TREE Directory As of January 20, 2009

Name & Address Phone/ Fax Email David Alberts Ph. 804-462- [email protected] 45 Millenbeck Prong Road 5343 Lancaster VA 22503

Jenn Allen Ph. (540) 373- [email protected] Friends of the Rappahannock 3448 P.O. Box 7254 Fredericksburg VA 22404

Faye Andrashko, Education Ph. (804) 333- [email protected] Coordinator 3525 Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation Dist. P.O. Box 220 5559 Richmond Rd Warsaw, VA 22572

Wanda Newton Atkins Ph. (540) 903- [email protected] PO Box 1392 6078 Montross, VA 22520

Audrey Brainard, Education Chair Ph. (804) 580- [email protected] Reedville Fisherman’s Museum 5519 132 Barrett Lane Heathsville, VA 22473

Bobbie Burton Phone/fax: [email protected] Executive Director (804) 472-2621 Longwood University's Hull Springs Farm 645 Hull Springs Farm Road Montross, VA 22520

Brenda Chase [email protected] PO Box 7254 Fredericksburg, VA 22402

Stanley Cichowicz Ph. 804-580- [email protected] SAIF Water 2079 P.O. Box 839 Burgess, Virginia 22432

Tonya Creasy Ph. (804) 580- [email protected] Northern Neck Adult Ed Program 3152 2172 Northumberland Hwy Fax. (804) 453- Lottsburg VA 22511 4430

Gordon Dudley, SAIF Water Ph. (804) 580- PO Box 248 2079 Irvington, VA 22480 Gayl Fowler Ph. 804-580- [email protected] SAIF Water 2079 P.O. Box 839 Burgess, Virginia 22432

Maggie Gertds Ph. 804-758- [email protected] Master Naturalist/ Audubon 2963 810 Browns Lane, Urbanna, VA 23175. Phone: 804 758-2963.

Tom & Kathryn Gregory Ph. (804) 462- [email protected] Friends of the Rappahannock 5608 PO Box 286 Lively, VA 22502

Maureen Daly Hamm, Education Ph. 540-373- [email protected] Director 3448 Friends of the Rappahannock P.O. Box 7254 Fredericksburg VA 22404

Wendy Herdman, 4-H Extension Agent Ph. 804-493- [email protected] Westmoreland & Richmond Counties 8924 Virginia Cooperative Extension Fax. 804-493- P.O. Box 8 8501 Montross, VA 22520

Beverly Holmberg [email protected] Native Plant Society, John Clayton Chapter

Rebecca Kurylo Ph. (540) 373- [email protected] Friends of the Rappahannock 3448 P.O. Box 7254 Fredericksburg VA 22404

Laura Lawfer, Assistant Director of Ph. (804) 493- [email protected] Education 8038 Ext.1920 Stratford Hall 483 Great House Road Stratford VA 22558

Matt Lewis, Agricultural Extension Ph. 804-580- [email protected] Agent 5694 Lancaster & Northumberland Counties Fax. 804-580- Virginia Cooperative Extension 9568 PO Box 400 Heathsville, VA 22473

Kelly Liddington, Agricultural Extension Ph. 804-333- [email protected] Agent 3420 Richmond County Fax. 804-333- Virginia Cooperative Extension 9665 P.O. Box 152 Warsaw, VA 22572 Joseph McCauley, Refuge Manager Ph. 804-333- [email protected] U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1470 PO BOX 1030 Fax. 804-333- 336 Wilna Road 3396 Warsaw, VA 22572

Linda McConahey Ph. (804) 435- [email protected] Northern Neck Master Gardeners 7811 1314 Laurel Pt. Rd. Lancaster, VA 22503

Ken McFarland, Director of Education Ph. 804-493- [email protected] Stratford Hall 8038 Ext 1558 483 Great House Road Fax. 804-493- Stratford, Virginia 22558 0333

Sarah McGuire, Education Coordinator Ph. 804-684- [email protected] Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine 7878 Research Reserve in VA (at VIMS) Fax. 804-684- PO Box 1346, Rt. 1208 Greate Rd. 7120 Gloucester Point, VA 23062

Wendy Mataya Ph. (804) 462- [email protected] Girl Scout Commonwealth Council 0322 Northern Neck/ Middle Peninsula Field Fax. (804) 462- Exec 0322 PO Box 184 Mollusk, VA 22517

Marsha Sitnik [email protected]

May Sligh, York/Rappahannock Ph. (804) 443- [email protected] Watershed Field Coord.- U. of Mary 1494 Washington-Earth & Environmental Sciences/ VA Department of Conservation & Recreation Tappahannock Regional Office P.O. Box 1425 Tappahannock, VA 22560

Sandy Spencer, Wildlife Biologist Ph. (804) 333- [email protected] U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1470 PO BOX 1030, Fax. (804) 333- 336 Wilna Road, Warsaw, VA 22572 3396

Brenda Stafford SPUNKYMONKEY2004@peoplepc .com

Mary Sulik Ph. (804) 394- [email protected] 9633 Charlene Talcott, Chief Interpreter Ph. (804) 462- [email protected] Belle Isle State Park 5030 v 1632 Belle Isle Rd. Lancaster, VA 22503 Joe Thompson Ph. (540) 903- [email protected] Field Director, NN Land Conservancy 8947 PO Box 125 Lancaster, VA 22503

Dorothy Tompkins [email protected] Northern Neck Master Naturalists

Julie Tritz, 4-H Extension Agent Ph. (804) 462- [email protected] Lancaster & Northumberland Counties 5780 Virginia Cooperative Extension Fax. (804) 462- P.O. Box 100 5519 Lancaster, VA 22503

Bill Walker Ph. (804) 693- [email protected] Gloucester Master Gardeners 6540 P.O. Box 250 Dutton VA 23050

Earline Walker 804-529-9362 [email protected] Northern Neck Master Naturalists 722 Kissinger Spring Rd. Callao, VA 22435