N-400 (Yes/No) Questions

Questions Answers 1. Have you ever claimed to be a U.S. citizen? No I never said I was a citizen.

2. Have you ever registered to vote in any election in the No I never registered to vote. United States? 3. Have you ever voted in any election in the United States? No I never voted in the U.S.

4. Have you ever failed to file your Federal, state, or local taxes? No I always pay my taxes.

5. Do you owe any Federal or state taxes? No I paid all my taxes.

6. Do you have any title of nobility in any country? No I am not king, queen or family of a king.

7. Have you ever been declared legally incompetent or confined No I don’t have mental problems. in a mental institution? 8. Have you ever been a member of any organization, party, club or society in any country? 9. Have you ever been a member of the Communist Party, a No I am not a communist or a terrorist. totalitarian party or a terrorist organization? 10. Have you ever advocated the overthrow of any No I don’t like violence. government by force or violence? 11. Have you ever persecuted any person because of race, No I never hurt anyone. religion, national origin, or political opinion? 12. Between March 23,1933, and May No I was never a Nazi. 8, 1945, did you work for the Nazi government of 13. Ger Havemany? you ever called yourself a “non-resident” on a tax No I never called myself a non-resident. return? 14. Have you ever failed to file a tax return because you No I always file my tax returns. considered yourself a “non-resident”? 15. Have you ever committed a crime for which you were not No I never break the law. arrested? 16. Have you ever been arrested, cited or detained by any law No I never break the law. enforcement officer for any reason? 17. Have you ever been charged with any crime or offense? No I never break the law.

18. Have you ever been convicted of a crime or offence? No I never break the law.

19. Have you ever been placed in an alternative sentencing or No I never break the law. rehabilitation program? 20. Have you ever received a suspended sentence or been on No I never break the law. probation? 21. Have you ever been in jail or prison? No I never break the law.

22-a. Have you ever been a habitual drunkard? No I don’t drink too much alcohol.

22-b. Have you ever been a prostitute or procured anyone for No I have never done this. prostitution? 22-c. Have you ever sold illegal drugs or narcotics? No I never sell drugs. 22-d. Have you ever been married to more than one person at No Never. the same time? 22-e. Have you ever helped anyone enter the United States No I never helped illegal aliens. illegally? 22-f. Have you ever gambled illegally? No I don’t gamble.

22-g. Have you ever failed to support your dependents or pay No Never. alimony? 23. Have you ever given false information to any official while No I never lie. applying for an immigration benefit or to prevent deportation? 24. Have you ever lied to any U.S. government official to No I don’t lie. gain entry into the United States? 25. Are removal or deportation proceedings pending against No No proceedings are pending. you? 26. Have you ever been removed or deported from the U.S. No I have never been deported.

27. Have you ever been ordered to be deported from the No I have never had any orders. U.S.? 28. Have you ever applied for relief from removal or No. I have never applied. deportation? 29. Have you ever served in the U.S. armed forces? No I was never a soldier.

30. Have you ever left the U.S. to avoid being drafted into the No I have never avoided the draft. armed forces? 31. Have you ever applied for an exemption from military No I have never applied. service in the U.S. armed forces? 32. Have you ever deserted from the US armed forces? No I was never a soldier.

33. Are you a male who lived in the U.S. between your 18 No I am not. and 26th birthday 34. Do you support the Constitution and form of government Yes I support the Constitution. of the United States? 35. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United Yes I understand the Oath. States? 36. Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance? Yes I promise to be a good citizen.

37. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear ar m s to Yes I will be a soldier. protect the United States? 38. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform Yes I will support the army. nonco m batant services in the Armed Forces of the U.S.? 39. If the law requires it, are you willing to do work of national Yes I will support the government. i m portance under civilian direction?