St George and the Dragon

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St George and the Dragon

St George and the Dragon

Synopsis Scene 1 - In the Forest: George and friends meet princess and friends. Then some witches turn up and tell him he can’t marry her. The witches decide to marry/kidnap the princess. Scene 2 – in a restaurant. Some people are eating in a restaurant when a dragon turns up. Scene 3 – in the castle: The people from the restaurant run to the castle to tell the Queen about the dragon. The Queen decides to hold a competition to see who can kill the dragon. Scene 4 – in the village: The dragon scares of some knights who read about the competition. The witches capture the dragon and use it to capture the princess and her friends and take them to their castle. Scene 5 – in the witches´castle: The witches lock up the princess and her friends and everyone else in the play turn up, fight them, and George saves the day.

Language: Neither I nor the children had a script. We made it up as we went along! The whole play can be acted out using very simple phrases because it is fairly visual, which allows the audience to understand what is going on. You can even get the children to think of things to say (What questions can George ask his friends or the princess? What could the waiter say? What might the witches say to George?) However you do it, keep the dialogue simple. Use language that by and large they are familiar with. It will make it so much easier to learn.

For your help, I have provided below a script based on the version my class did (which I made after the performance). It is meant to give an idea of how to build up simple dialogues throughout the play.

Scene 1 in the forest

Scene overview: A princess and friends come on stage and talk, ask each other simple questions. Then George and his friends come on, talk, ask each other questions. They see each other. The princess and George ask each other some questions. Princess leaves. George thinks he can marry her. Some witches come on and say he can’t marry her because he is not a prince. George and friends leave. The witches sing a song and then decide that one of them, who is a boy, can marry or kidnap the princess)

(3,4, or 5 children enter and say…) Ladies and gentlemen, we present (or “Class 2B present” etc) St.George and the Dragon. Scene 1, in the forest (Children exit)

Dominic Streames © 2012 1 (Enter Princess and her friends. They can say simple things, and ask a few simple questions to each other. For example:

All: It’s a sunny day. The sun is shining. Princess: Look, a bird is flying. Friend 1: Look, a dog is running. (Or Princess: It’s a bird. Friend 1: It’s a dog. Etc) Princess: What is your favourite colour? Friend 1: Red. What is your favourite colour? (Or Do you …? Have you got …? Can you ……? What did you do at the weekend? What are you going to do at the weekend? Etc)

(The princess and friends move to side of the stage. Enter George and his friends. They can say simple things, and ask a few simple questions to each other, as above)

(They see each other) George: Who is that? Princess: I am a princess. George: She is very beautiful. George’s friends: Yes, she is very beautiful. Princess: He is very handsome. Princess´friends: Yes, he is very handsome. George: What can I do? George’s friends: Talk to her. Princess: What can I do? Princess’s friends: Talk to him. (The friends push them together. They ask each other some simple questions: What’s your name? Where do you live? Etc) Princess’s friends: It’s time to go. Goodbye. (Exit Princess and her friends) George: I can marry the princess. Friends: Yes, you can marry the princess. (Enter witches) Witches: Ha, ha, ha. You can’t marry the princess! George: Why? Witches: Only a princess can marry the princess. Are you a prince? George: No. Witches: Ha, ha, ha. You can’t marry the princess! George: Oh dear. Friends: Don’t worry (Exit George and his friends)

The witches sing a simple song – no music needed. For example:

We are witches We are witches We are very very very very strong We are witches

Dominic Streames © 2012 2 We are witches And very very very very clever! We are the witches of …… (Add name of your school or town)

Wizard: I can marry the princess. (Or if you only have girls, We can kidnap the princess ) Witches: Yes, but how? W¡tch 1: We can use magic. Witch 2: Let’s go. (Exit witches)

Scene 2 In a restaurant

Scene overview: Some people enter a restaurant and ask for a table, sit down, order some food etc. Suddenly a dragon comes in. They run off. The scene can be used to practice ordering in a restaurant/bar (café – using: I would like…., Would you like ….?)

(3,4, or 5 children enter and say…) Scene 2, in the restaurant. (Children exit)

Waiter: Hello everyone, this is my restaurant. (Enter 2 or 3 children: One presses an imaginary doorbell and says “Bing bong”) Waiter: Ah, customers. (The waiter opens an imaginary door and the children enter.) Children: We would like a table for 3. Waiter: Here you are. (They sit down) Waiter: Would you like a drink? Customer 1: I would like some water. Customer 2: I would like some orange juice Etc Customer 3: Have you got a menu? Waiter: Here you are. Customer 1: I would like chicken and ice-cream Customer 2: I would like …… Etc (Enter dragon) Dragon: Grrrrrhhhhh Children and waiter: Ahhhh!!!! Dragon: I am a dragon. I am hungry. Waiter: Would you like an apple. Dragon: Yuk. I don´t like apples. Customer 1: Would you like …….? Dragon: Yuk, I don’t like ….. Etc. Finally Children: What would you like? Dominic Streames © 2012 3 Dragon: I would like …..children! (Children and waiter exit saying “Aaaaahhhh!!! Followed but dragon)

Scene 3 In the castle

Scene overview: The Queen talk to her helpers, they ask each other questions. Then the customers and waiter from the restaurant enter and tell them about the dragon. They wonder what to do, sing a song, then come up with the idea of a competition. Whoever can kill the dragon can marry the princess.

(3,4, or 5 children enter and say…) Scene 3 in the castle (Children exit) (Enter Queen’s helpers holding paper cones as trumpets. They sound the trumpets “Do do do do do do do dooooo” and announce “The Queen!”. The Queen enters.

Queen: Hello everyone, I am the Queen. Helpers: How are you today, your majesty? Queen: Fine thank you, and you? Helpers: Fine thank you. (The Queen and the royal helpers ask each other some questions as in scene 1: Do you …? Have you got …? Can you ……? What did you do at the weekend? What are you going to do at the weekend? Etc)

(Enter customers and waiter from the restaurant) Customers, waiter: Help, help! Queen, helpers: What is the matter? Customers, waiter: There is a dragon ¡in the restaurant, Queen, helpers: A dragon in the restaurant? Customers, waiter: Yes. Queen: What can we do? What can we do? (they all sing a song: I used the “Oompa oompa dipety do tune from Charlie and the chocolate factory)

What can What can What can we do? what can Maybe we can run very fast. What can Maybe we can hide in the grass. What can we do? Maybe we can climb up a tree. What can Oh….… what can What can What can What can we do? What can we do? What can What can What can What can What can we do? What can we do? What can Dominic Streames © 2012 4 What can What can What can we do? What ………can……… we……. dooooooooooooo? What can

Helper 1: I have got an idea. Everyone: What is it? Helper 1: A competition Everyone: A competition? Helper 1: Yes, a competition. Whoever can kill the dragon can marry the princess. Everyone: Yes, whoever can kill the dragon can marry the princess, Queen: Whoever can kill the dragon can marry the princess. Tell everyone. (Exit everyone)

Scene 4 in the village

Scene overview: The royal helpers put up a sign advertising the competition. Some knights come on, read it, argue with each other and then run off when the dragon turns up. Then the witches come, and use magic to take control of the dragon. Then they hide as the queen, princess, customers, George and knights come on looking for the dragon. The dragon then captures the princess and her friends and takes them to the witches´ castle.

(3,4, or 5 children enter and say…) Scene 4 in the village (Children exit)

(Enter royal helpers. They put up the sign and read it aloud, the exit)

Helpers: Competition: Whoever can kill the dragon can marry the princess. (Exit helpers and enter knights)

Knights 1, 2, 3: Hello everyone, we are knight. Knight 1: I am Sir ……. (Add child’s name) Knight 2: I am Sir ……. (Add child’s name) Knight 3: I am Sir ……. (Add child’s name) Knight 1: Look, a poster. Knight 2: I can read it. Knight 3: No, I can read it. Whoever can kill the princess can marry the dragon. Knight 1: No, no, no. Whoever can kill the dragon can marry the princess. Knight 2: I can marry the princess. Knight 3: You! I can marry the princess. Knight 1: You! I can marry the princess. Knight 2: You! I can marry the princess. (They carry on squabbling and the dragon enters) Dragon: Excuse me? Dominic Streames © 2012 5 Knights 1, 2, 3: Yes? Dragon: Grrrhhh Knights 1, 2, 3: Aaaahhhh! (Exit knights running and enter witches) Witches: Look, a dragon. Witch 1: We can control the dragon. (They wave their wands) Witches: Alikazam! Dragon: I am your servant. Witch 1: Look, someone is coming, let’s hide.

(They hide) (Enter Queen, princess, friends and helpers looking for the dragon) Everyone: Where is the dragon, where is the dragon?

(They move to the other side of the stage looking offstage. Now the knights enter with George and friends, customers and waiter, all looking for the dragon. They come on and turn round, backs to the first group. Both groups then slowly walk backwards towards each other saying “Where is the dragon? Where is the dragon?” until they bump into each other in the middle of the stage and shout “Aaaaaahhh!!!!”

Queen’s group: Have you seen the dragon? George’s group: No. Have you seen the dragon? Queen’s group: No Dragon: Excuse me Everyone: What is it? Dragon: Grrrrrhhh! Everyone: Aaahhh! Witches: Get the princess! (The dragon captures the princess and her friends while everyone else exits running) Witch 1: Let’s go to our castle. (Exit everyone)

Scene 5 In the Witches´castle

Scene overview: The witches arrive and put the princess and her friends in a cell (a space in the corner of the stage) then go to sleep. The goodies then all turn up and there is a big fight. George saves the day and gets to marry the princess.

(3,4, or 5 children enter and say…) Scene 5 in the witches´castle (Children exit)

(Enter witches, dragon, princess and her friends) Princess, friends: Where are we? Witches: This is our castle. Witch 1: You cannot escape. Dominic Streames © 2012 6 Witch 2: No, you cannot escape. Witch 1: Put them in the cell. (The witches put them in a cell, a space in the corner of the stage) Witch 2: I am going to lock the door. (Witch 2 locks the door with a wand) Witch 3: I am tired. Witch 1: Me too. (They all lie down and fall asleep on one side of the stage – leaving space for everyone else to enter. Then the Queen, helpers, George, knights, customers, waiter all enter) Knight: Where are we? Queen: This is the witches´castle. Knight: Atchoo! (Everyone crouches down to hide) Witch:What was that? On, nothing. (Goes back to sleep) Knight: Atchoo! (Everyone crouches down to hide) Witch:What was that? On, nothing. (Goes back to sleep) Knight: Atchoo! (Everyone crouches down to hide) Witches: Oh no! (Everyone gets up and there is a big fight).

A choreographed sword fight with everyone fighting in pairs works well. The witches fight the first group, and then say “Alikazam” and the knights, customers etc fall over, lie at the back of the stage to allow space for the next group to take on the witches. Finally George jumps up and knocks out all the witches bar 1 – and they have a final dual)

Last witch: It’s you and me George: (They fight) Last witch: I am strong, I am clever, I am…. (George stabs her) Last witch: Dead! Everyone: Hooray, hooray. Queen: You can marry the princess Everyone: Hooray, hooray. George: Will you marry me? Princess: Yes. Everyone: Ahhh!!!! Knight: Let’s have a party! Everyone: Yes, let’s have a party! Everyone: And they all lived happily ever after. The end (They all bow)

Dominic Streames © 2012 7

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