Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

Activity Date Impact

DCO to meet with Shaun Riley, Entrust to Dec ‘15 Attend SEND Local Offer meeting, as rep look at process of transfer reviews and how from health. Update from Emily Skeet who North Staffs are working with LA to QA this has not heard from health re: necessary email addresses.

Completion LAR Draft Consultation Dec ‘15 Readiness for Education aspect for 4/1/16 submission. Establish working group for education Dec ‘15 Joint preparation. aspect of LAR and set up meeting dates Develop a SEF structure for LAR Dec ‘15 Confidence in baseline information, formats agreed. Distribute SEF proforma to partners for Dec ‘15 Completion of SEF format template. completion Review Calderdale experience of Pilot LAR Dec ‘15 Use knowledge to inform our processes.

Complete Phase 2 Review Report with Dec ‘15 Present report and have agreed sign off for recommendations on EPS, AOT, HIVI and the Phase 3. ASSIST Update from National POET returns Dec ‘15 14 parent/carer responses, 39 practitioners, 3 CYP.

Nationally - 25 parent/carers, 41 practitioners, 13 CYP

Regionally – 16 parent/carers, 30 practitioners, 7 CYP Listening to Stakeholders from ME Group Dec ‘15 Raise awareness – inform future

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 1 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

partnerships. Activity Date Impact

Delivery of Attendance Conference Dec ‘15 CPD event sharing best practice for schools on roles and responsibility. Support transition process of Dec ‘15 Successful and smooth transition. commissioner/provider groups internally Finalise deep dive lessons learnt tribunal Dec ‘15 Inform elected member. case Facilitate parent steering group Dec ‘15 Co-production sustainability.

Draft Well Active Contract developed Dec ‘15 Roll out to Tamworth/Lichfield. Develop x2 further modules. Short breaks commissioning board meeting Dec ‘15 Awareness raising linked to new approach.

Special Schools Enhanced Needs Dec ‘15 Confidence in QA for High Needs Funding. Moderation Participation Post 16 Area Review Group Dec ‘15 Awareness, readiness for sustainability models for the future. Present paper on Behaviour Support to Dec ‘15 Confidence on VFM and effective support to Schools Forum Primary Schools.

Continue developing new school “The Dec ‘15 Sufficiency of appropriate county provision. Haven” to ensure sufficiency of provision linked to need Review current AP’s utilised by PRU’s Dec ‘15 Inform Local Offer establish any gaps to inform future commissioning. Convene meeting with the 8 Chair of DIPs Dec ‘15 Re-establish protocol.

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 2 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

Updated Visual Mapping of SEND Dec ‘15 Easy to understand for all stakeholders of this Graduated Response aspect of the Graduated Response. Activity Date Impact

Participation in SEND Parent Steering Dec ‘15 Inform You Said, We Did. Group Deep dive Health EHCP Jan ‘16 Graduated response overview sent to all schools to remind that the notional budget us not only 10 hr TA time. If AEN thresholds are met in an EHCP application the AEN will be provided without additional paperwork. LAR consultation completed and sent on Jan ‘16 Compliance with request and hopefully behalf of education informing future processes. LAR draft SEF completed Jan’16 Collation of feedback to provide baseline data. Performance Data Group Jan ‘16 Determine what we have/need/can share and to avoid duplication. Task log created. PDSS commissioning intentions to go out Jan ‘16 Legal compliance, best value, consistent to tender for the service delivery from April recording continued constructive outcomes. 2017 Kettlebrook planning confirmed Jan ‘16 Commence on site phased building work to ensure basic needs are supported. Phase 3 AOT, HIVI, ASSIST, CPS review Jan ‘16 Recommended areas of work confirmed agreed planning and activity commenced. Welcome to SCC of the newly appointed Jan ‘16 Substantive post holder to move forward the HoS for the SEND Assessment and SEND reforms. Planning Team, Karen Levell (e-bag memo) Adverts out for recruitment of a substantive Jan ‘16 Ensure skilled experienced personnel who

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 3 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

Tribunal Office post and a fixed term support quality outcomes within the system. contract for a Quality Assurance Moderator for the conversion team Line management and placement change Jan ‘16 Intended gains linked closely to strategic and for SEND assessment team, move into operational work within social care and Independent Futures, part of Families First educational professionals. Activity Date Impact

Further developments on the Joint Jan ‘16 Partnership focus and resource Commissioning Strategy demonstrating strategic priorities. SEND update including LAR overview Jan ‘16 Ensuing partners are aware of progress and presented to JAC future inspections within which they will be active participants. SEND updated including LAR overview Jan ‘16 Ensuing partners are aware of progress and presented to the strategic children’s future inspections within which they will be improvement board active participants. Development of an exceptional pathway Jan ‘16 Ensuring confidence in prompt appropriate process for SEND assessment places placement that is fit for purpose. within our Special Schools for vulnerable groups Well active waiver signed off. Well active Jan ‘16 Agreed to roll out leisure module across action plan updated county. Development of two further modules: world of work/independent living.

Participation to be informed and support Jan ‘16 Ensuring clear awareness, communication Post 16 with this new process. Sign off and action of the Single Point of Jan ‘16 Firm commissioning intentions agreed Access service level agreement Young people more frequently taking out of Jan ’16 Elected members/SLT approved of new

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 4 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

county placements school to support complex SEMH needs. Report developed with proposals demonstrating sustained in county provision for? Opening of the new sensory area at Jan ‘16 Enhanced quality provision for Young People. Queens Croft Attendance at Dfe led workshop regionally Jan ‘16 Confidence in awareness of LAR and update on the SEND reforms linked to regional and national focus. Activity Date Impact

Attendance x 3 officers at SEND leadership Jan ‘16 Quality CPD with excellent networking programme in London opportunities. Finalise x 6 Entrust contracts draft Jan ‘16 Clarity on recording/reporting and agreed performance management framework timescale refinements. Local Offer review feedback analysed and Jan ‘16 developed into a work log Further development on the policy for Jan ‘16 children who are unable to access school due to medical needs SEN 2 to be completed Jan ‘16 Annual national return. Commence speech and language review Jan ‘16 To ensure fit for purpose appropriate commissioning intentions. Transport review linked to SEND CYP led Jan ‘16 Confidence in a sustained criteria and by TSU process to inform decision making. TSU project support allocated to facilitate Jan ‘16 Co-ordinated knowledgeable membership of LAR preparation all partners to ensure readiness for the inspection. Attendance at improving educational Jan ‘16 Awareness raising, networking opportunities outcomes for CYP conference in to share and develop best practice.

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Manchester Capture status of School information Jan 16 Demonstrating knowledge of schools. reports Report on impact of Primary Specialist Feb 16 – to be completed by May 16 Communicating current ways of working to Support Centres with future review and inform future commissioning. recommendations requested via Entrust SEND discussed at CCG engagement 27 Jan Customer insight and feedback provided event North Staffs and Stoke on Trent Capture pupil voice for LAR requested via Feb ‘16 To support Local Offer and Local Area Entrust Review. Explore reinstating Complex Needs Panel March ‘16 To further integrate partnership working.

Activity Date Impact

Primary Inclusion Focus Group March ‘16 To determine sufficiency of placement to match identified need. New postholder commenced work SEND March ‘16 To support intervene and challenge linked to Monitoring Officer the High Needs Funding Block. Entreal feeding contract completed March ‘16 Appropriate resource to meet needs in our Special Schools. Consultation with Partners linked to the March ‘16 To inform re-write of future Entrust SENIS Entrust SENIS contracts contracts. PRU Development Plan updated March ‘16 To have confidence in future developments. Completion of SEND Leadership for x2 March ‘16 National Leadership network and qualification SCC Officers established. Visit to Maple Hayes March ‘16 Developing closer links with our Independent providers. LAR Workshop CQC Coventry March ‘16 Inform LAR developments within SCC. SEND Leads Meeting Solihull March ‘16 Regional networking.

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 6 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

Supporting TSU in SEND developments March ‘16 Sharing/communicating activity to inform future plans. Reviewing hospital tuition responsibilities March ‘16 To determine future protocol for SCC. LAR Strategic Group meeting March ‘16 Clarify roles responsibilities and prepare baseline evidence. Review and prepared draft Graduated March ‘16 To ensure they are fit for purpose. Response Criteria for SEMH and Learning & Cognition Commenced AEN Review March ‘16 To inform current process and develop following recommendations. Independent School Analysis March ‘16 To ensure SCC has an accurate overview of independent providers.

Activity Date Impact

Developed SPA Moderation Plan March ‘16 To ensure the Single Point of Access is appropriate to meet needs. SEN2 Return completed and sent March ‘16 Compliance with National returns. Approval to recruit x4 Educational March ‘16 To develop and support locality need. Psychologists Business Plan written for EP Trainee March ‘16 To develop and support locality need. Programme Enhanced Needs Moderation March ‘16 Peer moderation of complex CYP. Opening of The Haven new Independent April ‘16 New provision for young people. Special Therapeutic SEMH School April ‘16 - Review of medical/physical matrix criteria April ‘16 To ensure fit for purpose. LAR Handover by JS to MB April ‘16 Succession planning. Local Offer Handover by JS to KE April ‘16 Succession planning. Meeting with Open Objects April ‘16 To plan for launch of new Local Offer Sept

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 7 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

’16. Meeting to review draft new Local Offer April ‘16 Appropriate for all users of the Local Offer. filters Educational Psychologist interviews April ‘16 - SENCo Update Planning meeting April ‘16 To ensure providers incorporate the content that Commissioners require to support all schools. Sign off for Exceptional Needs Placement April ‘16 Policy Version 1 SEND Performance Data Report April ‘16 SEND Leads Birmingham April ‘16 Consultation Newcastle HT April ‘16 School Visits to inform AEN Review April ‘16 KE – no feedback provided by SEN HT group. Draft evaluation report of CPEC Pilot AP April ‘16 Commence CMOOE School Handbook April ‘16 Guidance Activity Date Impact

High Needs Budget Update April ‘16 SEND Joint Commissioner Meeting April ‘16 To support appropriately. Parent Focus Group for Speech & April ‘16 SM confirmed took place. 5 parents attended Language and 4 are working with commissioners to write service spec for S & L. Participation in SEND Finance and Funding April ‘16 To inform SEND Transformation. Working Group Cannock CMOOE Project April ‘16 To have an accurate baseline. JAC meeting regarding HT informed views April ‘16 KL confirmed that this took place. Closer links linked to the SEND Reforms developed.

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 8 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

Supported Internships Steering Group April ‘16 To support Post 16providers in development of Supported Internship programmes. SEND High Needs context report shared May ‘16 Inform review of current provision and future with Post 16 Area Review team. cohorts, and provision developments and challenges. Monthly Tribunal Meetings May ‘16

Appointment of SEND Monitoring Officer May ‘16 Induction Performance Data Meeting May ‘16

Update Work Plan/Action Plan for Local May ‘16 Offer Integrated Assessment Working Group May ‘16

Participation supporting the consultation of May ‘16 childcare – free entitlement delivery model

Activity Date Impact

County Decision Making Group x2 May ‘16

Local Offer Steering Group Mtg May ‘16

Newcastle Primary HT Mtg May ‘16

High Needs Budget Reporting May ‘16

Attendance South Staffs DIP May ‘16

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 9 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

PRU HT Meeting May ‘16

Preparation SEND Capital Report May ‘16

Official Opening of Sherbrook May ‘16

Capital Works increasing Planned Places May ‘16

LAR Meeting Attendance May ‘16

Chair of DIPs Mtg May ‘16

Partnership Mtg with Health May ‘16

PDSS Review to inform Commissioning May ‘16

Activity Date Impact

Monthly Tribunal Mtgs June ‘16

County Decision Making Group x2 June ‘16

High Needs Budget Reporting June ‘16

LAR Meeting Attendance June ‘16

Draft CMOOE Booklet Developed June ‘16

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 10 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

Participation of SEND Workstreams June ‘16

Residential Special School Admissions June ‘16

Participation in the Performance Data June ‘16 Group Contribution to continuing health care June ‘16 appeal process Letter to all schools regarding Graduated June ‘16 Response Fedback on SEND attainment to Education June ‘16 and Standards Performance Board

Editing of current Local Offer contents June ‘16

Activity Date Impact

Review/Updating processes linked to June ‘16 hospital tuition SENCo Network/HT Update Powerpoint June ‘16 presented on meeting the needs of Staffordshire CYP – raising profile on reforms and implementation Review of Physical Disability Service June ‘16

Monthly Tribunal Mtgs July ‘16

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 11 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

County Decision Making Group x2 July ‘16

High Needs Budget Reporting July ‘16

LAR Meeting Attendance July ‘16

Commence collating best practise schools July ‘16

LAR Review of recent Inspections July ‘16

Reviewing current list of hospital tuition July ‘16

Draft Education Safeguarding Policy July ‘16

Completed Review on SLN SEND July ‘16 Information AEN Review Part 1 Completed July ‘16

Activity Date Impact

Independent Provision Report July ‘16

SEND Monitoring Officer visited 18 July ‘16 Mainstream Schools Quality Assurance of Provider SENCo July ‘16 Update SPA Review Part 1 Completed July ‘16

SEND Commissioning/Local Offer/ Page 12 Activity to Date – Dec ’15 – July ‘16 Progress on Activity to date in Staffordshire for the Local Offer (Dec 15 to July 16)

Good Practise Visit to Derbyshire statistical July ‘16 neighbour Performance Data Workstream July ‘16

Preparation of LAR July ‘16

Attendance of Regional SEND Lead July ‘16 Meeting Draft Educational Health Needs July ‘16 Assessment Criteria Developed

Stress and Support for CYP Draft booklet July ‘16 out for consultation Follow Up meeting with JAC linked to July ‘16 SEND Areas of Work EN Panel Moderation meeting July ‘16

Ltr send to all Education settings regarding July ‘16 the LAR to update and raise awareness Activity Date Impact

Report on CPEC July ‘16

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