PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL - April 8th & April 9th

Presider: Our Lord God is not far from us, and so this holy day we pray for those in need.… as we cry out, Lord hear our prayer...

Lector: 1. For our Church during this holiest of weeks as we confess to the world that Jesus Christ is Lord...

For all those who struggle to believe, whose faith encounters resistance among friends of family, or whose faith has not yet grown to maturity…

For those who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil, and for all who will be received into the Church…

That our community of faith might persist in times of trouble and in good times, always professing the name of Jesus Christ and God’s great love for all…

For all who seek the comfort of God’s healing word; and for the intentions in our parish book ...We pray.

2. For our brothers and sisters who are ill: John Jakobsons, Ishmael Mendoza, Anka Phillip, Jack Doyle, William Frey, Vincent John Aiello, Robert Ullman, David Davis, Augustine Waters, James Martinek, Laurel Hessing, William Florian, Baby Lupita Flores Gonzalez, Amelia Jalandoni, Baby Hewitt-Campbell, Mary Sullivan, Laura Moore Brown, Marguerite LaMarque, Bob Cerf, John Palazza and all those wounded in the service of our country, that they be patient in their time of suffering and soon come to the fullness of health.... we pray....

2a. (Sun. at 8:30am) Intentions of JoAnn Onello… we pray....

2b. (Sun. at 5:30pm) Intentions of Thomas Middelhoff… we pray.... 3. For those dear to us who have died, whose memories are with us at this time, especially,

Sat. 5:30 pm Lucille Burnham

Sun. 8:30am 10:00am Lai Guen Hom 12:30pm Lillian Swistun 4:00 People of the Parish 5:30 pm

(For whom this mass is offered)

The Cantafio Family in whose memory The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week …The Ferrario Family in whose memory The Bread and Wine for the celebration of the Eucharist have been offered this week…

Carmen Rosa Inocente, Fr. Euclydes Bebiano dos Santos, Lai Guen Hom, Oscar Santiago, Beatrice Locilento, Yvette Bird McMahon, Don Rickles who died during this past week… Veronica Fahey whose anniversary of death is celebrated this week… Those who lost their lives through violence across our nation …and all the victims of war and terrorism (PAUSE) that they may rest forever in the embrace of the one true God, we pray....

4. And let us pause now to present our own personal petitions... (PAUSE ....count to 10)...... We are still a nation at war, let us pray for our president, and all our elected officials, the members of our diplomatic corps (core) and all those who serve our country in our uniformed services..... may their efforts for peace and justice be fruitful;..... together, let us raise our voices in a prayer for true and lasting peace...... the words are found on the back cover of the hymnal...

Presider: O God of love, we will proclaim your name to all the peoples, for you are our help. Hear these our prayers and grant them through Jesus Christ our Lord.