Service Coordination/CDM Survey Results 2

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Service Coordination/CDM Survey Results 2

Wellington Primary Care Partnership July 2010 Issue 143

Service Coordination...... 2 New Partnering Agreement...... 2 Service Coordination/CDM Survey Results...... 2 Chronic Disease Management...... 3 Health Promotion...... 3 Wellington Health Promotion Catchment Plan Report & Review...... 3 Wellington Health Promotion Network – Case Study Development...... 3 Active Ageing Network Practitioner Forum – Sale...... 4 Launch of Online Introduction to Health Promotion Course...... 5 Gippsland Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy Meeting Schedule...... 5 A Right to Respect...... 5 Victoria Walks – Walking in Workplaces...... 5 Granting men the opportunity to build a shed...... 6 Community Kitchens Facilitator Training...... 6 Promoting Physical Activity for All Abilities’ Resource to the PCPs...... 6 Inner Melbourne Hospital Map and Guide...... 7 Seniors Financial Literacy Workshops...... 7 2010 Victorian Public Healthcare Awards...... 7 Websites/WPCP Contact Details...... 8

Meetings for 2010- all meetings to commence at 10:30 Date Meeting Location 26 July Executive Meeting e-health room, CGHS 23 August Business Meeting CGHS 27 September Executive Meeting e-health room, CGHS 25 October Business Meeting Lecture Hall, CGHS 22 November Executive Meeting e-health room, CGHS 13 December Business Meeting Lecture Hall CGHS

Health Promotion Meetings Chronic Disease Mgmt Meetings 9.30am – 11am 2pm – 4:30pm Conference Room - CGHS Conference Room - CGHS Date Date 20 July 3 August 21 September 5 October 16 November 7 December

Newsletter Publication Dates Deadline for submitting Publication Date Deadline for submitting Publication Date articles articles 25 June 2 July 24 September 1 October 30 July 6 August 29 October 5 November 27 August 3 September 26 November 3 December

Newsletter and Attachments Newsletter and attachments can be downloaded from our website: Page 8 of 8 Wellington Primary Care Partnership

Service Coordination

Jo Cockwill EO Wellington PCP New Partnering Agreement The Department of Health has asked PCPs to develop a legally binding partnering agreement providing for members accountability to each other. This new agreement has been finalised in consultation with WPCP members and has now been signed by most partners. The agreement will take effect from July 1st Thanks to everyone for your support in putting together the new agreement and your promptness in signing.

The Wellington PCP Executive The executive committee currently includes: Steve Elvy ( Chair) – YDHS Diane Wilkinson – GWHS ( Funds Holder) Anita Wood/Anoup Chauhan – EGDGP Margaret Brereton – WSC Ruth Churchill – CGHS Anne – Maree Kaser - LCHS

Service Coordination/CDM Survey Results We have received the Wellington wide results for the Statewide surveys conducted last year by the Department of Health. Areas of concern for Wellington:  Care planning for clients with complex needs o Planned reviews of care plans with time frames being carried out o Documentation of care plans including copies for consumers o GP provision of care plans  Referrals o Referral acknowledgements being sent on a regular basis o Quality of referrals sent  SC Practice Standards are only partially embedded into policy PDs etc.  Chronic Disease Management o Clinical care protocols, pathways and decision support tools that demonstrate delivery of best practice clinical care have not been established with agreement across agencies o Health behaviour change support which meets required guidelines has improved in Wellington. o There is work to be done around the implementation of formalized quality improvement systems meeting, best practice standards, although planning for this has happened. Please have a look at the full results GIP-PCP Report Part GIP-PCP Report Part Individual agency results have just been made A B available to agencies. Page 8 of 8 Wellington Primary Care Partnership

Chronic Disease Management

Emily Durbridge Motivational Interviewing Skills Workshops will continue to be available to health services until the end of 2010. These workshops can be delivered at your workplace at a time that is convenient for your staff. Currently workshops have been scheduled for: 1. Wednesday 25th August & Wednesday 1st September in Bairnsdale 2. Wednesday 6th October & Wednesday 13th October in Lakes Entrance. For more details about the above training or to schedule training for your organisation please contact Vicki Jesty on ph 5152 0071 or email [email protected]

Health Promotion

Rachael Dooley Wellington Health Promotion Catchment Plan Report & Review As the end of the first year of the plan approaches there are a couple things to start thinking about, reporting on the first year and reviewing/updating the plan for the next year. Funded DH agencies are required to submit a report which must include the 9 mandatory impact reporting measures against each priority area your agency has identified (tool yet to be provided by DH). The other component of the reporting is to submit a case study on each priority which has involved multiple agencies. Agency reports are to be submitted to the PCP by 31 August to be put into one consolidated regional report and will then submitted to DH along with the case studies at the end of September.

It is also important that we take some time to review and update the catchment plan. By this I do not mean that we want to spend hours on rewriting it (we spent enough time on writing it when we put it together!) rather just to check that it reflects what we will be working on for the next twelve months. A lot has been achieved in the last twelve months so tasks may need to be updated. When we put the plan together we were rather ambitious so it may be a matter of focusing on particular components and having more depth rather than breadth. The time lines may also have to be altered.

Wellington Health Promotion Network – Case Study Development The next Health Promotion Network meeting being held on Tuesday 20 July will focus on the selection of projects for the case studies and work will commence on the development of the case studies.

IHP Case Study Template Page 8 of 8 Wellington Primary Care Partnership

Schools Parliamentary Inquiry The Parliament of Victoria’s Education and Training Committee is conducting an inquiry into the potential for developing opportunities for schools to become a focus for promoting healthy community living. As part of the inquiry, organisations who are involved in health promotion were recently given the opportunity to provide advice on the ways in which schools and community organisations can integrate health promotion. The following submission Submission was put forward by the WPCP.

Active Ageing Network Practitioner Forum – Sale 45 people from a wide range of sectors (health, fitness industry, local government, research, community) attended the Active Ageing Network Practitioner forum on 27 May. The aim of the forum was to explore opportunities for partnership and collaboration to increase the range and variety of physical activities offered to older adults.

An Active Ageing Café discussion was held on the day to explore good practice, innovation, attracting and retaining participants, resources and collaboration and partnerships. Below is a summary of points from the Café.

Resources Innovation

Mobile programs Transport Sharing resources/equipment Variety of programs Utilising existing resources Equipment ‘Partnering up’ Including all family members Shared knowledge Better use of resources Out reach programs Physical Unanimous voice stronger Utilise existing groups Human Broader knowledge Networking Financial Opportunities and supporting links Persistence

Partnerships & Collaboration Local training, mentoring & peer support Networking (meetings, forums, training, email) Come & Try Days Competitiveness needs to go Qualified instructors Buddy systems Central place for all information about Compliant equipment Fun & social programs Rapport Affordable Joint promotion Inclusion Reliable and consistent Review programs Appropriate language Monitor participant progress Accessible (building and transport) Variety of training offered locally Word of mouth Networking – sharing experiences

Attracting & Retaining Good Practice Participants

Please click on the following link for the full report of the café session.

Active Ageing Cafe Page 8 of 8 Wellington Primary Care Partnership

Launch of Online Introduction to Health Promotion Course The Department of Health – Southern Metropolitan Region in conjunction with Monash University are pleased to announce the launch of a Pilot Online Introduction to Health Promotion Course. The course is similar to the four hour Introduction to Health Promotion Workshops that have been occurring across the region for a number of years. The nature of the course as an online tool allows people that may not be able to attend the face to face workshops with another option to expand their professional development. Only participants from the Southern Metropolitan Region that complete the course will receive a certificate. The course will be piloted for three months by Department of Health Southern region which will allow for any changes to be made, so your feedback is very valuable. How to access the course: The course can be accessed at: Participants need to register, then log in and start learning!

Gippsland Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy Meeting Schedule Gippsland Sexual and Sexual Health School Communities Reproductive Health Information/Access to Working Group Strategy Reference Services Working Group Group Wednesday 18 August, Wednesday 7 July, 1.30- Wednesday 21 July, 1.30- 11am-1pm 3pm 3pm Gippsland Southern Health Dala Gunyah Room Gippsland Women’s Health Service Department of Health Service 71a Ridgeway Road, 64 Church Street, 56b Cunninghame Street, Mirboo North Traralgon Sale

Chair: Corina Christie Chair: Vicki Bradley Chair: Chris Rush

A Right to Respect A Right to Respect: Victoria’s Plan to Prevent Violence against Women 2010–2020, published by the Office of Women’s Policy, Department of Planning and Community Development, is now available at:

Victoria Walks – Walking in Workplaces Victoria Walks, a walking health promotion body funded and supported by VicHealth, are looking to develop resources (possibly a website) to increasing physical activity in workplaces through walking related activities. Currently there is some basic information on the website and they are keen to get an idea of what has been tried, what worked and what did not. In particular they are very interested to find out:  What support/resources are needed (e.g. poster templates, text for staff emails, pedometers)?  What you may be able to share with Victoria Walks (e.g. resources, tips, ideas for case studies)  And how Victoria Walks can support workplace walking

The definition of workplace walking is quite broad, and could include activities such as:  Walking to/from/at work (e.g. meetings) Page 8 of 8 Wellington Primary Care Partnership

 Workplace walking groups (e.g. lunch time)  Walking meetings walk to meetings  Walking up stairs rather than lifts  Walking to colleague’s desks rather than phoning  Charity walkathons  Stand up work stations and meeting rooms  Walking challenges  Encouraging walking to colleague’s desks rather than phoning  Walking around the office (e.g. discouraging personal printers and rubbish bins)

Please contact Ben Rossiter, Executive Officer at Victoria Walks Inc. 9667 1339 or [email protected]

Granting men the opportunity to build a shed ( Senior Victorian men are encouraged to get involved in their community, with the opening of the fourth round of Men’s Sheds funding. The Victorian Government welcomes applications to help meet the cost of building a new shed or modifying an existing building. Apply online by 21 July 2010 to receive a grant of up to $50,000 and support men’s health and wellbeing. Community Kitchens Facilitator Training Nine community members from across Wellington participated in the Community Kitchen Facilitator Training which was held on Monday 28 June. Some of the participants were from existing Community Kitchens and others are looking to establish a Community Kitchen in the future. The training was delivered by Linde Coggan, health promotion officer and Keren Fuhrmeister, Dietitian at Central Gippsland Health Service. Topics covered in the session included; food and kitchen safety, nutrition, budgeting and group facilitation. The purpose of the training was to provide the participants with knowledge and support to be able to facilitate their own community kitchen. Current Community Kitchens:  Sale Baptist Church Men’s Kitchen meets fortnightly on Monday evenings  Sale Neighbourhood House Community Kitchen commencing Term 3  Rosedale Neighbourhood House Community Kitchen meets fortnightly on Mondays Please contact Linde for further information 51438803.

Promoting Physical Activity for All Abilities’ Resource to the PCPs This resource includes information on how to ensure a more inclusive approach is taken when promoting and developing opportunities to increase physical activity and addressing the Disability & Physical barriers to participation in physical activity. Activity Resource Page 8 of 8 Wellington Primary Care Partnership

Inner Melbourne Hospital Map and Guide

Sheryl McHugh The Let’s Get Connected Transport project has been a key partner in the development of the Inner Melbourne Hospital Map and Guide to assist regional and rural Victorians travelling to inner Melbourne for medical services.

The Inner Melbourne Hospital Map and Guide provides information to regional and rural Victorians on the following:

 Public transport options to 14 public and private hospitals in inner Melbourne  Travel concessions and subsidies  Ticketing information  Travellers Aid information and support services  Access and mobility information

Approximately 50,000 copies of the Inner Melbourne Hospital Map and Guide will be printed and distributed to rural and remote GP services throughout Victoria.

A large print web-based A3 version of the Map and Guide is available to download and print and can be accessed at

Seniors Financial Literacy Workshops

Free financial workshops for older Victorians are being offered as part of the Victorian Government's Elder Abuse Prevention Strategy. The workshops are open to people who have retired, or are about to retire, and those keen to know more about: budgeting; financial planning; retirement planning; superannuation; preparing wills; and housing options. Workshops will be held in the Community Services Building, Central Gippsland Health Service, Palmerston Street, Sale from September 14 - 21. To register or for further information contact Phone (03) 9919 1868 or Email [email protected]

2010 Victorian Public Healthcare Awards

As you may have already heard, entries are now being called for the 2010 Victorian Public Healthcare Awards. There are a number of categories relevant to public health and I want to ensure they receive a large number of high quality applications. The focus of the awards is predominantly on healthcare delivery but there are also a number of categories recognising public health programs and staff so let's not miss this opportunity to see this work rewarded - please encourage eligible individuals and organisations to apply for one or several of the following awards: All new Category Awards in 2010 will recognise the diverse ways in which excellent public health and healthcare is achieved. These categories honour initiatives and services that demonstrate excellence, innovation and quality. Public health research and initiatives are invited across all categories but two are specific to public health. See for more information. There are four Minister's Awards for outstanding staff achievement recognising exceptional dedication to delivering the best possible care for consumers and communities and excellence and innovation in public health initiatives and research. The Minister for Health and the Minister for Mental Health will both present awards. Page 8 of 8 Wellington Primary Care Partnership

See for more information. In 2010 the Secretary's Award will honour work that is improving the patent's experience. See for more information. The ultimate accolade is the Premier's Awards for outstanding health service of the year. Organisations must register an intention to enter by 25 June 2010. In addition two Excellence awards will honour initiatives at the forefront of health improvement, tackling chronic disease and improving public health and another in cancer care, visit for further information about the Premier's Excellence Awards. Entries for all Awards close 5 pm, 23 July 2010.

Websites WPCP Contact Details Department of Planning & Steve Elvy WPCP Chair Community Development - Yarram and District Health Service (previously Commercial Road, Yarram 3971 Dept. of Victorian Communities) Phone: 5182 0222 Fax: 5182 6081 Email: [email protected] BHCiG CDM Resource Kit now online Jo Cockwill Executive Officer Central Gippsland Health Service unityhealth/cdm/res_bhig.htm Community Services, Palmerston Street, Sale Phone: 5143 8843 Infoxchange Australia Mobile: 0424 600 535 Infoxchange Australia is a non- Fax: 5143 8890 profit company dedicated to Email: [email protected] providing a quality up-to-date information service and the latest Rachael Dooley Health Promotion Coordinator on-line newsletter can be found @ Central Gippsland Health Service http://www.communitynews.infoxc Community Services, Palmerston Street, Sale Phone: 5143 8868 Primary Health Weekly Bulletin Mobile: 0409 355 043 Department of Human Services Fax: 5143 8890 Email: [email protected] h_bulletin/_nocache? src=email&id=090409 Emily Durbridge Chronic Disease Management Project Officer Gippsland Lakes Community Health Victoria Walks website: 285 Main Street, Bairnsdale 3875 (PO Box 1888) Phone: 5152 0022 ve_living_local/ Mobile: 0400 161 781 Fax: 5152 0025 Social Research in Transport Email: [email protected] (SORT) Clearing House is a repository of research reports, Claire Haines Admin Support research abstracts and links to Central Gippsland Health Service research findings Community Services, Palmerston Street, Sale Phone: 5143 8831 Fax: 5143 8890 Email: [email protected]

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