From the Science/ITD Department

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From the Science/ITD Department

Glenmore State High School Newsletter 06 February 2015

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE STAFF PROFILE Welcome back to the 2015 school year at Glenmore SHS. The start to the school year has been a calm and orderly one and students and staff have settled into the routine of school very well. I am sure that many students will be sharing their experiences of new teachers, new friends, new subjects and new classes with their families. I encourage you to ask your son/daughter about their day at school and to listen to their experiences as they return to their learning.

It was good to see so many parents at the Junior Name: Jason Clifford Secondary Meet and Greet held on Wednesday Current Role: HOD Maths afternoon this week. This was an opportunity for Can be seen: G or M block parents and carers to meet with staff and put faces to Time at GSHS: 1 Year names. Communication between school and home is Career Highlights: - Moving to Queensland, very important and if you know who to contact when, - Gaining HOD role, it makes this communication so much easier. Please - Running Sports Days and feel free to contact the school to discuss any issues Camps that may arise with your child. Special Talents: Sports, Playing Drums This year Glenmore High is focussing on student Favourite things: Beach, Sports, Playing with attendance. It is our expectation that every child kids, Food attends school every day. We are aiming for a 92% Favourite saying/quote: “She’ll be right” or above attendance rate for every student. Every student is recording their attendance in their school diary and this is being tracked by the Year Level FROM THE SCIENCE/ITD DEPARTMENT Coordinators on a weekly basis. Attendance at school This year the science department, led by Mr Lightbody, Mr is directly linked to success at school. All absences Barber and Mrs Storey, are starting an astronomy club. must be explained and we rely on parents and carers Towards the end of last year the science department purchased 3 new telescopes to contact the school if their child is away. Support and plan to meet twice a term to search your child to be the best that they can be. Ensure the skies, studying planets, stars and all they are at school for their education. things space. During term 4 last year, Mr Lightbody ran the first meeting of the Janet Young Glenmore Astronomy Club with senior Principal physics students, where students studied the red planet Mars and observed the rings of Saturn. The science department is hoping to expand the astronomy club this year to junior students as well as senior students and DATES TO REMEMBER parents are more than welcome to attend astronomy nights with their child and get involved as well. Any interested Feb 17-19 NAPLAN Practice Year7, 8 & 9 students, please see Mr Barber in G block staffroom and sign Feb 23 Swimming Carnival up and join the club. The first meeting of the Astronomy Club Feb 25 School Photos will be announced shortly so stay tuned. Mar 2 School Photo Catch-up Mar 18 Immunisations Year 8 & 10 Matthew Barber – HOD Science/ITD HELPING YEAR 7 AND 8 STUDENTS SETTLE outlined in the Welcome Letters you will receive from each of the Year Level Coordinators (YLC) in the next couple of INTO HIGH SCHOOL weeks. A very warm welcome is extended to our history making Year 7 and 8 students. Their arrival at our school has been eagerly I would like to welcome Mr CJ Aaron and Mrs Suella Lye to our anticipated and we look forward to making their high school Senior School YLC team in 2015. Mr Aaron will be working years a rewarding and enriching experience. This is an with the Year 10 students and Mrs Lye will be working with exciting time for our incoming students and we will continue the Year 11 students. Mrs Wendy Mason continues her role to support them to make a smooth transition to high school. To help both parents and students, a range of tips and with the Year 12 students this year. All of the YLC SENIOR resources are available online. There are useful tips such as SCHOOLING NEWS CONT… getting to know your new school, getting organised, practical and the Senior Schooling HOD, Mrs Karly Hamilton, can be study and note-taking tips, how to make friends, staying safe contacted on 4923 0354 or found in F block staffroom if you online and keeping happy and healthy. have any concerns that you would like to speak with us about. school/starting/Pages/home.aspx Congratulations 2014 Seniors The Seniors of 2014 graduated Glenmore SHS with some outstanding achievements and results. Below is a snapshot JUNIOR SCHOOL NEWS of what our students achieved: Welcome back! It has been so good to welcome our new  16% of OP eligible students received an OP 1-5, 33% students to the Junior School, as well as our returning Year 8 received an OP 1-10 and 83% received an OP 1-15 and 9 students. It was also great to see so many students in  100% of graduating students finished their schooling full school uniform. Just a friendly reminder about facial years with either a Queensland Certificate of Education, piercings, they must be clear or covered at all times for Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement or a WPHS reasons Certificate II qualification Attendance is very important to us at Glenmore State High  School…remember everyday counts! When this newsletter Over 68% of the year 12 students received a Certificate went to print, 7A has had 100% attendance since the start of II qualification or higher. Of that 61 students completed school, closely followed by 9A on 98.7% and 8B on 98.4%. a total of 86 individual Certificate II’s and 22 students In 2015, the Junior Secondary students will be invited to completed a total of 28 Certificate III qualifications attend a camp in Term 4 to the Super-Sports Centre at  90% of students who applied for university was offered a Runaway Bay to participate in leadership, team-building and place in one of their first 3 course preferences. thought-provoking activities. More information on this camp Congratulations to the 2014 Seniors on your achievements will be available within the next month. We have capped the and we wish you the best of luck for your future endeavours. camp at 80 students. Student Laptops Term One is already proving to be a very busy time for staff 2015 also sees the end of the take-home laptop program at and students. In Week 4 (16-18 February) we will be holding Glenmore SHS. Students will be able to access laptops and a NAPLAN practice for all students in the Junior Secondary. computers while at school to complete their classwork Andrew Fuller, a clinical psychologist, who works with many however they will no longer have access to laptops that they schools and communities in Australia, specialising in the can take home. wellbeing of young people and their families, recommends a If students chose to bring their own device to use in class, few ideas for preparing yourself for tests: they will not be able to access their student home drive, the  Everybody gets stressed school common drive (where staff place files for students to access) or the Internet. It should also be noted that  Get Stressed students bring these devices to school at their own  Write out your worries risk and the school will not be responsible for any  Chew something damage to or theft of the device.  Focus on now Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test – Year 12  Breathe out – SLOWLY All Year 12 students received a letter outlining the  Stand tall, walk proud requirements of the QCS Test to be held on 1 and 2  Remember the 5 Ps - “Perfect preparation predicts September. Students need to have 20 semesters of powerful performance” Authority subjects to be eligible for an OP and OP eligible  Look after yourself students are required to attend QCS Test practice lessons on  Make yourself smarter Tuesday and Thursday mornings, commencing at 8.10 am in  Keep calm and carry on NT01. A full copy of Preparing for Tests and Exams can be found at Students who are not OP eligible but still wish to sit the QCS Test need to arrange an interview with Mrs Sonia Devilliers We look forward to seeing many parents at the Meet & Greet (Guidance Officer) to discuss their options and start on Wednesday 4th February. attending the QCS Test practice lesson. Natasha Bunn – HOD Junior School External VET courses and School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to SENIOR SCHOOLING NEWS complete an external Vocational Education or Training (VET) Welcome Back course (such as a Certificate II in Hospitality) or a School- Welcome back to school for 2015. There are a number of based Apprenticeship or Traineeship. Information regarding activities and events already planned for students in Years these courses and opportunities will be included in the 10, 11 and 12 for this year and more will be added to the student notices or students can drop into the Careers Office calendar as we finalise dates. Some of these events will be during lunch breaks. All students interested in completing an external VET course SPORTS REPORT or School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship will need to Term one is full of sport for all ages and genders at complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form so that we can Glenmore. ensure that they will still be able to successfully complete Interschool sport this term is Girls Basketball, Open boys and their school subjects whilst complete the course or training. girls Futsal and Twenty 20 cricket for the boys. EOI forms are available from the Careers Office. After a dominate sporting year in 2014, all teams will be looking at taking home the term 1 silverware in their chosen Karly Hamilton – HOD Senior School sports. Glenmore are fielding 4 teams in the Futsal competition UNIFORM SHOP which is the most we have had in years and in the T20 The uniform shop will be open:- cricket we have over 40 names to pick 2 teams from, so well Monday’s 8:30am – 3:00pm and Friday’s 8:30am – 12:00 done to those who put their hand up for those sports. noon. There are also a number of Rockhampton and District trials URGENT Volunteer Sale Assistants are required for 2015. If for a variety of sports throughout the term. These are you are willing to help for a few hours here and there, the displayed on the window of the MMC staff room. For more uniform shop could be open for a couple of hours on other information please see Mr Maddick. days. Please contact Cheryl Griffith on 0428 342 372. Let’s make term 1 as successful as we ended Term 4 last year. Ben Maddick - Sportsmaster

FROM THE CAREER’S OFFICE Welcome back to 2015. We plan on conducting a range of courses/programs throughout the year including:  Careers Expo

 Certificate II Hospitality

 Certificate I & II Self Awareness & Development

 First Aid

 Industry Tours

 Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA)

 Responsible Gambling Services (RSG)

 White Card

Please register your interest with the Careers office, as soon as possible. Year 10 students will complete a 1 week block of work experience this year, and it’s never too early to start considering a host employer. Students will be asked to consider where they would like to complete their work experience placement. The My Future website is a great place to get started – you can explore a wide range of different career paths and build a career profile to find quick career matches. Want a Job – Read the ETOB! Don’t forget to check out the Job Opportunities advertised in the weekly Employment Training & Opportunities Bulletin. This bulletin can be accessed from the Careers office, or the School to Jobs website (S2J) at this link: /Newsletters.aspx To register interest for courses or to speak with Careers staff, please call us on 4923 0346. Debbie & Cherie. FROM THE NURSE What is immunisation? Immunisation is a simple and effective way of protecting children from serious diseases. It not only helps protect individuals, it also protects the broader community by minimising the spread of disease. Vaccines work by triggering the immune system to fight benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks of becoming ill against certain diseases. If a vaccinated person comes in with a life-threatening disease. contact with these diseases, their immune system is able to All vaccines used in Australia undergo extensive research respond more effectively, preventing the disease from and must be approved for use by the Therapeutic Goods developing or greatly reducing its severity. Administration. Before a vaccine can be licensed, it is tested What childhood diseases does immunisation protect over several years to ensure it is safe and that it works. Any against? concerns about vaccine safety should be raised with your Immunisation protects against many serious childhood doctor or immunisation provider. diseases, including: Can my child be vaccinated if they are ill on the day?  whooping cough (pertussis) Your child should not be vaccinated if they have a fever over  measles 38.50C on the day of vaccination. Valid medical reasons not  German measles (rubella) to vaccinate children are rare, but if you are unsure, seek  meningococcal C medical advice. Check with your doctor if your child has ever  pneumococcal disease had an allergic reaction, or is undergoing a treatment such as  chickenpox (varicella) chemotherapy which suppresses the immune system. Do vaccines have side-effects?  tetanus Like all medications, vaccines may have side effects. Nearly  mumps all of these are minor reactions, such as soreness at the  polio injection site or a mild fever. Most side-effects are short lived  diphtheria and do not lead to any long term problems. A slight reaction  rotavirus actually shows that the vaccine is having the desired effect  hepatitis. on the immune system. More serious side effects are FROM THE NURSE CONT… extremely rare, but may include allergic reactions (including These diseases can cause hospitalisation, serious anaphylaxis). About 1 in 17,000 babies may develop ongoing health conditions (including cancer, brain intussusception in the first few weeks after the 1st and 2nd damage and deafness) and are sometimes fatal. High vaccine doses following rotavirus vaccination. If you are at all immunisation rates in the community have led to many of concerned, seek medical advice immediately. Immunisation these diseases becoming rare. However, they still exist and is important for children. the risks of side-effects or complications from these diseases Where can I have my child vaccinated? are far greater than the very small risks of side effects from Check with your local council and/or child health centre to vaccination. see if they offer free vaccination clinics (often no What vaccinations should my child have and when? appointment is necessary). You can also have your child The National Immunisation Program Schedule recommends vaccinated by your doctor. While the vaccine will be free, certain vaccinations at certain times. These vaccines are your doctor may charge a consultation fee. Students in available free of charge for all Australian children. Childhood Year 8 and Year 10 are also offered recommended immunisations are recommended at birth, two months (can vaccines through a school-based program. be given at six weeks), four months, six months, 12 months, Keeping a record of vaccinations 18 months and four years (can be given at 3 years 6 It is important to keep a record of your child’s vaccinations. months). Immunisation is important for children. You can Make sure you take your child’s Personal Health Record to obtain the latest schedule information by talking to your each vaccination so the service provider can record the immunisation provider, calling 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or details for you. Your child’s vaccination information will also visiting be sent to Queensland Health and the Australian Childhood FROM THE NURSE CONT… Some children (eg. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Immunisation Register. This information is protected by strict children or children with medical risk factors) may require privacy laws and is used to allocate your Centrelink additional vaccines. If you are unsure, check with your doctor payments including the Childcare Benefit and Maternity or immunisation provider. Immunisation Allowance. Proof of vaccination is often Students in Year 8 and Year 10 are also offered needed to enrol your child in childcare or school. You can recommended vaccines contact the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register on through a school-based program. 1800 653 809 for a free copy of your child’s immunisation Don’t delay! To offer the best protection, it is important for history up to 7 years of age. your child to be To find out more about immunisation: vaccinated at the recommended times rather than delaying  visit or splitting vaccines. Unborn babies are protected by their mother’s antibodies, which last for a few months after birth. ex.html Once these antibodies wear off, babies are at risk of serious  talk to your doctor or immunisation provider infections and diseases. Babies are due for their first  call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) vaccinations before these antibodies disappear.1 Vaccines Translation service Telephone interpreter service: 131450 are recommended for babies because their immune systems References are not yet fully mature, making it easier for bacteria and 1. Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, viruses to multiply. 2010. ‘Frequently Asked Questions About Immunisation’, Is vaccination safe? Available at Over 90% of Queensland children aged between 24 to 27 months are fully immunised. Maintaining this high rate helps ent/faq protect everyone. Vaccination is a very safe prevention 2. Every Child by Two, 2009. ‘Importance of Timing’, tool. However, no medication can ever be 100% safe. The Available at 3. Australian Childhood Immunisation Register, September INCREASED RESOURCES TO EMPOWER PRINCIPALS 2010. AND THEIR SCHOOL COMMUNITY 24T04%3A45%3A36.186Z/immunisation-is-important.pdf The Queensland Government is committed to empowering principal and their school communities to deliver high quality Bev Hewitt – School Nurse education and to lift outcomes for every state school student in Queensland. That’s why there has been a significant increase in the amount of resources allocated to schools, as YEAR 9 NEWS well as a concerted effort to allocate these resources directly Welcome back to Glenmore SHS for 2015. We are looking to schools. forward to having everyone back and hope you have enjoyed Now, more than ever, principals have the resources and the your summer break. This term we hit the ground running autonomy they need to lead school improvements. The direct with the student leader induction, NAPLAN practise in week 4 allocation of the Great Results Guarantee funding, the and the swimming carnival in week 5. This year the is a big Students with Disability Resources and the Whole School year for the year 9’s as they will be sitting their last NAPLAN Support – Student Learning Resources give schools the test. Glenmore SHS will be entering a Year 9 team in the means to lift outcomes for all their students. rugby union 7’s competition that will be run on the 28th Our school is working hard to make the most of the February. opportunity to work our community using high impact strategies that will make a positive difference for all of our Mark Lightbody – Year 9 Year Level Co-ordinator students.

HOSTILE PEOPLE NEW TOBACCO LEGISLATION Respect for others is one of the most important lessons that The Queensland Government has passed amendments to the we want to teach our students at Glenmore State High Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act (1998) banning the School. To learn respect children need to be able to see the use of smoking products, including tobacco and electronic adults in their lives show respect to each other. It is cigarettes, in all enclosed and outdoor areas at state and important that parents/caregivers, as well as school staff, non-state schools in Queensland – including primary, show respect when dealing with each other. It is a way that secondary and special education facilities – and for five we create a safe school environment for staff, volunteers, meters beyond the boundary of school land. students, parents/caregivers and visitors. The new laws took effect from 1 January 2015. People who enter the school grounds and are hostile or These laws offer further protection to the Queensland public aggressive, this includes using abusive or profane language – and in particular, children and young adults – from and threats to school staff or volunteers, students or other exposure to harmful environmental tobacco smoke. parents/caregivers, will not be tolerated. Children’s health is particularly affected by environmental It is an offence under the Education Act for one adult to insult tobacco smoke, with exposure increasing the risk of ear another adult at a school in the presence or hearing of a infections, respiratory illness and asthma. The new laws student. It is also an offence for a parent to approach and apply at all times – during and after school hours, on admonish or question the child of another family. weekends and during school holidays. The five meter ‘no The Education Act provides the Principal with the authority to smoking’ buffer will ensure that smokers extinguish their provide a written direction requiring a person to immediately smoking products well before they approach school land. leave the school premises and not re-enter for a period of Smoking in motor vehicles where children under the age of 6 time. Conditions may also be placed on a person’s entry to are present has been banned in Queensland since January the school premises. 2010. If a member of the school community has an issue or concern School land is defined as: the appropriate protocol is to make an appointment with the  Land on which a state school provides education staff member, outside of student learning times, to discuss programs under the Education (General Provisions) the matter in a calm manner. If the matter cannot be Act 2006. resolved the matter should be referred to the principal in the  Land on which a non-state school provides primary first instance. education, secondary education or special education All members of the school community are asked to abide by under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State these protocols so that schools can maintain a safe Schools) Act 2001. supportive environment for our students to learn.  Land on which a state or non-state school provides other educational facilities, instruction or activities, for example sport grounds. This includes land that is owned or leased by the school. Five meter buffer includes:  A five meter no-smoking area around the perimeter of the school, beyond the school land boundary; including all structures in this area, such as bus shelters and car parks. Five meter buffer excludes:  Residential and business premises that share a boundary with the school grounds; meaning that the land shares a boundary with a residential or business premises, the five meter buffer does not extend into this land. Further information: NEED HELP MANAGING STRESS OR ANXIETY? For information about Queensland’s tobacco laws, contact If your child or teen has difficulties with anxiety or just seems 13 QGOV(13 74 68) or visit to have too many worries, we would like to introduce you to For information or support to quit smoking call Quitline BRAVE Self-Help – an interactive, online program for the 13 QUIT (13 78 48) or talk with your general practitioner or prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent pharmacist. anxiety. It was developed by a group of researchers from the University of Queensland and now, with the support of beyondblue, this program is now freely available to all young people aged 8 -17 years old who are living in Australia. BRAVE Self-Help provides strategies for children and teenagers to better cope with their worries. There are 4 programs available, one for children aged 8-12 years, one for teenagers aged 12-17 years and one for parents of children at these ages respectively. The program can be accessed as often as you like, from the comfort of your own home. For more information, or to register for the program, please visit

AUSTRALIAN NAVY CADETS TRAINING SHIP ROCKHAMPTON Recruiting for 2015. Are you between the age of 13 and 19, interested in having a go at a few new challenges, like the water, like adventure, work together in a group? Then come along and see the Navy Cadets at Training Ship Rockhampton show YOU, what YOU can get involved in. Interested students, and parents, can come along any Wednesday night, 6pm – 9pm, during the month of February, to see what they can become involved in. Open Day will be held on Sunday 1 March, 9am – 1pm. Recruit Camp will be weekend 17-18 March. Address details are:- 312 Quay Street, Rockhampton, 4700. For more information, contact the Ship on 0417 704 580. Web site:- Email:- [email protected] JUST ADD WATER!

FAMILY FUN DAY Ride on the world’s only Purrey Steam Tram (operates 10:00am to 1:00pm),look through a variety of rail rolling stock, rail memorabilia and exhibits, live music, market stalls, vintage cars and more. Food on sale! Where: Archer Park Rail Museum, Denison Street, Rockhampton. (Between Archer & Cambridge Streets) When: Sunday 1st March 2015, 9:00am – 1:00pm Cost: Adults $2 (14+), Under 14 FREE Tram Ride: $2.50 For more information phone 4936 8191 or email [email protected]

2015 ROCKHAMPTON JUNIOR TENNIS SEASON Rockhampton Junior Tennis Association’s coaching ($12/lesson) and fixtures ($10 weekly) commence Saturday, January 31, from 8.00 – 11.00am. Register any Saturday at Rockhampton Regional Tennis Centre, Victoria Park, or by phone on (07) 4927 1436. Qualified coaches and experienced supervisors employed.

BLUEBIRDS SOFTBALL SIGN-ON DAY th 7th Feb and 28 Feb from 2.00-4.00pm at Bluebirds United GETTING STARTED Sports Club, Richardson Road, Nth Rockhampton. Season What is Get Started? goes from March through to September. Men, women, girls Get Started is one of three funding programs that comprise and boys all welcome. Any queries please call Julie on 0417 the Queensland Government’s Get in the Game initiative to 639619 or Tracy 0418 183051 or email support sport and recreation at the grassroots level. Get Started assists children and young people who can least afford, or may otherwise benefit from, joining a sport or recreation club. GET STARTED - Round 5 dates  Voucher applications open 28 January 2015.  Voucher applications close on 10 April 2015 or earlier if all available vouchers are allocated .  Vouchers must be presented to a Get Started club by 11 May 2015. Applying for a voucher - Round 5  Review the Information for parents, guardians and carers.  Find a Get Started registered club near you. The distribution of Get Started vouchers is managed using an online system called QGrants. Parents, guardians and carers must register for a QGrants account before applying for a voucher. You can create a QGrants account at any time.  Having problems? Help and support is available. Eligible children and young people that received a voucher in 2014 are eligible to apply for a voucher in 2015. What funding is available? A maximum of $150 per voucher is available to help pay the cost of sport or recreation membership and/or participation fees. Who can apply? Individuals eligible to apply for a voucher are children and young people from the age of five and under the age of 18 who are residents of Queensland and:  hold or whose parent, carer or guardian holds a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card  other children or young people identified by two referral agents.

Note: Limit of one voucher per child/young person per calendar year.

GRACEMERE CUBS JUNIOR RUGBY LEAGUE Gracemere Cubs Junior Rugby League will be holding a Sign on day on Sunday 1st February 2015 from 9.30am - 12.00pm andwe would love to see you there. For more information please contact Registrar Bek Guy at [email protected] or Secretary Kim Lawton at [email protected] FRENCHVILLE NETBALL CLUB Frenchville Netball Club sign on Sunday 1 Feb from 9-1 and Wed 4 Feb from 3:30-7pm. Frenchville Sports Club function room New and old players welcome. Minis start from 8 years old to Seniors. Very affordable fees. For more information please contact Trudy on 0419331392

NERIMBERA FOOTBALL CLUB 2015 Sign On Day for Nerimber Football Club. WHEN: Sunday 1st February TIME: 10:00am – 2:00pm WHERE: Pilbeam Park, Horner Street, Lakes Creek. We welcome all abilities and ages 3years to seniors. For more information contact Angela on 0408 738 476 or TOUCH FOOTBALL JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT DAY email [email protected]. Rockhampton Touch Assoc is holding their annual Development Day for juniors interested in learning more about Touch footy. This event is open to every child from the ages 9 to 16 no matter what experience or skill level they ar. (Children under 9 may find skills and drills a bit advanced and the morning too long.) Date: Sunday 8th February 2015. Times: 9:00am till 12:30pm (8:30 arrival for registration please). Bring: Hat and water bottle and wear shoes and sunscreen. Provided: Morning tea is provided. Cost: NO Cost Anyone interested should email Denise at [email protected] for more details or to register to attend (for catering purposes and to ensure sufficient coaches and support staff are in attendance. Rockhampton Touch is also holding a junior competition in the first half of the year for Under 10s, Under 12s and Under14s Boys and Girls teams (no mixed) on Friday nights commencing Friday 6th March 2015. Nominations are being called for teams from schools, clubs and individuals to participate in this competition and close on 27th February. For more information please call Denise on 0409 631 633.

FRENCHVILLE SCORPIONS SOFTBALL CLUB Frenchville Scorpions Softball Club are looking for players for the 2015 season. Hockey / Cricket / Baseball / Tennis players - come along and bring your friends!! We are looking for players from t-ball or Open Women's and Men's divisions. Come along and give it a try— what have you got to lose. We are a family friendly club with quality accredited coaches. Supported by the Frenchville Sports Club with other discounted junior registration fees available. For more information please call Selena Lennon 0458 169 003, Kylie Crouch 0437 060 212 or email [email protected]. Sign-on Sunday 1 February 2015 9am-1pm at the Frenchville Sports Club

WEP STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM WEP Australia offers high school students the opportunity to embark on exciting journeys to over 25 countries around the world to explore new cultures, learn new languages and discover different lifestyles. WEP Student Exchange Programs - Applications Open Now World Education Program (WEP) Australia is now accepting applications from students who wish to participate in 2015/16 exchange programs for a summer, semester or year. Students can choose to study and live life with a carefully selected host family in more than 25 countries. Exchange students return to Australia with maturity, confidence, and in many cases, proficiency in another language. If learning another language is not for you, excellent programs to the USA, Canada, the UK and Ireland are also available. Find Out More Request an information pack online to find out everything you need to know about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Visit to find out more. Early Bird Specials and Scholarships are now available for programs commencing in 2016! web: phone: 03 9598 4733 / 1300 884 733 (for the cost of a local call) email: [email protected] COMMUNITY EDUCATION AT CENTACARE 123 Magic & Emotion Coaching- Parenting Program A three week course, with 2 hour sessions covering:  How to discipline without arguing, yelling or smacking  How to sort behaviour  How to handle challenging and testing behaviours  Choosing your strategy, the “three choices”  Using emotion coaching to encourage good behaviour This program is being delivered at a variety of locations, details listed below. Program: 123 Magic & Emotion Coaching – For parents Location: Umbrella Allenstown State School Network Course Fri 20 & 27 Feb & Tues 10,17 & 24 Feb dates: 6 Mar Session 9.30am-12:00pm 9.00am-11:30pm times: Cost of $20.00 program: No one is refused a service based on an inability to pay, ask to speak with the facilitator if you have any concerns. Bookings: [email protected] or Phone 1300 523 985

Live Life Today- Three x 1 Day Workshops Come and join like-minded women in small group workshops. Explore the positive ways of improving your life in a fun one day Workshop. The aim of this workshop is to increase your self awareness. What is covered? Relaxation sessions, expressive drawings, emotions and the brain, relationships, fear and anxiety, values and beliefs, coincidence, incorporating small changes, vulnerability, change your thinking. This program is being delivered at a variety of locations, details listed below. Program: Live Life Today Location: Duhig Centre- Umbrella Allenstown West Street Network State School Course Wed 11, 18 and Fri 13, 20 & Tues 10,17 & dates: 25 Feb 27 March 24 March Session 9.30am-2:30pm times: Cost of $20.00/ Workshop program: No one is refused a service based on an inability to pay, ask to speak with the facilitator if you have any concerns. For further information or to register please ring Centacare on 1300 523 985.

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