Subproject Details Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Penggilingan GIS Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is close to settlement area, offices, and on the left Located on Jalan Sentra Primer, kV substation side of Tol Lingkar Luar TMII – Cikunir. Jakarta Timur City (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The closest settlement area is about 200 m. The site is ± 10.000 m2. Serang Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by rice fields. Located on Jalan Raya Warung kV substation The closest settlement area is about 100 m. Jaud, Kali Gandu, Kasemen Sub- (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The site is ± 20.000 m2. District, Serang District, Banten Province Poncol Baru Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 Around the substation site are settlement area and empty, inhabited Located on Jalan Raya M. kV substation land. Hasibuan No.1, Margahayu, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The closest settlement area is about 50 m. Bekasi Timur, next to Juwita The site is ± 20.000 m2 Hospital Rancakasumba Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site borders settlement area in the south, and Located on Jalan Raya Panyadap, kV substation rice fields in the east and north. Majalaya Sub-District, Bandung (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The site is ± 31.000 m2. District Lagadar Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV The substation site borders Citarum River in the west, settlement area Located on Jalan Sela Cawu, Sinar substation in the east, and cemetary ground in the south. Mukti Hamlet, Sela Cawu Village, Upgrading the capacity of 1 The site is ± 22.816 m2. Batu Jajar Sub-District, Bandung transformer District Mranggen Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 Around the substtion site are settlement area and rice fields. Located on Jl. Raya Kauman, kV substation The settlement area is located about 200 m from the substation site. Gebangsari, Kelurahan Batursari, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The site is ± 20.000 m2. Mranggen Sub-District, Demak, Jawa Tengah Province.

23 Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Banyudono Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is located by the inter-cities main road and Located on Jalan Raya Boyolali – kV substation surrounded by rice fields. Solo, Banyudono Sub-District, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The site is ± 20.000 m2. Boyolali District, Jawa Tengah Province. Godean Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 Around the substation site are settlement area and rice fields. Located on Jalan Parangtritis Km 5 kV substation The settlement area is located about 200 m from the substation site. No. 6, Kelurahan Bangunharjo, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The site is ± 20.000 m2. Godean Sub-District, Yogyakarta.

Pandean Lamper Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is surrounded by commercial area and offices. Located on Jalan Unta Raya, kV substation The site is ± 20.000 m2. Semarang City, Jawa Tengah (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) Province. Grogol/Solo Baru Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is located near settlement area and empty lands. Located in Solo Baru area, kV substation The settlement area is about 500 m from the substation site. Sukoharjo District, Jawa Tengah (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The site is ± 20.000 m2. Province. Rembang Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV The substation site is by the main road of Rembang – Blora. Located on Jalan R. Agil substation The site is ± 20.000 m2. Kesumadia No. 152, Kelurahan Upgrading the capacity of 1 Jati Wetan, Rembang District, transformer Jawa Tengah Province. Mojosongo Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV The substation site is by the inter-cities main road and close to offices. Located on Jalan Raya Solo – substation The site is ± 20.000 m2. Boyolali, Mojosongo Sub-District, Upgrading the capacity of 1 Boyolali District, Jawa Tengah transformer Province.

24 Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Purwodadi Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV The substation site is surrounded by rice fields and empty lands. Located on Jalan Gajah Mada, substation The site is ± 20.000 m2. Purwodadi Sub-District, Grobogan Upgrading the capacity of 1 District, Jawa Tengah Province. transformer

Weleri Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV Around the substation site are settlement area and empty lands. Located on Jalan Sukorejo – substation The settlement area is about 500 m from the substation site site. Weleri, Weleri Sub-District, Upgrading the capacity of 1 The site is ± 20.000 m2. Kendal District, Jawa Tengah transformer Province. Sanggrahan Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV Around the substation site is settlement area. Located on Jl. Raya Magelang – substation The closest settlement area is about 20 m from the substation site. Yogyakarta, Sanggrahan Sub- Upgrading the capacity of 1 The site is ± 20.000 m2. District, Magelang District, Jawa transformer Tengah Province. Surabaya Selatan Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site borders a housing area in the north (about 30 m Located on Jalan Wonorejo Timur, kV substation from the substation), ponds (tambak) in the east and south, and the Rungkut Sub-District, Surabaya (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) main road of the housing area in the west. City The site is ± 98.560 m². Kediri Baru Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation borders rice fields in the north, south, and east, and Located on Jalan Kapten Tendean kV substation housing area in the west (about 60 m from the substation site). Gang Permata Biru, Pesantren (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The site is ± 102.105 m². Sub-District, Kediri City, Jawa Timur Province Amlapura Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV Around the substation site is settlement area. Located on Jalan Raya Bebandem substation The closest settlement area is about 20 m from the substation site. Km 3, Bunganya – Amlapura, Bali Upgrading the capacity of 1 The site is ± 12.350 m2. transformer

25 Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Nusa Dua Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV The substation site is located near settlement area, mangrove trees, Located on Jalan Bypass I Gusti substation swamp, restaurant, and hotels. Ngurah Rai Nusa Dua, Bali. Upgrading the capacity of 1 The closest settlement area is about 20 m from the substation site. transformer The site is ± 2650 m2.

26 Annex 4 Sumatra I Project Office – Subproject Details Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Jantho Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The substation site is located by a road and around the substation are Rabo Village, Seulimun Sub- kV substation bushes and non-productive land. District, Aceh Besar District – (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) Far from settlement area. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Hilly topography. Province No concerns from the surrounding society because the construction is (05 21’31.1” N, 095 34’ 11.4”) located within the existing substation site. No watercourses nearby. Biereun Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 Around the substation site are farming and settlement area. Pante Baru Village, Juli Sub- kV substation The substation site is close to settlement area, < 50 m. District, Biereun District, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) Flat topography. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam The closest watercourse is about 500 m. Province Bangkinang Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV Around the substation site is hard soil and surrounded by plantation Bangkinang Barat Sub-District, substation area and bushes. Kampar District, Riau Province Upgrading the capacity of 1 Settlement area is about 200 m from the substation site. transformer Hilly topography. No concerns from the surrounding society because the construction is located within the existing substation site. No watercourses Meulaboh Substation Upgrade of the substation Around the substation is swamp area, which some of the area is planted Seunuebok Village; Johan Addition of 1 unit of 30 MVA with rubber trees. Pahlawan Sub-District; Aceh Barat transformer Far from settlement area. District, Nanggroe Aceh Flat topography. Darussalam Province No concerns from the surrounding society because the construction is located within the existing substation site. No watercourses.

27 Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Lhoksemauwe Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV Around the substation site are hard soil and rice fields. Samtalira Bayu Sub-District; substation The closest settlement area is about 200 m. Lhoksemauwe City , Nanggroe Upgrading the capacity of 1 Flat topography. Aceh Darussalam Province transformer No concerns from the surrounding society because the construction is located within the existing substation site. The closest watercourse is about 100 m. Banda Aceh Substation Upgrade of the 150/20 kV Around the substation site are hard soil and rice fields. Soekarno-Hatta Street, Leung substation The closest settlement area is about 200 m. Bata Sub-District, Banda Aceh Upgrading the capacity of 2 Flat topography. City, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam transformers to 60 MVA per No concerns from the surrounding society because the construction is Province transformer located within the existing substation site. The closest watercourse is about 200 m.

28 Annex 5 Sumatra II Project Office – Subproject Details Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Gumawang Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 Around the substation site is rubber plantation. Ulak Buntar Village, Belitang kV substation The closest settlement area is about 200 m. Mulya Sub-District, OKU Timur (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The land has been acquired, so there is no need for vegetation District, Sumatera Selatan removal / acquisition. Province (rural area) No contamination of waste or oil from the existing substation. (X. 475901, Y 9551805) UTM Zone No concern from the surrounding society because the construction is 48. within the existing substation site. No watercourses nearby. Keramasan Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The location around the substation site is densely populated. Kertapati Sub-District, Sebrang kV substation The substation site is about 50 m from the settlement area. Hulu District, Palembang City, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The land has been acquired, so there is no need for vegetation Sumatera Selatan Province removal / acquisition. (urban area) No contamination of waste or oil from the existing substation. (X. 471665, Y 9664791) UTM Zone No concern from the surrounding society because the construction is 48. within the existing substation site. There is a small river behind the substation.

Singkawang Subproject Extension of the existing 150/20 The land around the substation site are settlement area, rice fields, and Sei Wie Village, Singkawang kV substation bushes. Tengah Sub-District, Singkawang (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The substation site is about 50 m from the settlement area. City (rural area) No contamination of waste or oil from the existing substation. (X: 276.079,629 | Y: 102.442,245). No concern from the surrounding society because the construction is within the existing substation site.

29 Name and Location Type of Subproject Description of Surrounding Environment

Kiliranjao Subproject Extension of the existing 150/20 The land around the substation is used for settlement, rice field, and Sei Langse Village, Sungai Langsat kV substation bushes. Sub-District, Sijunjung District, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The substation site is about 100 m from the settlement area. Sumatera Barat Province No contamination of waste or oil from the existing substation. (rural area) No concern from the surrounding society because the construction is (X: 757778 | Y: 9902922) UTM within the existing substation site. Zone 47. There is a small river next to the substation. Payakumbuh Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The location around the substation site is densely populated. Tanjung Haro Village, Sikabu-Kabu kV substation The substation site is about 50 m from the settlement area. Sub-District, Payakumbuh City, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The land has been acquired, so there is no need for vegetation Sumatera Barat Province removal / acquisition. (rural area) No contamination of waste or oil from the existing substation. (X: 682744 | Y: 9972059) UTM No concern from the surrounding society because the construction is Zone 47 within the existing substation site. No watercourses nearby. Bungus Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The location around the substation site is densely populated. Kelurahan Bungus Timur, Bungus kV substation The substation site is about 50 m from the settlement area. Sub-District, Teluk Kabung Padang (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The land has been acquired, so there is no need for vegetation City, Sumatera Barat Province removal / acquisition. (rural area) No contamination of waste or oil from the existing substation. (X: 657144| Y: 9886043) UTM No concern from the surrounding society because the construction is Zone 48. within the existing substation site. It is located by the sea, close to a harbour (coastal area). Pulau Baai Substation Extension of the existing 150/20 The location around the substation site is densely populated. Pekan Sabtu Village, Selebar Sub- kV substation The substation site is about 50 m from the settlement area. District, Bengkulu City, (addition of 1 Bay Transformer) The land has been acquired, so there is no need for vegetation (urban area) removal / acquisition. (X: 205269| Y: 9576242). No contamination of waste or oil from the existing substation. No concern from the surrounding society because the construction is within the existing substation site. There is a watercourse (small river) behind the substation.

30 Annex 6 PLN Standard Operating Procedures for Environmental Management, Emergency Preparedness and Response and Health and Safety Annex 6.A RELEVANT PLN PROCEDURE FOR EMERGENCY READINESS AND RESPONSE FOR POWER SUBSTATION

- Pro-SMK3-009_Fire Emergency Response This procedure consists of actions that require emergency response of fire, explosion or any emergencies, and severe injuries to workers in company operations.

- Pro-SMK3-011_Emergency Information This procedure consists of the potential emergencies that may occur in the PLN operation unit and maintenance facilities. The following information should always be on the notice board at the power house; the emergency and first aid officer's name, contact telephone numbers, emergency evacuation maps.

- Pro-SMK3-012_Emergency Situation This procedure consists of fire, explosion, bomb threat, suspicious package, hazardous materials spills / toxic emissions, the threat of riots, motor vehicle accidents and other hazards.

- Pro-SMK3-005_Training and Competence This procedure describes the responsibilities of the Department of Personnel and Administration and to implement procedures: to assess the capacity and training needs as well as guidance to train operations staff.

- Pro-SMK3-001_ Risk Identification This procedure describes how to identify hazards, risk assessment, including how to overcome the risk as a result of the activities, products and services.

- Pro-SMK3-010_First Aid In Accidents This procedure describes first aid procedure and facility in company to ensure that emergency situation is handled properly in case of employee wounded or fall sick during performing works, including visitor to company’s premise.

- Pro-SMK3-013_Portable Fire Extinguisher Management This procedure describes technical information and management for portable fire extinguisher required by all employees, especially those with exposure to operation and maintenance.

- Pro-SMK3-014_Accident Investigation This procedure consists of procedures for reporting on an incident, accident and occupational diseases

31 for PLN employees, contractors and visitors.

- Pro-SMK3-015_Hazard Reporting Hazards Reporting applicable for any problems health and safety issue reporting except for worker injuries. This procedure applies to all employees and contractors.


- Pro-SMK3-K3 016_Workplace Inspection This procedure consists of occupational health and safety workplace inspections for all departments of the region, reporting, evaluation and follow-up of inspection results.

- Pro-SMK3 023_Health and Safety Signal This procedure applies to all signals about the health, safety and good working environment, permanent and temporary.

- Pro-SMK3 021_Lock Out Tag-Out This procedure consists of installation of Lock Out system and Tag Out of equipment and vehicles during repairs or damage.

- Pro-SMK3-022_Control of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) This procedure applies to all personal protective equipment used by workers, visitors, contractors or others who work in areas with potential hazardous work.

- Pro-SMK3-027_Work Environment Monitoring This procedure applies for the oversight of the work environment due to the impact of electromagnet radiation in switchyard areas.

- Pro- SMK3-026_Health Monitoring This procedure applies to all workers in the PLN in particular the work on areas that potentialy contain harmful toxins.

- Pro-SMK3 030_Occupational Health Issue Management This procedure is to solve all the problems of health and safety in an effectively and immediately.

- Pro-SMK3-032_Toxic and Hazardous Materials Handling This procedure addresses all aspects related to hazardous materials handling, including safe handling, storage and transportation of hazardous materials

32 Annex 7 Environmental Codes of Practice for Construction

How to use the COP The following specifications must be included in both the bidding documents and construction contracts under the Indonesia Second Power Transmission Development Project (IPTD2). The specifications will become contractual obligations for Contractors and can be enforced by PLN.

Environmental Duties of Contractor Compliance with all relevant legislative requirements in Indonesia;

Implement the EMP for the duration of the construction period;

Undertake monitoring of the effectiveness of the implementation of the EMP and keep records;

Report the monitoring records to PLN Project office;

Employ and train suitably qualified staff to take responsibility for the EMP;

Comply with the Chance Find Procedures for Physical Cultural Resources; and

Stop construction activities upon receiving instructions from the PLN Project Office, and propose and carry out corrective actions and implement alternative construction method, if required, in order to minimize the environmental impacts.

Prohibitions Cutting of trees for any reason outside the approved construction area;

Disturbance to anything with architectural or historical value;

Indiscriminate disposal of rubbish or construction wastes or rubble;

Spillage of potential pollutants, such as petroleum products; and

Burning of wastes and/or cleared vegetation.

Dust Use water as often as required to dampen dusty areas during windy conditions.

Noise Construction activities shall be scheduled in daytime only (8am to 6pm).

Any work that must be carried out after hours shall be notified to the community at least one week in advance.

Waste Management Establish and enforce daily site clean-up procedures, including maintenance of adequate storage, recycling and disposal facilities for litter, solid waste, soil and construction debris.

33 All solid waste that cannot be recycled shall be transported by an approved waste handler, disposed of offsite at an approved / licensed disposal site.

Waste oil and other hazardous wastes (including contaminated soil and oil spills) shall be stored under cover and separated from other wastes. They shall be removed by a licensed transporter to a licensed disposal facility.

Once the job is completed, all construction -generated debris should be removed from the site.

PCB Confirm that new equipment does not contain PCB.

Confirm, prior to disposal, that old equipment does not contain PCB.

Oil spills and contamination Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent leaks and spills.

Keep spill kits on site and have staff trained to use them.

The transfer of transformer oil shall be undertaken as per PLN Standard Operating Procedures and Indonesian regulations.

Worker Health and Safety The contractor will comply with all Indonesian regulations and PLN Standard Operating Procedures for worker exposure to EMF.

All staff will be provided with suitable personal protective equipment (ie hard hats and high visibility clothing).

Clearing of New Sites Land clearance should only begin once all LARAP procedures have been completed;

Before clearing of vegetation, ensure that all litter and non-organic material is removed from the area to be cleared;

Stockpile and protect topsoil for reuse in site rehabilitation;

The application of chemicals for vegetation clearing shall be avoided.

Erosion and Sediment Management Disturb as little ground area as possible and stabilize that area as quickly as possible.

Direct stormwater around the work site using temporary drains.

Install sediment control structures where needed to slow or redirect runoff and trap sediment until vegetation is established. Sediment control structures include sediment catchment basins, straw bales, brush fences, and fabric silt fences; and

34 In areas where construction activities have been completed and where no further disturbance would take place, re-vegetation should commence as soon as possible.

Re-Vegetation and Site Restoration The construction site and surrounds shall be landscaped and any necessary remedial works shall be undertaken without delay, to the satisfaction of PLN.

35 Annex 8 Consultation and Disclosure Results Include evidence of public disclosure (copies of advertisements etc.), a list of all of the consultation events, a list of participants, a list of feedback, and details of how feedback was incorporated into the EMP.

36 Annex 9 Chance Find Procedures

Definitions Physical cultural resources are the sites, areas, objects, or artifacts that have archaeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, religious, aesthetic, or other cultural, religious or spiritual significance to a commune, religious group, ethnic group and / or the wider public or nation. They include movable or immovable objects, sites, structures, groups of structures, and natural features and landscapes, for example:

 Sacred landmarks

 Sacred burial sites or human remains

 Pilgrimage sites or routes

 Fossils

 Rock drawings

 Ancient structures

 Places of worship

Chance Find Procedures If any person working on the project discovers a physical cultural resource (site or item) the following procedures should be followed:

Stop the activities in the area of the chance find;

Delineate the discovered site or area (e.g. fencing);

Secure the site to prevent any further disturbance, damage or loss. In cases of removable antiquities or sensitive remains, arrange for guards or wardens to watch the site until the responsible local authorities take over;

Prohibit the collection of objective by the workforce or outsiders;

Notify the closest local cultural management agency and the local authority within 24 hours;

Alert all project personnel of the find and the temporary protection measures;

Any objects that are found must be handed over to the local cultural management agency.

Keep records of all chance finds and actions taken.

The local cultural management authority has the responsibility for studying and evaluating cultural heritage sites / areas and documenting the requirements for protection and preservation. This will require an evaluation of the finding to be performed by archaeologists.

37 Management measures could include changes to the project layout (such as when finding an irremovable remain of cultural or archaeological importance), or conservation, preservation, restoration and / or salvage of the site or item.

The decision concerning the management of the finding will be communicated in writing by the local cultural management agency.

Project works can resume only after written instruction is provided from the responsible local cultural management agency. Everyone must comply with the conditions of the written instruction.

The project developer / owner is responsible for cooperating with the local cultural management agency and local authorities to monitor all works to ensure that the protection measures are adequate and the cultural heritage sites are protected.


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