Braxton County Board of Education Regular Meeting Agenda July 5, 2016 Braxton County Board of Education Room 5:00 p.m.


I. Call to Order II. Opening Prayer III. Oath of Office – Board Members: Jill Cooper, Brad Shingler - by the Honorable Judge Richard Facemire IV. Election of Board President and Vice President V. Delegations or Public Concerns VI. Discussion VII. Consent Agenda a) Approval of June 27, 2016 Meeting Minutes b) Payment of Bills c) Budget Transfers and Supplements d) Transportation Requests and Reports e) Treasurer’s Report VIII. Personnel a) Employment/Reassignments – Professional 1. Christina Bailey – Principal BCMS – Effective July 6, 2016 2. ______- Director of Special Education/Head Start/Pre- School – Central Office – Effective July 6, 2016 3. Meredith Hoover - Principal Little Birch Elementary – Effective July 6, 2016 4. Cassie Squires - First/Second Grade Teacher – Davis Elementary – Effective Beginning of 2016-17 School Year

b) Employment/Reassignments – Service 1. Charles McCumbers - Bus Operator (Michael Singleton’s Run) – Effective Beginning of 2016-17 School Year c) Removal of Substitute Teachers and Principals from Substitute List Who Did Not Work During the 2015-16 School Year d) Extracurricular Assignments 1. Tina Foster - Volleyball Coach – BCHS – Effective 2016-17 Sport Season 2. Gary Rexroad - Basketball Coach – BCHS – Effective 2016-17 Sport Season IX. Unfinished Business X. New Business a) Approval of Fundraisers b) Approval of Head Start FY 17 Grant Application c) Approval of Head Start Continuous Quality Improvement Plan d) Approval of Head Start Training Plan e) Approval of Bid for Dairy Products for 2016-17 School Year XI. Reports a) Superintendent’s Reports XII. Adjournment

Submitted by:______David E. Dilly, Secretary


* Approval, upon the Superintendent’s following recommendation, to employ personnel; accept resignations and leaves of absences; and any other personnel matters, as submitted above. All proposed actions on employment are subject to modification. The superintendent may make additional personnel recommendations and that list will be available at the meeting.